Magnus vs The Future of Chess

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welcome back everyone for today's video we are going to be taking a look at the Julius bear Generations cup now Magnus Carlson the former World chess champion has been steamrolling through the field so far he's very very impressive win yesterday against a 2018 runner-up Fabiano caruana but today marks a different occasion because Magnus paired Against alireza farouza The Talented Iranian Junior who transferred to France a couple of years ago so Ali Rez is a player who's not played a lot in recent times kind of unclear whether he lost some motivation whether you're trying to focus on school maybe fashion design a little bit unclear what his intentions are but any rate he remains a very formidable opponent and someone that a lot of people feel might be a potential successor to Magnus down the road so let's jump right into the action so same format as always the players are playing a 15 minute with a 10 second increment format best of four games if it's tied to two we will have the classic R mega dawn so game number one Magnus with the white pieces we get the move E4 Ole Reza plays C5 now Ali Reza does normally play E5 trying to be more solid but I suspect that Ali res is seeing magnus's form he Figures it's better to try and play on the edge be aggressive and see if you can sort of go after him it's also worth pointing out that yesterday Magnus Carlsen played The Owl pen Sicilian in a situation where he only needed to draw against Fabian or car one he also played against when he needed a draw in the feeder World Cup so because of that I suspect that Ali Reza was expecting the allopin and he was ready for it magnets instead decides to go right into the classic open Sicilian and we get the nidor system with A6 and D6 and Knight F6 so here Magnus plays Rook G1 a very interesting move white wants to try and push the p on the king side here with G4 G5 maybe H4 F4 and so forth at any rate it's a line that I first saw I want to say all the way back in 1998 or 1999 I forget which uh chess book I saw it and it might have been informed something along those lines now it is considered a move that's playable but there are some drawbacks now first and foremost the biggest drawback is because you've moved the Rook you lose the flexibility to Castle the king to the king side the only option you have is a trying Castle to the queen side here but in return you're assuming if you can push the pawns on the king side you'll develop the bishop bring out the queen and Castle King to the queen side quite easily so here Ali Reza plays H5 an interesting move here trying to stop white from being able to play G4 so we got Bishop G5 from Magnus and now olly Reza plays an ipd7 we got Bishop C4 putting the Bishops on these very very nice diagonals from C4 to F7 and G5 towards d8 now we get G6 being played here by Ali Reza Magnus goes Queen D2 We Get Bishop G7 here now apparently this is considered a blunder I don't know why it's considered a blender but at any rate it is so after Bishop G7 Magnus decides the castle is King and now we get to move Queen C7 Bishop D3 and B5 now this will resemble another structure that you see from a very similar system what you see here is the blackest pawns from F7 to ah5 you have 86b5 but also D6 and E7 as well as the fion Cheeto now what this problem will remind most players of is the classic drag dwarf system which normally occurs in this position where black plays A6 white goes Bishop E3 and then black plays this move G6 with the intention of playing Bishop G7 that being said normally when you play the drag dwarf like this it's very rare that you ever end up playing H5 as well so when we get back to the game here look at this position with B5 here you see that this is a standard drag dwarf setup but you have played H5 as well now for anyone who's wondering about the name of the opening essentially the system if you go back uh actually let me set it up in the in the opening phase because it makes more sense here nor this is a combination system so normally this is what we call the dragon of course those you guys are amateur amateur uh astrophysicist and you're studying the stars and astrology you will notice that this Pawn structure resembles the constellation Draco which you can see in the night sky so this is why we call this the dragon because Draco of course means is a diminutive of the Dragon so in this position the reason that we call this the drag dwarf is very simply because it's a combination of the Dragon setup but also the night or setup as well so instead of going D6 and A6 alone you go D6 G6 and A6 so it's a simple way of saying it's a combination of a dragon and an idol don't ask me what that's supposed to be at any rate back to the game we got this position here after B5 we get Rook g e one played by Magnus and the big issue for black here is that white has a lot of control in the center of their ideas like Knight D5 or Bishop D5 there's also F4 and E5 which is playable as well and it's very difficult to play additionally if you Castle the king side your king side is a little bit weaker for example say you got some position just to illustrate the point there's some position like this where white is very quickly trying to attack on the king's side and it's very difficult for black to play so we get F4 instead from Magnus now nothing or we got castles and F4 for mag there's something wrong with this F3 and H was probably a little bit slow here because you have to go f3h and then G4 so Magnus plays F4 with the idea of maybe going E5 here down the road or playing Knight D5 at any rate it's a move that supports E5 it allows 95 and it supports the bishop on G5 as well and last but not least you can also maybe go F5 down the road because if you get F5 and for example suddenly with the bishop on B3 there are all kinds of problems on this diagonal once again so we get Knight C5 here from alireza Magnus decides to take on F6 it's worth pointing out that this point computer already thinks black is in a world of hurt here after Knight B6 maybe black is only a little bit worse after F5 but at any rate I think in a human game here it's too difficult already to play because White's moves are too easy here white wants to play F5 E5 or something like Knight to D5 down the road so after Knight C5 Magnus decides to take now this is the best computer line and the problem is that here if black chooses to capture with the bishop there's 95 forking the queen and the bishop and let's just say you go Queen V8 after takes takes now you no longer have that classic Dragon Bishop you also have the double pawns and you now have this weakness on D6 so if white play State Bishop D5 for example if you ever move the Rook uh oh spaghettio here come the forks same thing with Rook A7 uh Ogg and if you play Bishop p7 let's just say white takes here and goes F5 suddenly their idea is like Queen H6 here your king side is very very weak and if you play Move Like G5 which is pretty ugly white can go H4 here if you take Queen H6 is probably going to win the game if you play G4 same thing and if you play like King G7 after a move like Rook H1 here actually Rook H1 probably isn't best white probably has something better here like maybe takes or maybe G4 even and it's just very very bad actually G4 is probably just winning after takes you go rook q1 and black is in all kinds of trouble bad Pawn structure passive Queen passive Rooks simply no play in the position so Ali Reza plays a logical move which is e takes F6 Magnus now goes F5 another very nice thematic move here because what black would love to do down the road is get something like King B1 takes takes and then play F5 opening up the scope for the bishop now in this specific position it's still quite bad but this is a dream you want to open up the diagonal for this dark Square bishop or what we call the dragon's Bishop so you want to open it but when Magnus plays F5 now you can no longer push the pawn to open up the diagonal which now means your Bishop is simply a big Pawn on G7 so alireza plays King H7 here which is Dual Purpose first of all if you play a normal move like Bishop B7 white can maybe take on G6 here and you can't recapture because of the pin I guess you can take on B3 but for example something like this white is simply up a pawn and should be much better and secondarily when you go King H7 you intend to activate the bishop on this h6c1 diagonal because you can no longer activate it on this diagonal towards the pawn on B2 so after King H7 Magnus goes King B1 we now get Bishop B7 King B1 of course side steps to Bishop H6 trick so we get Bishop B7 Knight to D5 played by Magnus olly Reza decides to take the bishop here he could have maybe tried to trade on D5 but after take six and Rook C8 for example again white probably has many ways to be much better probably something like I don't know if FG or G4 even G4 here looks really really bad because after takes on G4 white can go Queen E2 take on G4 and you're going to get murdered on the G file here figuratively of course not literally but at least in the game of shots because after a move like Knight D7 takes Knight E5 Queen H3 Bishop H6 white can take if you take there's a fork if you take with a knight there's now Knight to F5 which will win the bishop on H6 and it's a complete disaster so Ali Reza takes on B3 Magnus captures with the a pawn very good thematic move here because what Magnus understands is you have the semi bash and with the Knight on D5 and if black ever takes on D5 like in the game after White's able to take you always have these jumps to C6 maybe E6 as well and it's just very very miserable to play for black so we do get Bishop D5 Magnus takes on G6 first we got fg6 and after e takes D5 alireza can almost resign here because now the Knight knot only has a CSX square but you also have the E6 square and frankly this Knight is just so much better than the star Square Bishop that I don't even know what you're supposed to do in fact if I were playing here I might even just resign that's how miserable it is to play so we get Rook fe8 Knight to E6 queen of seven and now G4 is played here by Magus another excellent move because what black would like to do is try and consolidate so you say you can get some position like King A2 King h8 King B1 not G5 sorry F5 for example here black can try to put the queen on F6 and open up this diagonal additionally there might be ideas like A5 and A4 as well so black has some counter play if you can get it set up but the problem here is that when Magnus plays G4 you don't really have time because you have to do something on your king side immediately so after G4 we had a h takes G4 Magnus goes rookie four a very very nice move here attacking the pawn on G4 black cannot go F5 because then I have Knight G5 forking the king and the Queen and his GG why not so we get Bishop to H6 played here Magnus now goes Queen off two olly Reza plays F5 but now Magnus is able to take the pawn because you catch the Rook you lose the queen and again white now is gonna be able to dominate on the age file you have this bash on E6 and it's just so so miserable to play again I probably would resign already it's just that bad so we get Queen to A7 played here by alireza Magnus goes Rook GD for of course in this position ollirates desperately wants to trade the queens now you cannot just move the queen anywhere because say you go to F1 for example black takes the rook and now there's no Queen that's hanging on F7 so you can't just move the queen anywhere if you can't move the queen on the diagonal then Rook gd4 is the only move to avoid a trade of queens and if queens were to come off yes white is still better after Rook H4 but after say Rook to AJ followed by King to G8 black has some chances to survive so Rook gd4 is played here Ali resin goes A5 trying desperately to open up the A5 for the queen of The Rook or maybe even for example something like this where if the B file opens now suddenly all your pieces are on the absolute optimal squares for a quick attack on the Queen's side so here we got so here we got to move Queen to ah4 from Magnus olly Reza plays Queen E7 if he were to go A4 here Magnus would be able to sack the queen with Queen takes H6 and after King takes H6 you have Rook H4 which would be Checkmate because the Knight covers both of the squares for the black king so we get Queen E7 Magnus goes Queen to age three here and 10 to line up the double stack and go after the bishop on H6 we get Queen F6 Rook to H4 is played olly Reza goes G5 we get Rook to H5 G4 and now Magnus plays a nice move Queen to D3 trying to attack the pawn F5 once again Ollie arrested goes King G6 and now Magnus plays this ruthless move Rook to F1 overloading the pawn on F5 Here and Now black could resign olly Reza doesn't resign here decides playing with King takes H5 but the result is never really endowed here we get Rook F5 takes takes King H4 black does have two Rooks for the queen here but your king is very open on the king side and again this Knight on E6 is just so strong it stops black from ever taking the f file and it's just lost so game concludes with Queen F2 we get King H5 H3 played here nice move by Magnus trying to eliminate the pawn because the one issue that white has here is down the road if black and somehow get this Pawn on H2 maybe you can push the g-pawn down the board and you know that in this position if you could take the pawns off the board the G for age here the Knight and the queen would dominate so we get H3 olly rose that goes Rook G8 we got takes takes Queen H2 check Rook H4 magnets now gobbles on D6 and the real result is simply not endowed your king is open you have no real Attack on the queen side and white will just try to push the d-pawn through to d8 so we get a four Queen E5 King G6 Magnus goes Queen G3 King H5 check King G6 and now he plays this move D6 a nice little tickle tickle from Magnus to to repeat moves but now D6 wins the game because you cover the H1 Square so there's no Rook H1 check you also attack The Rook on A8 so of course we have a classic gigantic right triangle so we get Rook A7 from alireza Magnus plays Queen D3 check we get King to F6 and now he goes D7 forcing the pawn through to the end of the board game concludes after Rook to H1 and King to A2 and here alireza resigns the game because in this position after takes King B3 you simply have no way to check the king A3 square is covered here white is pushing the pawn to d8 on the next turn and there's just nothing you can do you can sack The Rook but in this position with the queen for a rook white will win this game very easily so an absolutely ruthless performance from Magnus in the first game I will say this does remind me that there are some shades of uh a very certain private match that I played against Magnus Carlton in Moscow I believe in 2010 if I'm not mistaken where one of the things I learned about Magnus very specifically in the night or system because I did play it in a lot of Blitz Games is that you cannot play dubious setups against Magnus because when you play dubious setups he is so good he's so good as a player obviously but his General technical understanding of Pawn structures and peace placement is out of this world and I I actually give you guys the bonus addendum um many of the games I played against Magnus occurred in the bishop G5 Knight or and I played many different setups here now E6 is generally the best line Knight pg7 is playable but I remember many games where I play this book E5 which I've also played a lot online and I got mastered when I played that I think I might have also played B5 in some games and whenever I played some of these dubious setups I just got destroyed and in this game with worksheet one and ah5 being played by Olly Reza Magnus was ruthless he knew this was wrong and even though he might not have known it by heart he was able to put the piece on the best squares and just destroy Ali resin so a very very ruthless first game of the match Magnus now takes a 1-0 lead so let's move to the second game of the match so now all the Resident game number two with the white pieces starts with E4 and here Magus chooses to play the move C5 and now we get the move we get the move uh sorry my mouse didn't work we have to move Knight to F3 E6 D4 takes takes Knight C6 Knight C3 and the smooth Queen C7 we got Bishop E3 and A6 now this is a system also that Magus has been playing a lot in recent times I don't think he actually play it in the world cup but he played it in the in the rapid and Blitz event in Warsaw Poland he also played online against Fabiano caruana I forget which Tour event it was so he has been mixing it up and playing this setup so Ollie Rose queen of three Magnus plays Knight F6 olly Rosa castles we get Knight E5 Queen G3 and now Magnus plays his move H5 which is simply a mistake now again Magnus is the player who's very good understanding his intuition is out of this world but his one week that sometimes can be opening preparation so H5 is simply a blunder and Ali Reza plays this move Knight D to B5 sacrifice the Knight double X slam move doesn't care about the horse and the computer likes us it's very clear that Ollie resin had studied this before the game and Magnus is actually already lost so the former World chess champion greatest player in the world lost on move number 10 but it has not lost the point where it's simply game over on the spot and because of that will alireza be able to put Magnus away so we get a takes B5 Knight takes B5 Queen to B8 simply guarding the extra Knight here Ali Reza plays Bishop B6 here Magnus takes on e4 we get the move Queen to E3 attacking these Knights on e4 and E5 while also threatening the move Knight to C7 so here mag has played this move Rook takes A2 Ali Reza plays King B1 we get Rook to A4 and now Knight C7 has played all these moves are best moves by the way from Ollie resin Magnus we get King to E7 and now Rook to D4 question mark is played by Ollie resident now this position is completely winning for white it is plus 2.56 after this move Queen to B3 attacking The Rook because the bishop on B6 guards the F2 pawn and The Rook really has no good Square to move to if you move the Rook to say A6 for example white can simply take and then fossilize the queen with Bishop d8 check and after take Queen takes Queen White simply wins the game so you can't go to A6 if you go Rook a for example white white probably has multiple ways to win but probably the cleanest is to go Queen before checking the king and attacking the knight at the same time while creating the classic right triangle and after say King F6 Queen takes E4 white is just winning this king is way too uh out in the open of the board here your Rook is still under attack you have no development five of your pieces are on the back rank here and it's just totally hopeless so Queen B3 does just win effectively on the spot probably what Magnus would have played is something like F5 clean A4 and King F7 trying to activate the bishop down the road but after a move like F3 Knight to F6 and now Knight to B5 white is simply winning here because you're threatening to trap the queen with Bishop to C7 here and I guess computer wants 98 to stop it but after I guess Queen A7 is the move computer likes and after takes takes the bishop theater strap and you win the bishop but again even if the even if it's were to happen there are many ways that white could win instead Ali Reza plays Rook to D4 and now the evaluation shifts completely from wiping more more than 2.5 ahead to Black being slightly better so we got Rook takes Rook Queen takes Rook Magnus plays F6 we get Queen takes E4 D5 clean to E1 and King F7 and now the dust has really cleared here the material oddly enough if I'm not miscounting uh black is a head by one Pawn black is and black is very close to finishing his development and you have a big black center so because all the res does not play as Queen to B to remove suddenly everything is going in the wrong direction so we got F4 played here Magnus goes Bishop D6 another very good move trying to finish this development here because again black has one extra Pawn so if black is able to finish his development he probably will win the game so we get Knight B5 Knight C6 we've got G3 here logical move trying to guard the pawn chain here you could take on D6 but after Queen takes black we'll move the bishop and bring the Rook to the c or the a file and black should be much better so all I Reza understands that here Black's issue is that the bishop is a little bit clumsy on D6 and maybe the king of the central pawns are a little bit brittle here so we got Bishop D7 Queen to D2 We Get eh4 now Ali Reza plays Bishop G2 now this is a move that I really don't like in this position probably I would have played Rook G1 and the only reason I would have played Rook G1 is that after Pawn takes Pawn takes at least here you keep the Rooks on the board sure black is still up a pawn but if Rooks come off the board where are we trending I feel like yet again we're trending towards one of those disastrous end games and of course your opponent with a black piece this is Magnus Carlson which really does not help matters so we get Bishop to B4 olly Reza goes Queen H2 we get Knight to E7 very nice move by Magnus rerouting the Knight to F5 or G6 potentially it also guards this Pawn on D5 so one reason I said the pawn structure might be a little bit brittle and say you play a move like Queen to C8 after F5 suddenly you have some issues here keeping your Pawn chain intact so we get the move Knight to E7 all the rest goes Knight to D4 Magnus plays Queen T6 attacking the bishop on B6 we got Queen H5 King f8 Bishop d8 Bishop C5 player now apparently Bishop C5 is not the best move don't ask me why because after Bishop takes E7 Queen takes or King takes E7 Knight B3 and Bishop V6 for example Apparently after this move Bishop to F3 black is only very slightly better now again you probably can see the quizzical look on my face and that's because I simply don't understand it black has the bishop pair the big black center and it's just hard to believe this isn't really really bad but apparently the computer thinks it's playable which yet again shows why we puny humans are no match for computers because a computer would play Bishop takes E7 and draw this game against Magnus whereas for us humans you see the position and it just looks losing so we get Queen h8 here which is which effectively lose the game because now after Knight to G8 when you move the Knight back to B3 black and play this move Bishop to B6 forcing off the Bishops now again not the best move but the problem is black simply is an extra pawn and an end game against a player like Magnus Carlson you are not going to save this game so we get F5 played here Magnus goes Queen G1 King H King A2 and now after Queen G3 we got Knight C5 here trying to go after the pawn structure but Queen D6 is playable and even though black looks a little bit crampeder with the Knight on G in the King on f8 black has two extra pawns you're gonna have to trade more pieces off the board and it's just a lost end game so you get fb6 Bishop E6 Knight D3 now Magnus plays Bishop F5 nice move here going after the Knight and also the pawn on C2 Knight F4 looks like a great move here or I guess it looks like a great move but after Knight F4 black has many ways to win but just to show one simple way which is not the absolute best there's this move Bishop takes C2 with the idea of Queen it's actually checkmating the King on the A2 Square so Bishop five great move here Queen H5 has played Magnus goes Knight to E7 back guarding the bishop on F5 as well as the pawn on D5 we got queen h8 king F7 Queen H5 Bishop G6 Queen to E2 and now Magnus plays this nice move Queen to A6 check hitting the king in the night we get King D1 and Magnus trades the bishop for the Knight now because he realizes that in this position he has two extra pawns the bishop on each one is staring at the pawn which is guarded by the Knight and this is simply a matter of technique and for a player like Magnus Carlson there's no doubt he will convert and he duly does the game concludes after Queen H5 and get G6 check King E8 Bishop F3 King D7 a nice quiet move here simply putting the king in the center of the board where it's safe we got Bishop D1 Queen to E1 King C1 Queen to E3 King C2 and now we got this move G5 Magnus decides now he can start pushing the P Queen guards Knight you always have Queen's five or queen F2 pawns are guarded here and there's no check on F5 we got Queen h8 F5 Queen B8 B6 here a nice move by mag it's not even necessary but he simply guards the pawn here and this queen on E3 is just so well placed here Bishop has very limited scope on the diagonals olly Reza plays King C3 we get Queen C5 King D2 We got Queen B4 King C2 and now G4 essentially locking out the light Square Bishop so you can no longer go to H5 and now this bishman on D1 simply passive no diagonals and Magnus will just keep pushing P so we get King B1 Queen D4 King A2 Knight C6 here Queen B7 King D6 here from Magnus now you also have ideas like night before you can obviously keep pushing with G3 G2 but at any rate there's very little white can do so Ali Reza plays Queen H7 we got Knight B4 King A3 now he takes D3 played here going for Queen B4 or queen takes B2 Checkmate so we get Queen H6 King E5 Queen H2 King E4 Queen G2 King F4 Queen D2 Queen E3 Queen H2 and here Ali Raza plays the move and resides simply because he realizes that there are many ways for Magnus to win probably simplest as king G5 if your white has no checks uh on the King on G5 black will go Queen C5 Knights 595 you also have G3 G2 too many ways for black to win here and so for that reason Ali resigns the game and Magnus now takes a 2-0 lead in the match and this is the problem with playing its Magnus Carlsen it's it's sort of personified in this game olly Rosa comes up with some great preparation in this opening Magnus is unaware of the theory plays as a try move Ali Rez is ready for it but because all your resume makes one wrong move here he does not find the winning move Queen B3 this one move is the difference between a win and a loss and this is in spite of Oliver's out preparing mags and getting a quote-unquote technically winning position out of the opening so what are you supposed to do when you play against this monster named Magnus Carlson it's very very difficult as we can see so it's 2-0 here and now now we go to the third game so Magnus with the white pieces here against Ollie Reza and he only needs a draw now yesterday in game number three the 2-0 elite magnets did lose with the white pieces but today I think he's in no mood so Ollie Reza plays the French defense in honor of the country which he has adopted after leaving Iran we got Knight C3 Knight F6 E5 Knight E7 and F4 and this of course is the classical variation of these or the steinist classical variation in the French opening so we got C5 Knight F3 Knight C6 Bishop E3 A6 Queen D2 and Bishop E7 now many many years ago I believe it was in 2004 if I'm not mistaken there was a game that was played 2004 2003 the famous game played between Gary Kasparov the the world champion I think at the time is the former world champion and the 15 year old Timor rajbot from Azerbaijan now Gary had not lost since lenora's turn I want to say in seven year maybe I don't know it was her just in general he had not lost game of the white piece in six or seven years and he played Raj above and rajabov actually beat him with a black piece of this opening of course another funny part of the story is that after this game ended or not if this came out to tournament ended there was a prize-giving ceremony including the brilliancy prize and of course they gave it to this game where rajbot beat Gary with the black pieces Gary probably threw a massive tirade he berated the journalists who had voted for the game got very angry said it was an insult to him it was it was like the worst thing they ever could have done and um and and as suffice to say that the Gary was was quite toxic about the whole situation but many people now who are in chess are not aware of that game or that or that great great anecdote that I just provided um but the game I believe it continues something like B5 Knight C2 Queen B6 if I'm not mistaken it was something like this setup alas Ali Reza plays Bishop E7 Magnus goes Bishop D3 we got C4 played here now c4's move that I don't think Ollie Rose would normally play but in this situation he has to win the game if alireza does not win this game he is he is he is uh going to be playing in the losers bracket so because anything goes or you have to go all in all areas that plays C4 we get Bishop E2 and now he goes B5 building this uh I I it's like a mini pyramid or chicken pizza the the pyramid that I saw in Mexico some years back so you get B5 Magnus plays F5 here Ali Reza goes Knight B6 now F5 important move by the way because if you were to Castle and blackheads Knight B6 now F5 is no longer playable because after takes and night guards the pawn on D5 so we get F5 here all the rest plays Knight B6 Magnus trades on E6 and he castles and here Ollie has a calluses now computer wants B4 first but anyway the problem with this position is that black is unable to activate this light Square Bishop you see these pawns black is taking space on the queen side of the board but unless black is able to get let me just illustrate something black is able to get something like this position where you activated the bishop on this diagonal it's going to be very hard to play because even if we get to this position for example with the pawn on C3 something like this you'll notice that here white has this nice Pawn structure black has already trade off the F pawns on E6 so there's no F6 here to attack the chain so the only way to attack the chain is triangle A4 and A3 and maybe it's okay but at any rate white still should have a significant advantage and you'll notice in a position like this the bishop on A6 is very very sad here because in the because you simply have no way to activate it you'd have to go Bishop B5 Bishop E8 and Bishop G6 down the road now it's funny the computer thinks this is okay um but maybe here Queenie one is actually just much better because after Bishop B5 Queen G3 white gets some quick attacking ideas on the king side so we and so in this position um here after Castle we get Knight G5 from Magnus all I read it goes Queen E8 Magnus plays Bishop G4 nice move trying to attack the base of the pawn chain here on the E6 Square we got B4 played Magnus goes 92 intending to potentially play Knight F4 and put even more pressure on the pawn on E6 and the computer already thinks at this point that Magnus is completely winning so you get Rook F1 Rook F1 olly Reza plays C3 logical move desperately trying to get some play with Knight C4 maybe put pressure on this bishop and or this Knight on G5 here if he can't Magnus takes we get Queen to G6 played here now Knight C4 is a move that could be played but after Queen to D3 white is threatening Checkmate on H7 if you play Queen G6 I can just trade and even potentially Play Bishop C1 here and after takes takes takes materials temporarily even here but white has a big Advantage after Rook B1 because our idea is like Knight to F4 here you can later on take the pawn on C3 and just in general it's a miserable position to play okay so all I read decides not to go for that because of course he has to win the game he plays Queen G6 Magnus now plays H4 a ninth move over over protecting the Knight on G5 and now there's really nothing Ali Reza can do to stop this move Knight to F4 forking the queen on G6 and the pawn on E6 as well so Ali Reza goes Knight C4 Magnus plays Queen C1 olly Rosa takes on C3 now we get Knight to F4 the pawn sports tonight and now the base of the chain is collapsing in fact both of these pawns might be collapsing on both the D5 and the E6 Square here so all around the place to move Queen H6 and now we get Knight G takes E6 from Magnus because he's protecting with the the Knight and the bishop olly Reza plays Queen takes H4 and now Magnus plays another nasty move Knight takes Pawn on D5 here and these Knights are really jumping on first glance would think well black can take the bishop but after Knight takes E7 checking the king Knight takes Knight there's Rook to update Checkmate and it's the same thing if you go King h8 Rook up eight would be the classic ice skater King simply cannot move up the board so after Knight takes D5 the game is effectively over there's really nothing much alireza can do he tries to struggle on with Bishop to D7 Magnus now goes Bishop F5 not the absolute best move but good enough simply making sure the queen can't capture the bishop and maybe spying both the bishop on D7 as well as his Pawn on H7 so we get Bishop A3 Magnus plays Queen to E1 a nice move here for Magnus it's not the absolute best move but Magnus understands the situation the most important thing when you're in such a situation is that you do not lose the game you do not need to get those style points and win the game it's like for example you're you're playing you're playing in the NBA and trying to you know throw down the dunk with your head by like seven points with like two and a half minutes left if you try to throw down slam dunk and you miss it for example some of the other team gets the ball you know I'm I'm an old school guy so I think back to Reggie Miller you know Reggie Miller goes down the court puts up some three balls all of a sudden the New York Knicks lose to Indiana Indiana Pacers and you're very confused as to what happened now obviously the story doesn't quite work for anyone who's a basketball fan because Nick's uh I believe we're up by nine and they didn't have a slam dunk or a layup in that situation but any rate that's beside the point the point is you do not go for style points you make sure that you take any risk of losing the position out of the game and of course it doesn't hurt that even though Queens come off the board white is still much better here so we got Rook to B8 Magnus plays Knight takes G7 olly rest plays King takes G7 we got Bishop takes D7 now he takes E3 Magnus takes with the Knight again not the absolute best move but he doesn't need to win the game we got Knight takes D4 played Here and Now Magnus goes Knight to F5 now he has thrown away mostly Advantage but in the process what he's done is we've reached an end game where white so is an extra Pawn but we have opposite color Bishops on the board with F5 and A3 so magnets can never lose the game and nobody cares if he draws the game who cares he still wins the match but you take any risk out of the game so all he runs to play is Rook B2 Magnus goes Rook to D1 here trying to create the Kebab with Rook to D7 on the seventh rank olly Reza plays Rook A2 we get King to F2 played here A5 Rook to D7 Shaq King to H6 is played and now Magnus goes King off three now after King to f8 White is still much better after say Rook takes H7 here but maybe after Rook B2 with ideas like A4 with like Bishop E7 A4 A3 black has some chances save the game and I do think probably this would have been a draw if Ali Reza played Rook to be or even even earlier a couple of moves that were a little bit more precise but again I think that at this point after King to F2 all I read sir maybe even after Bishop takes F5 Oliver is like yeah whatever like I'm not gonna win the game might as well just play a move so I don't think he was really thinking at this point and he was also quite low on the clock to boot so so we got this position after King H6 Magnus goes King to F3 olly Reza plays King G5 Magnus goes G4 here and now there's an unfortunate unfortunate um nating mating net occurring around the black king here we get Buffet Rook takes H7 and now Rook H5 is simply checkmated one after A4 because the King has no squares here all the squares are simply covered and white wins the game so we got Bishop to H6 and now Magnus plays the move E6 and here Ollie Reza resigns the game in view of the faculty simply cannot stop this Pawn from queening without giving up a lot of material if you were to play Bishop f8 why you can go E7 takes takes A4 Rook A7 and with an extra pitch spawn the board white will bring the king over mop up these pawns and win the game very shortly and if you play this move Rook to A1 then white can go E7 Rook to E1 and Bishop E4 creating a bridge and shielding The Rook from being being able to capture the pawn white will Queen this Pawn in the next couple of turns because you cannot stop it here and for that reason there's just no hope which is why Ali Reza resigns after this move E6 so Magus wins this match by a very convincing 3-0 score he is now the winner of the winners bracket what does that mean you may ask that means that the player is a loser's bracket self to play I believe that Notre back and lazovic are playing a match tomorrow winner of that match will play Ollie Reza and if olly Reza can win that match he will be back in the grand finals playing against Magnus Carlson but unfortunately for Ali Reza and or and or anyone who uh could win in the losers bracket they are going to have to defeat Magnus two times in match format play in order to win the event now I myself have been in the same situation I would say it's very it's a very daunting task you'll have to beat Magnus in a four-game match like the standard matches that we've been covering and after that if you do win there's a reset to a two game match so having a win two matches is going to be very very difficult Magnus right now seems to be a man on a big mission trying to destroy everybody so Magnus is playing great chess seems like right now he's Unstoppable but at any rate we will see I don't think we're gonna see tomorrow because I think tomorrow is uh losers bracket only but I believe that on um what is say sorry on um on Sunday we will have the Grand Final um featuring one of those three players either lasovic Notre Beck or olly Reza playing against Magnus so I will do a recap when they play when they play um when they do play the Grand Final against Magnus so we will be back in two days with more Recaps from the chess Champions Tour Generations cup but I hope you guys have enjoyed this recap make sure to hit that subscribe button below if you haven't and we'll be back soon with more great content see you guys bye
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 144,153
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Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, chess speedruns, kick streamer, levy rozman, eric rosen, chess trash talk, chess tactics and strategy, chess openings for white, chess openings for black, chess openings gothamchess
Id: zUOfQoGq6LU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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