Maddie’s First Date with Ex Boyfriend Crush! (Kiss Gone Wrong) | Rebecca Zamolo

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get out I'm obviously the hot tub challenge so I'm gonna go on a first date with Robby Robby loan you agreed to know why okay I'm leaving but I'm not happy about it kissing here hey zip him it's rebecca's Imola and today is a very exciting day because a man gets to go on a first date with her crush Robbie wrong yeah and since I was the one you asked about on the first day don't worry about that Madi I am gonna take care of this first date I'm gonna make it the most epic Earth Day ever see you can just concentrate having fun and getting to know Robby Rob a little bit better woman even more epic Mack believe me hey good let's get you ready I said I was leaving but I'm just parked right in front of our house because I can't let this thing happen so there is no way that I'm letting a first date or first kiss happen so I'm going to be pranking them Oh ty they don't know this yet but I've lasted the AC so high that Maddie's gonna have to wear clothes from head to toe she shouldn't be seen it looks like everything is going according to plan full what kind of activities do you have planned for this first date Rebecca I mean I'm kind of nervous okay you have no reason and we nervous the right Sam fan but let's just say a date I have planned have something to do with a crush crush crush crush a lot of crush it but he's not my crush do you mean he's not your crush I mean like he's not my crush I'm just trying to get mad now what if he tries to kiss me like a first kiss I forgot the secret ingredient everything is hinging on this one thing I can't leave this masked man a few things that might lead to a first kiss but just go you know if you like him why not have a first kid okay I mean I definitely don't like this so you might agent are more than Robbie we're agent our was my ex-boyfriend and Robbie Rob's not even my crush I just want to make Matt I am just gonna get you ready for this first date as it Robbie Robert was your real crush should I go grab my favorite hair clip oh yeah yeah see family it's kind of been getting cold in here again I hope it's not turning into the upside down I do not want stranger things in real life to happen oh wait is that Maddy Maddy do you need help finding your hair clip Maddy is that worse eat what is ours each one doing here we haven't seen her since stranger things spy on him lately yes II see if I can talk to our Z twin maybe I can find out if the switch-up actually worked and it's Rebecca's Rebecca sneaking in on somebody she spied on somebody in the house do you think she's good or bad right okay Sam fam comment below what you think rc-- twin is doing here what are you doing here I forgot peanut upstairs hey what are you doing spying on Maddy I did why are you in sweat it's freezing in here so I just like change before I went to get my fam P I'm here clip oh yeah it's freezing I have no idea why it's cold in here hold on let me turn the a/c off when wait I said Maggie in and you didn't respond to me oh sorry I was listening to a motivational pep talk a pep talk for your first date better not be empty I want you toriel on how to kiss Matty you weren't even supposed to be here what are you here for did Matt but he's upstairs I mean he's my best friend he balls going on car rides no I forgot him accidentally when you guys shut me out of the house get out of here Matt you're gonna ruin my first day and maybe my first kiss did you get peanut and kids it was close hey beat it I need you with me okay I have to get the secret ingredient I could almost copy it seems we have to make sure that these pranks happen so give this video a thumbs up if you like me do prints on my white also fortunately Maddy today's secret ingredient do you think that we should let lady yeah me anything let's go now exam fam hair clip is in your hair ready to go for this first date thank you and I'm so glad that it's finally warm in here yet yeah I'm not sure who put the AC down to 65 degree but it was so freezing it's warmed up now and now we're gonna put a little bit of makeup on her okay you all know that I'm going to my first date with Maddy because she asked me and I'm so excited because she's such an amazing girl first I have this order right I need to complete this order but it's big which means a big tip that means I can free Maddy right on our first days like strong in a bed a woman she's going to college there's so many cool aspects about her that I like but first I need to drop this on so I can get ready for the date just go with the flow I want this to be really really fun for you okay I can't wait to see what you have planned for he will be so excited by the way what do you like about Robbie Rob I mean I know guys are just friends and you're you know he's not a crush do you like about him he seems just like a lot of fun and I kind of like how he lets me be myself you know he doesn't try to control me or anything is so annoying when guys try to control girls he was just like a lot of fun like when we were tubing on that double date he made me want so much well that is a great thing that you guys get along last and final thing before this date is the damn film lip gloss this is good luck lip gloss right you guys and it smells like birthday cake so you know he won't be able to resist the birthday cake Oh what do you guys think do you think she is ready for the day Maddie looks amazing right now normally I where are yours am fam mer light shoutouts you guys that got my merch tagged us on an Instagram but I have addressed that I think would be perfect for this first day o address yes large order from Domino's I'm just gonna come down here for y'all we don't even need this one my gosh it's so pretty it's red and you can wear sandals or whatever you want with it why don't you go put that on and I'm gonna show the damn fan what I have planned for the first part of this date okay I can't wait okay okay Sam fam now that Maddie's gone I'm gonna show you what I plan for the first part of this date it's gonna be epic but it's surprised you get down there alright so this right here this isn't a magic love potion this is actually a laxative which means that Manny's gonna have to use the bathroom oh wow also my second favorite prank is actually Maddie hates onions so I'm gonna convince Robbie Rob to put these in his mouth before they start to kiss let's just ruin everything today no dates no kisses no ready Rebecca where's Rebecca maybe she's downstairs I'm kind of nervous about this first date and do you think Robbie Rob and I are gonna have a first kiss I'm a jumble oh if you think that's gonna happen I don't know what to do Rebecca Rebecca maybe she's outside you don't want me I'm worthless you know you know what you're living at Jimmy if Maddie will be out any second but I wanted to show you guys what the first part of this state is what Robbie Rob and Maddy will be doing first is crushing soft and crunchy items with my car so obviously mat is out and about with the Tesla so we have my car right here and look at the items that they are gonna be crushing so we have giant squishes you guys know that Robbie Rob does not like being compared to a janar at all and he doesn't like anything to do with the GMI so we have some GM aishe we have some giant squishies with agent R space on it I mean what's better than crushing agent our space and we have tiny squishy finally toothpaste which you guys know ASMR it just looks really cool [Music] you look so good right now Robbie Rob is going to freak out when he sees you you look so pretty okay so what is this date you know that we have crushed soft and crunchy items with our car before right yeah that was so much fun and satisfying he's a crush so we're gonna be crushing things but of your ex-boyfriend the spine see exactly what's going on the crushing punchy and stop things I mean Rebecca's never done something like this for me on a date Rebecca why would you do this this is gonna real my first day I mean she have to get first kiss with Robbie Rob wait I thought you didn't like Robbie raw I don't but Robbie Robbie hates agen are that why we're gonna be crushing agent harm I don't know if this is a good idea no it actually is give him comment below if you think that he is going to actually like this I mean he's gonna be destroyed he janar where is he by the way shouldn't he be here by now yeah hold on let me see but you still have his name is hard forgot to change it okay where are you maybe it's running late you know but he doesn't want to come Rebecca no of course he wants to come oh we're waiting why don't we start doing it ourselves it's uova okay and then when he gets here he can join in on the fun I mean we can't wake him if he's late through and there's probably traffic or something right Zam fan let's get started this is everything I mean this will make all their dreams maybe Rebecca's call me right now also did you guys see that Robbie ramblas in there I mean shut up for his own date it's Daniel it's Daniel okay so for round one we have the giant squishy agent art space on them and maddie is going to drive the car and crush agent are you ready I'm ready okay all right you guys if you have squishies comment below how many squishes you have Maddie's about to destroy some right now I'm actually really excited to destroy agent all right now three two one whoa that was so faster than her relationship with agent Arlo did I get it yeah you definitely destroyed agent oh wow how's that feel honestly though it's so satisfying okay well let's take a look at what you just did I crushed it literally crushed it that was so good you really destroyed agent R and Robbie Rob was here he would really like this I mean just see he should be here any minute you have to text back yet maybe he doesn't have service where he is he's probably driving here right now he's standing me up I mean this is so embarrassing I asked him out on this first date oh he's not ending you up on a date he's definitely gonna be here comment below what you think is going on with Robbie raw maybe he blew out a time he's figuring out how to get your like his car broke down okay you have that that probably happened you want to do some tiny squishies oh yeah okay hey Daniel amen so I've been doing some research about the different things that have changed ever since the switch up okay what's different the red hood isn't the red hood anymore now there's this group called the red hood spies red hood spies I don't know too much more about them but I think that group is who mr. X and the gamemaster were having a meeting about this wasn't the first date I was picturing but honestly it's kind of fun I wonder what Rebecca has planned that all right I am about to destroy many agent offices for all those times you made my cousin cry and for putting a tracking device on her shoe at prom damn family three two one [Applause] she crushed that you hear that noise he made she just squished all for a mini agent ours how'd I do good you crush them all oh I almost forgot so have the GM eyeglasses okay Maddie what do you want to do next you want to do the Orbeez or the GMI shape I'll say the G of my shades Reuben Robbie Rob gets here because that might give me a first kiss I mean do you think you showing up he hasn't texted me back yet I'm sure he'll be here he was so excited okay Oh Rob you're up he'll be here in two minutes Oh perfect you're gonna be so excited for the next part of this date okay Kimmy hold on Daniel I gotta go Ravi Ravi Ravi Ravi Ravi Ravi strapped around for showing up for your first date sorry about that sorry I'm late it's been crazy I like that dress the colors really wait you really sweaty right now I am putting this on my Instagram stories and they can put it on theirs oh my gosh you really have a bread you have like a battle royale or something where's mom that is not yet here this is a one-on-one date if it's our date wire why are you here so I actually helped plan the date I'm just showing you guys what you're doing next and that I will be out not watching not fine at all of course yeah so anyways we have been crushing crunchy and saw items with our car it's super fun now you might want to look at some of the items we've done so far yeah absolutely let's go okay so we crushed a giant H star and a tiny agent art do you like it because if you don't it was her idea what it's amazing can i crush something abyss yeah we have some GM eyeshades Robbie Rob you can crash a GM eyeshades amp and smash the thumbs up you are excited that Robbie Rob is finally here and this date is officially starting look really good in red so do you all right Robbie Rob so all you have to do is just drive forward and you'll crush the GM eyeshade is a weird that my crush is destroying my ex-boyfriend shades no not at all goodbye agent R hello Robbie wrong about my crush no way all right everybody you ready three two one [Music] oh my gosh they're destroyed hey how'd it go it went great you crush alright let's move on to the toothpaste oh okay Maddie why don't you drive okay same fan probably all showed us today it's not the best case scenario but we are going to ruin this once again we have the secret ingredient right here give this video a thumbs up if you like me doing pranks on Maddie and Rebecca are you having fun on this first yeah this is amazing I love destroying things okay this toothpaste is gonna be so satisfying just stand right here and watch it just make sure you stay down low on this side of the green just trust me don't want to pass that damn family this first date is working out great I know I'll Rob ear off with a little bit late but it's okay and guess what they even match I mean how Hugh did wrong must get Robbie Rob is everyone ready ready oh we called Oh hold on is that toothpaste oh hey we're bigger but this is a better spot for you I thought it was supposed to be over Wow Becca is really strong okay let's ease up in okay three two one Oh Robin Rob just got it all over his Domino's Pizza uniform I'm so sorry no no no you know what it's fine I brought an extra exchange of shirts oh my gosh okay we'll meet you in the backyard for the next part of the date and I promise you there's nothing to deal with air toothpaste or anything like that will be much better portunity to go in and sabotage the state oh my gosh I feel so bad this is all my fault Maddy it's definitely not your fault and remember when you got trapped on the inner tube and then he came on it actually worked out so maybe this is just setting them up to make the next part of the day even better okay okay and you will be so excited with what I have planned what are you doing here I've been going on today with Maddy yeah pretty nice a date with Maddy oh okay so I feel super bad about the last couple times that I saw you I was not treating you right and I think I could help you out with this date actually that's cool of you yeah okay Maddy are you ready to see the next part of your date with Robbie Roth yeah three two one is this a picnic not only a picnic it's a secluded picnic this is the most private place at my house it's on a golf course so I thought you guys could just relax and get to know each other better oh my gosh thank you so much this is gonna be perfect I have Maddie's secret drink and what is that it's this right here it's just like a really sweet flavor she loves this sport in a drink and she would go crazy thank you actually is there any like other tips I do have other advice okay Maddy really wants to be a housewife so she really loves cooking and cleaning you should probably talk to her about that sure I mean there's nothing wrong with that but also uh can you hold this just get I don't want it in my day and okay something really weird happened actually when I was going to here so keep a loose bread hoodie can I can I keep this you need this no no I don't want to like this too because you know I don't need it for my day but thank you so much what you have to do this these are airhead oh no I thought these were long but that's okay if you're feeling like maybe a first kiss both of you guys eat it the same time like this oh my Glee ting the it's a tick tock light pact for first kiss just do the airhead challenge okay just listen to him let him ask questions find out about himself and then move in with the air have a bath receive it for last okay right over here they're really good by us have a seat here I'm gonna go get Robbie Rob and bring him out and you guys can have your date jeez think about dropping out of college so maybe we should bring that up and she needs support but that is what last but most important is that she likes playing games so you need to play the game that you like as many other girls as possible so just bring up as many other girls names during the state as you can take like my ex-girlfriend if that's what will help me I will do it okay okay one more thing I forgot to tell you Manny loves onions okay oh so if you're gonna give her a kiss make sure you have a mouthful of that Wow we really can't get her to go peanut but thank you okay are you ready for the next part of your day yes I am okay why are you here though cuz I have to tell you where to go it's on the golf course just right down there stairs Matty is waiting for you and you guys will have a private romantic little time okay oh yeah thank you so much yeah so go I'm gonna do that inside okay thanks [Music] hey mater you like the layout this is really nice things I mean we've all Rebecca you take credit yeah I mean this is a cute day I really like what you did with your hair I like your dress I like the ambiance it kind of killed it thank you so much and I like the Hat and I see you're growing out a little beard hey Z M fam the date is starting Robbie rob has no idea that I am spying on the states make sure everything works out perfectly it looks like things are going good there compliment each other getting to know each other that means there might be a first kiss today yeah you know what shut up Daniel do it I was like she rocks it so might as well he Rob's growing a beard to be like Daniel does he want to be a hacker during college right yeah yeah I am you know what I am a huge advocate for college I love higher education oh he's talking about college you guys know Maddie goes to UCLA this is gonna be good I mean if you wanted to drop out and just do like that homework and you know kind of cook clean there's nothing wrong with that drop out of college and cooking Queen did he tell her to drop out my intern is gonna kill me if she finds it that we dated you could just stay at home you know cook clean do those things that's what you would want me to do yeah if you wanted to do that I would strongly encourage you yeah absolutely okay you really just say cook and clean all day are you serious Maddie is an independent woman she has many other talents besides cooking and cleaning this doesn't even sound like Robbie Robbie had no idea he was like that yeah also I see your drinking water do you want some flavoring my friend said it's gonna be really good oh yeah sure what is that something to flavor your water if you have them comment below what that is I have no idea I've never heard of that before but maybe she'll like it you know what I don't know how strong it is so I'm just gonna drop you know what flavor it is something good honey what do you think honestly it doesn't really taste that different I don't know what your friends talking about you know what would it be the first time he's lied to me so maybe it's a back burner kind of thing yes Cheers oh this has been so nice I mean are you doing like other guys another guy are you going on dates with other guys no are you seeing other girls yeah I'm seeing a coke we probably Rob has been talking to other girls too and he's trying to date Maddie well you're definitely your top five five how many girls are see the amount doesn't really matter no it is the matter very important and you're definitely competing for the top five I value you as much as the top five maddie is way better than top back she's definitely top one I don't want gonna only date max well can you excuse me for a second I'm gonna go to the bathroom yeah okay uh-oh weird and he's going to the bathroom she must be upset this date is not going as planned I gotta go talk to her Maddie's running it's working it's working thank goodness Matt gave me that advice because I am crushing this date like I crushed those shades hey Becca cannot know I did that she'd be so upset okay thefn maddie is in the bathroom right now I'm not exactly sure what is going on I just hope she's okay oh I have a perfect idea for a prank man he just said that she has shorts on - this is amazing view member on the boat where she said that she doesn't wipe unless well let's get some toilet paper this is definitely not what I planned for this date I mean I wanted this to be epic and special hey how you doing I really have to go to the bathroom I don't know how long I can hold it again so I'm gonna have to go again okay so here's the plan remember the airhead the airheads we talk turns me yes yes okay so you want a first kiss right yeah skip everything else go right to the airhead have him take one site and then you guys can go in and then voila you guys will have a first kiss okay so now but like really fast are you good yeah for a little bit we'll go there to spy and then come out okay okay it happened you see this is gonna work out perfectly okay Sam p.m. the second part of the date about to start smash the thumbs up button if you ship Rati you know Robby Rob and Maddy and comment below first kiss if you want them to have a first kiss today I to this would be the coolest thing for Maddie she's so excited just toilet paper and her shorts is so embarrassing I didn't see that Sam field did you see it how did I miss that I'm not a good best friend if I didn't tell her there was eyelet paper in her shorts I thought you don't live in there hopefully she does what I said and just both for the TED talk Trent of the airheads so she can kick that first kid and then she can run to the bathroom after you do you like airhead yes I mean I saw this really cool trend on tick tock where you use like an airhead and we each take an N and then it's like kind of like ladies just I know exactly what you're talking about okay I have an airhead she's doing it this is it this is like the Disney movie Lady and the they're gonna go in for first kiss this is so exciting oh my gosh I'm so happy Matt is not here right now [Music] come on Matty onions just breathe onions in her face Matty hates onions it's like very strong you get onions from my friend gave it to me it would be great that's horrible Britney liked it like Zeus what about the one of the top five as well she's a contender are you seriously talking about other girls right now yeah what is going on he's talking about a girl named Brittany did you Joe no I didn't go on a date with Brittany just now but maybe later like in a couple hours Robby Rob dating a girl named Brittany and a bunch of a third girl I don't know what to do Matt he's probably so upset right now Oh No okay well maybe I'll go on a date with agent art Oh agent OH - told me to cook and clean arguing sim fam this is not going good this was not the first date that I was expecting you know you're like doing is go get a clean how dare you say that why do what I like to cook and clean I'm in there skills okay just learn I gotta go right thing you do - what oh my gosh maybe I should get I gotta go talk to her okay hey my stomach my stomach really hurt how'd the date go terrible the day when terrible she stormed off I think whatever was in that dropper made her go to the bathroom okay she's fine you do not ask me on any second date and now I have to go for the whole you smell like onions okay yep yeah I have to go for my pizza delivery ship now so you know what it wasn't that great hold on don't go don't go yes maybe you were nervous or something Oh what are you doing here I thought I told you to leave so I can afford dates girls with lots of other girls girls Metis I don't know what is going on with Robbie Rob I had no idea he would say he was something like that you did go look at your mouth letting peanut run in the backyard it went horribly over here stomach is upset so things didn't go as planned and Robbie Rob was actually really rude really rude didn't sound like him to show you something look at this the reason why Robbie Robbie was leaves because he was in a battle royale with a bunch of people in these red hood how did you talk to Robbie Rob you were here long story of South walk walking peanut is this the xanthium said that people have been spying on us in these Red Hood wonder what I know meeting today 431 6 9 3 3 what's that I don't know it's like some type of meeting and remember the Sam Boone said that people have been spying on us in Red Hood oh that's right okay Sam fam comment low if you think that we should attend this meeting and figure out who are the people wearing these red hood I think so comment below if we have enough comment we're gonna take a secret meeting
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 6,075,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maddie, first, date, ex, boyfriend, crush, goes, wrong, worst, double, matt, rebecca, zamolo, zamfam, tricking, peanut, spying, trick, hack, rebecca maddie fitness, chalelnge, extreme, blindfolded, unspeakable, trapped, preston, minecraft, royalty family, filled, pool, tiktoks, tik tok, funny, brent rivera, troom troom, 123 go, challenges, real, emotional, familia diamond, the labrant family, life hacks, ignoring, tiktok, famous, ben azelart, matt and rebecca, clean, 2020, entertainment, vlog, mystery, detective, advice
Id: FBLB8uouE-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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