Magical winter wall tent camping- with a WOOF and a MOOSE!

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[Music] [Music] oh my God laughs foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] there we go foreign foreign hmm yeah this will be good ah full moon sweet nice [Music] let's get this bad boy on [Music] foreign [Music] oh wow all right look at that it's so amazing I've let it rest a few minutes the fire is gone again so dear Lord thank you so much for this day this beautiful sunshine and it's snow and this meal pray for those watching Lord that you would be with them give them hope and strength and love and I thank you for this food in Jesus name amen wait to dig into this brought my candle out here so nice I'm going to take this Mushroom on top I just have to oh my word hello wolf you are gonna get the bone baby yeah you'll get the bone because moose is I don't know where he's running around he's missing out we got to give these guys the first bite Maisie okay and then you get yours all right guys ready open up you get the first bite go on all right here we go medium rare mm-hmm holy cow I need some light that is amazing ready for a bite baby it's all fat yeah it's a good girl easy here oh that fire is good and hot now it's warming me right up a cold there for a minute but it's good now um medium rare oh big piece of juicy fat right here maze um one more thing nice and cold that is a good meal maze huh this steak is massive foreign pretty all right let me get this fire going it's cold in here it's gonna feel good to get a fire going there we go I'll get this place heated up man you can see so good tonight it is like there's shadows out here even it's crazy bright I didn't even know it was going to be a full moon tonight so this is like so perfect to be out here just amazingly bright especially with the snow full moon and a snow is just awesome [Music] [Music] the feather in the fire will blow it home your way [Music] thank you how to unfold when this night is so tight there is [Music] she doing good [Music] it feels so good [Music] remember [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] days maybe [Music] [Music] get up there good girl come on come on up girl good girl [Music] let's be warm here we go [Music] let's be warm you feel good I feel good I think so yeah lay down lay down get in your bed there you go there you go right by the fire it's nice and warm it was a good girl all my socks have been falling down in my boots oh it feels good in here I need to go girl oh it's cold in here I gotta get a fire going yes here you are the dot the in and out dogs good morning good morning good morning oh cold boots you're up and Adam huh buddy the fire I am putting my coat on until it gets warmed up in here I need that fire oh looking good hi guys I'm getting it warmed up in here I'll give you guys a bone where's your brother is he running around is he running around yeah okay I'm gonna close this up hey you out there little man hi it's Muti there's a Moosie you guys want a bone you know what I got you guys a bone look here you go you go chew on that I'll keep you busy got a Beautiful Morning Sun is up it's gorgeous there you go guys oh my hands are so cold this isn't blown colder it's good there we go get some coffee going hopefully my water isn't Frozen okay a little bit but not too bad there we go did you eat that already it's totally gone wow you guys are savages he's Savages did you eat yours too did you oh he's still working on his Maisie you let him eat it come on come on maze it's your bone going back in it's cold fire oh yeah it's coming everything is gonna be all right I got this in Costa Rica this is a coffee dripper and they use these just cloth reusable filters so it just sits in there like that so a little Frozen it's still wet from yesterday coffee in there and when it's ready let's pour it through pretty great setup it's going to be a beautiful day but it's I'm starting to feel some heat in here it's chilly so nice oh yes oh we're good to go oh my goodness laughs you know what I'm gonna heat up my cup first it's so freezing cold coffee time you can't believe how good that smells and here get some heat get in the smell of the coffee that's fantastic Isn't that cool I went to Costa Rica I did get to see a toucan and a tree and it was so cool to see one of these live live not in a book or a zoo it was really cool I got this lighter too I thought this lighter was cool it's a leather casing with a frog oh that's a beautiful thing this fire is absolutely blazing now heating this place up it feels so good oh come on give me the Heat so I have a special treat I get that heated up good morning this is good now it's much better now it's probably in the low 30s high 20s this morning I really don't know ah oh yes that's awesome trying to thaw out my oil it's completely congealed you see this all right I made Pizza the other night and I always have a little bit of leftover sourdough and it's great for fry bread inch it into a circle and this is just it's been sitting for like two days so it's nice and sour the dough has fermented even more so it's just gonna be great one thing you got to be sure is that you gotta really hot oil I think I can take and take the coat off now I should probably just try it with some water oh that's good I really want it to be hot I should do okay I think it could have been hotter here we go okay this isn't super ideal but we did it it's gonna taste amazing a little cinnamon sugar and coffee oh yeah that looks great dear Lord thank you so much for this tent and the Sunshine coming in and this heat thank you for this day and all the blessings you give me and thanks for this food coffee Jesus name amen all right you guys know you get the first bite come on I know you want it too look at this fry bread go ahead take a bite there it is ready oh yeah oh that's good it's finally warmed up in here um that that's that is awesome not a bad place to wake up right not bad at all cheers [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh don't forget to get outside and get happy foreign
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 208,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wall tent, winter camping
Id: mvp6qOrCQp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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