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ladies and gentlemen this video is being recorded on September 2nd 2023 and two things in the world are still true number one I am still very handsome and number two Magnus Carlson is the best chess player on the entire planet and in today's video I'm going to share with you a few games that he has played recently in an online tournament against other top players where he has gotten the job done in literally every wait and the incredible thing about these games is that he's beating young players older players with tremendous experience he's beating them in the opening he's beating them from better positions worse positions playing good defense playing in the end game playing in the middle game and this video will encapsulate the magic of Magnus I got nothing else to say that that was the introduction I hope it was a good one I hope you're having a great weekend if you're lucky enough to watch this uh in early September I hope you're having a good Labor Day weekend if you're watching this in the future hopefully Magnus Carlson is still the best chess player in the world hopefully I'm still extremely handsome uh and uh hopefully you had a good weekend on September 2nd and 3rd uh in 2023 okay Magnus Carlson's three opponents Amin tabatabe from Iran uh the number two ranked uh Iranian chess player in the world Fabiano caruana a guy that he played the World Chess Championship against and Ali Reza Fury Magnus Carlson played three exceptional players perennial top five players and amitabato Bay is like 20 or 25th rated in the world let's see how Magnus gets it done all across the board all right throw me up on the smart TV put me on a little ledge in the shower you know watch Me While You code or or go on a walk but how does it can you even watch chess videos without watching the chessboard I don't know whatever anyway I mean not Agnes plays E4 and he wins next game no uh that but seriously it really is that simple sometimes E5 played by Amin and we have a Spanish uh Magnus has played this on both sides and nowadays guys are either playing the Italian or the Spanish Magnus does in fact go for the Spanish A6 kicking out the bishop Knight to F6 and now normally people here are castling uh and leaving this Pawn to be captured that's just one of the ways to play Magnus plays the other way to play which is Pawn to D3 Pawn to D3 has just a slightly different approach because normally you want to play C3 D4 right away uh if you play Pawn to D3 right uh right away you're kind of limiting that plan that plan is probably not going to happen until much later the game is going to take an entirely different flavor Ponto C3 setting this up anyway and getting the bishop out of danger but not putting the bishop on C2 actually Magnus puts the bishop on B3 targeting this Pawn Amin plays D6 so Amin does not Castle he does this Magnus now plays a very provocative move which is Bishop to G5 now you may ask how is that provocative in the slightest because I will just kick out your Bishop I don't understand um well the point is white is trying to bait black into playing G5 however G5 would be a lot better if you were castled because then creating an attack on your king over here would make a lot of sense and there are many lines where actually black even still castles and still continues to launch these pawns but you will notice Magnus has not castled and Magnus is doing this in a way where again he's playing possum a little bit he's like are you gonna play G5 what are you gonna do if you don't play G5 what are you gonna do because it's kind of difficult for black to develop but I can't play D5 because of the pin if black plays Bishop E6 then after something like take and take he will have some weaknesses also white can just ignore that and play castles or A4 uh so G5 is now played by a mean now when I tell you this move decides the game I mean it's not a spoiler Magnus is going to win every game in this video that's why I made this video but that move literally decides the game so every time you you move something in chess you've got to think what does it do and what does it not do right that pawn move goes up hits the dark squares but now the light squares are weak right that pawn is also Advanced so it could be targeted by my pawns and then I can potentially create some sort of attack this sacrifice doesn't work unless you're actually getting in there with meaningful pressure you're not uh if your opponent is an idiot you know and allows you to play Knight D5 or queen obviously the Knight doesn't move like that but I'm just saying uh then then obviously it will work E3 whoop skipped ahead you didn't see anything no spoilers I mean you you already know Magnus won but how did he do it okay light squares first Magnus attacks the queen side he chops down the queen side a little bit has the open file and now before he even castles he routes the Knight to the center fighting for those light squares which were created by the move G5 when I tell you his Play Just is otherworldly but looks so simple when you watch it watch so take take now that little exchange that small exchange what did it do well black no longer has a dark squared Bishop okay white has doubled pawns but this Pawn fights for the squares that other Pawn can't fight for so they're actually doing a very nice job that one's not guarded but it could be very easily guarded so move like Knight G4 doesn't really do a whole lot although it is a reasonable move also the f file is open when White Castles so when White Castles and moves the Knight the f file is going to be put to use castles castles Amin tries to counter attack on the a-file Magnus chops it down and when I told you that the move G5 literally decides this game and that was not an exaggeration I meant Knight to H4 good Lord the entire purpose of the move G5 is to prevent any of White's pieces from going to the H4 Square because of H4 for white black shuts it down like this this man literally plays the move that Black's entire position is set up to counter Knight to H4 why because you can't take it because of this that entire file which was just opened because of magnus's entire idea which was played this entire idea was played to take advantage of the light squares that I mean weakened with that I mean weakened with the move G5 I mean when I tell you that every move so logically and effortlessly flows from the previous one weakening the black queen side making him spend time trying to do something over there Knight to H4 and very slowly we are just going to remove the defense of the F5 Square and now we play What's called Azu because we don't want to take the bishop back yet now we do now it's permanent pressure permanent pressure over here King H7 and now we play H4 because the Knight has already gotten in the night is already in the party okay so Rook G8 take take now you may ask why did Amin not play HG because I guess he was worried about the H file he didn't like that his King was so weak so instead of that he did this and I got news for you something arrives on the H4 Square now Magnus throws that Knight back plays Queen F3 and D4 and just just absolutely bulldozes this man I mean just marches him straight down the board Knight slides back to attack Knight now reroutes to the H5 Square Here Comes E5 going straight down the middle by the way you will notice that the Knight is hanging over here Knight E7 Now Pawn to E6 a lethal move baiting black into a fork Magnus cleaning up and it's just a matter of time and it really was not much of a matter of time because Magnus defenses King Rook E3 play C4 play C5 Rook F3 is winning material and he wins the game with a fork on the queen and the pawn on H6 and Amin resigned when I tell you that this game was literally decided by a pawn move on move 10 because of the way Magnus played this positionally I was not exaggerating now all right that's great now how is Magnus gonna get this done against the number two ranked chess player in the world his longtime rival they played a World Chess Championship match against each other you are not prepared for this opening by Magnus Carlson Magnus plays What's called the Norwegian rat which is fitting by the way that's kind of a fitting name uh I they didn't name it after him it's just been called that technically the Norwegian rat is E4 G6 D4 Knight F6 technically uh to bait the night and put it over here and sometimes even put the Knight on G7 I'm not joking this is a real thing I don't know why it's called the Norwegian rat I don't know if Magnus got involved with the mafia got caught ratted him out write an amount to the government I don't know I don't know why they called it the Norwegian rat um maybe this Knight is supposed to be a rat are rats big in Norway they're very big in New York both literally and metaphorically like they're everywhere just after you're done watching this video go watch a video of a rat eating pizza on the New York City subway I mean they're smarter than like half of Americans probably um anyway Magnus plays a modified Norwegian rat and Fabiano plays a four Pawn setup the fact that Magnus can gets to play stuff like this and gets away with it if you play like this you're gonna lose in like 12 moves okay how does Magnus win this game the last game we saw positional pressure taking advantage of just one square on the board for the entire game how does Magnus do it against an experienced veteran like Fabiano well uh by the way up there's a glitch with Fabiano's time um what why is the clock not moving was it moving last game all right can I refresh will it move all right it looks like it's gonna move this game outstanding okay that was really weird I I guess it was showing there I don't know what it was showing anyway Magnus plays the Norwegian rat trades the queens and we get this position okay how's he gonna win this right queenless middle game um obviously white has a very powerful wall of Pawns but Magnus has four pieces developed and Fabiano has literally none so I think F4 was a slightly wrong plan for this opening or Fabi had to speed it up because deceptively as stupid as this looks the pressure is actually building quite a lot so and he's developing some pieces so G3 trade Knight C6 and now Bishop F5 he's gotten every piece out long castles provocative opening poorly taken advantage of by the white side Magnus has four pieces developed and an advantage from 10 moves this is not going to be a matter of exploiting one square this is going to be I bluffed in the opening uh you did not punish me now I'm going to punish you Knight D4 threatening a fork shocking but the number two ranked player in the world sees that now the best move F6 in positions you have to decide if you're going to be playing with your pieces or with your pawns where are the pawn breaks in the position and who do they benefit this benefits black because this exchange would open up the e-file which would be fatal for white so black uh White cannot allow that white has to go here now Magnus turning turning the screw tighter painting this to this Fabiano goes here now a sophisticated approach taking with the bishop normally taking a bishop and giving it away for a knight is bad but in this case you keep your knight in the center of the board and there's tactics all over the place Fabiano now takes magnus's dummy stupid Norwegian rat on the H5 and leaves Magnus with doubled isolated H pawns double flank H Pawns but Magnus immediately uses those stupid pawns for an attack is a master at utilizing every piece on the board he plays Rook f8 then he plays Rook F5 simultaneously defending his Center defending this Pawn creating the opportunity to double and an idea to go here and slide in over there a very multi-purpose move Bobby plays Rook F2 and now here comes Magnus H4 and Magnus building that clock lead the Big Clock lead four and a half minutes this is big his time Advantage is bigger than the amount of time the Fabiano has on the clock take now we see the justification of putting the Rook on at five rookie five slowly methodically and Magnus is very very good at timing when the position simplifies when it's time to remove all the pieces from the board not all of us are very good at that you could get better at that if you get my endgames master class I'm just saying you should at least try the free sample of it how to transition middle games into end games to guarantee that you have a high winning percentage Rook F7 Magnus Carlson took my middle games master my end games master class for legal reasons I have no evidence of this take take Rook F5 check now we're gonna have a mass exchange he trades the Rooks he trades the other pair of Rooks and now he just plays Bishop D4 and we got this end game Five Pawns versus four Magnus has a pass Pawn this is not a pass Pawn these two cancel out he's gonna try to win this end game Bobby plays Knight B5 Magnus very simple approach he's a customer of the endgame's master class for legal reasons I have no evidence of this and he plays a king walk to the opposite end of the board he Chucks his C7 Pawn for a temporary moment Magnus runs the king to the other side of the board creating a massive winning chance for himself now he goes after that pawn and if that pawn tries to save itself he gets the better Pawn the one that splits the structure which is even worse for white so B3 he wins this Pawn he advances his flank Pawn because Knight E7 leads to Knight C1 and then the outside pass Pawn which you can also learn about in the end game's Master Class his King active harassing E5 pushing everybody oh what a nice move giving up the pawn Knight B3 understanding peace activity understanding the utilization of the pawns and the creation of the outside pass pawns understanding the activity of the king versus this one the most instructive moment of this game was how he literally swapped every piece off the board and before he did anything else he walked the king to the G4 Square because he somehow knew that that is all he needed to win for a brief moment he could have a spot where he's four pawns versus four pawns but the activity of the black pieces the creation of the past pawns will win him the game and that is exactly what he did and for the last two games this is Magnus Carlson's toughest test in all likelihood Magnus Carlson famously claimed that if Ali Raza ferrugia won the candidates he would stick around to defend the World Chess Championship okay if you don't know that that's that that's what he did he said Ali Reza is probably the only person that I would stick around and play the World Chess Championship against so anytime they play it's always like it's always a pleasure to watch okay because you kind of you know that was the that was the touted man that was the Ali Raza is the fastest ever chess player to reach 2800 ELO by age he beat Magnus Carlson's record Magnus plays E4 we have C5 so let's summarize also real quick literal positional masterclass taking advantage of a weakened square and a weakened piece right second game provocative opening taking over the middle game beautiful simplification expert level end game understanding he didn't need the end game understanding versus I mean right he just he just won okay now Ali Reza plays into an open Sicilian so does Magnus now we have a night ORF now provocative opening not as probably bad as Norwegian rat I mean Norwegian rat is is not like losing nidorf in this position so many different main lines Magnus plays Rook G1 that is a goofy looking move that looks like you dragged your mouse to go move a piece and you accidentally moved your Rook to G1 now white can't Castle but Rook to G1 over time has been proven to be a completely reasonable move and the idea is to just play G4 so for example if black plays Knight C6 white plays G4 and G5 and I mean somehow this is a real thing Ali Raza thinks for a bit plays H5 clearly from the time spend I think he was slightly not prepared for this move because there are many critical lines and I think H5 is actually not one of them because it gives the G5 Square hey remember in game one how his opponent played a move that gave him access to a square this move gives him access to the G5 Square because before black would play H6 so that's exactly what Magnus does you give him a square he's going to go to that square he's going to ask you do you really want to give me the square for the long term black plays G6 and Bishop G7 and Magnus castles long attacking possibilities over there if black castles it's probably just borderline admitting that you are going to get checkmated so Ali Reza plays Queen C7 B5 makes a couple of preparations and when Magnus commits The Rook away from the attack that's when alireza decides to Castle but Magnus can win games with provocative openings he can win them in the end game he can win them positionally he can also absolutely when necessary and called upon Slaughter you F4 Knight C5 by farouza Magnus removes the knight from the game this is an example of when a bishop for night trade actually is fine because it's giving access to the D5 square and it's removing a defender of the king if black takes like this black will have a permanent weakness uh but if black takes like this is probably going to be even worse because Knight D5 is going to butcher this you're going to lose yet another defender of the king and then F5 and queen H6 so it's all bad alireza has to go here now Magnus plays F5 this bishop is dead it's not gonna go here it's not gonna go here it's just standing around the only thing that it's doing is playing defense you can play Bishop H6 I will go here I will start hammering against the F Pawn now here comes Magnus with Knight D5 Knight B3 nice idea hitting White's Queen take take zuich to take on G6 weakening the E6 Square fged now the Knight will arrive on E6 The Rook will arrive on the shores the white pawns over here will still break this apart black is in Dire Straits look at that absolute God of a knight this is a master class of combining attacking chess with positional chess using the attack to secure a long-term Advantage attacks don't have to end in mate they don't have to the black position required defense but to require the defense against the incoming attack you had to give away the access to the Knight but I got news for you sometimes in dominant positions attacks are still possible Pawn to G4 you got nothing to lose that pawn is guarding the king if you allow me to take you I mean now I got the file and I got the diagonal right now now you're just dead lost so what do you have to do you got to take but here here I come with the rook and you can't play F5 because Knight G5 is a fork I Queen F2 he plays F5 now but now Rook G4 anyway he can't take because the pawn has been to the queen Magnus slowly advancing alireza tries to create counter play but Magnus is too fast look at the Cannons pointed at the bishop on the H6 Square Aldi resona has to strike back with a minute on the clock first is nine nine minutes on the clock now six but 40 seconds for black Rook F1 what a move what a move you take the Rook but in doing so you remove the defense of the F5 Pawn now you are going to lose your queen and it's a lot worse than that you have two Rooks for it H3 a sophisticated move if you take the attack continues against the king Ali Reza goes here tries to Shield himself with his Rook but he loses a pawn that pawns a passer whites King is completely safe and once that pawn reaches a certain point on the board alireza will resign and that is exactly what happened in this position the pawn cannot be stopped without sacrifice King will hide on B3 what a game Magnus in this game uses better knowledge of an opening sideline to get the square on the board exactly what he did against the mintaba today but now we are introduced to A New Concept which is aggressive attacking Magnus combining it with simplification just like he did against Fabiano into a positional master class and then he goes back to hammering away with the attack oh but he can also get it done in ways like this in this game Magnus played a Sicilian taimanov Queen C7 and he played this move H5 now as far as I know you can play H5 without a knight on F6 or you have to do this slightly differently but suddenly after Knight to B5 Magnus was in deep trouble deep trouble this is a sacrifice where the four piece pressure on the black position is near fatal Queen to B6 rather Queen to B8 Bishop to B6 threatens to win the entire game for example Pawn to H4 attacking the queen queen to B3 Bishop C7 Knight C7 unstable you win the game so Magnus finds himself on the receiving end of an opening bomb now he has to buckle down and play good defense two-way players in sports like basketball right Knight takes E4 spends nearly four four and a half minutes on that move he hits the queen so that now this is less lethal because the queen is hanging alireza plays Queen E3 now Magnus finds the best move again Rook take you can try to trap my queen but this is mate and if you take my knight I play F5 and suddenly where do you put your queen if you go back I got here the king slides out I'm gonna trade and at the end of this sequence I'm gonna drop back Queen is now always threatening to come down that file so King B1 and now Magnus plays Rook A4 after dipping in he dips out defends the knight in the center of the board remember black is up a piece white sacked the piece to get this attack Here Comes Ali Reza Knight C7 the best move is actually according to the computer to sack the queen Magnus says no thank you King to E7 King to E7 and now the best move for white is Queen B3 attacking The Rook and it's actually very difficult to defend black might go here to try to deflect the bishop away from the defense of the Knight if Queen A4 Knight D1 wipe has Knight B5 and various attacks on the king and Bishop C7 again trapping the queen but alireza under pressure plays Rook D4 he's down to three minutes on the clock and suddenly in this absolute circus this Whirlwind of Chess Rook D4 and Magnus just placed Pawn to F6 he gives up the knight in the center completely why because taking it loses time and now black is able to build a Central Construction and give the king an escape tunnel to F7 and now when the dust has settled this is a this is a side of Magnus that we have not yet seen in this video defensive prowess finding mere only moves in a position to not lose the game now Magnus says that's all are you done because uh it's my turn now I'm a pawn up I'm up five minutes let me get my Bishop out you could take this but I'm gonna get that so you get the night out I get my night out too you're gonna take my Bishop alireza what are you gonna do I'm gonna get my queen out then my bishop and then my Rook so Ali Reza goes here Here Comes Magnus just developing his pieces borugia now down under a minute same like he did against Fabiano here's that H Pawn same exact approach using that H Pawn as a weapon but this time he's got the H file this time he's got the diagonal take take we're going to an end game master of simplification we are going to an end game I'm up five minutes and a pawn it doesn't matter that it's minus 0.5 attack your queen Ali Russell rotates Knight comes back to the center now I'm bringing out my queen you give me a check no problem I'm safe oh so scary counter attack look at me just playing defense sliding the bishop now we're going to trade Bishops there we go more pieces off the board for white and he's got nine seconds it's just a matter of time F5 aggressive I don't gotta take Queen G1 I'm winning this bomb two pawns up now in comes the night we dropped back simple you take this Fork you take this no problem and when it's all said and done I'm up two Pawns white has four seconds on the clock aggressive doesn't matter saves the king queen A6 and now we trade I'm happy making this trade the less pieces that white has the less chances he has in the end game centralizing playing defense King D7 simplification into a winning end game and let me just push my pawns he can't stop me my queen guards everybody you can give me a few more checks I'll give you a few more checks and I'm just going with my pawns effortless absolutely effortless this game definitely required effort but uh Queen B Queen B2 Queen before pawns Bishop can't even has absolutely no role in the game the black king walks among the Pawns and Ali Reza plays Queen H2 and just resigns because G3 King G5 I mean it's just a matter of time he got it done in this video in so many different ways in this game it was a defensive Master Class fighting back from what was an opening assault many players would have suffered here he takes in the center Gets In and Out With The Rook ridiculous circus Place King E7 safeguards his King and pours it on in the end game in the first game that they played so many elements of the game that were combined opening attacking in the positional play re-attacking and then winning the queen versus two Rooks position the list goes on and on provocative opening fantastic middle game transition into an end game and he literally won the first game because of a square I hope you enjoyed this video I like making these because they're so fun just watching him play you sit here going damn I'm inspired then you go to the pool and you lose three games in a row which I will be doing right now I hope you enjoyed this video if you made it this far uh let me just but don't but hold on don't click on anything in the sidebar just give me like 30 seconds um 13 and a half thousand pre-orders for how to win a chess incredible stuff if you have already gotten a copy I appreciate you very much if you still haven't you know get it if if it gets to 15 000 it drops as a New York Times bestseller which is incredible uh it's you know it's still about 40 days away from release 50 days away uh if you're in the UK there's a link in the description to get it for 25 off and uh it's also available in Spanish now it's also going to be available in the Czech Republic in Germany in Poland now so super exciting times um that's all end games master class as well get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,235,301
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: uw9OJwD2rCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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