Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: random804
Views: 66,844,611
Rating: 4.9391136 out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, Stand, Up, Sketch, Funny, Comedian, Song, Music, Parody, Cover, Australian, Axis, Awesome, Four, Chord
Id: 5pidokakU4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2009
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Wow...TIL: Australia has their own Jack Black.
The thing is, they kind of did. When Robin Thicke took the stand he played the piano and essentially did exactly that with about a dozen songs.
Wasn't exactly this, but the same concept of singing different songs over the same chords. Wasn't enough to to overpower the fact Thicke really sank his own case and the testimony of expert witnesses. For better or worse.
And the judge would've said " fack uff"
I prefer this one.
Only melody and lyrics receive copyright protection, though
I wonder if there's something psychologically linked to these 4 cords. There has to be a reason that it makes people enjoy the song almost instantly.
Holy Shit, this video is even more fascinating than the whole incident.
From the same group: Rage of Thrones.
The most ridiculous thing about the case was the Gaye family crying like they'd been freed from slavery. it's painfully obvious a lawyer told them to do it. I mean, who describes the plagiarism of your father/grandfather's as 'being in chains'?