Majesty, Glory & Honor - King & Kingdom [The King is Coming]

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it's an honor to be with you again in this session we're going to talk about a king and a kingdom the book of revelation tells us that one day we will stand before the throne of god gathered with an almost innumerable company of angels to give glory and honor and praise to him i don't know what's going on in your life today but i want to hand you that is something just to think about there's something better ahead of us there may not be a throng of people around you today that are celebrating the goodness of god and the faithfulness of god in fact there may be quite the opposite a lot of dissenting voices or a lot of negative things around you but there's a day ahead of us but we will stand in the midst of ten thousand times ten thousand of angels and acknowledge the king of kings and the lord of lords now that makes me smile in fact that helps me get through my day and all the challenges and the the junk that comes with just making our days work there's something better ahead of us and it's grounded in a king and a kingdom and we've been invited to participate we're going to open our bibles and see if we can understand that with a little more clarity be sure you've got your bible a notepad most of all an open heart for what god has for us today enjoy the topic we've been unpacking for a session or two is majesty glory and honor and i want to continue that with a focus on the king and his kingdom you know i think we talk a lot about our faith and our doctrines and our beliefs and our bible translations and that's all good stuff but at the end of the day it's a story of a king in his kingdom it was jesus assertion that he was a king with the kingdom that resulted in him being crucified i mean i understand there were spiritual forces at work and there were angry jewish leaders but from caesar's standpoint from the standpoint of the roman officials it was jesus assertion that he was a king and that he had a kingdom that sealed his fate and it's the fact that we have a king and his kingdom is coming that gives us the courage to endure and sustain and overcome because the journey's not always easy and i want to start with just a moment i think we lose sight of the majesty of the kingdom of our god it's a kingdom filled with glory and when we see our lord and his kingdom we'll understand the honor that is appropriately due him there's nothing we can replicate on earth to help us understand that some of the beautiful cathedrals that have been built through the history of the church were built as an attempt to remind people of the splendor of our god to lift their attitudes and their sight line literally to the heavens we've kind of moved away from the splendor of christian architecture in this season we've become a bit more utilitarian now we build splendid stadiums now i'm meddling but the majesty and the glory of our king is significant i want to start in revelation chapter 5 and verse 11. it's a picture which we're invited into heaven and the scene is simply stunning john said i looked and i heard the voice of many angels numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousands time ten thousand in the south that's just a heap of angels they encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders and in a loud voice they sang worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise imagine this innumerable company of angels with their voices rising in that chorus we will see it one day we will and i don't think we will quibble about worship style well you know i just don't know if the rhythm was appropriate i think we'll be okay and then i heard every creature i heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea and all that is in them singing every creature singing to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever now i don't know what has beset you in recent days what challenges what difficulties what pressures what disappointments because those come with the journey and you're not unique you're not being singled out or treated unfairly they come with the journey but there's a battle that takes place in our minds when that happens and you need some of these passages written in the front of your bible or photograph it in your phone or whatever is memorable to you so that you can read them think about them put yourself in that innumerable company of angels the only way my singing is going to sound good if i'm standing in the midst of an innumerable company of angels and they'll drown out whatever that joyful noise thing is that i do [Music] but i looked and i heard the voice of many angels numbering thousands upon thousands and ten thousands times ten thousand we've all heard that we've all heard sermons or you've read the the story where jesus cast the demons out of the mound and a herd of pigs plunged into the sea of galilee and they said my name is legion there's a lot of us and i think sometimes when i listen to the way we talk about the enemy and the adversary and demonic involvement and principalities and powers and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places we get the imagination that it's some close contest folks i promise you the angels are more powerful than the demonic influences they are meditate on it think about it let it resonate in your heart it will lift you it'll help you overcome the challenges it'll give you faith to trust god for the the things that you're believing god for outcomes in your life for and what are they talking about are they talking about the threat in the earth are they talking about the battle in the earth and they're afraid that the church is going to be overwhelmed no it says in a loud voice they saying worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and wealth wisdom and strength honor and glory and praise and then all the creatures they couldn't they couldn't be held back it's just every creature in heaven and earth and under the earth they burst into songs to him who sits on the throne into the lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever keep reading it aloud if you're in a difficult place a dark place you take a verse like that and you read it aloud till the joy of the lord starts to settle up over you push back on the darkness the threats that stand in opposition to you the emotional threats the physical threats the diagnosis if you're battling with temptation get the word i don't want to miss that scene i don't want to be left out i want to finish well well it's not easy to be a christian no kidding no kidding who said it was who told you that go find them tell them they were confused next time somebody says you just chose to be a christian because it's the easy way out you just know they don't understand saying no to ungodliness is not easy no matter what your age is i'm telling you there is something amazing in front of us and it's worth whatever is required of us between here and there so i don't feel happy today okay okay i'll praise the lord anyway i'll read my bible anyway i'll worship him anyway i'll serve him anyway in fact i may double down on it and whatever that spirit is that's trying to make me feel heavy you keep bugging me i'll do it three times as much i'll go recruit some people we are not going to stop it's not about playing church so we we've been focused on some information for making our journey through the this and this is really the the kind of the conclusion of what we've been doing but when we were last together we were talking about some seasonal seasonal information that the designer has given us the creator has given us and it's for our readiness so that we can be prepared seasons change in different seasons we need different responses the israelites got manna while they were in the wilderness they didn't get mad after they crossed the jordan river they didn't need it any longer i'm sure they liked it better when they went out every morning and picked up their food doordash has been happening for long before but they crossed the jordan river now they're back to having to grow their food and gather their food and hunt for their food and i'm sure there were some grumbling and complaining because they've grumbled and complained their whole way up to that point different seasons different responses for a while they worshipped in a tabernacle a tent a goatskin tent and for a while they worshipped in solomon's temple overlaid with gold for a while the temple was destroyed completely different times and different seasons but but god's given us information so we can be ready it's springtime in tennessee there's a change of behavior that comes you can almost hear the stuff growing i mean you can see it's coming alive the daffodils are out the grass is growing i saw mosquitoes yesterday [Music] they're not officially welcome until june they snuck in from somewhere but it's springtime and we all understand there's wardrobe changes and activity changes and routine well there's seasons in the kingdom of god but he gives us information so we can be prepared and respond appropriately you look goofy in 60 days if you get your winter coat out you'd be melting well in isaiah 59 we get a little snapshot of the season we're in it says our offenses are many in your sight and our sins testify against us you don't have to have a great deal of discernment to review current american culture to say ungodliness has broken loose okay and and we don't have to look beyond the church we can say it's broken loose within the church so we're not casting stones our offenses are ever with us and we acknowledge our iniquities please note the pronouns in this they're personal they're not saying somebody else has a problem it's talking about our iniquities we acknowledge them our rebellion our treachery against the lord turning our backs on god fomenting oppression and revolt uttering lies our hearts have conceived now the outcome of all of those behaviors is that justice is driven back and righteousness stands at a distance if we want to see justice return to our nation it won't come by riots if we want to see righteousness return a right standing with god so that our children can can learn in schools and in university settings where godliness is encouraged and affirmed and taught it's not going to come from ryan's righteousness stands at a distance truth has stumbled in the streets and honesty honesty cannot enter truth is nowhere to be found and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey the lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice so how do you walk it back we have to go to the first part of that our offenses are many in your sight and our sins testify against us we have to deal with the condition of our heart if god's people will address the condition of our hearts we can see truth regain its balance in the public square we can see justice return to our nation we've been a nation that has known something of justice i know there are voices that say it's never been but that is just not an accurate description there's never been a perfect society i'm not glossing over our failures and our weaknesses and our inadequacies there's plenty of those but this decision isn't made in a vacuum and god's people are the beginning point lord we will acknowledge our iniquities our rebellion against you we haven't been that interested in your things in your ways why does it matter because we're in a season where everything is being shaken and the key to the outcome is god's people jeremiah 5 and verse 1 go up and down the streets of jerusalem look around and consider search through her squares if you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth i will forgive this city stop moaning about dishonest wicked immoral ungodly people and determined to be the one say on the block where i live i'll be the one in the school where my children go i'll be the parent that says i'll i'll do that this isn't public this is not an announcement it's not a t-shirt i'm the one i'm confident it's not a social media post everybody thinks i'm the one like me this is on our knees and in the privacy of our homes and more importantly in the quiet places in our hearts the creator of heaven and earth will respond to one person who fears his name we are not without power we're not alone we're walking through a difficult season and the darkness is going to intensify and the wickedness will multiply we've talked about it in in some detail in recent weeks but in the midst of that god is searching for his people so i've given you and i'm not going to recapitulate all these i'll tag them but they're in the previous sessions you can listen they're online in a variety of places you go to the website that's probably the simplest but times and seasons are dictated by different characteristics and you may wish you were in another season it was about four weeks ago when we were living in a deep freeze we were wishing for another season but wishing didn't change it we were still falling on our good intentions when we went outside if we didn't pay attention and you could wish you were in another season but that doesn't change it it's not fruitful it's a it's not the best use of your your thoughts nor your imagination and then secondly the scripture clearly tells us that lawlessness is going to multiply wickedness an increase of violence a delight will be expressed in wickedness people will be apologetic or ashamed or embarrassed they'll celebrate it and we it is more public more celebrated it's given honor and respect it receives awards in the public square wicked behavior and out of that will come conflict that set of things the scripture tells us in multiple places are going to increase in the season that we've entered well pastor i don't like that okay i wish the mosquitoes didn't come with springtime but if you get daffodils and dogwoods you've got to swat those little buggers ii thessalonians 2 and verse 10 says they perish it's a description of the end of the age when the antichrist emerges and is identified and and some of the things this is really just the punch line they'll perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved for this reason god sends them a powerful delusion so that they'll believe the lie and so that all who will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in the wickedness there's two specific behaviors that are identified that puts us in the line for destruction one is a refusal to love the truth which is kind of indifferent doesn't say they hate the truth it doesn't even say they suppress the truth like it does in romans 1. so they just refused to love it they didn't thought ever you can believe that i can believe this folks don't be neutral give your heart to the truth you have to train yourself to love it you know some people say you know i just don't like to exercise i'm thinking who does even the people that tell me they do i don't believe them no they get a runner's high they're high on something but he's not running i mean i'd rather sit in the chair and eat cheese doodles and drink dr pepper but the outcome's better if i get up and move so let's go move you know i just don't enjoy reading my book okay duly noted read it anyway i don't like to read listen to it i have trouble staying focused stand on one foot and listen to it it'll help your focus it says they refuse to love the truth and then secondly it says they've not believed the truth but they delighted in wickedness and that's really the other side of the coin our refusal to love the truth is because within us there's a delight in wickedness and you just don't want to be in that line and then thirdly the bible tells us that there's going to be two extremes and the words aren't exactly opposites but they represent these two extreme positions one is apostasy which means a falling away and we see that already major denominations mainline denominations rejecting orthodoxy around the person of jesus and his uniqueness ideas that have been held by the christian church since the beginning of the christian church being set aside for things that are more convenient in contemporary thought life it's it's too distressing it's too it draws too much ire to say that jesus is unique and that he is the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father except through him as the scripture does it you you draw fire these days if you embrace a biblical worldview and biblically informed ideas around family and sexuality if you don't go along with the confusion culture folks god's not the author of confusion i have compassion on people who are confused about any point because god doesn't intend us to live our lives in a confused state but with that in order to gain cultural approval there's a falling away of stepping away people diminishing their commitment to to the truth and we call that apostasy well the result of apostasy is there's a group of people who don't fall away and the biblical term for that group of people is a remnant the group used to be different there used to be more of us there used to be more people that would say we believe this it used to be embraced more broadly maybe in a peripheral way maybe in a casual way but but there's been a falling away but there's a remnant left don't don't think about other people think about yourself where are you these days are you worshiping with god's people are you standing with god's people are you invested in the word of god do you love the truth with the greater intensity than you did a year ago is it obvious to the people around you is the fruit of your life evident are you a part of those that are being pulled away are you are you a part of the remnant do a little self-evaluation you're in one of those two categories it's not easy and then fourth we've said that the scripture tells us there's going to be increasing intolerance people will not be tolerant tolerance has been a characteristic of our culture and it is diminishing day over day we're to the point that we won't tolerate dr seuss we won't tolerate dumbo mr potato heads offensive i'm there's the tipping point what do you do in an intolerant age well i brought you a passion i think it's helpful philippians 4 and verse 4 rejoice in the lord always i'll say it again rejoice rejoice always not just when you see what you want to see keep rejoicing why because our king is coming in his majesty and his splendor and his glory with ten thousand of ten thousands of his angels let your gentleness be evident to all not your anger not your resentment not your bitterness not your hatred the lord is near we don't have to flex our muscles the king is coming don't be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to god take all those anxieties and give them to the lord with prayers and petitions and with thanksgiving and now here's the benefit and the peace of god which transcends all understanding there's the peace which is beyond it's not rational you should be anxious you should be frightened the world is turning and changing and truth is stumbled in the streets and righteousness stands at a distance aren't you frightened well i would be except except i have a peace that doesn't begin with my understanding i understand what you're saying i'm not avoiding it i'm not denying it i agree with you they're troubling things but there's a peace that guards my heart in my mind and it is anchored in my lord jesus christ christ jesus means the messiah jesus i'm telling you he conquered death he'll conquer whatever's in front of us you can trust him so don't give your mind to the intolerance give your mind to the king and then there's threat warnings the jesus said that it'll get worse and he told us in the beatitudes he said when when they say all manner of evil against you because of me rejoice leap for joy because great is your reward in heaven so you know i'm feeling some pushback right and you oh good lord thank you you put me in a time where we could double down on blessings in heaven like you're not sure and then then the lord tells us that one of the things that will be prevalent in this season is another gospel another king in another kingdom they'll be celebrated they'll be a part of the public discussion they'll be given credence in the public square they'll be embraced by people who have stood underneath the umbrella of our faith in second timothy 3 the the it says that be aware of this that in the last days perilous times are coming and then it lists more than a dozen aspects of human character which will deteriorate but then it makes this most unusual statement in verse 5 it says that these people have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof he didn't say these people have a form of paganness or wickedness he said they'll they'll use religious words and stay in buildings with religious architecture they'll wear religious clothing but they'll deny the power of god and paul is writing it in paul's writing and thought the power of god is is synonymous it's inseparable from the cross so to deny the power of god is to deny the necessity of the cross oh nobody has to die for our sins it's not you know that's such an old-fashioned idea it's so brutal we'd rather talk about the love of god i can't believe a loving god would ask his son to die for sin why can't you believe it haven't you read the gospels jesus said that's what he came for so we'll hear another gospel and you're going to hear it with increasing clarity and increasing frequency and with increasing volume but understand when you hear another gospel its intent is to lead you to another king to lead you away from king jesus and if you embrace another gospel be certain of this you're participating in another kingdom second corinthians chapter 11 paul was instrumental in the church in corinth coming into existence he speaks to them as a spiritual father but now that he's moved on to other cities and other churches and other initiatives others have come in behind him and they're trying to take the believers in the in corinth away from the pattern that paul has established for them and so he writes this as kind of a corrective letter you hear it in the languages he said i hope that you'll put up with a little of my foolishness but you're already doing that i'm jealous for you with a godly jealousy i promised you to one husband to christ so that i might present you as a pure virgin to him but i'm afraid for you that just as eve was deceived by the serpent's coming your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to christ how do we get put off track how do we lose our momentum with the lord it's expressed in our physical lives and how we invest our time in what we do with our money in what we think about how do we how do we lose that momentum he just gave us the pattern he said i'm concerned that through deception your minds may somehow be led astray if i can get your thoughts to go the wrong way then your sincere and pure devotion to the lord will evaporate as well the primary battlefield in our lives is our minds and our adversaries have access to our thoughts it's why the passage in philippians is so powerful that i will rejoice and i will let my gentleness be made evident and i will in the midst of whatever circumstance with prayer and thanksgiving let my requests be made known to god because i need the peace of god to guard my mind there's a battlefield in my mind your minds may somehow be led astray verse four four if someone comes to you and preaches a jesus other than the jesus we preached or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received or a different gospel from the one you accepted you put up with it easily enough what's happened in corinth well they've been they've been invited to get to know a different jesus with a different spirit and a different gospel look that is prevalent in the earth today and there's so many ways i don't really i don't want to take the time to unpack all the different expressions of jesus or the different gospels that are being proliferated and most of them aren't new i started a little project on the history of the church and if the lord helps me we're going to share some of it but but the challenges that we're facing are not new challenges they've been recycled through the history of the church and sometimes they're given new labels but but the the vulnerabilities that we share as human beings really don't change from generation to generation so our adversary he's pretty effective because he's used the same toolkit to cause us to stumble century after century after century and in our arrogance and our pride we think oh we're smarter than that now hmm a different gospel a different jesus and a different spirit guards your heart romans chapter 1 describes this downward progression and we're watching and it's happening at a speed that is so rapid you don't doesn't take discernment any longer in fact it's difficult to keep up so the wrath of god is being revealed from heaven against the godlessness and the wickedness of men you have an imagination that as much as god expressed his love to humanity that god is going to express his wrath to humanity it's important to have room in your heart for that and your imagination for that it affects how our compliance we live in a time when people are offended by the notion of authority we don't even want borders we don't want to verify our identity when we vote i mean we're offended by the slightest expressions of authority being held accountable it's not popular it's not comfortable it's not my fault if the coffee that i got at the drive-through of the restaurant burns me it's their fault their coffee was too hot well the wrath of god will be expressed towards human beings who what we just read it a moment ago who choose not to love the truth who delight in wickedness and sitting in church won't protect you the wrath of god is being revealed against the wickedness of men who suppressed the truth by their wickedness for although they knew god they neither glorified him as god nor gave thanks to him but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened well the beginning of this downward spiral that ends in the most destructive of places is our refusal to give glory to god our refusal to acknowledge him as a creator our refusal our refusal to acknowledge his majesty and his glory and his wisdom there's a god folks he's smarter than we are i will yield my will to his will it's not easy there's a battle in alan and i've been doing it for a while but i still struggle with that but i intend to give glory to the lord and to give thanks to him not that every day feels like a thankful day but i'll give thanks to him on the days when i don't feel like him because he's worth he's been good to me he's been kind to me but if you refuse to do that it puts you on a downward spiral now you don't have to finish the spiral but you're going to have to invest the energy to stop it and if you recognize you've lost your sense of gratitude if you haven't been giving glory to the lord stop get on your knees and say lord i'm sorry i've watched too much news i've thought about this too much i've been focused on what i'm dissatisfied about it continues then it says in verse 24 therefore because they wouldn't glorify the lord to give thanks to him god gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another see when we break the bounds of biblical sexuality from god's perspective we're degrading the gift of our body god gives you an earth suit it's a sacred trust you're a steward over that that's why the bible talks about things like gluttony and drunkenness we have a stewardship assignment for our earth suit you are the temple of the holy spirit there's a crew of people that work very diligently to care for the facilities where we worship so that they're clean and well maintained and the bathrooms are fresh because i believe what the bathroom looks like is as much an expression of worship as what happens when musicians play for us well you and i worship the lord by how we care for the temple and immorality is degrading to the temple so god gave them over that is such a sobering statement to me god just gave them over to what they said they wanted you don't love the truth go for it you're going to delight in wickedness i don't want god to look at me and take his hands back i don't want the holy spirit to stop bringing conviction to my life i don't want my conscience to get seared i'm concerned that the condition of my heart stays sensitive see i don't want you to get to that place where you think oh i know about that you know i've heard that yeah whatever i wanted something new or something fresh i'm sorry you mean like another gospel it will become more and more prevalent and then the outcome of all of this i don't want to miss the punch line i kept missing it all weekend somehow my notes grow i don't know how that works all of this all of this season all of these things that i've identified the apostasy and the remnant the threat warnings the intolerance the the other gospel the other kingdom all of these components the lawlessness and the increase in violence they're all leading us to a culmination you know what it is a soon-coming king you know it's springtime the the flowers are are blooming and the trees are beginning to bud and the mosquitoes are beginning to buzz but it's leading us towards summertime and the temperatures are going to go up and the humidity is going to go up the summer vegetables are going to grow we're going to have tomatoes and green beans and fresh corn and okra life is good springtime and there's new life coming it's gonna it's gonna burst all around us and when we see all of these things beginning to happen with with a greater certainty folks the king is coming he is second timothy chapter four and verse seven paul is writing his life is about over he's in a prison his body is scarred and marred because of what he has suffered for the gospel the churches that he spent his life planting are hanging by a thread by everly every secular evaluation it looks like his life is a miserable failure the corinthian church is immoral the galatian church is under attack from a spirit of witchcraft i mean on and on the the church in rome is mistreating the jewish part of the church i mean it's an uncomfortable setting and so paul writes from this prison cell to the young man he's mentored i have fought the good fight i've finished the race i've kept the faith now there's in store for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day but not only to me but also to all who have longed for his appearing he's not focused on his prison or his scar tissue or his struggling churches he said i have finished my assignment and i am longing to see the king so here's the question what are you longing for and i know you're in church but in the quiet places of your life and i'll tell you how to figure that out if the real answer isn't immediately apparent to you if you think about the things that you're anticipating and they were to be delayed which one gives you the most agitation if your tax bill was delayed going to lose sleep just no taxes in 21. you'd probably be good spring break canceled not as good i don't know it's different for all of us what are you longing for it's an important question second i'm sorry first thessalonians 4 and verse 16 the lord himself will come down from heaven the lord himself is coming down from heaven you know where he's coming he's coming to the mount of olives it's a hill just to the east of the city of jerusalem i try to never go to the city with at least going to the mount of olives once like standard look up just might be the right day i want to be unprepared the lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of god and the dead in christ will rise first there's going to be a resurrection and after that we are still alive and our left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air those of you that don't think emotions and faith go together you think you'll be emotional that day hey jesus welcome back i don't think so and so we'll be with the lord forever therefore encourage each other with these words if the bible says to encourage each other with these words you need to encourage each other with these words somebody's having a bad day do you know the lord's coming i know right now your life isn't good it's painful and difficult and disappointing and you're battling sickness or disease or discouragement or something but the lord is coming we've got a purpose that transcends time that's about more than our physical circumstance revelation 19 verse 11. i saw heaven standing open can you imagine seeing heaven and i like to travel and go and see things folks we're going to see the kingdom of our god in all of its glory and majesty and splendor i saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse this is my kind of story whose writer is called faithful and true and with justice he judges and makes war this isn't the jesus that a lot of people want to talk about his eyes are like blazing fire on his head or many crowns and he has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself he's dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the word of god the armies of heaven were following riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen white and clean and out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations and he'll rule them with an iron scepter and he treads the wine press of the fury of the wrath of god almighty and on his robe and on his thigh he has this name written king of kings and lord of lords doesn't sound like to me he feels threatened he's not intimidated it doesn't look like the outcome's in question now we need his help he's not coming back just to have a military parade he's coming for his church for his people to restore truth and righteousness but the king is coming and when he comes he's going to rule we're not going to heaven forever jesus is coming here that's another sermon isaiah 65 17 behold i'll create new heavens and a new earth and the former things will not be remembered nor will they come to mind it's going to be a different set of circumstances we've looked at some of the negative things think of some of the positive ones the wolf and the lamb will feed together and the lion will eat straw like the ox the dust will be the serpent's food they'll neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountains says the lord the things that inspire fear and dread in us now will not be frightening isaiah 2 and verse 4 says he'll judge between the nations and he'll settle disputes for many peoples now that would be justice the king of kings settling the disputes they'll beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks why because the one judging us is righteous and all-powerful the nation will not take up sword against nation nor will they train for war anymore and then finally revelation 21 verse 3 it says i heard a loud voice from the throne saying now the dwelling of god is with men and he will live with them that's not now that now is not this now that now is that now now is a timing word and we're not in that season yet but when we get to that season the spirit of god says now the dwelling of god is with men and he'll live with them now watch what will happen it's not going to be a bad thing some of us are going to know pastor i talk to people every week and almost every week somebody said pastor i'm having a hard time getting excited about the return of the lord hmm listen to what it's going to be like maybe it'll help he'll live with them they'll be his people and god himself will be with them and be their god and he'll wipe every tear from their eyes and there'll be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away sign me up now but between here and there there's some stuff but god called us to this season he prepared us just as certainly as he prepared matthew and james and john and peter for the assignment they got or he prepared joshua and caleb for the assignment that they were entrusted with he's given us an assignment and if jeremiah could be faithful and isaiah could be faithful and joseph could be faithful and daniel can be faithful what's going to be said about us may it be said we loved the truth that we gave ourselves to the lord that we embraced his spirit and submitted ourselves to the discipline of the spirit that we invested time in the word of god do you know the sacrifice that has been made the lives that have been sacrificed so that you and i could have access to the word of god we are uniquely privileged and we've been entrusted with the unique assignment i'm sorry for the pain and the suffering i will weep with you and i'll be grateful for when you weep with me but we will stand together and i believe as much as any time in my life god has begun to shake his church to help us to understand the privilege of being together the necessity of being with one another and the honor of serving the king i want to pray for you may i do that i didn't bring you a prayer tonight i didn't be tempted to get tired and just read a prayer i wanted to pray for you if you stand with me if you're watching this someplace else why don't you stand with me too so i'm in a room by myself stand with me anyway we're going to stand in the presence of the king i'm pretty sure when we see him if our face isn't on the floor we'll stand in his presence i thank god for you you make such a tremendous difference in our world god said to jeremiah if i can find one person in jerusalem i'll spare this city do you know how valuable you are do you have any angels are dedicated to what's happening in you and around you i know there's voices that say you're unimportant i know there are people that have been glad to set you aside or push you aside or take credit for your accomplishments but i promise you that's not the circumstance in heaven you are of an inestimable value stand a little taller it's not about our pride paul you know he said to us he wrote to the corinthians and think of what you were when you were called there was nothing about you very good i mean he got like up in their business talked about where they were born what they did on achievement test i mean i mean he basically said you came from the slow group and you're ugly and he said there was a reason in that so we couldn't boast about anything except what christ has done in us but we'll boast about that i thank god for you father i thank you for those that are gathered together tonight lord in the building and those who are joining us in other places but i know you love in each every each and every one of us but nothing's hidden from you lord you know the details and the circumstances you know the joys and the celebrations and you know the wounds and the pain and i thank you that through the blood of jesus we have been delivered out of the hand of the enemy i thank you that through the blood of jesus our sins are forgiven that the blood of jesus christ continually cleanses us from all sin i thank you for it tonight that we don't stand lord because of our righteousness or our goodness or our holiness but we stand in the strength of the lord our god and holy spirit we welcome you into our lives if there's anything in us that is separating us from god's best help us to see it give us the humility to acknowledge it and to turn away from it to lay it down to choose you with our whole hearts give us a love for the truth that's more real than anything we've ever known before i thank you for we thank you for this season that you've called us to in the midst of turbulence and deception and lies and immorality i thank you that you've called us to be a light give us wisdom and boldness and courage i pray you'll protect us protect our minds and our bodies i thank you for it we pray especially for one another tonight lord for there are great needs bring health to our bodies and peace to our minds and hope to our souls and provision where there has been lack i praise you that you're a god who delivers the lord we stand together and saying come quickly lord jesus come quickly lord jesus we thank you for the hope we have in you for it's in your name we pray amen hallelujah god bless you hey this is pastor allen thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it like it and most importantly share it with your friends if you want to be notified when there's new content we post new material if you'll just subscribe to my channel and hit the bell you'll get the notification most of all i pray god blesses you as you continue on your spiritual journey and open your heart to the lord god bless [Music] you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 3,752
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, Majesty, Glory, Honor, King and Kingdom, The King is COming, Return of Jesus
Id: GkB4gCn_S_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 23sec (2903 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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