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ladies and gentlemen I've got good news and I've got bad news the good news is this is a video where I will cover multiple chess games in a match played between Magnus Carlson and hikara Nakamura which is definitely our favorite matchup the bad news is unlike some previous encounters which go down to the wire have me screaming for 35 minutes in a recap and end in a one game margin today we are going to be in awe of how Magnus Carlson played this one was slightly less close than some of their other matches but it was still a Titanic back and forth struggle they played some unbelievable highlevel chess but today Magnus came to play and Magnus came to prove a point to such an extent that in his postmatch interview he said something crazy which I will tell you after I show you these games three games this is a best of four so they're playing four rapid games 15minute chess against each other uh if you win two and a half out of three then you don't need to play a fourth game that's how they that's how it works they're playing an online event known as the AI cup fitting name for a chess tournament in 2023 you throw AI on anything the valuation of it goes up by 25% um Magnus begins game number one with the move Knight to F3 and make no mistake hikaro has been the closest rival to Magnus Carlson over the last three years I mean mostly they play Blitz and Rapid but even so uh and and and a lot of that has been online but even so that is the reality so the match begins with a ready Magnus plays C4 so now we are in an English opening this is C4 Knight F6 Knight F3 black has many choices but this particular move order stops black from playing the mainline English reverse Sicilian so kind of a a nice little move order idea there Hikaru plays B6 looking to play a Queens Indian he has been playing a lot of Queens Indians against Magnus recently G3 and I think just in general E6 castles and you will notice that white has delayed the move d4 the move d4 would turn this completely into a queen's Indian but because Magnus hasn't played it he's just developing in a way where he doesn't actually move the pawn to D4 now I'm very confused why he car's clocks has 10 seconds why why does he car's clock say 10 seconds that's very weird I'm going to refresh now and we are going to to go back and that's not really much of a spoiler because this entire video is hyping up Magnus anyway that was very weird all right HEK Caro's time is normal again if you're surprised by the result of the game well I I I just I mean generally from the thumbnail and the title you it's mostly going to be to see how Magnus defeats his biggest rival multiple times so Magnus plays this in a way where the move d4 gets delayed a lot so hikaro plays D5 Magnus trades his flank Pawn for a center Pawn which is a nice trade hikaro takes with the Knight so as to keep the lines open potentially the queen and potentially the bishop now Magnus plays E4 take take and now and only now is he ready with the move d4 so Magnus has played this in a very interesting way where he's going to try to get a very big Center he's going to try to have two pawns versus one then he might play the move D5 in the future he'll put his Bishop out there or to that diagonal if it's possible he'll put his Rook on C1 let's see what happens um Hikaru takes and plays Knight C6 and just visually it looks like black is doing a very comfortable job of fighting back the Knight is out here the queen has eyes on the center the bishop has eyes on the center the knight's got eyes right here everything is good so how is Magnus going to defeat his biggest rival in this format of the last few years who frequently gets wins off of him can beat him in a match how does Magnus outplay arguably the second best chest player in the world right now how does that work let's watch putting his Rook on the C file this move is not complicated I literally just said that move if I know that that's one of the best moves Magnus definitely knows hikaro plays Rook C8 so they're both fighting for equity on the D file C file rather Queen D3 the queen slides out the idea of this move is twofold you'd like to take back with a rook so that your Rook is there you also want to prevent anything from getting onto this diagonal Hikaru now plays Queen D7 trying to keep the tension but what hikaro apparently should have done is takeen which seems like you wouldn't want to do that because you'd give up the file but the computer is totally unafraid and just likes the pressure and if white tries to play a move like E5 you just go back and this one pawn move cannot be taken back you can't bring the pawn backwards and actually black gets really good control of the light squares apparently all right I don't make the moves I just relay them to you hikaro tries to keep the tension magnus's other key idea in the position is to move the Pawn into the center if that move becomes possible in the Queen's Indian structures white is going to get a big Advantage why does this move Look impossible because black has three things covering it right Black's entire position is set up to prevent that move and suddenly it's possible it's possible because of tactics Rook is going to the bishop so at the end of the big clearance The Rook is going to see the bishop black can't really take their eyes off the bishop so Karo plays Rook C1 and now something weird happens because rather than taking with the bishop here which you would think would serve a purpose to counter no instead of that Magnus takes with the rook and now we see the idea in full effect it has nothing to do with the pawn is it's not nothing you do with the bishop it's not take take I mean if you you go down this line Black's just Pawn up and Magnus is not going to be happy here the idea of that move was to bring in the Knight now you come in with a Tempo on the Queen the Queen moves and E takes D5 with the idea of playing Pawn to D6 now Magnus has made some progress in the position so he's gotten here but he's lost a pawn the way hikaro has done this is he's got five and Magnus only has four but the quality of that one is really damn good not only does Magnus have the potential to push it he's completely restricting this knight from any activity and this bishop also the open lines and the space Advantage contribute to attacking possibilities Magnus plays the best move Queen C3 setting up potential checkmating on opportunities over here and infiltration points with the queen in the future also the queen could be trapped sometimes not right now but I'm just saying that's all ideas Bishop F6 Rook A1 forces the queen and despite being a pawn down Magnus trades the queens and gets in with his rook and now we really see the problem that Bishop is sealed off from society and is now being targeted the Knight comes back Magnus improves his position yet again he's building upon his positional Advantage he now has all the benefits of his position mine is being upon down hearo trades the Rooks it's a minor piece end game d Pawn versus B Pawn this Pawn is of a much higher quality here come the Kings Bishop A3 Bishop E7 Magnus poking trying to weaken the black position Knight C6 now it's Bishops versus Bishop Knight the pawn is two scores away from queening but it's very very closely being monitored and it's a Time scramble can the best endgame player of all time beat arguably one of the best defensive players of the modern generation I mean you're probably looking at two of them right now but he car is ridiculous at defending these positions he will do it against everybody in the world but will he do it against Magnus Carlson Knight A6 looking for a knight versus Bishop endgame Magnus mobilizing pushing his Pawn forward to restrict Black's airspace Hikaru in this position makes a very big decision he plays G6 the risk of that move is after H6 both these pawns are targets for that light squared Bishop if the game ends it will be because of that cluster it will be because of that decision but it's not easy cuz if you go here the white king walks in anyway so it's a very tough position to defend hikaro makes a big decision with 30 seconds on the clock Bishop F1 G4 hikaro fights back the pawns are slowly falling but instead of Bishop f8 apparently hikaro had to go here and the point is he had to lose this pawn and go for this pawn and that's the way he was supposed to fight back after sustained pressure suddenly Magnus has isolated this position and he goes here and it's almost impossible to stop this the only way to try to do it is to play B4 and after Bishop A2 check King E7 and Bishop to G8 Knight to E6 takes Bishop takes F4 Bishop takes F5 Bishop takes H6 hearo had to be a little bit aggressive but he goes here and now in this position Magnus can go back to A2 but he does it this way Pawn Falls and I told you the end game will be decided like this and I mean this is the magnesian school of Chess right here winning an end game like this from start to finish a sustained nastiness a sustained pressure and he had it the entire game like from this point forward this game was going to be decided by activity in the center that pawn that pawn led to the Restriction of the black position the infiltration of white on the a file the transformation into an end game where only white is calling the shots and then we went from there into a Knights versus knight and Bishop versus two Bishop endgame and it was just pressure pressure pressure pressure and black had to be perfect and he was for 43 moves and on the 44th he lost and that's sort of how it goes when you play Magnus now there's one guy that you're going to call on to beat Magnus in a must-win situation it might be Hikaru Hikaru opens game two with an offbeat jobava London style Gambit he he plays this in one of these like odd lines where white might lose a center Pawn but White's going to get crazy activity and it's going to challenge magnus's theoretical knowledge Magnus takes on e4 with the Knight and now hikaro plays a move I've never seen in my life instead of taking and then taking which is a line I've actually played myself Queen A5 you can play Queen D2 if Queen C5 there's like Knight E2 and there's obscure Gambit lines here all over the place instead of that Hikaru gets his Center Pawn taken and goes here this looks like 300 ELO chess now you will also notice he spent a lot of time spent a lot of time he spent like 90 seconds on this I don't know if it was a bluff I don't know what it was the Knight went out to defend against Knight C7 now Karu kicked out this Knight and then he took and then he went here and then he took the Knight trying to damage the structure Magnus gave a check instead to try to take back and now Karo played this nice idea B4 the point is if you take this and check I will come back attack your queen and then you will never take the bishop so we have this this we kick out the queen queen B3 and now we have this position okay hikaru's got a very weird position he is up a pawn but Magnus has dominant control of the light squares it's unclear if white is ever going to Castle and if Magnus can get castled himself he will put Rooks here and bombard the white position and like win the game hikaro plays A4 seizing more queenside space and then he continues to make moves that do not make any progress toward castling very dangerous stuff Queen C6 the Knight is out now Knight D4 is possible Magnus tries to fight back with the pawns and hikaro plays Pawn C3 take take the pawn is lost you may ask yourself why didn't hikaro play something like Knight to D4 here Knight to D4 definitely looks good but after something Queen C8 it might not be clear how to sustain stay in the position after move like B6 are on the way Knight D4 is very natural but probably hikaro didn't like something cuz I got to tell you this move looks very very natural to me Queen D5 maybe take take with pressure on the pawns I'm not sure clearly he did not like something and instead he Chucks the a pawn plays Rook D1 and all of a sudden black is doing very well black has all the benefits of his position but he's no longer down a pawn bishop B2 still castling from Hikaru he gets the rook in the corner now you may be wondering how did Magnus get his Rook trapped good question instead of B6 black had to go Rook d8 the idea if white plays Knight C3 now Queen into D3 sacrificing The Rook not quite but you know leaving it to hang that's actually not a sacrifice whatsoever that would I mean just Queen D3 is a counteract and then if something like Rook D1 here boom G3 boom King one that would be nice if it was mate but you can't teleport but just Queen F3 and so Magnus suddenly loses the grip on the position loses The Rook now Karo threatens Checkmate Magnus plays Bishop F6 and Hikaru plays Queen E3 so Hikaru still hasn't castled he also can't Castle because it's illegal super weird game extremely back and forth now Karu goes from slightly better may be in the opening to equal to potentially worse for a couple of moves very chaotic game Bishop H4 check played by Magnus trying to induce white into making another weakening move and then he goes back here to defend his Pawn plays Rook B8 and but suddenly hear is breaking out king F2 nothing can get into the second rank Bishop C2 looks really good but immediately blunders this which is a fork so we have King F2 the queen gets in closer Rook C1 and all of a sudden hikaro is winning Bishop C2 hiar is winning it's completely winning here plays Queen D2 pinning the bishop to the queen queen C5 check King G2 kar's completely winning wait a minute in this position with 30 seconds on the clock Yaro had to find Bishop to D4 which simultaneously hits the queen this and that and the only way to play on in this position would have been Rook to d8 by black because if take then take but Hikaru could win here with the move Rook to B8 which is a disgusting Rook sacrifice which crosses The Rook to the king so The Rook can't actually take the bishop if the Rook can't take the bishop then the queen can't take the bishop because the queen would take the queen and the Rook can't take the queen because of the pin on the king and if you get rid of that you would lose your queen and if you do nothing I'll take the rook and then I'll take the bishop so black has too many things hanging at the same time he probably missed that considering he's a human being and he has 30 seconds on the clock he goes here and Magnus is able to sack his Queen and get just enough for it and even here hikaro might have been able to play Bishop takes G7 with the idea of King G7 and a fork or I guess I don't know which Fork is better and then taking the bishop but instead of that he goes here and then Magnus Magnus does something unbelievable here um Queen C1 and Magnus Carlson in this position gives away his Rook because the Bishops create a defensive Fortress I have never seen something like this Magnus gave up a full Queen in an endgame to create an impregnable Fortress the only only way for white to win this position is to somehow win one of the Bishops and to use his pawns but it's not winnable G4 and black just moves back and forth Bishop G6 white plays H4 black might play H5 and there's just no way in King F4 Bishop I don't know you you can even you could probably even just move back and forth but what's one thing you should do play on Karo goes here and offers a draw that's wild now he obviously thought this was not winnable there is no way to walk the king in and you know get there and you you can't you've got to rely on your pawns but he didn't even try which is the craziest part to me if hikaro was white here against I think any other Grandmaster on the entire planet he would have pushed his Pawns he didn't even do that which is like there is no risk I mean hearo is not going to lose his queen and I don't know like to uh I'm not I'm not coaching hikaro that's not what I'm saying but I am stunned he just played King G2 and offered a draw like of course Magnus is not going to make a mistake but I mean any pawn push would weaken Black's position right but you know may maybe even queen versus two Bishops is is just a draw but I I mean I I it should be winning like I'm pretty sure but I don't know again these guys they they but you should be able to at least post some problems you've got to make the guy work but I mean he he must have been so dejected or frustrated that he he didn't even play on I think only Magnus can do that to hiar only Magnus can do that to most grand Masters and that's two games so they drew now Magnus has to win this game to put hikaro away Magnus plays Knight F3 again and this time he Caro plays the Kings Indian defense Kings Indian is an opening that he has played many many times and by playing this he wants to get this over with right now Korean Zombie Max Holloway round three he's going to go out in a shield sword he's going to go out in a sword not a shield uh we have a king's Indian defense and hikaro plays Knight A6 the the Knight A6 system could sometimes lead to C5 you could also play C6 you could also play E5 Magnus castles and plays a very principled approach uh a very provocative approach as well hikaro plays Knight G4 targeting the bishop the bishop goes here trying to get something to go here hikaro commits a queen move instead and Magnus plays very simple chess he trades in the center and he basically says if you want to beat me in a Kings Indian defense you're going to have to do it with symmetrical Pawn structure with an open Center you're not going to be able to get some Avalanche of Pawns which a Kings Indian player wants you have to beat me in this position Queen C1 I'm going to go Pawn to H3 and I'm going to go trade dark squ Bishops with you or you can kick me out but now I have eyes on this pawn and this is a threat so you have to go here and now Magnus plays a very nice idea Pawn C5 and he basically says hearo if you want to attack me here that's fine I'm going to attack you on this side put my knight out Target this now some of you may be wondering is that a free pawn it is but then Knight D5 Targets this if something like the Knight going to E6 take take and the queen is going to pressure everything black is not going to be able to start an attack because the Queen's going to have eyes on the king that's sort of the idea hearo plays C6 and normally giving up a bishop for a knight is not a good move but Magnus is playing other worldly level of positional chess right now he just takes just gives up the bishop completely just completely gives it up why Black's pawns are now split doubled that square is Juicy whatever you will do in the future if you will get something to the D6 Square you are going to be very very happy and black is going to be unable to utilize any of this the only plan black has remaining is the move F5 the typical King's Indian attacking move Magnus knows that he pushes hikaru's Knight in front of the F Pawn and he plays Rook D1 again black is in Dire Straits doubled pawns weak C Pawn weak D6 Square potentially targeted Pawn the only way that black can play this position is by creating an attack Magnus knows that you may argue he's down three minutes on the clock so he's not exactly the most comfortable in this position I don't you know I I don't I'm not going to argue against that but he knows that desperate times call for desperate measures he knows that hikaru's next few moves are going to be all of this he knows that he is forcing the game deliberately into that direction just like in Judo to use his opponent opponent's momentum against him hikaro plays Queen E7 Magnus defense Hikaru undevelop the Knight this is an indication of one thing and one thing only the move F5 is coming Magnus knows that he knows he Caro's back is against the wall hiar would not have played a king's Indian defense if he doesn't want to go out right now Queen C2 bring it you want to play F5 do it because it's the only thing you can do if you don't play F5 white is going to slowly methodically improve his position take more space put a knight on D6 and you're going to lose there it is the forces have now clashed Magnus and hikaro are headed down in the exact same direction Magnus takes why does he take why would he help his opponent develop a piece and attack his Queen because what happens to these two pawns the pawns that several moves ago Magnus damaged he knew that this was coming you're obviously not going to take with the Rook either because there's no threat here and the Knight Will very quickly route to to the center and your Rook doesn't play a pivotal role so black has to take slight spoiler but you knew that was coming anyway black has to take on F5 with the pawn now Magnus plays the best defensive move best defensive move you know what it is little Shuffle little Shuffle Just slight Shuffle what's the idea the idea is to fight back against the queen and the pawn so for example black wanted to play Knight F6 you bring a second Rook you put the Rook on D6 that's it it it it's just a matter of I'm fighting here and this Rook would have had no role in the game cuz that Rook was there I moved that Rook there a little while ago little while ago with a constant pressure over here and now very calmly I move it back Hikaru come get some Queen F7 side stepping bringing my second Rook hearu still obviously mobilizing Magnus reroutes the Knight he's going to put the knight in front of the G file and pressure that pawn and that pawn and maybe go there in the future to take something Knight to G3 the Knight doesn't need to go there it's got no future on any of these squares so let's bring it here Bishop B6 Knight g3 at some point Karo is going to have to jump forward King h8 he unpin himself but it's the wrong move apparently it's the wrong move Knight H4 this is a fork but then Knight G6 check so Rook f8 safeguarding the pawn look at M just very look just very calm one move at a time one move at a time literally side sliding The Rook over bringing the second Rook rerouting the Knight one move at a time rerouting that Knight to pressure F5 and F4 Knight G six check teaming up with the queen black goes here to defend the bishop slides out of the way to reroute to the C3 square and maybe that diagonal just in the future with pressure on this here comes F4 Magnus has been waiting for this move to arrive for a long time he knew hikaro was going to attack him the whole game now he gets to G6 Hikaru is ready to sacrifice The Rook on f8 you sacrifice The Rook on f8 black immediately counters Magnus just brings both Knights there that's why he did all of that Knight H4 Knight H now the knights are knocking on the door multiple pieces will be stripped from the attack hearu moves the bishop back Magnus picks up the Rook Hikaru takes back and now the best move of the game shutting it down absolutely totally completely Pawn to G4 that's it if these pawns can't break loose and open the position Black's not getting any attack black is not getting in here you can take on pant but keep in mind that when you do that you activate magnus's bishop and then you activate the G file to activate the open G file Hikaru plays Bishop A2 Magnus centralizes his Queen to now start targeting Hikaru the king is under brutal attack the Knight goes to the middle The Rook opens up and goes to F3 and G3 potentially Knight F6 check another piece has been removed from the attack the queen takes the Rook but Queen E7 check Queen D6 check Queen D7 check and in this position hikaro resigned because the only place the king can go you are running into a knight check and your queen is lost and hikaro beat yeah Magnus beat hikaro two and a half out of three games today dominant performance in the first game winning in pure magnesian style a positional squeeze from start to finish utilizing one Advanced pawn and a a slight misconfiguration of the black Army to slowly methodically for 40 moves turn the screw until it couldn't go anymore and beating Hikaru in an opposite in a minor piece end game in the third game obviously desperate times called for desperate measures it was a Kings Indian defense Magnus picked apart the black position effortlessly anticipating the attack shutting it down completely and attacking on his own on the defile black tried to attack the momentum was brutally used against him and that second game creating one of the most obscure defensive cocoons I've ever seen in my life today Magnus was on another level and I told you in the beginning of this recap he gave an interview after where they asked him about his Rivals and paraphrasing Magnus basically said in the top tier of players in the world it's Magnus and there are no Rivals and then he said Hikaru is basically as close of arrival to him as possible and that's a pretty cold thing to say you know I it's one thing as us Spectators I'm a spectator more than I'm I'm an enjoyer of Chess I relay it to you and you enjoy it a lot because I'm at a strong enough level where I can break down the moves by the best players in the world for you to understand and why they're relevant why the players are relevant their personality is the drama of the of the Chess World and all that that's why you know that's I I am that uh connection to you and the for you in the Chess World um here's my question is it better to just have one dominant guy at the top of Chess and completely throw out all other candidates as potential rivals or would you prefer that we had a degree of uncertainty every time Magnus and Karo played each other or Magnus than anybody but if there's one man on the planet in most formats that you think could get a game off Magnus at any given moment at right now it's it's it's Hikaru In classical chess 90-minute chess three hour 4 Hour chess I don't know it might be Hikaru it might be Fabiano Carana I'm not exactly sure it could be ding L Ren although he's not playing a lot of tournaments I prefer that when Magnus competes it is not certain he's going to win everything because what are we even selling to anybody if Magnus is going to win every single event it's a foregone conclusion why are we even watching what are we watching for just to see him win another thing is that as interesting as him not winning I don't know I'm posing that question to you it's like when the Golden State Warriors got Kevin Durant those of you that don't watch basketball just bear with me it's like the best team in the league got the best player in the league basically second best player in the league uh and got even better and then yes they won every single year except when he got injured um and then you know Charles bar said that we just had to sit around for a year and pretend that they were not going to win I prefer to have a Magnus hiar rivalry cuz Magnus doesn't have a rival than anything else there's no other person that you could basically say that guy is going to beat Magnus in a head-to-head match he car is also the most popular chess player professionally in the world tied with Magnus however you want to with all the followers and everything so that's that those are my thoughts and uh today Magnus came to play and not only did he come to play he also afterwards said that he doesn't consider the fact that he has any Rivals so wow gotta love it gotta love it we need some more trash talking in chess I'll see you in the next video get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 618,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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