Mike Huckabee | Allen Jackson Ministries Podcast

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this pastor Alan Jackson I've special guest today Governor Mike Huckabee welcome to World Outreach Church and back to Tennessee well thank you Pastor it is a joy to be with you you know I've been here now I think this is the fifth time and it's first time that you've been here I think you probably have decided your people said pastor I think you better show up when this guy's here so thank you very much it's one of the most amazing churches in in the whole country if not the world and one of the things I always say is that the spirit and joy of this congregation is contagious and so I'm excited to be back and great to be with you well thank you we're honored to have you back I was we were to dinner together some months ago and you'd accused me of just having the church on my resume but never really being here so I'm glad we could be here at the same time oftentimes you're here when I'm in Israel with the tour and last year I had scheduled to be home when you were here and our flight got the Newark at five in the morning on a Saturday and they canceled a thousand flights so by the time we found some charter buses it was Sunday afternoon before we got back to Tennessee so this year we made it thank God well I'm glad to be here glad you didn't have to come in on a bus man well thank you again you are a quite a public figure most people know you're a the 44th governor of Arkansas born in the same hometown as Bill Clinton yeah you know he moved away that when he was five I actually grew up there you know he'd left to go to Hot Springs and I tell people that you know I I didn't know him as a kid I knew him as an adult knew a lot of his family but nobody in Hope even knew that he was from Hope until he became governor and of course then ran for president so it's interesting my my family doctor was the doctor that his mother worked with so my dad went to school with his mother Virginia I was in school with a lot of his distant cousins who are still around so there's been a lot of intersections there but hope is mostly known for being the home of the world's largest watermelons so that's way more important than absolutely was that it produced absolutely need to bring one the next time you come well you were probably fewer people know you're a Southern Baptist minister and pastored for a dozen years probably got into politics yeah and pastored in to churches one in Pine Bluff Arkansas one in Texarkana Arkansas great experience was not what I intended to do everyone thinks that I was a pastor that got into politics I was actually in broadcasting and advertising and ended up in the pastor it and that was my detour it was not my destination I really did not plan on that but it was God's graduate school for me and it's where I feel like God sort of gave me the opportunity to experience life through the entire spectrum of birth to death you know I tell people this a lot pastor Allen that they may not realize it but their pastor has more insight into the social challenges of the day than anyone else in the community because the pastor is the only person who sees people at their best and their worst he sees the babies when they're born and he conducts their funerals if they die he's there when the best moments of life happened and he's in ICU at 3:00 in the morning holding the hand of the elderly person as the family stands around and says goodbye he's the one who has gone into the home of people who have no food in their cupboards not a not a bit and he brings the sack of groceries in he knows what homelessness looks like he knows he could call a person's name and I always say the pastor is the one person in your community who can put a name and a face to every social pathology that we have in our civilization today no other person has that kind of experience some police officers will see you know some of the worst medical doctors will see a lot of things but no one see as much of the spectrum as does the pasture the pastures are the face of that but it's really the church the people you know I think we talk about church we think of buildings or architecture or theology or but the reality is those people that love Jesus mmm that stained in all of those places you were describing that are the difference makers in our communities I think people who are not related to the church really don't understand how many things that a church does other than have a service they think that's it they don't understand that it's putting a backpack on a kid with school supplies it's providing lunches for elderly people it's ministering to people who have no one to go see them in the nursing home and going and singing a hymn to them that takes them back 70 years when they were little kids there are so many things that the church does it truly is the the arms and the legs of Jesus on earth and you know it doesn't call attention to all those things but it's it's transformational this is I pray we can the Lord will help us expand the influence of our churches now you are quite accomplished governor of Arkansas you have been in the media a lot presidential candidate lots of hats you have worn but you have a new hat you are Sarah's dad yeah that's that's it I think that's eclipsed everything else yes funny guy I used to get invited to go speak places and when I would get up they would read through this long biographical thing most of which was boring to me now I'll go to some what place to speak and my introduction is very simple ladies and gentlemen please welcome Sarah's dad so it's very different than it was I'm really proud of her she's she's a remarkable young lady and a great mom to her three kids terrific wife to her husband who is a great husband but you know she was right in the middle of some of the most difficult moments of our country's history over these past three years and she has quite the I guess experience from Ron in the front row and probably spent more time not probably she did spend more time with the president in the Oval Office than any other White House staff member just by the nature of the job and that he trusted her and she was a very I think valued counselor to the president you made somebody her listeners may have been in a cave in recent years Mike's daughter Sarah served as the press secretary for the White House for two years with President Roh yeah two two and a half years total yeah I don't know if I've ever seen anybody that had more grace under fire as consistently because it wasn't occasionally it was a daily it was brutal but I think growing up in a political household and from the time she was little seeing what it's like was very helpful to her so she wasn't in shell shock as many people are when they first experienced something political but of course what the president has experienced and therefore by nature what she had to experience is unlike anything we've ever seen before the hostility from not just the opposition party but the open hostility from the press that has thrown all semblance of objectivity out the window and have clearly decided that they're advocates and not observers the media today feels more like propaganda to me then that historic idea where they would take both sides of an issue and help us formulate an opinion I mean it really seems to me like facts are not as relevant but shaping their worldview and forcing everybody into it and punishing if you don't agree I think that maybe that's the most frightening aspect of our current culture it said it used to be that if you disagreed with me well okay we'll shake hands and keep talking and you know enjoy the relationships of things we do agree with but no longer now if someone disagrees with me they want to get me fired they want me to lose my livelihood and they will do everything humanly possible to create in this Kancil culture environment a sense of being in the bum's rush right off the platform and and sent to oblivion I've never seen anything like that it's certainly not in America where the idea of free speech is that if there's something that is offensive you have two options don't listen to it or crank up your own speech the best antidote to offensive speech is speech that isn't offensive it's not to shut down the voice of those that you disagree with that's far too reasonable for the public square you know pastor I remember I'm old enough unfortunately and sure people are not surprised when they see me yeah he's old but I can remember in the 60s the Free Speech Movement was housed in Berkeley and the college campuses were the bastion of people demanding they have the opportunity to be heard so our campuses have gone from the centerpiece of we demand that everyone gets hurt even if they're crazy they still had a hearing now it's nobody gets heard unless they subscribe to a very limited a very very narrowly defined worldview that is far to the left even a reasonable classic liberal is no longer welcomed to be on the public square yeah truth in the public square is really not welcomed or at least not particularly welcomed these days you're also the host of a weekly television show with TBN mm-hmm which gives you a lot of Liberty to be blatantly Christian you know I say this and I've said this to you privately it's the best gig I've ever had I mean being governor was maybe the best gig in terms of fulfillment of doing things that really had impact on lots of people but the show at TBN has been liberating it's been fulfilling often tell my friends it sure beats having to work for a living because it's fun I get to meet incredible people play bass guitar with the band when we have musical artists and I've played with Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis June you know we played their hits and I played with the Beach Boys and The Cowsills I mean all these people I grew up with and now I'm on stage playing music with them and people say I saw you playing with the Beach Boys I didn't know you were that good and I tell them I'm not but it's my show I get to play well the Katinas are here this weekend well let's just sit in with that that sounds great they're great guys yeah I think you're uniquely prepared to understand the value of the judeo-christian faith to our culture you know this experiment in self-government was never intended to work apart from that yeah and it's less and less welcome and the result of that is anarchy well our system can only work if people self govern and self-government means that I have to have a moral code that I'm willing to live by that respects others and if I don't respect myself I won't respect others and if I don't respect others I'm not respecting myself if we don't have that as sort of the foundation which is based on the judeo-christian understanding of do unto others as you'd have them do unto you then our entire system not just of government but our system of civilization as we have created it it will collapse it cannot operate apart from that sense of self governing the only option is a very heavy-handed government that forces people into a behavior basically at gunpoint which is what totalitarian governments do and what maybe frightens me most as I see young people who who really do want this very narrow sense of freedom and they wanted to find who gets to be free and who doesn't as long as you're the group that has the gun that's fine but when the other side gets the gun it doesn't turn out well and if they would only study just a little bit of history but then I realized that some of the people who are the leaders of this and I'll mention one AOC you know who is barely 30 years old and it occurred to me that she wasn't even born when Eastern Europe collapsed when the Berlin Wall fell and when the Soviet Union collapsed she has no frame of reference of the Cold War no frame of reference of how many millions of people were murdered by communists in places like the Soviet Union or communist China are all through Eastern Europe that doesn't register to her and she obviously didn't get a dose of it when she went to school I don't know what they taught her but they must not have taught her that and I don't mean to pick on her specifically but she to me is emblematic of what's happened so you have this generation of younger people who have grown up selfishly and without a frame of reference and if they don't grasp a bigger picture of the world I fear for the world my grandchildren are going to grow up in I agree I had a conversation with a young person is I say young person about a OSC's age mm-hmm and they had watched the Praeger you video and it was brand new information that slavery was not a uniquely American problem and when they realized you know they they were just kidding how many countries for whom slavery had been a part of their story yeah it was a shocking fact and then the the fact was pointed out that it was the influence of a judeo-christian worldview that had mitigated the impact all of that was new information it was a college graduate accomplished person and never never heard that before stunning isn't it it is yeah and you want to say to the parents who paid for that college education you ought to get your money back oh well I think in my opinion I think we're facing a greater threat to our freedoms and our liberty the last two decades were framed by the battle with radical Islam yeah but I think the current things being expressed our greater threat to our freedoms and liberties than that because we understood that type of conflict the one we're in now I'm not sure we've identified yet really what's happening well what frightens me also pastor I'm seeing a lot of people who I mean I don't doubt that they're Christian people but they seem to be more interested in being known as being woke than they are in being biblical and that is alarming because to say I just want to make sure that I'm culturally connected to a very modern worldview but to be connected to that worldview you have to reject Scripture look I'm a simple guy for me I just believe if it's in the scripture I'm gonna have to embrace that and all the other aspects of life change but the one constant that I feel like is the tuning fork of our culture is the word of God and so if the scripture tells me what marriage looks like and somebody else says no we're gonna change that rule I'm sticking to the scripture amen and and if someone says that the sanctity of a human being the worth of value of any human being is equal to that of any other human being because it's God made and I don't have the right to devalue one over another whether it's in the womb or whether it's a 70 year old person with dementia I don't have the right to devalue that human being because to do so is to really stick my fist in God's face and say you made a mistake here again that's it that's a biblical thing for me so when I see people who are saying yeah we can we can change those rules I'm wondering where did we get the authority to do that if it's not from Scripture I don't think we have that authority and do we think our boss is gonna take a pass I think we've lost the fear of God yeah and there a reverence and a respect for him then I grew up around horses and when I was a little fella they frightened me but my dad was a veterinarian and so I got horses just don't frighten me big ones mean ones but I still won't walk up behind one in Jerkins tail and scream cuz I get to visit the ER because you do know what horses will do on that and the fear of God doesn't mean we hide in terror yeah but we respect him he is the creator of all things and the judge of all the earth and to ignore his boundaries is just not a good plan for an individual for a family for a culture for a nation and there's a lot of history to support that yeah there really is that's a great analogy I'm gonna steal that from you so if you ever hear me say that in a speech somewhere you can say he stole that from me what's a month to make it personal walk up by the horse jerk his tail and scream see if it's true I'm not taking that fate what I thought the Supreme Court overreached again with their ruling couple of weeks ago around this LGBTQ in the midst of a lot of confusion I felt like they used the bench to legislate and to dictate culture again the whole concept of judicial supremacy the idea that the judicial branch has power over the other two is not constitutional it's a violation of the Constitution it's it's one of the most outrageous things that's happened really took root in the 1940s when an increasingly liberal Court realized that there were certain decisions and things they wanted to see happen that frankly they knew the Congress never had the guts to do desegregation being one of them so the courts did it now the courts constitutionally cannot create a law and when I hear people say as they did after the decision on same-sex marriage well there it is the law of the land I was screaming I said no it didn't it isn't the law of the land because they reached out into the ether and created something that not a single legislative body in the United States had created for them to decide they decided something which is a legislative action not a judicial action and it really troubles me that the other two branches the executive and the legislative have stood back hands off and have allowed the courts to do something they never had the authority to do and the judicial branch is not a branch supreme to the other two it's equal to the other two but Jefferson said that that branch if there was a weaker of the three it was the judicial because unlike Congress who had the power of the purse and the executive of the head the power of the sword all the courts have is the power of suggestion and Jefferson was absolutely clear that the court didn't have the power to just decide what we should be doing they only could determine whether what we were doing was consistent with what we had done in our written constitution well I'm always shocked when Christians that the attitude they often hold when this is when the court rules mm-hmm and people say well it's the law of the land but we have a long history of unjust immoral laws that we've stood up to and seen them reversed and I feels like to be a salt and light we have an obligation to be a voice against ungodly laws because they don't give people freedom in Liberty they take liberties and freedoms you mentioned the ruling recently where they redefined sex from the 1964 Equal Rights Act and suddenly said well now it really means something not gender male and female it means sexual orientation it means sexual choice it means transsexualism I'd love to have a time machine and take those non justices back to 1964 and let them say a man dressing up as a woman even though he's biologically male but he dresses as a woman he ought to be able to freely go into a girl's locker room and undress while young ladies are undressing and that he is constitutionally protected from that and see how long it is before there's some people who take them off those steps I mean you and I know that that that is absurd it's the it's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life there's there's two genders and when people say well how do you know that us because the scripture says male and female created he them I just this week read where and I'm trying to remember if it was maybe a writer for The New York Times any of they were saying there were 64 genders and I got 64 really can you name them can you give me a an example of each of the 64 big and I've read I've tried to read some of the explanations and for those who believe that it takes a lot of faith to believe the Bible you have to take a quantum leap of faith into insanity to accept some of the conclusions that the advocates of 64 genders have put forth but one of the things I do find interesting is that's creating new partners that ordinarily would never be in this case feminists are now the new partners of evangelicals because feminists have fought for a long time for women to be recognized as women and respected as equals and they should be they're right about that lutely so now you have feminists are saying wait a minute we've worked really hard to be recognized as women now you got some guy over here with the male's body and he thinks he can just change clothes and he can be me no he can't well that defies my feminism and so it's it's kind of lovely to see that happen you ever knew that the best friend evangelicals would have in the whole issue of gender orientation would be the far left feminists unintended consequences and it isn't hate when we acknowledge a biblical perspective no it's compassion it seems to me to speak the truth to people if we have to one point we're gonna have to address the judge of all the earth and to help people be prepared for that is not critical or hate it's an expression of kindness I think that's such a beautiful way to put it because it is not to diminish someone but it is to elevate them to the highest thing God created them to be I feel for people who are confused about who they are I people who feel so strongly that they actually went through the process and had surgery and physically changed themselves and I will respect that if a person believes it that strongly you know I can accept that they can live as the person they have become rather than the person they were born to be because they believed it to that point but simply changing clothes does not change who one is and that's the part of this that we have to stand up and say no it can't work like that because I could just one day declare that I'm disabled and parked in the handicapped spot because it's closer to the door and if someone says well you can't do that it will identify right now I need a parking place so I'm identifying as a disabled person or identifies the minority that is getting the next slot in to law school so I just I'm not that person but I identify and therefore I get the slot that's laughable it makes no sense and it denies another person the opportunity when I'm watching what's happening in Connecticut some girls are now suing because the high school allowed young men to participate as girls in the track program well they were setting every record that had ever been said in women's track but it was it was not legitimate well the girls are losing out on college scholarships in track and field because they're no longer winning the track mates so I mean it's it's it's a social upheaval the likes of which are very unfair to the people who are not being given consideration but when I was in high school if I thought a change of my wardrobe might have given me access to the women's locker room I would have probably been severely in high school I was 15 that all I had to do is tell the coach I was feeling feminine and I needed to go shower with the guys every guy in my high school there'd been a crowd now the girls probably wouldn't have been too fond of that you know and it is it's it's laughable but the other side of that is how disrespectful is that of the young ladies whose modesty is savaged by this selfish attitude that I can just do what I want without regard to how it might make the girls in that locker room feel that's what I don't understand is why is it that the person who's living a lifestyle of aberration give himself or herself priority other every other person that might be affected by that individuals selfish attitude and that's what I say it is it's as very selfish attitude it is well my guest today is governor Mike Huckabee a voice for Christianity in our nation in many platforms and you certainly know more about Washington DC than I do but I'm gonna step into the deep end of that pool for just a minute from where I said I'm a hillbilly in Tennessee so but when I I don't really have a frame of reference for what I'm watching the the leaks from within the White House within the government to demean the authority the office of presidents even the behavior of our elected officials in Washington and the lack of respect for the presidency spying which it seems now with the general Flynn Fiasco is not really an imagination any longer it's a reality supported by the highest echelon zuv our law enforcement I mean that's a cocktail for anarchy and confusion when we can't trust the highest levels of law enforcement in our country and we can't trust the intelligence agencies to be working for us for our system for our elected officials when unelected people elevate themselves above the elected people it is the grossest level of violation against our Constitution because what makes our country unique is that we vest the highest level of power on those who are selected by the people who by the way can be unselected by the people that that's the heart of who we are as a republic we elect representatives we elect people to be leaders and we hold them accountable and we can we can fire them as surely as we hired them but we never elected people in bureaucracies our law enforcement agencies or intelligence agencies to act as if they had power over those who were voted into their desk so that's why this is such a threat not to the Republican Party not to Donald Trump personally it is a threat to the very constitutional form of government that has worked really well for us it's it's unlike anything we've ever seen and had this been happening at any other time period even 25 years ago 30 years ago the press would be sounding the bugle of alarm saying you know this is unacceptable that someone is going after the president from inside the FBI the Department of Justice of the CIA trying to bring him down in what amounts to a bloodless coup d'etat well I think our character was still intact enough as a nation that no matter which side of the aisle you were on yeah if you'd seen that behavior I think you would have stood up for truth we watched it with Watergate we did and we're all appalled at what had happened yeah and and for the most part stood unified that it was unacceptable but but that type of an awareness of right and wrong is hard to find these days it's all about the the political gamesmanship of Washington and it is appalling to watch you know nobody's right all the time and nobody's wrong all the time I said that about politics now the PostScript of that that I usually say is I think the other side is wrong most of the time but side of me coming out but but the fact is there is a a genius of our system that was designed so that the the pull in the push would always be built into the system but ultimately there was that moment in which we had to sit down and say we don't agree on a lot of things let's find the parts we agree on I was a governor with the legislature there was ninety percent Democrat when I first went into office so I had an overwhelming opposition party ninety percent of those folks and the 10% of Republicans half of them weren't always on my side so I used to say I'd walk in to give the State of the State address and I realize that's probably not 13 people in the whole room that voted for me the rest of them hate my guts I just had to accept that but I also learned how to get things done and it's not by going in and fighting every fight but it's finding people that really care deeply whether it's education or health care take a topic and there of the other party but they're good people and there are things they want to see done and they know they can't do it without the executive branch and I know I can't do it without them and you work and you build the trust and you eventually get things done that could never have happened if you decided it was all just a game of seeing when all lose all I pray we can regain some of that it seems like to me we have a representative form of government if we want change in Washington we have to have a change in hearts along Main Street we do which brings Church back into play yeah we've got to see hearts changed you know we're seeing unprecedented lawlessness and I really think what we're watching in the streets right now is not new the sanctuary cities and the refusal to obey federal law I mean it seems to me those seeds have been being planted for a long time but in the last week now they're talking about statues of Jesus and stained-glass windows and it's a physical attack on the church do you have an opinion on that I suspect you do I feel that it's it's a spiritual war this this is not attack on the art it's an attack on the substance behind the art it's an attack on Jesus makes people very uncomfortable because he demands righteousness he demands us to know who God is and calls us to repent of sin who wants to do that and especially people who are throwing bricks through windows we just want people we don't like the repent of their sin we don't want to have to repent of ours yeah but that's the point we have to deal with it on a personal level it's very disturbing though to see people who feel that even a symbol of of Jesus is somehow targeted for extinction and that's it's not just a defiance of civil order but it's really a it's an outrage against history itself and against truth if you took all the Christianity out of the United States just sucked it out of its history there would be very few hospitals very few colleges and universities most people don't know that every one of the Ivy League schools except one was created as a Christian college to train ministers it was not created to turn little snowflakes out so that they would go and waste their parents money at hundreds of thousands of dollars and hate everything the country is about they were originally designed to train people to present the gospel and and so if you don't realize who we are as a country then we'll destroy the country that we are and when one comment I feel like I would want to make the people who don't think history matters I would always say this history is to a civilization what the memory is to the individual if as an individual I wake up tomorrow and I don't remember my name or what this place is I'm living in and who these people are in my house if I have complete amnesia I'm living in confusion and utter chaos well if a civilization does not have its frame of reference the the lack of knowing its history is equivalent to having complete amnesia and that results in chaos confusion and a total breakdown well and we've we've really lost our balance there at the heart of our faith is the notion of redemption that every human being has an intrinsic value no matter how gross the sin have poor the moral behavior no matter the tragedies that their choices may have brought forward we believe that the power of the Cross is sufficient to help us be transformed so that every life is redeemable and that's true for us on an individual basis it's also true for us collectively you know we have made mistakes as a people but we can't afford to try to erase them or we fail to recognize the grace and the mercy and the good things that have come with the redemption and so rather than be angered by it to me it's a beacon that no matter how unacceptable some of our choices may have been we see the hand of God and walking us forward to something better and I'm stunned at the silence of the church we I think we want the approval of those that are angry at us rather it's an opportunity to tell a story that every human life is redeemable and it's so well said and when I think about those people that say well look you know the the Bible has stories of murder and rape and has stories of horrible things of course it does but the ultimate story the story of redemption is that there were consequences for sin and there was also forgiveness and a complete restoration of people's lives there were some really nasty people that we see depicted in the scriptures and some of them were leaders but the good news is God was able to take their imperfections and use them for things but they suffered consequences for their sin whether it was King David or Samson or Moses or Noah there were many times when they rebelled and didn't quite live it up but but they paid the price but they also were still used and it did not destroy all that God used them for it thank God we were poster children for redemption yes one more question okay I know you're an advocate for Israel yeah I don't remember in my lifetime a president that has had more courage with relation to giving with Israel from in the Golan Heights recognizing that the embassy to Jerusalem and now some acknowledgment that they can annex Jordan Valley and some of the hills of Samaria it's it's unprecedented what we're watching two presidents prior to President Trump were very instrumental in Israel's history Harry Truman by recognizing Israel within 30 minutes of their declaration of independence in 1948 and Richard Nixon in 1973 when he helped provide assistance through arms during the Yom Kippur War Israel was on the verge of being overrun we've never put a single boot on the ground to fight for Israel our American military has never fought their battles but we have supplied assistance in the forms of equipment and hardware but never have we had a president ever not just in my lifetime ever who has been as supportive of Israel as has President Trump and I'll be honest I had the conversation with him before he made the decision to move the embassy and I told him I said I think it's very important you realize there are two things that evangelicals who elected you without whom you would not have been president two things that are non-negotiable and unforgivable and he kind of looked at me because he knew one of them was sanctity of life and and I said the other one is Israel and he kind of looked at me quizzically and I said yes sir you got to understand not everybody that says their Christian feels this way but those of us who are the people of the book who believe the Bible to be the inerrant infallible Word of God when we read Genesis 3:12 Genesis 12:3 we see that if we bless Israel will be blessed and if we curse Israel will be cursed I said you must understand that we take that very seriously and it has big impact for our country as well as for theirs well a few months later he made the announcement and I was back in the White House for a visit and I asked him I said you know I'm curious what was it that made you go ahead and decide to move the embassy because I do know that every single person of the State Department every single person around the world who is a world leader of a country we're urging you not to do this you probably didn't have anybody whispering in your ear except a handful of us out here on the outside why did you do it and I'll never forget he just very nonchalantly said because I said I would and it was the right thing to do and I'll tell you that was the most wonderful answer because it wasn't about well I weighed all the consequences and I thought about it and I realized you know he just very simply said I said I was gonna do it and it's the right thing to do and I was just blessed by that answer and it's a side of him that so many people they don't see because all they do is read his tweets or they read what the press a about him there's a part of him that is refreshingly committed to that simple sense of this is what I said and it's the right thing I think we're watching a season that is is biblical in its scope you know the church is being purified without question true and false is being made more and more apparent and Israel is being established in the plan that God told them to have yeah sounds like a burger get ready the Kings coming I want to wrap this up with a couple questions okay so big picture if what-what do you think the Americans most need to know today they need to know how close we are to seeing our system collapse I I truly say that not for some alarmist value I say because historically when a nation gets to this point where you start rewarding anarchy and elected officials do more than tolerated they encourage it we're very close to collapse that's what I wish people understood so what are you praying for these days i praying that christian believers will will vote their biblical values III don't encourage pastors to go and endorse candidates from the pulpit I really don't I know people probably think I would tell them how to go vote I never did never would even when I was a candidate I would never go to a church and say okay be sure to endorse no I don't want you to I can fail preach Jesus he won't fail that's the only message from the pulpit but there ought to be a strong challenge to say none of the candidates on the ballot are perfect none of them are Jesus so so just get that out of your head that you're gonna find one that is exactly what you want but ask yourself which one of these when elected will protect my views and values and which one is most likely to try maybe they won't succeed but at least to try to respect my religious liberty my family my biblical values and hopefully maybe even implement some of those things that are important like standing up for the unborn and standing up for marriage in the traditional family where kids are raised by mothers and fathers and not by a committee that is ever-changing people who are in and out of relationships and kids are growing up so confused we should be unapologetic and saying every kid in America needs a mother and a father to love them and to love each other as mother and father to model the behavior of what marriage ought to look like because ultimately the purpose for having children is to train our replacements well it's hard to argue that we care about the children if we don't invest the effort to see that those families remain intact so while on one last question people all the time when I interact with them say they feel helpless or powerless so if you could suggest one action item for the people listening what would you suggest they do well you've limited it to one that's hard I mean the obvious thing is to pray and I think sometimes people think that that's some trite cliché like we'll just pray I hope that that's sort of a given but the one thing that they really should do is they should vote they should vote half the evangelical Christians in America are not registered to vote half and of those who are registered half of them don't go vote so we're down to 25% of the evangelical Christians 83 million that don't even bother to exercise not just a right to vote but a responsibility to vote so that'd be my number one prescription be an informed voter find out the candidates and the issues understand the implications but for heaven's sakes don't leave your vote on the table and fail to register it amen well my guest today is governor Mike Huckabee thank you for taking the time to come to Murfreesboro you Hugh braved Cova to get out and leave your home to come to middle tennessee but it's an exciting time you know i think whenever there's change of foot there's an opportunity to see Jesus name lifted up and he has a great track record of watching over his church and raising up the things that are necessary for the church to flourish and historically difficult seasons have been a time when the church has done well and so I'm an optimist in the midst of all the confusion in the chaos we have to be thank you for your time - thank you [Music]
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 14,801
Rating: 4.8962078 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, pastorallenjackson, allen jackson, allenjackson, world outreach church, worldoutreachchurch, worldoutreach church, Jesus, Hope, Faith, God, Strength, bible, encouragement, murfreesboro church, church, murfreesboro tn, nation, woke, worldview
Id: 973n_M5NlvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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