Hans Niemann Wins With 200% Accuracy

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ladies and gentlemen probably the most notoriously talked about name in the world of Chess is Hans Neeman Hans Neeman just went through a wild ride in 2022 and it's currently late November 2023 and he is back to competing actively in chess tournaments across the globe he is currently playing a tournament in Croatia it is called the tournament of Peace it's a nice name but Hans Neeman did not show up to Zagreb Croatia with peace on his mind he has played seven rounds of this tournament and has 6 and 1 half out of seven points with many brilliant games to display he has gained something like 20 ELO he is performing at an ELO of 3,3 after seven rounds of action the last time that I made a video title that said Hans demon won with 100% accuracy I was trying to Gass the man up as the kids say hype them up but Hans demon did not feel that way he thought I was maybe playing into the insinuation so Hans and any Hans fan out there this is an open message to all of you I'm trying to Hype Hans up and I'm trying to bring some of these epic games to all of you at home all right and in today's video I'm hoping to do exactly that as Hans detonated a sensational game of chess upon us let me know in the comments if you'd like me to cover some of the other games this video is just getting one cuz I don't have enough time I don't have enough time I want to give all of these games a a a fair uh amount of time then he tweeted the man is is cooking and we need a bad boy uh in the Chess World if you ask me we we need a guy that's going to talk the talk he's going to walk the walk and uh he he's going to get some good results so Hans played Grandmaster Robert zelic who I believe is a 30 or 40y old Grandmaster from Croatia he's also played a lot of very good players uh chiarino sakov ivanchuk so let do let me know uh and I will cover those games but this game oh my e 4 is how han started C6 Caron defense played by Robert uh and by the way um Robert doesn't have a photo on chess.com anytime a player doesn't have a photo on chess.com I make an open plea to chess.com uh to reinstate uh the photo now uh one more thing really quick uh I'm going to Toronto to cover the Champions Chester finals if you live in Toronto or you know somebody who lives in Toronto or you're in Canada you want to come to Toronto December 7th link will be in the description we're doing one last fan book event for the year D4 December 7th tickets on sale now D5 Caro KH defense Hans plays E5 this is the most principled way of playing it's the most aggressive way of playing and um we know we know Hans is uh is is like a pirate right he's uh he he's going to try to make things interesting and exciting and aggressive he's like uh who's the pirate from the the the anime Luffy luy Luffy right he's like he's like that they even look the same C5 played by zelich there are two main lines here Bishop to F5 uh as well as C5 and um black chooses C5 this is one of the ways to uh instigate against White Center um but uh White plays Knight to F3 so the critical line is D Tak C5 accepting the pawn and basically saying you're not going to get it back anytime soon so good luck uh but in this game instead of that Hans plays Knight F3 and there are two lines here for black one of the lines is to take on D4 right away if that happens Hans might play Knight he might play Knight takes D4 but he also might play Queen takes D4 there's this new edgy line that's become becoming a little bit more popular Knight C6 attacks the queen and then the queen comes to F4 I don't know if that's what Hans had in mind because after Knight to F3 uh black did not take on D4 uh and instead played the move Knight to C6 so yeah Knight C6 and now Hans took on C5 so all of that for nothing right like you know D takes C5 and maybe may maybe Huns thought his opponent would play E6 and would not play Knight C6 but by forcing his opponent to play Knight C6 DC is now played and Hans says no I'm no prick me dainty I'm not just giving you the pawn on C5 you're not just going to walk all over me you can't have the pawn on C5 as a matter of fact if Bishop takes C5 Bishop C5 Queen A5 check I will play B4 so that's not possible and if Bishop E3 Queen A5 check either C3 threatening B4 or queen D2 and Black's not going to win this Pawn back so white essentially says you know what I ain't giving you the pawn you had a chance you played in a way that blocked your bishop and now I'm not going to give you the pawn back so black plays Knight to H6 um this is the vertical move trying to play Knight G4 trying to play Knight F5 both moves Target the bishop Knight F5 also targets the bishop if it goes to D4 Knight G4 also targets the pawn white has many options here white can actually take and damage black structure but then white will lose support of C5 and even though you do damage Black's pawns and maybe weaken the king uh it's not for everybody um white plays C3 right so couple of ideas behind C3 number one the bishop will be glued into the center and therefore defending everything number two you will play B4 and you will create this big cluster on the side of the board uh zelich plays Knight F5 as you can see here Hans uh already kind of I mean from the time usage seems like on his own right I don't think he would spend 8 minutes in the opening uh if he wasn't on his own so Knight F5 and now Bishop D4 now all of this has been played before essentially White NOW hangs on to both Center pawns and says you can't have them black meanwhile will develop his Bishops and castle and then probably undermine with B6 and the computer evaluates this position as equal but it's a little bit hard to play with black because you're a pawn down so like at the end of the day after a while any human here is going to just you know malfunction a little bit and get a little bit aggressive try to do something and maybe it won't work so Bishop D4 Bishop D7 played by black he's still not thinking right Rook C8 B6 Bishop E7 maybe F6 in the future a lot of ideas and Hans plays Bishop B5 um Bishop B5 technically hangs a pawn technically technically um it it technically hangs upon PA because now black can play Knight takes E5 which is a move that he cannot play normally but in this case he can play it because the Knight defends the bishop and if you take this Knight then he's going to take your Bishop preventing you from castling so Hans decides to not engage in a theoretical discussion he spends a few minutes on this move I mean again he also could be bluffing and this could have all been his preparation uh but you could play like A3 here and then try to play before to Hans plays B5 uh Bishop B5 now again black could do nothing black could just like Play Bishop B7 but then if you do nothing for too long when you play Black uh you're going to have a really tough time winning the pawn back so I will take maybe take and then you know play Knight A3 and hold my queen side together yeah instead of engaging in all of that Hans plays Bishop E5 forces this move basically Knight takes C5 very big decision do you take on D7 or do you take the Knight so Bish takes D7 is possible but then black goes back and the pawn is still hanging then you have to play B4 at which point black will play Rook C8 you can Castle but black is going to also develop his pieces play B6 and smash these Pawns in the future so believe it or not instead of All That Knight takes E5 is what white chooses and my question is how is Hans demon ever going to Castle how's he going to castle with black also pressuring his bishop and pressuring his Pawn like Black's next moves are very obvious his next three moves right so what is Hans going to do here well Hans plays A4 that move makes sense you either Force the bishop to go back to its hole or to hang out on A6 trying to prevent you from castling he does go back to D7 I guess after Bishop A6 he just didn't like B4 and it's very simple you will just get hit with B5 you can play Knight takes D4 white will go here who's stopping B5 like by the time you know look at this that's not very pleasant so instead of all that instead of dealing with hans's Pawn Avalanche he goes back to D7 and Hans what A5 but what about castling why did Hans spend 24 minutes 25 minutes 24 25 on what that's a weird move you know I might even messon I might be like what A5 that that's not a move that I as a human I mean I'm I'm looking at this right Bishop to E7 then I'm looking at B4 but that but that's why I'm commentating the tournament and Hans is playing it right like this is what looks good to me why on Earth would you ever play A5 so Bishop B5 number one is a question but that's actually not a huge deal because it looks like black but but B4 is still very strong so it's not really the problem that Bishop B5 is happening it's more the problem of like what's happening now right like why why okay A5 wow okay A6 is what was played in the game by the way A6 was played so castles finally Hans down 28 minutes on the clock but the position is kind of a a fresh position and Hans has a little bit of space on this side of the board right black plays Bishop E7 I already told you this Black's idea Hans takes the bishop Hans takes the bishop because traditionally in in most situations the Knight will be the better piece to trade but also if Hans Waits a little longer this bishop will go to B5 and then it will live there and there is no B4 there is no B5 and the bishop is very powerful on this diagonal so Hans trades and uh will he take the pawn uh excuse me excuse me not will he take the pawn oh my goodness I need another coffee not will he take the pawn he is eyeing this Pawn he's not going to take it at the moment it is defended I mean he could take it at the moment then I wouldn't be making a video about this game or maybe I would uh but he has eyes on it for the future and now he plays B4 completely giving away the bishop just basically saying that Bishop is a glorified Big Pawn and black castles okay both sides have made 15 moves of this game so far nothing impressive the sides have played an opening but now what right like how is white looking to make use of his space Advantage white has a four on two Brewing on this side of the board four pawns versus two will he try to win an endgame will he try to Target this side of the board that seems unlikely it seems pretty unlikely that Hans nean is going to create an attack on the king side here I mean he's not threatening May I don't really know and black is always threatening to take his Bishop so Hans plays Knight D2 now black can take then black can play Queen B5 but believe it or not at some point the simple threats against White's position run out then after a couple of more Preparatory moves Hans will trade queens and then he will play B5 so in a perfect situation what will happen is something like this where H just has long-term endgame pressure on those pawns that he Advanced so early in the game cuz in every position you have to think about where the pawn breaks are going to happen and you think you have to think about who would be happier with what trade this is the biggest weakness in White's position but it is very comfortably defended by the Knight and the Knight also comfortably defends this Pawn break so if anybody's winning this battle it is White's Knight and because white has more space on the only side of the board that matters white controls the tempo of play so Knight F3 is what was played in the game Rook E8 Rook E1 right so all all all of those things happen B4 castles uh excuse me Knight takes D4 what like if if that were to all happen right but Bishop d8 was the move chosen by zelic he played Bishop to d8 I guess he's trying to reroute he's not ever going to successfully land B5 but he could potentially use his pawns like this Hans now plays Bishop to E5 so he is ready to meet this move with a capture okay then Knight B3 also he is ready to induce F6 Hans is daring his opponent to start touching his pawns daring him because the second you start moving your pawns onto one color the other color complex gets weak right so Han is daring his opponent to play F6 and the opponent does he says you know what I think that's stupid of you to allow F6 so F6 and now Hans rotates to G3 now things change if you want the bishop I no longer have to put a pawn there so my cluster stays together and stays strong I don't have to go here weakening my structure go ahead and take me black does he thinks for a little bit he does take the pawn on G3 now a big decision take toward the center which is traditionally what you're supposed to do or take away from the center and open up the Rook Hans chooses the principled approach and the opponent finishes the reroute with Knight with Bishop to C7 now position is still kind of closed the way you evaluate a whether a position is closed or open is the amount of Pawns on the board and in this case they have seven each which traditionally means the position is closed but there are openings right there's openings and it's very imbalanced it's a very imbalance close position four on two over here black the only one on the board with Center pawns white has no Center Pawns right White had to take away from the center so black might want to go here and white might try to utilize for example that square that square looks really juicy like getting a knight to B6 but you can't really do that because if Knight C4 you get taken right so that doesn't quite work um so how are you going to take advantage of of Black's position here well you're going to play Knight C4 oh oh because of the pin look at Hans utilizing that right and Hans by the way look at his time he spent a lot of time in the opening right he spent a lot of time in the opening but now he sped up so he started understanding the position a little bit right he he got to a position where started understanding let me get my knight here right oh he wants to trade Bishops with me yeah let's let's not do that let's not trade let's play Bishop B5 and let's trade this way very important the way we trade and and what the Fallout is Knight C4 and now Hans lands the Knight on B6 and the Knight is stuck there you know like keratin debris if you will right it's stuck there it's stuck on B6 the only way to get rid of it is to take it but if you take it White's pawns come alive now I am always knocking on the door and when I split the B Pawn I'm going to get that and my Pawn's a passer it is a pass pawn two squares away from queening at all times so in all end games white is going to win cuz white will deflect this pawn and and queen that is very very important so black really doesn't have to doesn't have a choice he's got to leave the pawn there plays Queen C6 right Hans brings his Rook very simple very straightforward slides The Rook good pressure looking to use his pawns but not yet this cluster is very powerful very annoying black needs to do something with his pawns so it it's very difficult for black to do nothing black needs to do something with his pawns but if he plays E5 d 5 gets really weak and suddenly becomes a Target now he gets out of the way suddenly Rook D1 now black could play D4 of course but the pawn is walking to its own death right I'm going to hit the queen I'm going to force the queen to move I'm going to get in right so the problem here for black is that after something like Rook e one it's very tough for him to make a decision so he plays H6 he spends seven minutes and he pushes a pawn but you might remember on the 20 this is the 22nd move on the 17th move of the game Hans got his opponent to play the F Pawn to F6 it used to be really nice black used to have a dark squared Bishop complemented by six pawns out of seven on light squares the light squares had a Harmony to them the dark squares had a Harmony to them Hans slowly forced one Pawn to go into a dark square and now out of inertia another Pawn if there was anything black should have done it's probably G6 he probably should have kept more of a light squared control and then if white played Queen E2 he can even defend with his King it's ugly but it's kind of difficult for white to do anything white would have to probably start using his pawns Hans would have to try doing something on that side of the board DC you can reroute the Knight right but black plays H6 and now there are just the slightest of weaknesses we see this eval creeping up a bit but can Hans take advantage of that evaluation Queen D3 tough moment this queen trade is terrible now not to mention you lose this Pawn but this end game is overwhelming that cluster that really key A5 move Hans played that mysterious A5 move on the 12th move of the game and look at the structure later suddenly it's making sense black now starts fighting in the center but the evaluation is growing the more that black how many pawns is that one two three of his six pawns are now on light squares dark squares excuse me they're on dark squares weakening the light squares the harmony Black's dark squared Bishop is stuck behind the dark squar pawns its only option is to perish against the Knight hwn plays Rook D1 one and suddenly zelic is realizing I don't really know how to defend this Pawn that I that you know that I just Advanced so I have to take but I told you a long time ago that opens up a whole new host of problems that simple trade leaves white with a massive majority of pressure so in every endgame now black might not lose but black will suffer tremendously not like a Buddhist either all right there's no suffering and then a and then and then a you know a higher after life none of that I think he's just going to suffer he plays Rook D7 now Hans has a Target Hans has a Target Hans has a Target he has a Target right what else he has is light squares that were weakened by his opponent so Hans methodically surgically screws the queen into F5 where it cannot be removed it cannot be removed with a pawn and the only way to remove it with a with a queen is to offer an exchange so that's what black does he plays Rook e eight Hans plays Rook D2 preparing very simple preparing now if black plays Queen E6 look at the look at this jump how is that possible because of this it's all because of this now it's impossible to defend yourself you play D4 you just lose the pawn so you can't defend yourself Rook D2 he plays Rook d8 instead of Queen D6 just plays he's waiting he's basically just waiting for Hans to arrive now it is up to Hans will Hans find a way it's queens and Rooks poking and prodding light squired weaknesses are good all of this is good this is all generalist type of Concepts but K Hans find a concrete way in F4 look at this look at this forcing black to make a critical decision this is by the way one of the last two pawns that hasn't had a chance to move yet this Pawn is going to struggle to move this Pawn has a free hand F4 nothing looks good here anymore for black if you take this Pawn Hans could take with the queen or the pawn but that Pawn's an isolation Pawn now and black could try to bulldoze it forward there's Hans could play Rook D1 he could also just play C4 he just wait Pawn's walking into de it's walking to its own death and there is nothing black can do nothing every Square in White's position is accounted for Rook D1 Rook D4 hide the King on H2 where it's safe F4 nice move by Hans E4 is what black chooses Rook D4 now it's just a matter of time now if I asked you whether this was a tactical game or a positional game a game that was decided by squares Maneuvers trades structure that would be a positional game Hans won a very nice strategic game right no the underlying strategy Maneuvers Pawn structures trades and decision-making yes was positional but now black tries to fight back and chess is like 99% tactics you have probably heard this before well this game is no different King to F7 Queen to H5 check forcing the king back to his layer now G4 Hans decides I don't want to win this game by slowly prying my opponent's defenses apart I want to combine my positional dominance with a tactical strike on the black position he pushed these pawns out of inertia he didn't know what he was getting himself into when you push the Pawns in front of the king where you've castled they turn into hooks hooks are Pawn targets that the attacking side can exploit to force exchanges the queen goes to E6 Rook goes to D1 more pressure here all three pieces there C4 critical going to bulldoze that side of the board F5 G5 Queen G6 black plays E3 trying to create counterplay but now he has removed Mo the Synergy of his position Queen goes to F5 Hans created the threat of tactics he created he was knocking on the door he created the threat that he is going to go Checkmate his opponent his opponent had a drastic overreaction like in any combat right the if if a fighter is reacting to a shot that's hurting them well now Queen F5 that pawn has wandered too far that pawn will be stopped by a rook or a king and the game is over you're going to lose the end game zelic decides you know what no no Queen trade I'm going to play an end game so Hans says okay rookie one I don't want to go he decides I want my queen on the board I don't want to go for an endgame I want to create counterplay black tries to create count look at this A5 we have completely forgotten about that pawn that pawn can't move there's no way there's nothing that pawn can even do but there it goes now Hans has to decide is he going to acknowledge this is is this worth acknowledging is the Pawn's going to sneak by right you could take but then suddenly you're look at this destabilizing your advantage so what is Hans going to do well G5 what is Hans doing his Rooks can't help him right they're stuck so what gives takes on before right now look at look at this was very clever he just takes on B4 nope Hans had a crazy idea here to take on H6 oh so if black just takes which of course makes a lot of sense right if black just takes then Hans takes and now Black's in big trouble Black's in big trouble split pawns huge weaknesses weakness weakness black can't guard everything white will play Queen H3 threatening the pawn threatening on E3 and win but black had a tactical idea in mind against G takes H6 he's going to take hans's next Pawn on C3 now Hans is winning he's winning but how he doesn't know that he doesn't see that during the game you see it now you say oh he's winning he's winning he's well see I just take a check no stupid no oh well well that's really easy H seven of course yes of course H7 but black will just play here how are you making a queen this is not easy Queen H5 check threatening to Queen black plays G6 you can't make a queen he takes your queen what did Hans Miss he didn't miss anything all the way back here black played A5 and Hans played G5 Hans new if black takes back takes he's chilling but also realized that after takes takes H7 King F7 there's a rabbit out of a hat Queen H5 check Pawn to G6 and Hans Neeman did not promote to a queen but he promoted to a night that was the critical move of the entire sequence and now white is winning but guess what white can win in a variety of different ways here but he chooses to win in style King to G7 the Knight gets out and black takes on C5 now I got news for you it's actually not over if let's say in this position you respect this threat and go back to let's say D3 C2 threatens a queen you have to defend and black wins the rest of your pawns and despite having an extra night you are not winning you're not winning it's very difficult to win this position very difficult Rook C2 is a nice way to hang all your Rooks and also I think there's even E2 which forces a queen so how do you win after Queen C5 well Hans finds it he finds the best move zipping out to the right the Knight promotes Here and Now Zips out this way tactically defending the Rook with a check Knight to F5 is a fork so The Rook is completely sacrificed this was his second brilliant move according to to CH come game review but this is this is hardly a brilliant move at the 26 uh 2659 level black plays King G8 avoiding Knight F5 check Hans plays Knight F5 anyway because he's up a night and he needs to use it and now black is on the verge of total defeat so he throws the pawn forward very close to promotion H doesn't need to acknowledge it Queen G6 now he cannot go here so how is he going to win okay he could give a check he took the pawn with check how's he gonna win plays Knight H6 that plays King H7 you got nothing so Hans finds the surgical methodical way to finish this off Knight to H6 in this position black can not only take the Rook he can also Queen what is even the threat black resigned in this position why well if he made a queen check here check here and the hero the hero pawn queen F6 mate despite being down a full Queen the king is mated because of the Pawn on B6 this incredible Synergy of the white position so black cannot play C1 Queen and black can't do this either because check lures you into Knight F5 you can't take the queen just yet because your own is hanging Queen G5 only winning move you Che the king to avoid being captured and then you take and then you win hopefully hopefully you win what a game three brilliant moves what a what a surgical like such a nice positional squeeze you know utilizing the queenside space Advantage avoiding the damaging of the structure the second that he had an opportunity he got out of the way so he kept the cluster together and then he transferred in his Knight he hopped over the barrier with Knight C4 Knight B6 he blocked his opponent on the center lines induced light squared weaknesses and then utilizing his space advantage and the overextended black pawns he started an attack he combined positional problems with an attacking Motif threaten the queen trade to win the end game and then when things got spicy found I mean it's not every day you got to do that so Hans Neeman six and a half out of seven in the tournament of Peace not bringing the piece at all and uh he also put out this after his game today I like the moment when I break a man's ego 6 and a half out of seven 23 rating points gained against the monster field I can cover any of those games if you'd like me to there have been some incredible ones and um my open message to Hans and Hans fans is if I say you win perfect games I am not in any way shape or form insinuating wrongdoing as I have been over the last year plus this is epic stuff it's cool to see uh the comeback it's cool to see some really great games being played and um oh my only complaint though is that technically technically this is not letting the chess PE for I understand it it it you know I get it but it's also not technically technically letting the chess P just Tech I'm just saying I'm not trying to nitpick I'm you know anyway hope you enjoyed Hans deman cooking in Croatia get out of here and come to the event in Toronto but seriously get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 783,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: bgJLEOld59E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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