Tiny cabin overnight- STEAK, Da Woof, & Questions Answered

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yes daisy now are headed to the cabin for an [Music] overnight there it is [Music] sky dresses up and [Music] dreams will come [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i will see [Music] i just sit here and believe in believing [Music] we have lights ah nice hey brook whipple here welcome to my channel gonna do an overnight in the cabin tonight it's gonna be so cozy me and del wolf gonna have a steak kickback heck yeah man it's getting nice and warm in here now i'll check my fire got some nice hardwood this should do me good for a while it doesn't take much to get a get it nice and warm in here i got my slippers on check it out floor's a little chilly i'm gonna get my steak going course of course i'm having steak of course yeah give me some steak i'm gonna put a giant couple chunks of butter in these pans one for the steak one for the mushrooms get these things heating up and uh cut up some mushrooms and garlic and be pretty amazing i think i'm going to ramp this up a little and put it right in here on the fire get it cooking a lot better oh man this looks and smells so good oh mushrooms and garlic that's just a beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing it smells so good in here all right i'm going to get this steak on i think i'm going to put these on top and do the same thing with a steak put it right in on the on the fire okay here it is i'm gonna have to scrunch it because you know i just oh oh okay stick in there a little big steak see it doesn't really it doesn't really fit in there so a little salt and pepper and it's going in right on the flamage [Music] some salt on there nice now it's going in the flamage that'll do good in there they'll do much better than on top oh my goodness you hear this the key to a good steak is not messing with it you don't you don't touch it while it's on one side you let it brown really really really good so i think i'm probably at that point where i can flip this so this should be amazing ready for it [Music] oh yeah it was time it was time look at that steak in the wood stove she goes good steak only needs salt and pepper but of course i'm going to have some a1 because i you know i gotta have my a1 get this thing back in get that side nice and brown now i'm not gonna touch this gonna let it sit there do work it's magic all right guys i think we're good i'm gonna pull this thing out put it on a plate yeah look at this you see that oh my that that's a beautiful beautiful thing let's eat i'll slather it with these mushrooms mushrooms and garlic oh yeah isn't that amazing oh oh that's amazing yes it is bring this over here so i can see what i'm doing dear lord thank you so much for this day the sunshine we had today was amazing thank you for this cabin the strength you give us to build this cabin lord thank you for your blessings i am beyond blessed and i pray for everyone watching this video that you would bless them as well lord thank you for this food this steak this mushrooms these delicious things that you give us thank you jesus name amen let's see oh my goodness you know the deal guys right are you new to this channel because if you don't know the deal the deal is the deal always is that you you get the first bite it is take the first bite open up yeah all right here we go um first meal in the cabin had to be a steak this my friends all that work all that work this is the payoff sitting by candlelight food cooked on the wood stove steak and mushrooms salt and pepper oh my goodness that's so good i wish you were here i've got room i've got room for all of you look at this place it's huge oh man does that hit the spot i'm gonna save something amazing i got dinner for her too then i got all the juices from my pan to pour over her food oh my goodness she's gonna love it i love it you guys see this oh man so so good that's just some amazing food off of a wood stove thank you lord all right i do have a1 i mean i can't not do a1 it's a good steak by itself but i gotta have some a1 maisie has not wanted to come in yet she's right out here oh yeah there she is right there i can see her out the window i've got some goodies for her but uh she she loves to be outside i mean you guys know if you've watched my videos that dog loves to sit outside and bark and bark and bark everything going by the coyotes the bigfoots the yetis the dog men she's on it i'm safe good girl keeping mama safe break it in the cabin with a steak um okay i did turn off my lights just to conserve the battery and the coyotes are holland so i'm going to go outside see if you can hear come on maisie go girl come on all right she went right back out [Applause] oh here she comes she sees oh okay but i got some goodies to put on top of that for you guys too all the juice oh man doggie delight try to get some of my steak tubes too much there's the waffles the wolf needs goodies there you go good girl all right guys look at this this is for dewolfe why don't you just lift the plate i'm fine with that you can just have the plate there you go baby that's a happy wolf okay for dessert i'm gonna core this apple without cutting myself hopefully oh the woof the woof wants in i'm gonna core this apple fill it with brown sugar and put some pistachios in there and throw it in a little crock just like that nice salty pistachios oh not that one that's got the shell oh i should eat one got the apple pistachios the brown sugar and the lid i'll take this to the stove i'm just going to put it there i'm in no hurry i could put it inside but all right all right this is it's just been sitting on the stovetop look at it it's crazy it's made a giant mess on the stove but baked apple see how that is boiled over so let's put it right here see we got somewhat soft looks pretty delish on the bottom so yeah not too bad dip it in there and that caramely goodness just need to let it cool a little bit all right let's try this real good it's kind of nice sugary here you want to try yeah it's too dark pretty good nice little cleanse of the palette after a big thick steak but honestly i'm getting sleepy i could just soon go to bed this is nice okay it is bedtime and look who came inside the wolf has settled in hi baby you just lay down you won your nice little bed it's okay you just go back to sleep losing power here on my my power generator but yeah i'm gonna have to do this in candlelight i've got my cot and my goodies in here so i'm gonna get my bed ready i'm gonna shut the lights off okay okay there we go all right it's just candlelight now just awful pretty so and here i got my sleeping bag [Music] i'm gonna put this cot together oh you can stay inside we've gotta go outside again go outside okay there you go there we go still got the lights still got the candles going on but here is my bed got the foot down here it's on a nice cot and um get maisie back in here get her on her bed we'll be all set for night night all right good night maze got the wolf back in she's good to go i need to blow out these candles see in the morning morning guys slept pretty good now it's daylight you can see my setup so this is good i'm gonna get up i already have i kept my fire going pretty much all night i just get up throw some wood in there so i got already had my hot water and i put my breakfast on the stove to heat up so yeah time to get up the wolf is outside i hear her it's gonna be a nice day it's cloudy it's a bit feels warmer already birdies are waking up it's a little hot in here so i got the i got the window open but i'm gonna do is put this stuff away and i'm gonna make some coffee i want to show you this this inflatable pad that i have rakia designs interesting thing about this mat right here is it's double it's like a double walled um sleeping pad so if you were to get a puncture on this side this side would still completely inflate or vice versa so this is this is a pretty cool map you should check it out i'll put the link below and they've got really easy one-way valves so it's just really easy to inflate and deflate in this cut this cat's great too really lightweight march way i'll put the link below to that too super easy to put together i think it weighs four pounds and folds up really nice really comfortably wide and stable it's all gone all right let's feed the wolf the water froze overnight so i'll get her some new water some new biddles here's a wolf want some breakfast here we go gotta feed the livestock there's a good girl my turn oh that's a beautiful thing nice to sit here and look at the birds and be in the quiet oh here is the wolf eaten the birds outside and my teapot on the stove it's pretty great now we got the hat on ready for the day and quiche so i have leftover quiche that i put over here and it's hot and ready to be slathered in tabasco and salsa okay oh yeah salt pepper [Music] i need lots of tabasco [Music] a little bit more there [Music] homemade pico [Music] lots of that that right there is there is the stones little bit more [Music] all right what a view do lord thank you for this beautiful day this food this cabin strength thank you that i woke up another day [Music] may take no day for granted thank you lord jesus name amen [Music] awesome i love quiche this is this has got sausage and broccoli mushrooms scallion you guys get the first bite here you go there you go take a bite it's all yours [Music] oh man this is the best brookfish breakfast nook it's a breakfast nook i like that this is the best breakfast nook ever i like it [Music] this is so worth all that hard work [Music] beautiful chickadees ah it's good life is good [Music] hey guys i wanted to shout out this dog bed this is made by white duck outdoors they heard that i was looking for a dog bed for maisie and they sent me this now white duck outdoors they're the people that make that bell canvas tent that i just love in the winter in fact going to be doing it overnight in that tent here real soon so this is a canvas dog bed and it'll totally the outside will zip off and you can wash it but maisie loved it last night she slept here all night and uh dewolfe was so happy so we gotta thank white duck outdoors for sending me this beautiful dog bed and they've agreed to give you a discount if you go and order through the link below you get 10 off either one of their canvas belt tents or one of these dog beds so go check that out highly recommend the company they really deal with sustainable cotton harvesting and practices so very cool thank you white duck outdoors for the dog bed for the woof all right guys so as promised i told you i would do a little q a here today about the cabin a lot of you had a ton of questions i was getting a lot of the same questions over and over but try to cover as many as i can but not keep it too long one of the biggest questions we got is how much did this place cost to build and we figured we got about three grand into it and some of that is is really variable depending on the price of your materials and depending on how you want to finish the inside now just the floor in the ceiling of this place cost about 900 dollars so the tongue and groove and the pine floor were two of the biggest expenses of the inside build the rest you know i use furring strips for a trim i use bead board which is about 19 a sheet for these end walls you know and the rest is just kind of labor and then you've got you know the stain and the paints is you know another 50 60 bucks so you could have completely painted the floor instead of putting down boards you could have done osb you know for everything else you can make it as expensive or as cheap as you want on the inside because you're going to finish it however you want and you can cut corners and use whatever you have so it depends on you know like these shelving systems or what we know little things that add up you don't have to do that but i would say the interior was probably probably about a grand or eleven hundred dollars without the furniture and the furniture i bought you know this is a four hundred dollar chair which is pretty expensive i think and then my hammock chair was like 300 these those are luxury items you know you could go to the thrift store which we've always done this is the first new chair i've ever bought in my life so it's a little bit of a luxury item obviously you don't have to furnish your cabin like this the stove was two hundred dollars everyone wants to know about the stove it's a camp chef alpine heavy duty barrel stove now these are meant for wall tents it was about 200 bucks it's perfect for in here this space is really small it's only 10 by 12 and that's what we decided to go with in here and as much as i can i will link anything that i bought and that's available on amazon i'll put it in my amazon store in the link below if you want to go check out my store if you buy anything through my link i get a small commission which is just helps the channel you're supporting the channel for free so if you want to do that go ahead another common question is what about the power uh there's no power in here this is off grid and i use a little power box which you saw me use last night to power the string of lights which i think these are definitely not led and it really drained down my battery really quickly so we're definitely going to be adding solar a couple solar panels and i have a solar power bank that i'm going to put in here and we're going to use so we can power some more stuff now my my computer right now is running off of battery and i'm also running the internet off of my wi-fi hotspot on my phone let me show you some other gadgets and gear that i have so running the internet right now off my phone using the hotspot and i've got little power banks too that i plug into my my phone and keep it charged and i can play music i got my bluetooth speaker so i can pull up like i just listen to a podcast if i turn on oh it was on i can use my phone to listen to music or podcasts or you know whatever else [Music] so that's cool so i got music in tunes i got the internet with my hot spot i've got power with solar and power battery banks so that's how i'm using power this is what i use in here right now it's just light and portable and plug that in get it charged up and then i bring it in here and it's got this is a 500 watt power battery bank so that's how i've got power in here and yeah we do have plans for solar for sure the bed setup a lot of you wondering where how am i going to sleep in here well you got to see that last night i just keep cuts in the storage bench with a sleeping bag an inflatable mattress like there's totally enough room for two people to sleep in here on the floor then you can put it all away put it back and you've got your your space again people have asked about a couch or a murphy bed well it's just space is just not big for it's not big enough for that and i don't want that in here i wanted a couple chairs that i could switch around if i don't if i don't want them in here anymore i want it to be um simple and so this is really meant more as you know kind of a getaway a writer's place a place to just chill not it's not set up right now to live full time though you completely could i had people like oh that's a shed well yeah it kind of is it's set up for it very nicely you could completely live in something this size you could also add make it a little taller it could have added a half loft here for a couple of beds but we just didn't do that this is just small quick cabin that anyone can build anyone really can afford if you know you're you're living right you're not living above your means you're working hard you're you know dave and i we we have done this kind of thing so much and the reason we can do it is because we don't have any debt we buy uh used cars we we buy used furniture this is the first new chair i've ever had my whole life and i'm almost 50. so you know you make choices on how you want to live which will impact what you're able to do so we choose freedom and over you know having a car that looks really great with no rust so stuff like that we just pay cash for every piece of land we've ever had has been bought with sweat equity in mind it had needed lots of work but it had tons of potential now this right here where this cabin sits is part of property we already own and our house is at the other end of this property so we already had this property and we bought this property for cash when we did buy it so every time we have a project we take that money and flip it into another property and it's all sweat equity we buy cheap we sell high because we put all the work into it and it's all cash in our pocket so that's how we make it work we've always done it like that people ask what what do you look for in a piece of land well you look for potential and possibility and you look for affordability and resources so it's got to be within your budget it's got to be something maybe you know the cheaper land is going to be farther farther out and off grid so that's a bonus because it's not a bit it's not as attractive to people without electricity well that's good news for you because it means it's cheaper and there's land like this all over the country you say well i can't afford that where i live well then you need to find land somewhere else maybe the land in your area is super expensive but you're living there now so you figured it out but going out and getting your own piece of land it you've got to look for the resources you you need it's going to sustain you got to look for accessibility you know it's got to speak to you too dave and i always land has a feel it has a vibe put your feet on the land take a look around and actually see what it feels like but potential affordability resources accessibility you know what do you need of that piece of land what are you looking for that's really a personal decision but cheap land is is out there to be had you just got to go find it a lot of people are wondering about this giant pane of glass we have which it apparently is freaking a lot of people out here about a lot about shutters i hear about birds flying into it i hear about it blowing in with storms and it's just not something we're going to worry about i think it's because it's a single pane of glass people aren't used to dealing with single panes of glass anymore you buy a window it's double or triple paned or whatever and it seems strong but this glass is strong there's it's going to take a pretty big event to blow out this window i am not worried about it in the least we're not going to put shutters on it i think somebody else mentioned curtains and i'm definitely not putting any curtains in here we're very private here there's no need for curtains and i want all of the light to come in and when you have birds flying into windows it's because there is a light source behind the window like say another window back here where the birds would think they could fly straight through and that is not the case here it's straight back to the wall and even this one it's far enough off they're not seeing it there has been no birds flying into that window there's been a few people asking about skirting the bottom of the cabin with either straw bales or something no we're not going to do that it's it's small building it's insulated just fine and some people talked about wild animals getting under the building it it'll be fine actually it's stuffed full of building material right now that i'm going to use for the outhouse and you know i'd like to put a deck out front with a bit of a porch and so there are some more projects to be had and so it'll still it's evolving it's still evolving but as far as actually living here in this cabin you could totally do it we lived in a 12 by 12 cabin that we built had a half loft in it for two and a half years and we actually even had our baby daughter belle in there for six months with us it's totally doable we literally had no more than this in the house we we did have a small corner table in a little kitchen area a couple little cabinets aloft literally that was it and it works and you don't need a lot to survive you just need the basics you need to be warm and your place to sleep you know some candles we did end up getting electricity on that place but it was very cozy those are we look back on those days fondly living in our 12 by 12 cabin it can be done you haul your water and it drips down into a bucket you do your dishes in a bucket you heat your water on the wood stove like it's so doable you've got to wrap your mind around not being completely comfortable all the time that's that's something we as a modern society are just completely used to being comfortable having all these modern applications to things that are really basic needs that you don't need so you gotta just change your mindset but you could totally live in something this size i would do it i would do it right now so yeah the bathroom that's outside and like i said so yeah the bathroom that's outside taking a kettle bath that's something i want to do in an upcoming video to show you how to take a bath with water heated on the stove and it just you know what i call a kettle something about this size gallon gallon and a half water you can totally get cleaned up i've done it my whole life so i have to show you that so for the outhouse question let me show you i never did show you the finished out house let's go now as i showed you in the build this is a temporary outhouse this structure is just going to stay up all winter it's just it's just a portable shelter type either for a porta potty or changing i found the sturdiest one i could and i i drove in some wooden spikes to keep it up all winter and then when i open it up i just have a box toilet in here this is what it looks like so this is just maisie come on get back this is just a really simple solution to uh you know it's a temporary situation here so when we get the outhouse built um this will all be gone so this is how it works and that'll that'll stay all winter i just keep the snow and keep it keep it cleared off and it works just fine i'm not sure if we're going to try to put a well in here that we haven't got that far yet you can just haul water right now and that's fine somebody wanted to i've got a couple questions about the folding table very simple it's just a matter of hinges i'll show you how i did that i had some questions about the the table and how i did the table it's really really simple look up under here you've got this one that comes up like this and then the other side does the same and then when that's both legs are up it just folds it just folds against the wall when both the legs are up so that's it just very simple hinges underneath had a couple of people ask if i do anything differently no this is this is exactly what i had in mind exactly what we wanted to build so it turned out great gonna be getting out in the woods again soon to shelters and outdoor winter camping so stay tuned for that just been really consumed by our up property and then this cabin build so would i ever do alone again i wouldn't i've done it twice that's enough for me it was um they were amazing experiences dave would definitely do it again would this foundation work for something slightly larger say a 20 by 24 cabin yes we've built uh several big cabins in alaska on this type of post and pad foundation style so yep you can totally do something like this with a bigger footprint now where we are in alaska you need to adjust it because usually it's permafrosty area so it will you know need some adjustments with some big jacks and some wedges and stuff but that won't happen here it'll be fine here but yeah you you on a post and pad foundation if you need to make adjustments you can have you ever thought about building a sauna yes we've talked about asana so maybe that will be um coming up i see you and your husband spend a lot of time apart i'm new to the channel so not familiar with your relationship we're together 24 7 we have been for years the only time i'm alone is when i'm filming something alone so yeah we're together all the time 20 we've been together 25 years so so yeah it was very warm in here last night i was i was fine i got up a couple times and threw some wood in so that stove did good overnight but yeah didn't want to bed in here so the cots are the solution to that and someone wants to know where this is this is in the northern lower part of michigan not this is not our up property do you build these to flip now you know we just build these for our own enjoyment we also don't have plans or cut lists or anything i'm sure you could go to like a pretty common shed building book and find something pretty similar to this to work off of but we just wanted something small like i said just to get away this size wood stove someone said do you recommend getting an even smaller wood stove this is about right in here because it takes full length you know pieces of wood which is nice you know you could put 14 inch pieces of wood in here 16 probably so it's a nice you know size to be real but it's yet small so something like this would be great for a space like this a lot of people want to know about my swinging chair where'd i get it and this chair so i got that off of uh amazon through a place called caribbean jumbo hammocks and the link is below i think they're out of stock right now unfortunately guys and then this chair came from menards so someone says by law can you stay in the cabin for more than one week i'm guessing you're from the uk or something yeah of course this is our own property we can be in here as much as we want i've never built anything i was wondering how you got started building cabins and showers and outhouses and she also says i like to live where there is a convenience store nearby well you just start you just you just gotta do it you've got to believe in yourself enough that you can pull it off and it's really not that hard now you saw me finish the interior of this building and uh no one was here instructing me i just figured it out and that's what you've got to do you've got to figure it out just jump in and go this is what i want and figured out how to do it dave was not here one bit for this interior except for the very top board i could not reach and i couldn't get it in so i needed another person to span that gap with me other than that he did not step foot in here give his opinion he didn't give his advice i figured everything out on my own and i don't have a ton of experience i just went for it that's what you've got to do you've got to believe in yourself and just go for it there's a no better teacher than doing it so just do it you'll make mistakes and you'll figure it out as you go i've had a lot of people wonder about the wood stove and carbon monoxide and all this stuff it's not an issue this cabin isn't that tight guys i mean there's a draft under the door right now there's plenty of air coming in i don't need to worry about that you could always have a carbon monoxide detector or smoke detector that would take care of that someone says do you enjoy camping alone or with someone else more i love camping alone because you're just on your own and you can do whatever you want you don't have to worry about somebody else usually i'm filming too and it's a it's a burden to people who are camping with me uh and they're usually pretty good sports but of course i love camping with people it's so much so enjoyable to have someone along with you i want to do the same it's my goal of life says fearless freedom but i'm in social security disability and i have and i'm 56 years old my question do you believe that i have a chance to live in the wilderness before i die any advice it's all up to you you've got to make choices you've got to be bold you've got to assess your abilities if you say you're on social security disability um you know may not be physically capable uh to build something like this but maybe you could find someone to help you or you could find something that's already built and save your money you could sell your house to get there like there's so many options to reach your goals you've got to be creative and you've got to want it bad enough to do it so yeah don't wait for the best years of your life go go chase it down right now anybody listening out there i think you i think you all feel that you don't need permission you just need the courage i have to ask this if you wake up in the middle of night you have to pee and it's cold outside it's cozy warm do you ever pee in a bucket throw in the outhouse in the morning yeah i mean in the in alaska sometimes we used to have a composting toilet which was a sawdust toilet that we built and then we were composting and so our potty was inside at that point and then it would get dumped so yeah there's been situations where we've done it i wouldn't do it here it's pretty small honestly a lot of times i just go out the door and just go in the trees and pee because it's a little closer than the outhouse but yeah don't drink a lot of stuff where you go to bed that's the key hold off a couple hours before you go to bed and then you can usually make it through yep gonna do primitive camping in some shelters and do some winter camping here real soon a heat shield someone's asking about the heat shield on the stove it's just a piece of it's almost like roof metal got it at menards they come in either three or six foot sections and it's just a piece of cut pipe holding it off the wall with a screw very easy um you know i suppose you could put in sort of like what i did the table where it folds down right back here to do a bed but you know i'm pretty satisfied with the cots someone wants to know in my off-grid shower install video where i found the valve i got that at menards i pretty much get everything at menards they should sponsor me so yeah look for a uh a pump there at menards for the shower brick would you consider an outdoor tub bath heated by fire for summer months and rain water oh rain water that's another question we're definitely going to be adding some rain catchment and some water catchment systems to grab water so we'll be doing that too and you can always just grab some water and take a bath with that you can heat it up over a fire take a kettle bath you can do a hanging bath you can take a cold shower which i'm into right now i have to do video on that here in the turkeys they must be close oh here's a good question do you plan on adding to the cabin well maybe at some point we could add going that way and we may do that long-term future not sure not sure if we'll keep this piece of land even so we'll see maybe i'll just move this cabin someplace cool well guys that's going to do it for me hope you liked the video i don't want to take more of your time i appreciate you each and every one of you thanks for joining me i'll see you in the next one this girl in the woods she gone oh don't forget to get outside and get happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 500,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny cabin, off grid cabin, off grid living, off grid, tiny cabin build, tiny cabin in the woods, overnight with my dog, camping with my dog, cabin, tiny house
Id: p0oLkVnTWlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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