Maggie McGonagall

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I thought aalda was very interesting to watch that thing no I'm not doing but what I am saying a lot of actors you know do the same thing well have rehearsed it decided how it's going to be and just do it do it do it whereas amalda was very flexible like every take would be something different things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared things are far worse at Hogwarts than I'd imagined she just sort of works away at it and is very meticulous about it some you'd like to say dear oh there are several things I would like to say each term as it were there's fresh teachers that come in and give everybody a lift blah blah blah blah disloyalty it's a magic place to be I don't think I can get oh dis yes manura mccal and Lura Umbridge are two very distinct characters who are very different but both characters are not what they seem on the surface and I think that's very big element of Joe's books
Channel: margaretmirren1
Views: 1,803,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dame, Maggie Smith, Imelda Staunton
Id: 8sXHMqY18ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 11sec (71 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2009
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