Angels, Demons & You — Understanding the Unseen

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[Music] it's good to be with you again we've been doing a study on angels demons and you it's the spiritual forces that impact our lives we don't want to be afraid we don't want to ignore them we don't want to be unusually distracted by them we want to live with an awareness we've learned to live with the awareness of covet we don't want to be frightened by it we don't want to ignore it we want to take the precautions that are appropriate but we don't want our lives to be dominated by it well in a similar way we need an awareness of spiritual things if it hasn't been a part of your spiritual portfolio to this point it's not about a failure it's about god continuing to invite us to grow and to learn and i believe we're approaching a season where a lack of spiritual awareness makes you incredibly vulnerable and unprepared even to respond to the invitations of god we're going to start with our bibles so grab your bible open your heart and let's see what god has for each of us today we're working on this study on angels demons and you and the the the simple idea is that spiritual forces have a tremendous impact on your life both the holy spirit and the kingdom of god but it's also true that there are unclean spirits demonic spirits that influence your life and it doesn't require you to believe in them it doesn't even require you to be aware of them and so we're doing this study now the topic for this particular session is i want to continue to work on understanding the unseen because it's so easily dismissed it's so easy to imagine that the forces that shape our lives are primarily the things in the material world which is is almost the exact opposite of what the bible invites us to believe you know prior to our understanding our discovery awareness of microscopic organisms most of life was blamed on spiritual things you learned a bit about that in school i hope back with greek and roman mythology um i want to elaborate but after the enlightenment as we move forward and the enlightenment really led to the age of reason when reason was elevated above almost all other aspects of our person spiritual influences then were for the most part just dismissed they were outdated and that has continued certainly into this technological age you know after all now we have scientific investigation and rational diagnostics well both of those extremes that everything is spiritual or there is no spiritual and everything is material leave us with an incomplete understanding i am very grateful for science and the scientific method i'm probably most most comfortable in that world but i also believe in spiritual realities which influence our lives i suspect most of you have at least once seen the movie the wizard of oz as a child that was a terrifying film those flying monkeys gave me nightmares it was a very fierce and intimidating scenario until toto the dog pulled back the curtain and once that little mutt pulled back that curtain things weren't quite so frightening anymore little fellow from kansas well the things of god are often fierce and intimidating until we are given or we gain the insight to understand them and things that are fierce and intimidating we typically just look away from we try to ignore well this is a study in exploring those spiritual things so we won't spend our lives looking away from them but that we can benefit from the revelation and insight that god gives us every dark and evil character that is created by hollywood or authors or clever creative people is only the devil's shadow [Music] they are poor imitations of the real there's no battle scene from the lord of the rings that compares with the ferocity of the angelic conflict that's being waged in the earth tonight i assure you [Music] even the dreaded borg of star trek are assimilated by the devil and his army of demons the masses who were slaughtered by hitler and stalin they represent only a fraction of the lives that have been destroyed by satan so when we set that aside and refuse to acknowledge his role his influence his power we're abandoning so much of humanity and of our own lives and our families to his destructive intent throughout our bibles men and women are urged to fight the enemy to do battle to wage war we have not been placed in some sort of a spiritual disneyland and just told to have fun i know we prefer to tell the story in that way but that just a casual observation of our world would suggest otherwise at birth we entered a battlefield and at the time of our rebirth in christ we were enlisted in god's army as warriors of light so pastor i didn't really want to do that i just didn't want to go to hell well that's okay is it maybe an entry point is a motivation for considering conversion and the new birth that may be acceptable but as you begin to grow up in the lord there are responsibilities that come with being a citizen of the kingdom of god newborn children don't imagine they have any responsibility as citizens or as members of a family system they're hungry and they cry they want to be fed and they're dirty and they're uncomfortable and they cry because they want to be changed that's their world view and that may be an acceptable worldview for a brand new christian but if you've been a christ follower for 40 years and you still cry when you're hungry or you want changed it's time to grow up abraham's nephew lot learned this lesson on the evening the two angels told him to gather his family and get out of town because god intended to destroy the city where he lived god was the impetus behind the destruction of that city i think we could say up to that point lot was pretty much self-absorbed he chose his location where he wanted to live based on the the economic opportunities he imagined it presented and god rocked his world with an angelic visit moses realized he was involved in a spiritual battle when the angel of the lord appeared to him in the flames of a burning bush and he informed moses that he was being recruited to confront pharaoh and secure the release of the hebrew slaves moses was quite satisfied being a sheepherder gideon we read a bit of his story this past weekend he lacked spiritual vision he understood himself to be rather insignificant and his family to be insignificant in his tribe to be not so significant until the day the angel of the lord interrupted his life and sent him to battle the midianites the people who were plundering the whole nation of israel god said go in the strength that you have gideon said it's not enough and god said hush move stop telling god what we can't do it's time to move the stories could go on and on but each of these persons and others fought in the power of god against forces empowered by satan and his demons we're living in a time where there's conflict erupting all over the earth it's spiritual it's a war for our soul the enemy wants to capture our affection and to direct our plans he seeks to destroy us and our families when you compromise when you choose ungodliness immorality when you give in to the your carnal nature and those works of the flesh you give a foothold to a spirit that intends to destroy you he's a deceiver he promises you pleasure and satisfaction his intent is your destruction now i understand there are some people who will hear this and they'll say pastor you know that's very melodramatic language but i'll not be frightened into some type of fanatical faith let me be perfectly clear i have no intent of frightening you that's not my goal recognition of spiritual conflict is not the realm of fanatics unless you perceive of jesus and his disciple as fanatics see the tragedies we've been coached into a polite faith a faith of form with very little function but god has more for us and i can't imagine the stakes could be higher so that's the reason for this study we're going to take a few minutes and see what we can understand about the unseen romans chapter 1 and verse 20. so since the creation of the world god's invisible qualities god has qualities that are invisible to us it doesn't mean they don't exist you and i interact with our world through five senses but those five senses do not define reality they define our ability to perceive reality our senses have limits i think most of us understand dogs having a more acute sense of hearing than most of us other animals have visual abilities that we don't have an eagle's eyesight you're aware of that so your five senses have limits and you have to stop it's a rational logical conclusion to arrive at that our five senses should not define reality if they did there's no such thing as a virus because you can't see it with your fight you can see the impact of it you can see its influence but you can't see a virus you need help to do that an electron microscope so the bible tells us that god has qualities that are invisible to our physical senses be interesting to know more about that it gives us too his eternal power and his divine nature have been clearly seen we have been given a presentation of his eternal power and his divine nature so that we can perceive it and understand it with our senses the canvas for that says being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse that god's creation is his demonstration of his eternal power and his divine nature we're so perverse we refuse to acknowledge him as creator it's not an it's not an accident that that's how the bible opens presenting to us god is the creator we are a race of rebels we're so fundamentally rebellious we will reject god as creator and say it just happened you talk about illogical it just happened folks it's far more probable that this book just happened to come together trees fell in the wood rain fell upon them the wood broke down the celluloids reassembled itself into thin sheets and there were all sorts of leaves and creatures in the woods with different colors and when they died the pigment from the leaves and from their bodies leeched together through the soil and found its way to those sheets of cellulose that had formed from the decaying tree and arrange themselves on a page in orderly fashion too much for you and you believe living organisms came out of the primordial ooze and all the proteins aligned themselves just exactly it's much easier to believe this book happened then do you just happened there's a creator how did he do it i don't know was it a big bang a little bang lots of i don't know sixth day i don't know i have some opinions but they're opinions we don't have full disclosure we operate on a need-to-know basis well i don't like that well when you see the boss talk to him in the meantime humble yourself hebrews 11 3 by faith we understand it'd be an interesting exercise to write down what you understand by faith you can tell me what you understand by study what do you understand about english from all of your years in school what do you understand about mathematics those are all legitimate agendas but i would be interested to know what you understand by faith how does that affect your life how does it affect your values how does it affect your calendar how does it affect your resources and how you manage them by faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of god so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible that the material physical world that we see was was given order and shape from the spiritual world which we don't right now have all the tools to perceive as well as we would like one day we will it's not that we're without the capacity it's just that part of your capacity hasn't been turned on did you ever buy something that had capacity and you know you had to pay another fee to get fuller exposure maybe software program or something well you have abilities that haven't been fully ignited yet you will the bible says now we see as if we're looking through a glass darkly it's as if the mirror is fogged over but the day is coming when we will see clearly it says now we know in part but there's a day ahead of us we will know fully [Music] so don't let your limited part of your perception be the primary determiner for how you interact in the world we want to begin to see the world from a god perspective that doesn't make you strange or weird or bizarre i've been telling you weird is not spiritual and if you know somebody that's weird and they're trying to convince you they're spiritual just think to yourself no you're just mostly weird now to understand the scene i think we first have to understand the unseen and so i have been with each of these sessions particularly since we began to talk about unholy spirits or unclean spirits or demonic spirits they're all synonymous terms i've been trying to invite you into how prevalent they are in the story of scripture we begin in mark chapter one the very beginning the first chapter of the the oldest gospel that we have a copy of begins with jesus interacting with a demonized man in a synagogue well the same follows right through as the church begins in acts chapter 16 in verse 16 paul they're in the city of ephesus once we were going to the place of prayer we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit by which she predicted the future unclean spirit one of the things that we learn as we read through the new testament is that some of the unclean spirits have understanding and awareness that we don't have they recognize jesus long before the disciples or anyone else did and in this case there's an unclean spirit that has enough awareness of what's ahead that she's making a great deal of money she earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune telling well the girl followed paul and the rest of us shouting these men are servants of the most high god who are telling you the way to be saved that happens to be true she knew something about paul and his entourage that the other people in the city didn't know it was a spiritual understanding so there is insight and understanding in the spiritual world that is different from the understanding that we have now they don't understand everything it says they would have never crucified jesus if they'd understand the purpose of the cross so it's not as if the devil's as smart as god it's good to know he would have never led the rebellion but you we have to acknowledge that they have some insight and understanding these men are the servants of the most high god how awkward that be go to the mall go to the grocery store have somebody follow you around shouting at the top these people are servants of the most high god awkward [Music] she kept this up for many days finally paul became so troubled that he turned around and said to the spirit to the spirit not to the girl in the name of jesus christ i command you to come out come out of her and at that moment the spirit left her you see the encounter with an unclean spirit and unholy spirit is is not a power encounter you don't have to it's not about you powering up or it's a truth encounter you understand the authority you have in christ and the lack of authority that spirit has in the name of jesus he said you come out of her and at that moment the spirit left her when the owners of the slave girl realized that their hope of making money was gone they seized paul and silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities they brought them before the magistrates and said these men are jews and throwing our city into an uproar by advocating customs unlawful for us romans to accept or practice that's not true they're lying they're simply angry because they lost an opportunity for some economic gain you know i've read this story many times or this passage many times and i have often wondered why paul tolerated that for several days we're not given the real answer or the total answer it's not there so we're left to some conjecture my opinion i think paul had enough experience and understanding by this point in his journey because he's had riots in a lot of places i think he understood there were going to be repercussions if he addressed it i think you and i understand that if we take a position for the truth and we push it into the public arena there could be repercussions so you don't do it frivolously you don't do it recklessly but when you feel like god has put the opportunity in front of you typically i feel like god puts those opportunities in front of me until they're almost unavoidable there was a circumstance it's been some years ago now some things happen again our community and there was some concern around him and i i had just not paid any attention i was busy with things i had to do and my calendar was busy and i was asked a dozen or more times about what i thought and i thought my answer was i think it's not my problem and it happened frequently that i finally stopped one day and i said lord if you want me to do something with that i'd need you to open a door it was in the beginning of the day and before noon that day somebody i didn't know called me and said i was scheduled to speak to the county commission tonight you had to register for the time slot and there was a limited number of positions and she said i really felt prompted that you should take that time slot i said lord i didn't really mean it when i said that while ago and so i mean there were enough other things at that point that i understood my assignment and it wasn't an easy one it didn't bring a parade to my door or great affirmation we're going to have to have the courage to confront evil if we're going to overcome evil we can't do it from a totally silent camouflaged position and i think paul understood the girl's delivered but it causes a great deal of consternation and i think the real root of that is satan's kingdom in that city was exposed and defeated and i think the unclean spirits in that city the unholy spirits in that city hated it and they hated the individual that took a role in it and so whatever influence they had whatever lying influence they had whatever deceptive influence they had whatever way they could influence the political system they did so the city's response is totally illogical in its magnitude it was one slave girl they didn't care about a slave girl they could have probably taken her outside the city and taken her life and nobody would have cared it's a disproportionate response the only way i know to understand the larger story is in terms of spiritual things satan's kingdom was enraged and thus manifested itself in that city we're going to have to have the courage to stand up to evil fox we have overlooked it for long enough i'll give you one example and i'm not the some of the the debate right now about colvin has to do with vaccines and not and and there's significant pressure well for the last several decades we have defended in almost every imaginable way abortion and we average about 3 000 children a day who lose their lives to abortion and the primary defense of that is it's been that we have heard ad nauseam is it's my body and nobody has a right to tell me what to do with my body until it isn't logic it isn't a rational thing that's happening i'm not arguing for or against i'm telling you we've got to be more aware spiritual forces are real we're going to have to have the courage to stand up evil will not turn loose just because we wish it would we don't have to be angry or belligerent we're going to have to be willing to fast and pray and humble ourselves we're going to have to get rid of the compromise in our lives we're going to have to repent and renounce and release we're going to have to be willing to invite the spirit of god into our own hearts that's the momentum for the changes that we need now that's the story in ephesus so when we read in the book of ephesians the letter paul wrote to the church that emerged from his struggle in that city it makes perfect sense to me that when he writes to them in ephesians 6 10 finally be strong in the lord and in his mighty power they have a very real context for understanding what paul's saying because they're living in the midst of that put on the full armor of god so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes this isn't some theoretical theological discussion for them they know the names of the people our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers and against authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms therefore because that's what our struggle is put on the full armor of god so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground and after you've done everything to stand if unclean spirits demonic spirits didn't influence christians they had no way to have authority over your impact you wouldn't need the armor of god we fashion these goofy theological ideas so we can ignore the truth that passage makes so much more sense in the context of what happened in that city you know this discussion really has a great deal to do with the focus of our awareness what you pay attention you pay attention to things that matter to you if you buy a new car you think you buy something unique and on the way home you see 12 just like it know if you're a hunter you can drive down the street and you see all the wildlife if you're a great baker you walk in a kitchen you can immediately assess whether the person that uses that kitchen is a good baker or not you know if you're a parent you can hear a hundred children cry and recognize yours so spiritual awareness has to do somewhat with cultivating a focus caring about it second corinthians 4 and verse 16. therefore we don't lose heart well if it says we don't lose heart you know the battle is we lose heart we lose our courage we get tired and we get weary therefore we don't lose heart though our outer man is decaying our inner man is being renewed day by day for momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison there's some comparative statements being made in this passage he talks about an inner man and an outer man we're all pretty much aware of our physical selves our earth suits what's required to keep them to maintain them to care for them we're not quite as aware nor enlightened about our inner man and what's necessary to maintain that in fact we want to we prefer to say well you know once we're born again we just don't need to think about it anymore but that's not what the scripture says it says our inner man is being renewed day by day for our momentary light affliction produces an eternal weight of glory the afflictions and challenges we have that affect our outer man are described as light and temporary the benefits that come are eternal while we look not at things which are seen but at things which are not seen how do you look at what you can't see remember that little phrase we looked at a moment ago by faith we understand we need a different perspective you see our evaluation system needs to be different from the secular cultures if you think your future is secured by wall street you're not really behaving any differently than the secular culture if you believe that your future is secured by the contacts you have in the world how are you different from a people who don't believe in god who's jesus is not lord of their lives there should be a different set of criteria for us again we don't have to be removed from the world we don't have to ignore that it's not wrong to be involved with what's happening on wall street i just think we need to understand it can't secure our future the streets in heaven are going to be paved with what they value most highly while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal temporary but the things which are not seen are eternal let's take just a minute without it says our inner man is being renewed now that's a more persistent theme in scripture than we may imagine ephesians 3 and verse 16 that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man see that's not the way i would have written the prayer i write prayers every week my first reaction is to write that prayer that you'll be strengthened like samson right forget the inner man i want some serious muscle power right did you watch the olympics i didn't watch much i can't take it you feel so inadequate i look at them and i look at the mirror and i think no that's just not right we need an olympics for normal people you know you run 100 yards eats marios have a point of ice cream jog another hundred yards [Music] where'd i get that i get there strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner land so i'm not even sure we have held the value of being strengthened in our inner man that's paul's prayer for the church at ephesus first peter peter the fisherman that jesus recruited he said your adornment not must not be merely external don't let your imagination of beauty [Music] or or personal worth merely be external and then he gives some ways that we do that with the braiding of hair the wearing of gold jewelry or putting on dresses it's not so much now but there was a time not too too long ago when there were whole segments of christianity that said you couldn't be a godly woman and wear jewelry anybody ever grow up in any of those traditions i went with the team one time to to india and we landed in the host there that where we were going to be ministering at least for a portion of the trip lived kind of in that world and we came off the plane and they were a little chilly and they took us aside and they said your women are where is wearing jewelry that takes a long time to get to india we were just happy we were clothed but they had on wedding rings and they said you know where we are godly women don't do that so we had to have a meeting i said okay to the women you said we need you to go to church tomorrow without your jewelry you know when we've come this far let's not let a little jewelry keep us from being able to serve let's humble ourselves so we kind of but we get to church the next day and some of the women come in in the traditional indian dress the sorry with a little bit of their midriff exposed game on you know i'm like where's my ring yeah i'm like if you grew up in one of those traditions you understand legalism and self-righteousness are destructive but i always have to smile when i read this because the this was usually kind of the proof text for that that group you don't braid your hair you don't wear gold jewelry and you don't put on dresses so if you're really going to get legal you can't wear clothes either i'm not starting something don't but the alternative verse 4 let it be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious in the sight of god so when you find something that the bible says is precious in the sight of god you cultivate that you do everything in your power to let that flourish in you and if you're shown something that contrasts with that that diminishes that you want to get less of that and more of what is precious in god's sight so the tag here is that a gentle and quiet spirit number one it says it's imperishable it will never diminish that's an investment a gentle and quiet spirit that's worth meditating on what would that look like for me doesn't mean you're always quiet does it mean you don't have an opinion that's worth meditating i'll leave that with you colossians 3 verse 9 don't lie to one another since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices and have put on the new self who's being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the one who was created in him again our assignment is this inner man that's being renewed and now to the church in colossae paul's talking to them about putting off something an old self with its set of behaviors and practices if you need a little more definition around that go to galatians and read the listing of the works of the flesh our old nature and then look at the fruit of the spirit you want to put off those things that are listed as works or expressions of the flesh or our old carnal nature and you want to cultivate the fruit of the spirit it's not easy and it's not intuitive [Music] and if you don't cultivate it they won't be there because it's about character it's about character now if we go back to the second corinthians 4 passage the rest of it it says that our troubles our light and momentary affliction produces something some of the more modern translations say our troubles produce for us are you ready for that that afflictions actually create opportunities for you i don't feel like that when i'm in the midst of them but it says that we don't focus on the things that we see oh but we do that's what we get mad about it's what we get anxious about it's what we get frightened by it's what we get frustrated by we get so focused i get focused on the traffic why does it take so long to drive across murfreesboro because murfreesboros need you to pray more [Music] so stop moaning about the traffic and start praying the devil will open the traffic lights to shut you up that's the truth we focus on the wrong things well i don't what takes me too long will bless your heart i may be in traffic grumbling with you i'm not saying i've got it perfect but i understand i don't want to focus i've got to bring more attention to the kingdom of god turn the noise off in your car and begin to pray pray in the spirit thank god for renewal in this community for an outpouring of his spirit that the fear of the lord will come on at mtsu every time you drive through a school zone they make you drive four miles an hour and there's somebody in a bright yellow vest going pray for the school lord pour out your spirit on those students come on what are we focused on let's look at the things which are not seen let's get more invested in the eternal and turn loose or the temporary you know you have rewards that are being stored up from an unseen source not my opinion matthew 6 and verse 6 it says when you pray go into your room close the door and pray to your father who is unseen then your father who sees what is done in secret do you understand the bible very clearly teaches us the unseen world can see you remember that we read it the other day the those seven sons of siva the high priest's sons they find this demonized man and they say to the spirit in the name of jesus whom paul preaches come out of him and the spirit said well let me see now i'm acquainted with jesus there's two different words that are used there both but it says i'm aware of who paul is but i don't know you [Music] the unseen world sees you it's our arrogance that says well i don't believe in that your father who sees what is done in secret will reward you hallelujah now i just brought you a sampling the bible gives us some pretty clear pictures little snapshots vignettes of unseen influences in some very visible places outcomes in the visible realm that clearly are being driven by unseen things matthew 17 27 it says but so that we may not offend them they've asked the disciples for tax money temple tax money and jesus is giving peter some instructions we don't want to offend them go to the lake and throw out your line take the first fish you catch open its mouth and you will find a four drachma coin take it and give it to them for my tax and yours well i don't think peter caught lots of fish with money in their mouth but jesus clearly had an insight and awareness and impact on a physical realm that began in a very spiritual place very different context mark 5 is the story of a woman who was sick and she had pursued every medical avenue available to her people say to me do you believe in prayer or doctors yes what a goofy question do you believe in food or do you believe god will just satisfy you yes again weird does not make you spiritual anyway mark 5. this woman heard about jesus she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak because she thought if i just touch his clothes i'll be healed that was her conviction by faith she understood something lots of people jostling against jesus it's a large crowd in fact when jesus stops and says who touched me the disciples said are you kidding me who touched me you're elbowing your way through a crowd jesus said no somebody touched me in a different way who who was that i think jesus knew precisely who it was i think he's giving the woman an opportunity if i just touch his clothes i'll be healed immediately her bleeding stops she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering and once jesus realized that power had gone from him he turned around in the crowd and said who touched my clothes again unseen influences creating some very tangible outcomes it doesn't mean every time you pray you get the outcome you'll think we don't always have the discernment or the wisdom to know the outcome we need oftentimes we pray from a from a very limited perspective you know i love to pray with kids i like to hear their prayers sometimes they're funny because they pray from the perspective of a child and sometimes our prayers don't you know the angels smile at some of our prayers think what your life would be like if every prayer you'd prayed had been answered in the affirmative we'd be train wrecks okay i want to close i want to practice a little bit of what we preached your words have spiritual authority it's a biblical principle you can use them for good or evil you've been wounded by words there have been words that have been spoken to you that have stayed with you over long periods of time much longer than many other things well if you know what's true in the negative i assure you it's equally true in the positive so a proclamation is when we take what god has said about us and we make it a personal declaration we agree with it we bring alignment to our own lives with what god has said about us so i brought you two proclamations one is about god's protection and one is a proclamation of hope and encouragement because it feels to me right now we need to know that god is our protector far beyond covid we need to know that and i gave you the scriptures that i built the proclamation out of if i were going to make this as a matter of routine i would make the proclamation and the scriptures i want the authority from which those statements were derived so let's say we'll read that first one together i didn't change the scriptures but if i'm doing it personally i'll take the pronouns and make them personal a thousand may fall at my side and ten thousand in my left hand but it won't come near me i just don't just leave it theoretically because i want the scripture to be true in my life amen if you're doing this online with us you can make this proclamation right there where you stand up i can see right through the screen whether you sit or stand it's better when you stand you know posture is a part of prayer you bow your head because that's an expression of deference you you close your eyes because you're you're it's a matter of focus you kneel same thing it's an expression of yielding well we stand as a matter of expressing honor now there's not one posture or one way to pray every prayer but i'm pretty confident if if the lord came in the room the least you would do is stand you probably would put your face in the carpet let's make this proclamation together i rejoice in the protection of almighty god over my life i'm the lord's servant i rest in the completeness of his strength and care no weapon formed against me will prevail i will refute every tongue which rises against me this is my heritage as a servant of the lord a thousand may fall at my side but destruction will not overwhelm me i have made the most high my dwelling place god is my refuge and my security no harm will befall me no disaster will overtake me god has commanded his angels to watch over my life my life and my future are secure through the strength of my lord and my redeemer amen hallelujah now we have another one for hope and encouragement and the scriptures that support it let's make that proclamation together i put on the garment of praise and hope i choose the joy of the lord as my strength i lay aside the spirit of heaviness and raise my voice in praise of the living god may my eyes be opened to the provision of god and my ears attentive to the sound of his deliverance holy spirit help me in you i find power and revelation god has restored my broken heart and set my feet on a path of victory i have hope for today and the strength to complete the course you have chosen for me let the people of god arise triumphant and may the name of jesus be lifted up throughout the earth in jesus name amen hallelujah [Music] hey this is pastor allen thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it like it and most importantly share it with your friends if you want to be notified when there's new content when we post new material if you'll just subscribe to my channel and hit the bell you'll get the notification most of all i pray god blesses you as you continue on your spiritual journey and open your heart to the lord god bless [Music] you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 4,190
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons
Id: bgW03SQIeEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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