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did the lady say ladies and gentlemen Maggie Smith my word that was a splendid scene hundred Hey I'm sorry that you couldn't see Alec but I understand it's because it's on soon Sally McGowan who's your co-star in the film yes we had to show one or the other and as you're the guest and not Alec well when we thought it would be Rocky you're also the best liner right I mentioned there actually Maggie that's in fact you've been nominated for an Oscar for that performance yes well what exactly does that mean to you when you heard here you'll be nominated I mean do you please do well yes I'm very very pleased in this because I was very very much last minute in the film yes it got Katharine Hepburn yes exactly and for reasons that I don't think are clear to anybody except for miss Hepburn obviously and mr. CooCoo on the powers-that-be an MGM I don't really know what happened but I am delighted because there were many struggles in the film the fact of the Aged and makeup and many many things and also I'm very pleased for Bobby fryer who in an effect produced GB really right and who rarely fought tooth and nail for me to play the part he's also film of his so I'm very glad for him do you think a good a chance I honestly don't think so this don't worry I didn't before I just don't think so this time I read I really really don't know would it be going to the ceremony well no I can't help you of course you're working you're in a crowd I see but in touch I'm deeply relieved because I have been there I was there when we were playing in Los Angeles and I had to present an award to in anti fact John Mills yes wanted and it is the most terrifying experience ever why I don't know I think it's probably because it's the one award in the world that people really do no they just do not know and and there is something so naked and unkind the cameras go in on all the people who are likely to get it in the hope and in their faces and when it goes you know you you're you just and they're all got those stitched on smiles you know they obviously wanted so desperately and of course there it does mean much more than it does to us here yes carries is a tremendous tremendous award to get but did it mean anything for you though in real terms Maggie when you won it for Jean Brodie I mean in terms of work I mean did all of a sudden people start ringing you up no there is a kind of legend which has happened since the Oscars they always sort of said that you don't work very much after you get one I didn't understand why I think it goes back to the fact that when you if you want an ask in the old days let us say your your salary immediately jumped enormous in cause that cannot happen now is unrealistic so the money thing doesn't come into it but there is this odd thing that you don't get offered work because the Nelson yeah what what do you do with a statue it no you put him there on the sideboard at homazooma yeah mine is actually held in holding a door open really see that's very friendly actually it's extremely useful for preferable is it go no sure no it's not good it's tremely heavy and no doubt very useful if intruders come in property shooting introduce archie to her Oscar the tourim go talk a bit about about acting now on Stella had Robert Helpmann on the program last week maybe and he was saying that when he was learning about theatre he went to watch all the great actresses that daily there Edith Evans and came to conclusion that the great thing that they had was a style which is mainly a voice is that something that you would agree with that they did things with their voices that other people were unable to do I did I'm not quite no I don't think that is quite true I think to a certain extent I think it has more to do with the phrasing of things and the way you can turn certain lines you mean say say certain lines in different ways and give a different raising or stressing very yes is it an exam I didn't I can't believe that it is all in in a voice no no I do hope not because my you know mine isn't right for good as if you said it sounded like a strangled what was strangulated of but I didn't say Oh dove oh I thought you said doubt the best right relax good can you give an example of the way that that you can by using your voice and inflection change the sense the meaning of something uh it's frightfully difficult to do and it's one of those curious things is that if you do get a laugh on a set on a certain line which is unexpected I mean I can only talk about laughs because that is an immediate thing I've done it once in a play a coward play not the one I'm in because I would the moment you say something is funny it's it's gossamer it's gone yes yes I had one line which was very small and not really very funny and I had to say at a breakfast this had it is disgusting and eg is not funny I mean nobody has laughed but the whole situation was such that when I said it I suppose I summed up the fact that the entire weekend was was horrendous everything was ghastly and had it was just the final thing and it's something up in one and the audience roared with laughter but unfortunately the critics mentioned it and after that it never ever got a lot yes and I often wonder and I didn't really now I would love to know whether Dame Edith in fact went on getting a laugh on her hand bow mr. whirling well wonders because the line is always in your mind when you think of the play yes and of Demi just and I often wonder if it went on because it's funny in you know because people waited beam yeah I don't know yeah she said something interesting on this program at suited muggy which is relevant to that she said that if she ever got a lie she didn't understand she said it as if it were improper yes well exactly I have followed that yes you remember her saying that yes and it's it's something that you think this is sad if it's is a slightly rude yes hmm but you you understood because you're great actress I've always noticed when you've got an audience you're aware of what the some sort of thing between you and them which makes him very much harder to act on television or in the film than in a theater it's certainly different and it is it's very much more connected with comedy than anything else this rapport and what I think audiences don't fully understand is is how much work they do for you yes without a good audience you are absolutely sad yes right right I mean they do so much it's quite extraordinary they lighten your load and your spirits yes you you find the whole evening is it's not you said about Jake's one cannot live without Jed's investor it makes you fond of people you become fond of the audience they become fond of you and everything is easy you in fact um made your your name really as a review artist didn't you yes nice tone yeah did you enjoy doing review well its mixture really I I didn't really want to do it it was just one of those things that happened yes I was at Oxford I lived in Oxford and I went to a drama school had started there and I did so many things you know round universities there you know you know if you were going ever enough and I suppose quick enough you could almost do weekly read because all the colleges were doing different projects at different time right hmm and we and out of had used to go up to Edinburgh and were the first of the fringe hmm with you know people like named Sharon who are doing different thickness but that was right at the beginning of the husband's anything uh how difficult was it then we're moving from making the transition from review to legitimate theater well it's I ate it didn't strike me as very difficult the awful thing is I don't know quite how to explain it is but things get more and more difficult as you go on but when you start in the theater and I suppose really when you start with anything you have a kind of extraordinary conceit it doesn't really enter your mind that he is going to be as difficult as it is it's the more you do the more you realize that that about my profession anyway that it is an extremely difficult one but but when you start you are blind to the problems you just weighed in and have a feeling that if you know the words and don't bump into the furniture as Nell would say you're going to be alright buddy so I mean it wasn't an enormous chance I mean what you're saying really is is that's a difference between being stage-struck and a practical professional is yes well I mean I mean put a little brown
Channel: margaretmirren1
Views: 50,764
Rating: 4.9737992 out of 5
Id: n1pUX1tzL54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2010
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