Magnus Carlsen Loses 1st Chess Game In 2 Years!

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well what a day of chess it was magnus  carson's non-defeated streak has come to an   end it's taken 125 games and the dude  abides duda from poland has taken him down   it was a brilliant game the last time magnus  lost was on july the 31st 2018 and it took quite   special play from duda to achieve  it so let's go into the action   and duda had the white pieces magnus carlsen with  black goes for the karakan the thing i like about   magnus's play even though he's got this undefeated  streak he picks a very risky line knight to f6 and   this is a very dynamic line the last time magnus  played this was against peter svidler in 2018 and   apparently he said after the game to david howe  that he was never going to play this move again   here he is here he is with another loss probably  won't be doing it again and the point of this move   is that after the capture on f6 black takes with  the e pawn getting this unbalanced pawn structure   when the black king castles king side it's got  an extra pawn defending it the downside of this   is that white has this majority of pawns over  here on the queen side which later on can be very   strong especially as white has an easy way to get  a past pawn so structurally speaking bad but maybe   piecewise okay for magnus now the game continued  with theoretical moves they both developed in a   standard fashion both sides trying to get their  kings safe and black gets castle quickly and now   after queen c2 the main move check and then  h5 this is an important move in this variation   black uses this pawn often to cause some problems  if white castles this way and removes it from   harm's way white simply develops with bishop e3  and now black plays knight d7 trying to get those   pieces into the game white goes queen side it's  actually quite risky for white's castle king side   in this position because later on black can get  quite an initiative with the black knight coming   around towards the king and also this queen coming  on this diagonal so queen side castling leads to   this very unique and dynamic position here  now magnus plays move that's only been tried   once or twice before mainly by the young  dutch talent jordan van furiste and that was   the aggressive move b5 and this just shows that  magnus is in the mood for some action they do say   fortune favors the brave maybe that didn't happen  here well i know i've given the result away but   i think it had to be given away in this game i  know you're going to complain about that but come   on it's big news i've got to tell you and this  move b5 just shows that spirit of going for it   it might not work in the like short  term but in the long term surely fortune   favors the brave and magnus has shown this  throughout his last couple of years in chess   the other move here would have been knight to f8  a much more solid approach but b5 it is and now   to dude's credit he goes for the most ambitious  move d5 this practically forces magnus to play c5   sacrificing the pawn on b5 now i would never  consider capturing this pawn myself because   after bishop takes b5 you open up a line towards  your king but this shows the development of modern   chess in modern modern era we could say people  are much braver and they rely on their defensive   capabilities to a much higher degree this is  because most players use computers to analyze with   computers show better ways to defend and modern  players are learning how to grab that dangerous   pawn the poison pawn and then hang tough defend  you know what saran would say grab that pawn   magnus now plays rook to b8 that line is now for  the rook another interesting idea i was thinking   about here afterwards was maybe you could force  that bishop to a4 and try a move such as rook   e5 the idea of this is to get the rook off that  diagonal so you can try to play knight b6 next   move this could be something to investigate  in the future but rook b8 seems very natural   and now c4 might as well cement that bishop and  here magnus plays a6 a very logical move it's very   interesting to see that ex-world champion kramnik  bit of the legend all round suggested rook takes   e3 here giving up more material and this is a very  anti-computer move the computers hate this move   but kramnik's idea is that after pawn takes  the black knight cements itself here and white   doesn't have moves like f4 to get rid of that  knight this is a very interesting way to play   the computers really don't like it but i like what  kramnik's saying here it's great chances to start   an attack somewhere on the queen side so a very  interesting possibility magnus plays a6 and now   the bishop retreats to a4 and he gow plays rook e7  this has a similar idea to what we've seen before   the knight wants to centralize the rook wants to  come over here white plays a good move knight to   g3 also thinking about attacking and bringing that  knight to one of these attractive light squares   black continuous plan knight to e5 and now  knight to e4 a very human move in actual fact   a better move here would have been the pre-emptive  bishop d2 the idea of this move is to stop   the maneuver that we see in a minute the rook  coming around to b4 the bishop later on will also   be quite comfortable on this diagonal in the game  knight to e4 allowed rook to b7 duda had a long   think here but he can't really allow rook takes b2  ideas and he has to play b3 i think the reason he   had a long thinkers because he was working out  the complexities that were going to occur after   the following exchange sack and this is full steam  ahead magnus now he really wanted to win this game   just showing that risk factor was very brave but  again duda has to have all the credit for keeping   him at arms bay the dude was in good form last  time he defeated magnus carson the prime minister   of poland actually rung him up and congratulated  him so i wonder if he's going to get that phone   call again tonight i'm sure he deserves it it's  great to see these prime ministers and people   showing so much interest in the game can you  imagine that in america trump giving you a little   call after you beat magnus hey donald yeah yeah  okay yeah don't breathe on me yep it's okay okay   but anyway on to the game rook to b4 and magnus  keeps throwing those pieces into the position rook   takes a4 and again to the human eye this looks  incredibly dangerous for white because now the   rook is lined up it's a pity this pawn on c5 is  in the way because otherwise bishop to a3 would be   a stunningly dangerous move but magnus continues  developing he can't get his queen in the attack if   that queen could get in the attack it'd be great  but queen b6 doesn't really achieve anything here   it's not coming in it has no entrance points in  the position and remember what white has to do   here is just survive try to make some exchanges  and win the ending bishop to f5 that piece comes   in and now after rookie one i would say the losing  move h4 this is just far too slow here it's rare   to see magnus go wrong but he needed to play  with a little bit more urgency in the position   and the defensive play from white here is simply  simply astonishing knight g4 would have been a   much better move trying to create complications  and entering straight into tactics the point of   this move is that after something like f3 magnus  could have captured the knight and now play a move   such bishop e5 the rook now wants to come into  b2 and after let's say bishop to c3 here which   i think must be the normal move the bishop  moves into d4 and even this queen can now sneak   into e5 and black has more inroads into white's  position here so h4 was far too slow and now h3   stops any of these shenanigans with that knight  darting into the position the knight therefore   tries to find another route in but now another  great move the rook comes centralized allowing   the other rook to come in and in some cases it  can make exchanges when your material up you want   to exchange pieces off the board magnus throws  the knight in and now g4 forcing the bishop back   and again this next move real real class king to  d1 i mean seriously how many players would think   of this move just trying to get the king away from  a potentially dangerous place on the queen side   it's a weird little maneuver and even though  the king still looks like it's under a lot of   frets here there's no obvious way that black can  increase the pressure that's magnus's problem here   he plays a very human move f5 trying to break  open the position but now white makes some more   exchanges and he simply takes on f5 again  both players showing no fear here you give   me a poor magnus um i will take it i am the polish  pac-man i'm gonna munch my way through your pawns   and pieces boy you may be world champion but i'm  going to eat them all magnus idea he gets a check   but again duder blocks that with f3 black queen  now comes to a potentially dangerous diagonal   but it's blocked again bishop c3 and  we can see here that white's starting   to get quite a harmonious position and even some  counter-attacking chances with this strong piece   black's only try is to try to get the queen  into the position via the g file but now queen   e4 centralizing queen to g2 and rook e1 again  very nice centralization of the pieces here   even here as white i'd be scared after magnus's  move queen takes a2 i'll be like oh come on man   give us a break he's threatening such ideas a  rook b1 but the way to get through these kind of   positions you just have to calculate and show no  fear try to exchange try to swap off and there's   only one move here but it's a good one queen c2  offering the exchange of queens and now the king   can come to d2 because we're blocking that force  field from the queen queen takes c4 rook to e8   check this force is off well more pieces i mean  the other options here were just as bad magnus's   idea here is to try to complicate things by at  least giving himself a check on d5 when the chips   are down and you're struggling you might as well  throw everything into the pot there's there's no   point you know fading away you might as well burn  in a blaze of glory and i think that's what magnus   is aiming to do here but white has so many  pieces now as we can see his material up and   as long as he holds his nerve here which he does  very well he can get to the victory line and there   may have been easier ways for white to have won  this but it's always nice having two extra rooks   magnus fights on and now in this position  duda takes quite a practical choice   the best thing to do is when you're winning you  know simplification is good but if you see an   opportunity to attack you have to calculate it and  in this position queen d8 would have actually been   not the move that behaved but a much better idea  giving up your rook but forcing the black king   out into the open and we can see after a series  of checks that the black king is in hopeless   situation this kind of sequence will end with  the black queen being lost so duder gives magnus   a glimp glimpse of hope there with rook f8  but again after king c1 magnus has no checks   and there's really no way in white's pieces  are stopping everything so the game goes on but   eventually duda manages to get some coordination  creates some threats of his own black has to now   defend and as we see magnus's only idea let's go  back to that point there where he gets a check   in magnus magnus's only idea around this moment  is to try some desperation checks the white king   moves up the board and here a very practical  choice this bishop is a little bit dangerous   there are some checks here when okay the white  king can run away but even if you have to give a   bit of material back when you're lots of material  up it's often a good way to simplify get rid of   any nasty tactics and i like this move rook takes  e4 the point of this is after rook d4 the king is   very safe on a3 and all of these pieces protect  and they attack at the same time and really now   get the hoover out it's a mop up job and as we  can see magnus throws in a couple of checks but   the rook is clearly stronger than two pawns that's  something we should all know the game goes on but   it ends in a great victory for duda and i have to  say quite a you know quite an important moment in   chess history because magnus had this great streak  the longest ever streak of 125 wins but the duder   stops it what can we say about that well you know  he went for it magnus with the black pieces and   it was bound to end his undefeated streak so  i don't think he should be too disappointed i   mean clearly if he is worried about the streak he  wouldn't have played in this dangerous manner but   also all praise to white the duda keeps his cool  he grabs the material he defended perfectly and he   got a very important historical win there i'm sure  magnus will bounce back but we'll have to wait   until tomorrow to see how he's going to cope with  this loss he's not used to losing after all now do   remember to like this video and subscribe to the  channel and i'm sure i'll see you all again soon
Views: 672,580
Rating: 4.9164925 out of 5
Keywords: chess, checkmate, chess videos, checkmate videos, videos,, magnus carlsen, magnus chess, best chess games, JKD, JKD Chess, Duda, Duda Chess, Carlsen Duda, Carlsen vs. Duda, Carlsen Duda Chess, magnus carlsen loses, magnus carlsen loss, magnus carlsen lost
Id: hIsSI80q0Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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