A Double-Edged Sword [12 Points to Know Your Bible]

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[Music] it's good to be with you again it's such an honor to stand together under the authority of jesus name our topic for this talk is a double-edged sword we're gonna look at the word of god it's double-edged in that it's something that begins within our lives and then it has an impact on the world around us and both sides of that equation are very important you know far too often i think christ followers kind of give up on our bibles it's not an easy book to understand it's actually a library there's 66 books wrapped up in there written over a broad period of time different authors different cultures different styles of literature it's centered in a part of the world we're not that familiar with predominantly desert regions and for many of us that's a little foreign to us and we kind of throw up our hands and go it's beyond us well it isn't or god wouldn't have given it to us as a rule of faith and practice i'm going to share with you in this lesson one of the most helpful tools god has ever put in my heart i have used it in the congregation here for years to help people open their bibles for themselves you can know the story of the bible and make it your own i promise you can i grew up in a barn in tennessee if i can learn the bible so can you grab your bible get a notepad open your heart we're going to start a journey today that will inform the rest of your life as a christ follower enjoy it one of the challenges is the bible is not written in the way we would put together a book today in the sense that it it doesn't start at the beginning and move chronologically through to a completion it skips around it's different forms of literature some is historical but it's not history in the way we know to write history some of it is poetry some is wisdom literature and apart from all of that it has been chipped at by academics by by professional christian people it's been chipped away at and the agenda is to to create distrust in you well you may think you can trust this piece but you can't trust this piece and you're not sure about that part and and before long it disintegrates so what i want to introduce to you and it's not a new idea we've done it around here for quite a while it's been a part of our church honestly for a long long time i want to give you a little framework a skeleton [Music] honestly a timeline that you can arrange the the bible upon so that you can know where isaiah fits in relation to noah because it matters you need to know where king david fit in relation to nehemiah or where abraham fit in relation to matthew and we're not great at that so i'm going to give you 12 points you can download them it's in your outline you can do it from the app if you're taking notes i'll give you these 12 points and then i'm just going to kind of let you follow me on the stage as a summary point in a minute and we're going to start with the first point and i'm just going to take 12 steps and if you'll take the time and make the effort to commit those to memory anytime you read a chapter in the bible then you start to develop the habit of where does it fit where does it fit in the story see very few of us know the story of the bible we learn bible stories most of you know i had a boat ride and a lot of you know that jonah never went fishing again and some of you know that david met a really big guy but i doubt you know how to put them together in a context and so we're really easily the minute we're easily manipulated because you don't know the story but i'm not suggesting that the bible is manufactured i don't mean story in the sense of long long ago or far far away but there's a purpose in it and once you grasp that the pieces start to fit with such amazing precision you'll never apologize for believing the bible again that's true so the first point on our outline is going to be creation not my idea the bible starts with in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth remember that there's much that can be said about those first verses that impact the whole unfolding narrative and it may be that we'll come back to them there's some words that are plural there that you need to know about but i'm not going to take the time tonight but i want you to know that the creation assertion is not simply a part of the opening chapters of genesis it is a it is the fabric of the bible the entire book on unravels if god is not the creator of heaven and earth and everything that's in them so you shouldn't be surprised to discover that creation is woven throughout the story and i brought you just a sampling of that deuteronomy the first five books of the bible are the books of moses attributed to him i don't think moses sat down under a tree in the desert and hammered out all five books on his laptop but they certainly represent the period of time where moses was engaged with the people of god and there was a reason in collecting that narrative so in deuteronomy chapter 4 it says now about the former days long before your time from the day god created man on the earth ask from one into the heavens to the other has anything so great has this ever happened so from moses perspective god created man on earth nehemiah you know nehemiah the guy that rebuilt the wall around jerusalem we're going to scroll forward several hundred years you alone it's nehemiah 9 6 you alone are the lord you made the heavens even the highest heavens and all their starry hosts the earth and all that's in it the seas and all that is in them you give life to everything and the multitudes of heaven worship you so we scroll forward hundreds of years to the time of nehemiah and it's still in the heart of the people of god that god is the creator of heaven and earth the book of jonah it's a little fishy i know they want to know why the ship they're in is caught in such a violent storm it's illogical it's irrational and they understand there's a spiritual motivation we have lost our sense of spiritual things when i say we're in a spiritual battle we all kind of crinkle our faces and go i don't know folks that is not wisdom that is a lack of wisdom but when they come to jonah and he said haven't you read i'm sorry it's jonah 1 9 he answered i'm a hebrew and i worship the lord the god of heaven who made the sea in the land so by jonah's time by the time we get to the prophets they still understand god to be the creator in matthew 19 jesus is speaking and he said haven't you read that at the beginning the creator made them male and female jesus said god made humanity so if you believe jesus you have to believe that god's the creator or else jesus is a liar then in colossians now we're into a pagan city a gentile city this is paul's message says he is the image of the invisible god speaking of our lord the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created things in heaven on earth visible and invisible whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities all things were created by him and for him he is before all things and in him all things hold together so from the opening chapters of genesis to the words of our lord to the heart of the established church this book presents god to us as the creator of heaven and earth and everything that's in it i take a moment with it because i i spent i like to learn and i spent a lot of time in academic settings and universities and graduate courses and i can tell you one of the things that is pounded on most consistently is the rejection of the notion that there is a god who's the creator of heaven and earth my academic career began in the basic sciences and i can tell you from a scientific perspective you don't ever need to apologize because you believe in intelligent design amen amen you don't ever somebody says to you with all my education it's hard to believe just smile because an argument with ignorant doesn't go very far i wouldn't engage the debate i just smile will bless your heart that much intelligence must be exhausting to carry around i'll pray for you so our timeline begins with creation because the whole book unfolds from that if god created the heavens and the earth he could heal your body if god created the heavens and the earth he can part a sea he could open a blind eye if he created the heavens and the earth he can write your future or he can terminate your day you see if you reject that if you set that aside as mythical as fanciful there's all sorts of big words and fancy arguments but if you set it aside the rest of the book is nonsense and if you have to simply accept it as a statement of faith take it as a statement of faith what do you prefer that over billions of years something washed up out of the primordial ooze onto the shore of a beach and it laid in the sun long enough to absorb enough energy that he learned to walk well there's an intelligent theory so we start with creation the second point on your timeline is abraham genesis chapter 12 we haven't moved very far in the book genesis chapter 12 but the whole narrative changes in genesis 12. genesis 12 1 the lord said to abram leave your country and your people and your father's household and go to the land i'll show you i'll make you into a great nation and i'll bless you i'll make your name great and you'll be a blessing i'll bless those who bless you and whoever curses you i'll curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you before we're done with genesis god will be known as the god of abraham isaac and jacob the patriarch is not a dirty word patriarchal authority has been misconstrued to suggest it was something devised to demean women it's a lie don't believe it don't accept it don't tolerate it don't internalize it it's just not true but the story of scripture changes in genesis 12. the first 11 chapters of genesis are universal in scope if you're looking for something in the bible that happened to everybody the flood go look in the first 11 chapters of genesis if you want to find the tower of babel where everybody spoke the same language go look in the first 11 chapters of genesis if you want to find the garden of eden go look those first chapters of genesis introduce us to the big rock ideas of the bible they're important chapters they're not just fanciful myths but when we get to genesis chapter 12 god said i will have a people for myself now it's important because we're a people in need of redemption because in the first chapters of genesis we understand we learn about the universal nature of sin that we're a fallen race we don't have to be taught to be ungodly it's in our dna that we need deliverance and we can't deliver ourselves it's the myth that human beings left to themselves will organize themselves into a circumstance that will bring good will to all people it's a lie there is nothing in all of human history to suggest that unredeemed humanity will treat one another with dignity and integrity we need a savior and to do that we need a people who are unique to god and so in genesis chapter 12 we're introduced to abram and god said if you'll follow me everybody on planet earth will be blessed through you and so the balance of the chapter the book chapters of genesis 50 chapters is dealing with abraham as his family grows abraham and his son isaac and his son jacob one of jacob's sons was named joseph where did joseph end his life does anybody remember it's not a trick question egypt he got some great riverfront property he landed a really good job i mean it took a little while but i mean he had a really good thing going and by the time we end the book of genesis the entire clan has moved to egypt well you know the story isn't going to end there because that's not the land god promised to abraham so logic's going to tell you we've got to move well the next book in the bible and the third point in our timeline is exodus that happens to be the second book in your bible but it's the story of getting out of egypt but it's a story of much more than that because the the story began with abraham's extended family going into egypt they've never been a nation they've never thought of themselves as a nation they were just a big family lots of boys lots of kids and they were in egypt they're slaves there 400 years now there's a multitude of people the bible refers to him as a mixed multitude and god says i will deliver you from the brick pits of egypt and take you to a land that flows with milk and honey it's that land i promised abram so the exodus is about taking a group of people that have never seen the promised land that have never imagined themselves as being a people they self-identify as slaves but they don't have a common faith they don't have a common religion they don't have common holidays all of that happens after they get out of egypt that's the story of the wilderness those books that are a little hard to read through leviticus numbers deuteronomy god is putting in place in the lives of his people the things that will bind them together as a people because we need a covenant people people say to me church isn't important i can be a christian without going to church you can a weak one there's nothing in the bible that suggests we were called to be individuals we're called to be a body a people it says in the new testament that we come to maturity as we all learn to be together the part that we don't like about being together is the part we need you're looking across everyone i can't believe that person's in church i know them who do they think they are totally unaware that somebody across the room is looking at you thinking a very similar set of things so the third point in our timeline is the exodus and if you're trying to figure out which books of the bible fall in there think about the giving of the law the building of the tabernacle mount sinai the ten commandments the golden calf the manna the red sea all that high drama stuff so we get to the a little later in the year we start through genesis genesis is kind of fun hollywood likes genesis lots of movies they even leaned into exodus we got yule brenner cecil b demille even disney took down the exodus prince of egypt you get to leviticus not so many movies but it's all those details that made it work well the next point the exodus they came out of egypt to go into the promised land but the group that came out of each remember what they said about that we don't want to do it we don't want to be careful what you say in times of discontinuity i want to do i want to follow the lord wherever he's leading i don't want to go back to january 2020. i can't wait to see what god's going to do in january 2022. i'm not looking to go back we burned the bullets folks so the exodus that generation isn't going to go in except for two two families joshua and caleb and they begin the conquest they occupy the promised land so when they move into the promised land there's no central authority there's no capital city there's no central government god oversees his people and we call that period in time the judges not people that ruled in black robes that when there was a need for a consolidated response from god's people as they lived in the promised land god would raise up a leader can you think of one of the judges do you know one of them deborah sampson gideon they're like superheroes i mean they do crazy stuff samson's crazy strong gideon gets a tremendous outcome with a little tiny full handful of people well for 400 years long time almost twice as long as we've been a nation the judges ruled israel so the book of judges is a fun read big enemies big victories big failures and these people the people that god uses they got some big holes flaws in them the first of the judges is joshua and the last of the judges is samuel now the leaders of the tribes there's 12 tribes the leaders of the tribes the tribes are named after those 12 kids you meet back in the book of genesis the leader of the 12 tribes come to samuel they're judged and they say you're getting a little long in the tooth we don't trust your kids we want a king and samuel is wounded i'll read it to you first samuel 8-4 all the leaders of israel gathered together and they came to samuel they said to him you are old and your sons don't walk on your ways now appoint a king to lead us like all the other nations have it really wasn't about samuel's birthdays they wanted to fit in we want to be like everybody else we don't want god to lead us do you understand how offensive that is you understand how offensive it is if we say to god our liberty and our freedom and our future is secured by the constitution that our founders were so wise they gave us a nation where we don't really have to trust you for freedom and we're not to trust you for provision our our system will keep us free is it possible that in the church we've been idolatrous maybe we want to be like all the other people and god in the most remarkable display of grace says to samuel it's not you they've rejected it's me tell them they can have a king i will choose a king for them this is amazing to me folks if you want to know the character of god the people say we don't want you to rule over us we want to be like everybody else and god said if that's what you want you can have it but i'll help you i'll pick a king and so we call it the united monarchy because all 12 tribes with one king who's the first king of israel saul and saul gets so filled with himself and so filled with pride that god says you can't be king of my people anymore my rebellious people you are so prideful you can't lead them so i'm going to withdraw my spirit from you and he sends samuel to anoint a second king you talk about death to yourself or crucifying your old nature or humbling yourself how about being judged of all the people and you have to anoint the king who gets so puffed up god has to remove him and god sends you to anoint another one who's who's the second king david david does pretty well david does pretty well but you know it wasn't a peaceful transition god sent god said i rejected saul and he sends samuel to david's house but we read the bible so casually we're not paying attention in second samuel chapter three in verse one it says the war between the house of saul and the house of david lasted a long time and david grew stronger and stronger while the house of saul grew weaker and weaker when i tell you there's a war it's a spiritual conflict that has been initiated and we get disappointed because it doesn't get resolved in 90 days or we had a repentance service or we prayed for 72 hours or we fasted every tuesday for a month and i can't believe god hasn't done what we ask him to do god sent samuel to david's house and said god's chosen you to be king and before he sits on a throne recognized by the tribes as the king of israel there is a full-on war and david lives as a fugitive for a decade david secures the nation david secures the capital of israel prior to david's reign you can't really talk about israel as a nation it's a tribal confederacy saul and his reign is far more like the 13 colonies when we had a continental congress they were still very much 13 independent colonies but when david becomes king he consolidates the nation he takes a city that was independent much like the city of washington dc has been independent it needs to remain so yeah because city of jerusalem wasn't controlled by any one of the 12 tribes so no tribe was given an ascendant position when jerusalem was captured and made their capital so david secures the nation the largest borders that israel have came under the life of david god said that david would have a descendant on the throne forever jesus has descended from the line of david it's why joseph and mary in the new testament had to go to bethlehem the city of david remember that story we just did christmas who's david's son becomes the third king who's that solomon and the tribal leaders come to david to solomon and they say you know we will serve you there's still a very strong sense of tribal awareness we will serve you but the taxes are a little heavy if you'll lighten our tax burden we'll serve you solomon gathers with his counselors and the older counselors say you better lighten their burden and the younger people say you better tighten down so solomon goes back and says if you think my dad's hand was heavy my little finger is going to be heavier than my dad's hand and at the end of solomon's life jeroboam's foolishness there's a civil war solomon built the temple solomon made gold and silver in the city of jerusalem i misspoke the the vision comes at the end of solomon's life not david's jeroboam's his son rehoboam's son there's a civil war in spite of all the successes of all the things solomon restructured the nation solomon did away with the tribal boundaries and reorganize the nation trying to diminish the power of those tribes those things have been in place for hundreds and hundreds of years they're not easily diminished in a span of 20 or 30 years if you need a modern history example of that trying to bring a new order to the middle east to iraq or to afghanistan where there have been tribal boundaries and tribal affiliations in place for hundreds and hundreds of years the u.s rolling in and planting a flag in the dirt does not cause them to change their allegiances so at the end of solomon's life there's a civil war in the nations divided so we only have three kings with a united monarchy saul david and solomon after that for the rest of your bible for the rest of the hebrew bible the old testament there's two nations most of us when we're reading it we don't pick that up the northern nation has ten tribes the capital the northern nation is called israel and the capital of israel is samaria the southern nation is judah two tribes and the capital of judah is jerusalem where is the temple it's in jerusalem well all of the jewish people are commanded three times a year to go to jerusalem and the temple for feasts and festivals jesus and his family will do that when we get to the gospels so there's a problem if you're king of israel you don't want your powerful people and your wealthy people they're the ones who would have to be most likely to travel to be going to another nation with their wealth and their resources and their allegiance so the northern kingdom takes builds two duplicate places to worship except god didn't tell them to so the norse the northern nation of israel never once has a godly king every king in order to cement his power leads them into idolatry and ungodliness again if we lose sight of our source if we lose our situational awareness we'll think we're making good choices and we'll be driving ourselves towards destruction that's why we have to talk we have to do more than study our bible we have to understand god's truth in the context of where we live and what godliness looks like today it's important so the nation's divided and then that's where all the prophets come in the prophets come not so much to predict the future but to say to the people you're not doing this right you're confused what are you doing you know better you know the ground rules you're not paying any attention and most of the prophetic books begin with an introduction that tells you which kings they prophesied under there's a little there's a little introduction that usually gives you a chronology isaiah chapter one the visions concerning judah and jerusalem judah is the country and jerusalem is the capital so where is isaiah a prophet in jerusalem that isaiah the son of amos saw during the reigns of uzziah jotham ahaz and hezekiah isaiah is a prophet in jerusalem during four different kings so there's a lot of different circumstances a lot of different messages amos by contrast is a farmer in the northern part of israel the words of amos one of the shepherds of toccoa who saw concerning israel two years before the earthquake and here's the pattern that you'll find in a lot of the prophetic books when uzziah was king of judah and jeroboam was son of jehoaash was the king of israel so he's telling you who was king in jerusalem in one nation and who was king in samaria in the other nation but all of the prophets at the end of your old testament are speaking into this period of the divided monarchy when there's two nations struggling to pull it together people have always struggled to maintain the center it's true in the book of genesis it's true in the book of judges it's true in the book of exodus it's true in the historical books it's true in the prophetic books it's true in the new testament paul writes to the galatian church and says who has bewitched you you were running such a good race what happened to you he writes to the corinthians he said what are you thinking there is immorality reported amongst you that's not even reported amongst the pagans see the error of our our trajectory is we've gathered on the weekends and wanted to pretend like we don't know those people in the bible aren't we glad we're not like them lord help us so the prophets do their thing until finally god says i can't tolerate it anymore you cannot live in this land unless you honor me we will not live in freedom and liberty and abundance unless we honor the lord now that's true and so 721 bc the northern nation the nation of israel is conquered by the assyrians and those the people the assyrian pattern when they conquered a nation was to disperse the inhabitants of the land across their empire so that leaves tiny judah with two tribes they're going to make it for another 150 so years it's 587 bc when the babylonians come and destroy jerusalem and they destroy the temple now there's a crisis because the temple is the center of their relationship with god and the temple is the holy of holies and when the temple's destroyed it's as if god has been destroyed and they take the finest young men and women from israel from jerusalem back to babylon first jewish ghetto in history we call that period the exile now it seems like a tragedy but it's one of the most fruitful times in jewish history because when they're not in jerusalem any longer they can't worship at the temple they can't offer sacrifices anymore they can't honor the day of atonement they can't do the scapegoat they can't do the things that the way their sins were forgiven is not available to them so they put it down on paper and that's when much of our bible gets pulled together because they're not living in the land they don't have the daily practice any longer they're afraid they're going to lose their connection and so the leaders begin to put the story on paper that's why i have hope in a season of discontinuity i think god's going to do something in the church that will make us stronger and more effective and more prepared for what's next and this is where we meet some of our greatest heroes in the bible during the exile it's a very fruitful time there's surprising leadership we meet ezekiel we'll meet daniel nehemiah zerubbabel ezra esther some wonderful heroes and the exile is followed by the return they get to go back and the the landmark piece of the return is the building of the second temple who built the second temple in jerusalem zerubbabel and if you can spell it you get extra credit just keep saying [Music] so aruba will beat this who built the wall around the city of jerusalem nehemiah who came back and reinstituted worship helped him put it back together ezra they get the city rebuilt the temple rebuilt if you study jewish history today in a jewish setting they tell their history as a people in terms of the first temple period and the second temple period and that gets us to the end of the old testament because when jesus comes on the scene the temple in jerusalem is there the second temple now he's had a major facelift because herod the great was an incredible builder he built masada in caesarea in a dozen other places and he wanted the temple that was more grandiose the jews didn't trust him he was only half jewish and so they wouldn't give him permission to take down the temple they said you can remodel it so he he expanded everything and basically he built the temple over the temple it took 46 years to do it's in your bible i'm not really making this stuff up in the gospels matthew 5 don't think that i'm jesus don't think i've come to abolish the law and the prophets i've not come to abolish them but to fulfill them in john 2 jesus said destroy this temple and i'll raise it again in three days and the jews replied it took 46 years to build this temple there's a lot of pride so when you read the gospels and there's all this dialogue about the temple it is the center of their nation their point of national pride and when jesus speaks condemnation when he speaks a curse over the city when he's coming down the mount of olives with the triumphal entry and he begins to weep and he said if you'd only known would have brought you peace today but you didn't see it and they're going to dash your baby's heads against the stones and not one stone will be left you stand on the mount of olives today you can see this you can still see the dirt embankment from the siege against jerusalem by the romans in 70 a.d so the new testament opens we've got the four gospels then we have the introduction of the church jesus said the one who said i came not to disqualify the law and the prophets but to fulfill it he said i'll build my church the new testament is not separate from the old testament it makes no sense without the old testament and then the last point in our timeline is jesus return 12 things let's do them together real quickly and i'm done genesis chapter one where do we start with creation genesis chapter 12 what's number two abraham because we need a covenant people we're a covenant people because of abraham do you understand your connection to the kingdom of god goes back to genesis 12 yes all right so the book of genesis comes to a conclusion everybody's in egypt we can't stay in egypt we got to get out so what's the story of getting out the exodus number three and with the exodus we need a whole new system we need a way to worship we need to tabernacle we need laws we need dietary rules we need the ten commandments we gotta travel from egypt to the promised land we need manna and we need water lots of big drama stuff in the exodus the exodus generation says we don't want to go into the promised land we're tired we've done all we're going to do we'll just stay here and god said fine you can die right there be careful telling the lord you're tired they occupy the promised land under the leadership of joshua and we have the first of the judges and for 400 years the judges lead israel remarkable men and women they flourish as long as they seek the lord they flourish are we listening church our future isn't secured by politicians or parties or documents or economies god can put food on the ground he can put food in the money in the mouth of a fish he can feed us with the ravens if we will turn our hearts to him so the period of the judges for 400 years the last of the judges is samuel and they say we want a king and we get the united monarchy three kings saul david and solomon and by the end of solomon's life they can't hold it together anymore so there's a civil war and we have a divided nation two nations israel in the north judah in the south and they can't keep it together so god sends the prophets and he says what are you doing what are you thinking you're immoral you're ungodly you've lost the bible and they won't listen to the prophets so god says you can't stay in the land anymore you've got to go there's an exile they're pushed out babylon persia it's where you meet esther lots of fun people and then after 70 years god says you can come home again nehemiah ezra and they build the second temple and we turn from malachi the last book of the old testament and we opened the four gospels four different perspectives on jesus not contradictory four people telling the story if four of you told what the sermon was about tonight you'd think you heard four different messages we process information differently four gospels they tell the jesus story acts chapter 1 jesus goes back to heaven and the church is here who's the head of the church jesus jesus is descendant of david look it's not some separate story acts chapter 1 jesus goes back to heaven the church is here he steps back into time to recruit saul and the book closes the last book of the new testament is revelation and the king is back and he's going to rule and reign on earth [Applause] now you're scholars you know the story of the bible in 12 points so if you wanted to find the story you know in the ark where are you going to go look on your timeline way back over here right somewhere between creation and abraham if you need to find isaiah yeah he'd be hanging over here with a prophet so you've got to get past the judges and pass the monarchy you've got to get into the divided nation but he's before the exile if you need nehemiah because he's going to rebuild the wall of jerusalem are you going to look for him second temple he's over here when there's temples coming jerusalem's coming back together he's not hanging over there with abraham you see with 12 points you can make sense out of these books you know the whole new testament takes place in about a 75-year window of time it's a short little it's like basically one lifetime where's the book of judges last 400 years they're slaves in egypt for 400 years there's some huge chunks of time being eaten up over here and the new testament's a relative little short period of time but you need that to get to the redeemer i could put 60 points in the timeline but you can remember them 12 points and it's like a rod in your closet you can hang the characters you get to know in scripture and the books you read arrange them on when we go to israel together every stop you'll hang that location on your timeline you can do this while you're reading your turn your mind on if i grew up in a barn in tennessee [Music] if i can learn it you can learn it amen we all know we should read our bible and most of us don't you know i had this sense of guilt because i would read my bible with a sense of obligation but it was so dry and boring i used to think god i know a lot of people bought it but the book seems a little slow to me one day i told god the truth i don't like your book but i'm determined to learn will you help me and with that simple prayer and then giving the most alert time of my day to reading my bible god began to change that it came alive to me it's my favorite thing to read and i love to read i want to pray for you that the spirit of god will cause his word to come alive for you whether you're a beginner or whether you're a veteran of church and your bible it's a living book and god will bring it alive to you father thank you thank you that we have access to your word that we have the privilege of reading it and listening to it and hearing it and i ask by that the spirit of god that you would bring new life to it give us insight and understanding for how to respond to the challenges of our day in our own personal life in this moment thank you holy spirit for helping us we thank you for god's word in us and through us in jesus name amen god bless you and enjoy your bible hey this is pastor allen thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed it like it and most importantly share it with your friends if you want to be notified when there's new content when we post new material if you'll just subscribe to my channel and hit the bell you'll get the notification most of all i pray god blesses you as you continue on your spiritual journey and open your heart to the lord god bless you
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 13,365
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Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, how to understand the bible, how to know the bible, 12 points to know your bible, A Double-Edged Sword, Sword of the Spirit, Word of God, Bible, what does the bible say about 2021, what does the bible mean, how do I understand the bible better
Id: n3yT4T1QHUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.