Main Street - Pop Songs Medley II
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Channel: Barbershop Harmony Society
Views: 341,155
Rating: 4.9396434 out of 5
Keywords: Barbershop Harmony Society, barbershop, singing, a capella, Main Street, Pop Songs Medley, quartet
Id: zdira3Zk-KM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2016
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Oddly enough just 3 or 4 more years and those first 3 songs will be 20 years old... I feel old.
Been listening to Wagner, Tristan and Lohengrin which Barbershop owes much to. In the first part of the video you hear chromatcism the most, secondary dominant chords but not so much of the full diminished chords you heard in Wagner. In the most basic theory you take any full diminished chord and successively alter any note in it by one half step, pulling a minor third into a major third and you get a V7 chord of a different key. But composers short circuit this process and juxtapose chords beyond the possibilities presented in the Classical Period.
In the world of popular music the Beach Boys owe much to Barbershop and the underlying rigor of vocal counterpoint. There is full conterpoint in Good Vibrations for example.
I really don't think they're mocking pop music like that title would suggest . This is very well done though
There's also Max Raabe
This is the old one though, isn't it?