Main Street - Pop Songs Medley (International 2015)
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Channel: Barbershop Harmony Society
Views: 6,482,610
Rating: 4.8837113 out of 5
Keywords: Barbershop Harmony Society (Organization), Barbershop Music (Musical Genre), A Cappella (Musical Genre), Singing (Musical Instrument), Oops!... I Did It Again (Composition), So What (Composition), Moves Like Jagger (Composition), Poker Face (Composition), Bye Bye Bye (Composition), Main Street quartet, medley, Pop Songs, barbershop
Id: MdTS6-fbNH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If I remember correctly this set was for the finals and they won that round. Scoring for the international competition is done as an average across quarters, semis, and finals. Main Street came in 3rd this year. They're going to be in a dead heat with Forefront (2nd place quartet) if both decide to compete again. They're both incredible quartets.
Main Street features the lead (inside right) Tony absolute legend in the barbershop community. He's won the international competition two or three times..but his most notable quartet win was with Max Q. BSHOP rules say that no quartet with more than 2 member from the same winning quartet can compete this was a shot at a third or fourth gold for Tony. Max Q did a similarly fun final round performance in which they sang about how they came in second each of the three years previous to that year....and they won. It's called Here's To The Losers. It has a ton of "in" jokes among barbershopers, but you don't have to be one to enjoy the humor. It's incredibly sung, too.
This year the winning quartet was Instant Classic and they are absolute barbershop rock stars. They entered the adult quartet competition 3 years ago and got 14th. Last year they were 7th...and this year they came in 1st...mainly by singing super consistently. Jumps of that magnitude are unheard of in the barbershop community and as far as I know there's only been one other quartet to ever make such a jump. If I remember right, they came in 2nd every single round this year, but Main Street and Forefront kept switching 1st and 3rd and IC never lost any round by more than a couple tenths.
IC sang an absolutely fucking EPIC ballad. I have never found the finals ballad performance, but I have the rendition they did at an after party. This was done at about 1 or 2 in the morning the night they won:
How Could I Ever Know.
Here's a video of the uptune DURING finals: Love Me or Leave Me.
...I fucking love barbershop and I know all the guys from IC. I'm so proud of them. I couldn't think of four better people to represent barbershop over the next year. Two are choir teachers in my state and the other two are music recording dudes. They fucking love music..and they've done camp after camp (for almost nothing) to educate aspiring barbershopers before this competition.
Dude on the left is giving off a serious Andy Bernard vibe.
The precision involved in this style of singing is amazing.
Spent 6:16 of the video believing the guy on the far right was the bass.
Kinda weird that they start off talking about how songs that are popular on the radio now will be "the good ol songs" 20 years from now, and then proceed to sing two songs that are 15 years old.
For those wondering, the songs they sang in order:
"bum bum I'm a bass.."
Jokes aside, barber shop re-imaging of pop songs can be awesome.
Cool, but Brittany Spears? Really? THAT WAS NEARLY 20 YEARS AGO!!!