Maiden Flight of The New Jet - CITATION CJ3+

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[Music] all right everyone if we're here in Wichita right now the new CJ three-plus just got painted it looks amazing come on board let's fly back home to New York [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna set the engines up first so he can disconnect it and then we'll do the test carry on [Music] mission into [Music] which filings remember ideas that was a 29,000 15 you ready early times a ground point 91 you said good [Music] our compare plans have been 44 is their land wondering they see that's remaining get to out of here probably so ready for you [Music] so get a citation to my parents wait please - real witch doctors fixed away plan therefore that smile maintain 5,000 expect by the for three than a thorough one through minute death departure doctor frequency one three four twenty five to one to six all right thanks so much so quit away planes as filed maintain five thirty nine and ten torches thirty forty fives from two on Tuesday citation to appear buckshot I think you are wheel box are we back crack and protecting Thanksgiving all right two four six nine lights spinner that was like the that was like put the route that everyone said filing so yeah cool just intact okay alright gents we check DC is on electric trim is good autopilot autopilot alright alright just watch it ease up I'm down I'm up here we go flaps yeah spew breakthrough up and up down email I said take off data we'll come back when we get to fifteen all temperatures are off need us on alpha 30 27 elevation is definitely good all the white plains you up I was just there where yeah yeah thank you ii helped actually been there twice in the last month safety switches now I'll get out of here chips finish I'm clear up my side they're over here which Telegraph the Eagle Creek 3:04 the deep texture of service that every vertex without thank Allah firm text on Ron Paul just one see me taking the content no problem you go quick freezer before ready for ego 3304 runway one right act be being alpha Bravo echo and we're over at the observers that are off the bikes at like three one right be a mic just tell her you're coming clearance that's it it's a first one i've got in a while that's because we're on we're not on airport property okay right here we're on actually our property gotcha interesting all right taxi checks in I check my brakes here it takes yours quickly I chose steer plan your airplane i brakes are good you were here by airplane thank you all right those well steering's working flight instruments are all good it was rudder bias to go there it goes what do you left and there she goes alright everybody check is complete before takeoff I selection is definitely not needed seats Richard's good in the back flaps are 15 indicating 15 clear right speed brakes are down on my side grams 1 2 3 times your sets crew briefing all right Wichita so really any issues we're coming back here do you agree yeah speeds are 102 105 114 130 any issues below V 1 max breaking rusty was that all speed brakes up and issues above 102 or continual rotated 105 and standard ops will come back to land here one right at Wichita 3,100 keeps you above anything that'll hit you perfect and go around but we'll wait for the heading be nav ready to go all right and every citation to me about chops we're gonna go one right Thank You Romeo Foxtrot with spots our win three three zero at four fly runway heading runway one right cleared to takeoff all right where am i heading one right we're clear takeoff citation show me a fun shot all right zero one six is the runway like last not Wichita wind not like it was blowing here last night I went in to dinner at a place yeah at about this little before 7:00 winds were 180 0 at like 25 gusting to 30 I came out 45 minutes later they were 350 at 30 knots Wow all right one right looks good to me you have to I'm happy let's go panels clear stable take up our set she off thrust is made to good engines yes air speed times three they're 70 both sides cross checks you want rotate there's v2 and 10 there's a pause right gears coming up v2 plus 10 is sup your dampener flail change why pepper citation to Romeo [ __ ] I contact the park girls get they make so much happy Thanksgiving citation to your mayor Foxtrot thing alright let's come on departure get up to do the citation tasting to let me know boxer I will try departure radar contact climb and maintain a 1/4 ounce and turn right heading 0 bytes for the client okay right hey I want for 14,000 then - then again - Russia - Romeo contract relations eerily feel right Jeremiah here we go alright 14 and 80 all right back yours up clubs are definitely up photos are climbing see climate safety switch you did that thank you exterior lights hue pressurization is doing its thing [Music] well everyone Ford got busy there we just picked up the new citation CJ three-plus that's been in which stuff for a couple weeks getting painted as it was an all-white airplane in the previous video so head back home now and have a lovely hundred not tail went to be looking forward to hunch to get to 39,000 feet today this aircraft does have a service ceiling a 45,000 feet but the jet stream is strongest at 39 circ to be riding that all the way home because I got turkey dinner with me tomorrow so and mr. Keefe has to get home so that's the plan so welcome aboard and just taking off from Wichita on the way back to White Plains if one's having a great day yeah man I was looking for a tailwind Vegas to Charlotte the other day there just was not one hanging found at least today 22 knots I had 22 that's brutal that's just not right well you know I said that's a better than that July that's true coming out dude a hundred forty not head away and now at least we're gonna get him back see I don't mind if we get it one way and we but what you know what to be able to aviation gods yeah yeah the only one I know exactly happens every time every time that was said seals in LA last month plus we went from Van Nuys to Nashville to lament Foxtrot Colonel hard rock beyond corresponding gain one five oh I won five fifty thousand rock me out course it's your five shot they can cure me about that Kansas City finger one 20.2 today twenty point to Jorah Bachchan Happy Thanksgiving you pay $43 and the city good afternoon citations European [ __ ] shot 12600 coming one five now this is your my pogchamp this next time I see himself up to three there's g30 staycations European my shot 23:23 SC on the way to go we were we went from Van Nuys to Nashville Wow the temp was what took about an hour 22:08 Oh a that's it was it's not even fair though we said at 41 we were doing about Mach 9 too and we had a little over 100 knots push so I mean you know we're going across the ground at about six hundred and seventy knots I feel like you'd get a frequency change but you're just two seconds later just they just keep whatever a rope or a ribbon through a man we were ripping through the center one three two points Jews five threes in a quarter get in 32:25 check on chef we'll see you next time and acidification the European buckshot 17-7 mom that you've returned but they are 13 to 10 I love I'm anything fall free one girl 31 31 I see I still got an oxygen flow on over here that's a good thing good tell what's picking up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] about everyone well we're hoping that descent into into White Plains it's been a super quick flight been spiritually coming out because we are coming down the hill pretty quickly here see I come back into White Plains about two hours 20 minutes airborne time we're about an hour and 55 into the flight just been told to cross the land senior level one nine years that's Jolin if you have working it's magic if you have if you are linked in the videos so far Niner the biggest way that you can show some more interval to being is to hit that subscribe button my channel and do the would really appreciate that that's a really cool stuff some really cool trips coming up that I'm really excited to share with with everyone a bunch of West Coast cool stuff with Santa Monica please deafer and San Diego and Bermuda so it's gonna be gonna be a some really cool videos and some cool trips coming up over the next few months all right start getting our trick let's go in here for approach alright just a cheeky that's gonna be my first video I've ever felt like evening like this kind of thing so I'm curious see that's gonna come out oh cool alright so one six is coming out 150 and 812 and he is the spray we talked about 61 is ready to go to a comfortable yeah yeah thanks I don't recall anyone to ordering those No and that's your art auctions in that moderate turbulence here at 23.5 and secretly Falcao Rogers all right runways good landing config 535 before any ice is off the factors is we good three one ten one or two we got sixty five hundred available and we need 28 there you go perfect sounds manageable yes all right crew pre thing we spoke about it's gonna be that less what six will expect direct fair and fair and at three cleared the ILS it's a left turn off the runway we've briefed the tax you'll go to d1 Ross East Downes group just look at it one more time here so we'll probably take a Foxtrot or book golf left turn and then take it right I said right into the hangar avionics intercept field transfer is off sterile eight to will put it on ice everything's good safety switch is on a snoozer no pollen preparation is descending before landings to go the cool thing is if anyone's on Instagram and I want to go follow the channel go ahead and check out safety snacks in the number-one patient max number one on Instagram we post daily vlogs and all sorts of cool stuff even when we're not filming for YouTube on Instagram so I really enjoy you guys ask incredible questions and I'd love to answer them and then bring you along for the journey so go ahead give that a follow of any ones on Instagram 3 3 3 Hotel Foxtrot boss and Roger Binghamton altimeter two-niner four Niner expect some occasional modern stop associated with the weather for about the next 20 minutes or so ok we'll expect that feel so fast thank you Gilbert - Romeo Foxtrot contact Boston Center one three four point three thirty four three cheerful chuckling no problem you know just like can I get back over it I think Nupur Chauhan cruiser and maybe tell about the ice outside temperatures right in that sweet spot - 21 Kasich good evening citation to European [ __ ] I think he won leveling here at UNC at 19 yeah we're getting some light to moderate rhyme outside there - 21 I know cheering [ __ ] up off from the center Roger and uni lowers the thumb yeah we was like Louis yes sir okay they're tumeric buckshot the son of 19:1 3305 mother all right so one three thirteen thousand to nine and five nine and she wrote me on foxtrot 59 now it's dropping quickly yeah it all from weather city to hell fifty nine one two three times it's what cool thing i don't know if anyone can see that very clear from the video but we have an ice detection light right here and now when that starts to get expanse when that red light starts to expand and i would be an indication at nighttime that we're starting to pick up a something windshield on this just know it works really really well pretty simple and it's a great thing for pilots to use sometimes they can be one of the cool thing coming suits the channel is we're going to have merchandise so if you want to go on my website citation max Habakkuk through that I'm going to go ahead and check that out it will be coming out very shortly so I'm very excited to be when did you get out of the modern rhyme or are you out of it yeah we're still in it so here at thirteen outside air temperature is minus eight a box trap Roger we're gonna get any lower you've got traffic off your left wing right now one PayPal ID say more like one light rub yeah yeah we're I would say probably for late night rhyme but no we're working here we're good I don't care if I'm sure I just thank you for the course see I go ahead and check out citation max calm and we'll have this merchandise on there which we thank everyone will really really like I think hopefully you keep what buy a t-shirt yeah / - did you profit off kind of main thing just right here in the garbage the cart 84 1 P 1200 June 1884 budget dinner table 3 will be a sigh garbage but support precip up here in front of us yeah tech Tara 242 I think your approach 1 to 7 foot 27 click sorry to put together do it they for 139 turn right heading to 7 right she's gonna go for her 130 over to me Fox tracks from the maintain 7 Pao at number seven thousand she wrote me a Foxtrot alright set a thousand I see it seven thousand over two o'clock traffic Erin intersections intercept one we want to localize their deadly all right right turn direct fire enjoyed another one thing is localized 0p on Foxtrot all right that's that's briefed no surprises there right nope I just bumpy pin yeah yeah I dare that tango wasn't messing around little choppy it ain't Delta chopped nope I still got nothing to my way tell your what screens all clean now - so that's good all right we got take your claps together q what is the call time for that time I'd out of this a tech fix that major Saxena Tom isn't good to be here 510 it's plus 15i but turn the engines off yeah 5:38 part in two seven zero to seven 19 mm mm good about ending it - Romeo Fox reduce the two one zero so did you ten ladies cheer up the UH punch time sector 13 and I maintain one zero though turn it off just in time to break yet huh yeah yeah it's going into Charlotte the other day hey they want to be going fast fast fast fast fast slow so so so so they kept me at 2:58 then 210 and 170 Wow all right I got the airport out there you have I call it I got it yeah I'm good Samia Fox Raja traffic turn in front of you 11 o'clock and six miles west on citation mm well look you owe me a Foxtrot don't know hurry is a so it's dark out here he's going slow um I think I see him out there and I'm just not sure if that's near Menaul that's great yeah I'll see you buddy else out there yeah speech ex-parte a contract was just the terror woman eight five seven filling up any holiday excited about hanging a cadet today I'm mature I'm a fox first target one o'clock three miles he's found 16 ounce outfits on many birds okay well look at your posture thank you baby birds sixty dots number two I'm in a fox the cable car come on he's going out to do anything yeah thanks that W is look we need nothing out here queue up here buckshot Turner Fox has a contract question to Tara woman 8.57 today happy Thanksgiving we'll see you sandy hey six threats 860 we start Wilshire 2161 never painted a target or anything are you doing safety Jeremy a [ __ ] shut visual approach one six - Romeo sponsor wishes patellar when one line is there at seven runway one-six Quinlan : one sick [ __ ] shot alright thank you how are you good how are you I'm doing good happy to pick up the plane finally night this guy just working um yeah he's gone great great now all right tell him I said what's up I will n happy Thanksgiving happy thank you also thank you yeah yes diamond what solid so we're over taking it all right speed checks like a little 61 laps 35 autopilot is coming off speed brakes are down on my side v bravo romeo squad VFR flight victors come on Robin Romeo yeah I'm in town for a fly ball we got a husband okay Roger just remain with me and you're down three green flaps 35 really I'm good almost depressurize within Landing limits yes sir D below point 5 you get close all right mr. Pro chapter 2 is it there accept it by 90 left sir I'm unable contact ground exec about anything you guys excited it's dark out here Kurt's been a busy day for them you know sure Thanksgiving I'm sorry Joseph I mean one once approved 500 brought me a radar cosmic Melissa field outside 1800 feet and just fly direct to the Tappan Zee Bridge remain with me alright 7c Avril 18 with you it's a little she Remax yeah I like a lot just a clutch of extra speed hang on to your speed there beast over yeah minimum minimum disregard landing all right oh you know maintain out of all of 25 plungers clear the Bravo all right a durp of 2,500 fear of the Bravo four five bravo romeo he breaks pure function take one one please November to remove our hello you could make the left turn run away one more left turn tax your way out for grounds one to one point a - alright left I want one then and alpha I want to eat you happy Thanksgiving buddy we'll see you next time - [ __ ] shot options given to you anything thank you God thank you alright it's wrong look good it's good buddy of mine mr. Vlad great guy the whole was just the tower just does a terrific job yeah you're buzzed with all those guys - hey great yeah they're just they just do an A+ Dracula Charlie boys have a coach I was your guy use caution companies 6-0 kilo how about some free play the winning one that is you're at seven run away 12.6 wishes getting into the outfit all right mr. Keith welcome everyone welcome to White Plains on this kind of gloomy choppy November evening the day before Thanksgiving if you did enjoy the video please go ahead and hit that subscribe button I greatly appreciate it and welcome to a new york way plains we'll see you on the next video I don't want to take care and thank you for all your continued support see ya [Music]
Channel: CitationMax
Views: 189,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EPFbr8glg8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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