Trail cam surprise. Walking among giants. Steak medium rare please.

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all right back at the cabin for spring we're in this beautiful time of year where there's no bugs yet and the leaves aren't out you can kind of just see through the forest but I'm heading back to the cabin for the very first time River definitely overflowed its banks and it's still pretty wet in the trail here brought the chainsaw see if I might have uh some problems getting through the trail very hot day [Music] right [Music] beautiful spring day [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all right we made it go uh I have no idea super glad to hear the bees are working good [Applause] I've been running the chainsaw [Applause] wow yeah I got the ATV through everything is good I'm gonna throw a beer in the river and open this place up [Applause] left all right have fun Dave got me these for Christmas and we haven't tried them out yet so this is super cool our cabins are not close and we weren't sure how well we were going to be able to communicate we just tried it out in like three spots on the property cool so I'm here for the day he's up at the other cabin I've been with him for a couple days at his other cabin now it's time for me to be in my cabin and get some projects done and it is a beautiful day time to get started or stopped I'm not sure really because I really don't want to work but uh I got some stuff I need to do first let's throw beer in the river very appropriately we're putting in a summer shandy nice to be back for the year snow is gone it is good I gotta put my steps back in you wanna get in gonna get in go do it just gonna get the Zoomies or should we put this beer so it doesn't float away maybe right here let's run what do you think oh it's got more tea you're gonna get in the water that is so ice cold get your water yeah yeah get it oh here they go boy beautiful day it's just high enough above the bank to avoid the flooding which is this lower area all right everything is like I left it let's go check out the cabin oh it's very warm in here solar effect is just cooking all good all right [Music] thank you [Music] dear spring welcome back so if you missed it this is uh where I just kind of can collect things and and pin them up when I find them and just Little Treasures the treasure board [Music] it's cobwebs [Music] thing looks in place just like I left it [Music] good thank you let me get some water thing is wonderful [Music] all right [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah it's awesome [Music] there we go huh I think this candle like just melted over it's so much solar heat in here I think it just melted to the side well I think we should hook up the solar get this record player rolling record player is the solar all right see it's getting a charge lights on see what it's at right now 78 all right I'm just going to turn it off and uh make sure the panel looks good which is just straight out here I had to stand for it I had it sitting over here I left it all winter and I didn't think about the water coming over and that's why we found it a drift over here so maybe we can find the stand and get it set back up there's no leaves right now so I'm getting plenty of good solar just just propping it against the tree that works for now good steps back in torches probably full of water hey hey there's my other step in the stand my really goofy stand I made for the solar drifted all the way over here oh good check our apple trees planted this I planted two apple trees last year look they're doing good there's one it's blooming is the other one be amazing to have honey crisp apples in the middle of nowhere I never did uh vents them up and the deer haven't found them yet so I guess I got lucky sees this guy's little tail beautiful River it almost looks it looks so manicured in the spring because stuff's just not grown yet this place is just so wild in the spring it looks just like a golf course everybody always asks about the color of the water um it's from tannins all the pine trees on Cedars everything it just it puts the tannins in the water it's perfectly clean Wilderness beautiful water it's just that color from tannins pretty soon we'll have fiddlehead ferns coming up right here that we can eat that'll be good got them all over in here just just too early can't win with these weeds around the fire pit I go to Alaska and I'll come back and this will be let's be all big again on it yeah let's go boy you have a good day we are having a good day huh every day is a good day outside getting happy foreign [Music] is chilly [Music] it's one of the things I need to focus on this year is touching up this siding look at how moldy it's gotten like you know the snow just sits against this you know up up to this High you know three four feet high sits against this wall and it's just really discolored it so I need to address this this year sand that off and redo it should we go for a walk you want to go go check a trail camera okay let's go so I always put up a lot of trail cameras around here I think I have four or five it's always fun to go check and uh see what's on them so we're going this one I'm really excited about I put it near some beaver and Otter activity so let's hope it's something cool I can just see how far the river came over the banks here and just deposited all this sand so really glad that my cabin is up high enough to avoid getting flooded pretty little flowers got some tracks down here I'm not exactly sure what they are going along this bank here you smell it lots of snuffs somebody [Applause] so weird in here in the spring with just no leaves and weeds yet it's wild absolutely beautiful oh you got that new sand it's a good boy man there's a lot of new trees down trying to remember where I put this trail cam I think it's over here found it foreign here it is probably covered by snow most of the winter take that back and see what we got I Just Want to Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance I Just Wanna Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance dance dance I I Just Wanna Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance dance dance I Just Wanna Have Fun clap my hands turn around now and dance dance I just wanna I just wanna pop pop up I just wanna I just wanna pop up and around business [Music] I just wanna know [Music] I [Music] don't know [Music] perfect [Music] hey come here gross boy he just rolled in something so dirty did you just find something dead look at you you're disgusting oh I hope it wasn't stinky look at these giant birch trees just ancient they're dead unfortunately tops just massive probably 150 years old but just monstrous too bad they're they're done great fire starter though take some of that look at that giant oh my gosh man oh big it's just an ancient Beauty this thing's gotta be I don't know eight ten foot around at the bottom oh man just love it wow this didn't even look like a birch tree so old chaga right there right the tree's dead too can never find the chaga in reach there you have fun buddy foreign or just exploring yeah getting dirty hey look at that finally found in reach big big chunk it's another oh that one's alive hey good job this one's alive look at that beautiful chaga have to come back with my Hatchet get some of this gold beauteous walking among giants oh man trees just give me jazzed hey buddy slow down come on come on back up what a goober going too fast I just pumped up right there okay [Laughter] oh I'm crazy boy throw down foreign these are morels these are beef steaks some people eat them but uh they're also called false morels and they're pretty toxic so we'll just wait for the morels nice to see them nice to see something growing he just laid down in the puddle in the middle of the trail he's hot is that doing it for you buddy what a goober you're such a dirty dog they're the radiators at what is it get it moose get it get it get it Loose don't get it come on come on yeah it's a Stumpy scared of the stump I think yep that's what it was [Laughter] okay goofball [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] that's my favorite smell birch bark burning smells so good [Music] [Music] look at that beautiful light so amazing here thank you [Music] River cold Summer Shandy in a fire that'll work oh you guys I have to show you my new knife Jonathan Deering made this for me just amazing look at that beauty I picked out the scales he offered to make me a knife and he kind of like custom designed it for me it is just absolutely beautiful so sharp so light he's really not making knives these days so I feel pretty privileged to get one what a beauty thank you so so much Jonathan it is gorgeous and the sheath and the fire steel it's it's just as good love love purple potatoes throw a ton of butter in there my friend Kevin Hardy makes these these little spice packets they're just awesome so do some pepper so it's salt pepper garlic salt garlic powder and onion powder just gonna do salt and pepper he's roasting I haven't eaten all day I've been saving for this meal I had oatmeal this morning and that's it so it's time right the other thing I brought so I dug up some ramps look at these oh if you could only smell how beautifully garlicky these are we got lots of layers in there that'll fall right apart we'll save the greens for the potatoes I'm such a fan of butter you guys obviously butter there's so many other things that are bad for you that you could be eating Butter's not one of them need lots of butter all right more salt and pepper foreign so the thing to know is Moose doesn't like the fire we've been trying to work on him to get to get in closer to the fire but he just wants to be away um so last night we were really working on it he did much better he just came from behind the cabin to kind of check things out let's see come on buddy fires right here so he's relatively close there's moose there's the fire there's moose there's the fire buddy it's okay come on good boy good boy come that's a good boy come to the fire come here oh boy boy you're getting closer if you go boy good boy come on maybe if I put your bed out here and be behind me okay progress doing good yeah see it's not scary it gives you good food and you get a bone tonight yeah you gotta have a bone come in be gone hiding the goober all right I'm calling it was the mushroom oh yeah oh man I think they're good to go wow oh my word this is a feast looks so amazing oh dear Lord thank you so much for this beautiful beautiful spring weather thank you for all your blessings the this amazing land with the big trees and the river and just so many places to wander and enjoy and it's such a blessing and I thank you so much for this place my health pray for those watching that you would be with them give them guidance and Hope and Faith Lord you are all they need I pray that you would be with them tonight thank you for this food in Jesus name amen oh well before we take a first bite let's go dress up the potatoes with sour cream and ramp leaves so oh oh he almost got away I'm just gonna eat it um holy smokes a little sour cream it's like chives but it's ramp leaves instead such a nice little oniony garlicky flavor let's call that good I don't know how you guys like your steak I like mine kind of medium rare I think we're probably a medium on this steak look at all that Grizzle some people like to eat the gristle but not me wild ramps piece of steak you guys ready you get the first bite open up there it is take a bite okay um or the ramps so good um almost fell you want to taste the potato here's a purple potato sour cream and lakes open up I know you guys think I eat steak all the time but it is literally only camping it is such a special treat especially over a campfire just makes everything more magical we'll get you by the fire come here buddy look at this close there you go oh he'll be back I guarantee he'll be back tried to raise him like you know ooh Adventure dog scared of the freaking fire here you go come on I mean that's hardcore this is good steak and he's like I don't know come see come on it's over here come here you just grunted come here buddy come on goodness come here what was that heard something you don't seem too concerned so I guess it's nothing come here good boy you go baby over here hiding [Applause] you want this look at that bone here it's just for you and don't you bury it berries everything I give him [Music] [Music] you see any fish nothing [Music] me neither [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] you're so very very few places where you can just sit and hear nothing so lovely I so appreciate it [Applause] foreign foreign all right Time to Get Cozy right Heat nice these little buddy heaters are pretty great look at this sleepy baby you guys going to bed see you in the morning foreign buddy that is so cold there you go it's up about four o'clock to pee outside looked at the Survivor it was 25. cold foreign [Music] thank you [Music] this guy loves ice oh yeah she's chilly this morning [Music] [Music] some goodies from last night foreign [Music] and sit by the fire with my coffee just keep it simple [Music] well guys hope you liked the video I'll see you in the next one this girl in the woods she going oh don't forget to get outside and get happy [Music]
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 465,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off grid cabin, cabin, a frame cabin, trail cam, trail cam footage, amazing trail cam footage, off grid, in the woods, into the woods
Id: iBH9jYHc01E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 39sec (2859 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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