Mafia - Story Of Leo Galante

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after three action-packed days is staring at the wall I got a message from Joe to contact a guy named Leo Galante who could supposedly help me out in here this wasn't the kind of place where you could survive on your own I know you you're not [ __ ] Guinea was it with Paul were in a jewelry store I'm in his [ __ ] hell hell cuz of you you got locked up cuz you're a stupid crazy [ __ ] you know fellows my mom was right there is a god hahaha he sent you here you get it bastard soon I could pay you back this looks interesting want to make a small bet breaking out of here did you sleep over at her heart how long you planning on keeping them in here long enough to learn his lesson that's gonna have to change yeah any shape to fight should be boys didn't knock him around too bad after the brawl in the yard all right open it up rise and shine Scaletta you got yourself a visitor my name is Leo Galante I heard you wanted to speak to me yeah I want to clemente these guys said I should contact you said maybe you could help me out [ __ ] Clementi I don't provide protection for his guys in here but I saw how you handled that Mick who's after you O'Neill you could prove useful come with me boy now listen up fellows this is Vito he's gonna be helping us out Pepe here's got a big fight coming up against O'Neill he needs a sparring partner when I saw of you out there in the yard you're just the man for the job you're gonna help us out kid in return you'll be under my protection and who knows maybe you'll even learn a thing or two along the way I guess I can't say no to that offer huh I don't remember asking all right fellas let's get this show on the road so how close did you get to Clemente Vito ah actually I never met him I always dealt with you that every time I see Noah Luca Garino huh I can't believe that [ __ ] Garino still breathing what would you deal with him oh you know we did a couple jobs for him and Luca said he'd bring us into the family for five grand what typical [ __ ] Alberto he's always been a crooked bastard Bob so what is that like more than usual yeah like five grand more than usual you don't gotta pay to get in Vito you brought into family once you prove that you're loyal a good earner and you can handle you know the life in any case this is an interesting piece of news when this gets out Alberto and Luca are gonna have a lot of explaining to do though jeez don't worry about that we'll talk about it some other time give me another 20 watch where you walk right long if your eyes were all the way open you would have see me coming [ __ ] Galante crook it white devil nice to see you too mr. ooh crooked you bet on your own guy and he lost that's the way it works in this country then whoo offer you a rematch I think I can arrange that you up to it Vito [ __ ] huh yeah get him a stepladder and send them over all right whoo looks like you got yourself a rematch and none of that chop suey crap this time mr. Galante wants to talk to you come with me good to have you back kid what the hell happened it looks like a mixed one up for a fair fight a couple of them jumped Pepe yesterday was a lot more than a couple yeah well we sure as hell ain't gonna let this go what do you got in mind Pepe's got it all worked out took a little persuading but O'Neill's all by himself right now in a gym cars won't be back for a while you're just gonna give him a good beating break a couple of bones same as they did to me got it yeah I got it all right come with me break a leg kid I'll wait out here if the guards get back early I'll warn you okay all right go for it it all worked out just fine they never found out who did it Leo arranged for me to relocate to his cell laughs she was more like a sweet life was getting better by the minute so Vito you plan on doing when you get out of this [ __ ] hole I don't know I sure as hell ain't gonna go back to work on foot Clementi I can tell you that yeah you're better off just forgetting about that old bastard trust me Alberto's a real [ __ ] and you can bet that lawyer he's hired was just there to make sure you didn't right but don't worry you'll get his button guys in your family for money like he offered you it's against the rules he's gonna have a lot of explaining to do to who I thought Clemente was the boss you obviously don't know how things work around here you see there's more than one family in Empire Bay there's three each family controls their own neighborhoods there's a system of rules and if there's any disagreements the bosses of all the families meet to work things out that's the Commission great so what do I do now my in trouble too no no no nothing like that you're young you're smart and you're proven you can keep your mouth shut you're exactly the type of guy everybody wants working for him yeah but I don't even know who these other guys are there's two other bosses besides Clemente one is Carlo Falcone the other is Frank Vinci Carlo was young and ambitious the guy's a freaking nutjob he's new blood but as don't Vinci is a man of honor he respects the old ways you know these guys you could say that and Frank Vinci is constantly you think being just a regular old man get you all this what listen Vito I'm getting out in a few months when I do you'll see what we can do about adjusting your sentence Pepe come here have a taste [Music] hey Vito you made it hey Eddie whoa nice threads Thanks so uh what's the plan fellas what's with the suits Vito mr. Falcone is gonna bring us into the family tonight you were me we're gonna be made no [ __ ] tonight yeah really why didn't you tell me before what do we gotta do you'll find out but first there's somebody would like to have a little word with you we all good to see you are you doing it hey kiddo I want to talk to you about what's gonna happen today you may have a seat all right sure hey thanks again for doing whatever you did to get me out of the can early now I make good on my second promise to you second promise yeah I told you the next time we open the books we'd recommend you didn't I know it's done you had something to do with this when you work for Frank Vinci yeah I would have liked to have had you in our family but I figured Joe there's your best friend you guys grew up together it's like me and Frank since Joe is working for Carlo the whole time you were inside I recommended they take you in two when he got made thanks Leo I I don't know what to say you know got to say nothing not to me or anybody else that's kind of the way this whole thing works Vito ah now come on we don't want to keep him waiting all right I'll see you fellas upstairs what was that all about man nothing just you know talking about old times like that time when Oh Leo drop the soap [ __ ] you all right all right all right that's enough let's go use alike to school kids I swear to God all right your turn Vito gentlemen this is Vito Scaletta Vito know that this family of ours is a secret you are entering the Society of the chosen the society which does not exist to the rest of the world our family means more to you from now on in your own family or God or your country if I ask you to kill your own brother you must do it show me which finger would pull the trigger [Music] repeat after me feat Oh if I were to betray the secret of our way of life if I were to betray the secret of our way of life may my soul burn in hell just like this sect may my soul burning out just like the saint Aamir Khan Ostra gentlemen I give you our new friend little Scaletta I am very pleased to have these two talented and honest men join us and I'm happy this has happened in the presence of our esteemed guests especially don't Frank vinci and it's gone shortly I wonder why I take this risk again after spending almost seven years in the can you see where I grew up if you was the only guys who mattered where the guys who had the balls to take what they wanted you will receive payment for your services from Eddie would you like that anything Frank whatever you do gentlemen stay away from the dope no dope that's our policy you can make plenty of money and if the years of doing everybody else's dirty working money risks I was wrong to risk anything to finally be somebody Leo Leo you're here how the hell did you get in here get out of here Oh shove a little put it away it's me Vito you know what the hell are you doing here you could have called here there's no time to talk you gotta get out of here quick they're after you huh come upstairs Vito my feet are getting cold you want a drink I want a drink what the [ __ ] is wrong okay Oh what's happening look Falcone wants you dead the guys are on their way you got to get outta hell would I do that look Falcone heard Vinci's planning to make a move on him because Clemente lied and said he was an adult business side vito carlo Falcone is in the dope business everybody knows that but I meant a try to muscle his way into the business so Falcone got rid of him now he wants to get rid of us too before we make a move on anymore all this I got my sources why did you come here again why what are you getting senile on me because they're gonna kill you stop talking for Christ's sake get dressed then let's go why don't we just get rid of whoever Carlos sent to whack me we got the advantage they don't know we're expecting I can't do that I know the guy I'm actually the one who got him the job you hired your friend to whack me no not exactly look I don't have time to explain he's gonna be here any minute okay wait here I'll get dressed [ __ ] too late they're here oh [ __ ] enemy can't see me here we gotta hide quick before it comes on me the both of us I ain't no quitter I ain't gonna lock myself in a catalogue just get in there Leo we don't have time yeah hey don't stand so close you move over now you move up Shh shut up hey let it be your gut hop what the hell an me Vito this your friend no he just wants to hang up his jacket hi come on come on get out of there it's about damn time you come out of the closet take a seat what the hell is going on here look Henry Leo's a friend of mine all right he helped me out when I was a prison he pretty much saved my life and he's the reason I got made look I didn't know what he was gonna put a contract out on him I had a warn him you got understand yeah but you got to understand that I can't afford to screw this up the final utley oh go Falcone will think I [ __ ] them on purpose and I let me kill him Henry I'm your friend here I do the same thing for you and you know this has nothing to do with friendship Vito this is business and if I screw up I'm done I can't let him go I took a contract and I got to finish the job if you don't want to watch you can leave and don't worry about me I won't tell anybody we're look Leo told me that all it is is because Falcone's into drugs he's breaking the rules and he wants to get rid of anybody who knows about it so what the only people who aren't breaking those rules of Frank Vinci and Leo here and those aren't the people who pay me you know thanks for everything but leave us now I've had a long good life and it's not worth risking your neck to buy an old man a few more years there's got to be a way you know go sorry Vito I won't tell anybody you were here just make sure nobody sees you leave [Music] you you want me beg for this one pal what a kid leo you want a drink what the hell happened your friend and I made a deal I'm gonna disappear there's nothing left for me in this town anyway since my wife passed and I was planning to retire someplace warm anyway mr. scelera can you get in please be hey old man what are you doing back just get in the damn car now and you are this is our friend mr. Chu all right so what the hell's going on what is this [ __ ] is about you the [ __ ] up good didn't you started a [ __ ] war got no idea what you're talking about don't [ __ ] with me boy I probably forgotten more about this business and you'll ever learn half our guys are dead half of mr. Jews guys are dead and now the feds are breathing down everybody's necks because a you Leola Sulis if it wasn't for me you would have already been taken care of so you're gonna listen to what I have to say and you're gonna listen good what you did in Chinatown that was because of that [ __ ] Henry right you know who he was working for when he died you mean when he was butchered he was working for the feds it was a [ __ ] rat that's why mr. Chu's people did what they did that's why the feds are going after Carlo now but I don't forget my friends me you did for me so I did for you you called in a few favors got your one chance to make this right okay home listen you're gonna get rid of Carlo it was all a favor and if I refuse you die Frank and the rest of the Commission what you did so does mr. Chiu and to top it all off you vouched for a rack you think Carlos is gonna let that slide you're a dead man walking when now every minute we wait is another minute we give to the feds he's holed up at that observatory is you know something's up Carlo Falcone is a lot of things but stupid in one of them all right stop the car remember kid this is your last chance what the hell is this it's alright job is it done it's done alright then looks like a celebration is in order come on let's head to the cathouse sounds good to me come with me there's more we need to talk about all right we'll see you over there all right so what's the big secret hey hey what the hell's going on where they take a joke sorry kid Joe wasn't part of our deal [Music] [Music] I take it you're Lincoln clay so they tell me I told Sal this [ __ ] casino would be the end of him I meant that figuratively [ __ ] has a way of turning on you doesn't especially if you piss off the wrong person you know who I am some guessing you leo gallant II take a little walk you and me probably no surprise but rest of the Commission wants you dead you and anybody else that had anything to do with this what happened here was between me and McConnell I understand that sir we all do but this business makes you paranoid irrational they see Sally not really [ __ ] they start wondering if someone's gonna serve them a plate of their own so you're here to decide if you're coming after me oh I'm here to deliver a message you made your point son this all ends right here right now I got no quarrel with y'all [Music] once a month so click the 20% of his net cash only Saint man's been delivering it for oh I don't know 40 years old I see no need in deviating from that you know sir then exchange you run things as you see fit we'll sell heroin whorehouse on every other corner makes no [ __ ] difference to me the only thing that matters 20% [Music] and what if I decide to walk away leave all this behind and this will be the last time we see each other best of luck to your son [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ThriceAMafiaSeries
Views: 728,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leo Galante, Consigliere, Mafia II Consigliere, Mafia II Chapter 6, Mafia II Chapter 9, Mafia II Made Man, Mafia II Chapter 11, Mafia II Chapter 15, Mafia III Leo Galante, Mafia II Leo Galante All Cutscnes, Mafia III Ending
Id: lgfFTsLedN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2017
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