Matt Lost Keys to the Boat! Stranded in Last to Leave Wins First Date Challenge! (Emotional)

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can't find the keys it's stuck in the middle of lake on this boat can't find any survey the engine looks completely fine there's nothing wrong with edge how do you know that oh I saw a YouTube video on no engines before I just photographing them oh no I think I might have dropped the keys in the lake when I flipped Robbie Robin the truth okay we're in the middle of a lake and we just enjoy this time on this beautiful boat no well I have an idea while we are trying to figure out where the keys went and how we can get back to shore what if we do a challenge on the book a challenge I don't have time for a challenge I need to get back to work Rebecca we're trapped on the boat why would we do a challenge you guys it's a boat what if we do the challenge last to leave the bow buys it and then whoever wins at the bhaiyya bow waits or purposely trying to pay for this boat but crazy I do picture delivery I can't pay for a swim is pretty far Robbie wrong even I know that okay why don't we just call somebody and they'll be here soon we have to wait for help to come and in the meantime why don't we just do the challenge how does the challenge work Rebecca laughs leave the boat right sit so you guys know I rented this boat right put the deposit down but I didn't actually pay for the rental so why don't we just compete and maybe you guys might end up with the tab for us okay guys what do you think it's a horrible idea that's terrible yes she's just trying to get out of paying for the boat Rebecca we're not doing the challenge okay fine we don't have to do the lastly the foot wider than what if we what if we join the same team what is that horrible song she's not a singer she no no we recorded this a while ago put our differences aside yes I had to take her vocals out it was so bad that are on the record okay guys look it look it she's not gonna stop until we play a challenge okay okay Rebecca we're in we're in stop it we'll do the challenge okay awesome that was easy I can't believe we're doing it last to leave the boys getting seasick a little bit it's very bumpy in here definitely lack believe the winds it is way better okay then who has to buy it for the winner yeah that's a great question guys I don't win okay you don't want to buy the boat no I don't want to buy the boat okay I can't do why should I throw my checks - let's just have a fun we're trapped on the boat for 24 hours okay I'm joking Warren I got 24 hours but let's do a fun challenge let's do truth or dare come alone some truths and some dares you think we should do well I have a ton of great dares because I don't approve but this courtship going on right now I mean right now we're kind of technically stuck on a double date like I don't know how we got trapped out here it's a big mystery right obviously someone lost their keys when they were fully being someone else in the late yeah well just to spice up the date a lot of the words yeah it was supposed to like that what's supposed it who wants to go first or dare okay do dare you have a different I do I dare you to not react to it - what you know that mean what does that mean you have to jump into the lake know that Bo that was not part of the rules guide was part of the rules you gotta jump in I'll put a toe in I'm not leavin cuz then I move that's the boy oh but then I don't have to all right I'm going in the lake but I'm knocking down the boat I never lose a challenge I never lose do you really want to win this one no yes absolutely no yes strong mixed signals for both you wanna sleep okay I'm going three two I put food in I put a food in I got I went in I win guys the couch shouldn't we try to find the keys though right now like it looked everywhere they're not here I know since I went I got to pick the next person picking my wife truth or dare truth or dare dare I dare you to do a headstand on the boo all right Jim Pam I have never done this but I'm gonna attempt baby right here if I fall down though I am falling off the boat and it's very wobbly well really no no no check that one out on my Instagram stories out Rebecca Duvall oh whoa so I did my dare and I ate it I don't have to say so the person I'm choosing for truth or dare neck is Robbie Rob okay what the day are so rapid Rob's in the pic please let you pick the dare yep let me you have it some PMI yeah absolutely I always have some okay I'm gonna let Matt choose your hair okay Robbie Rob you ready for this you're doing it I'm sure I'm not yeah it's gonna be amazing and if I don't do the dare I have to go in the water I know if you don't do this dare you're never gonna be alone with Matt drinking mystery drink whatever it is yeah the boat stopping over there maybe you can help us what do we do they can help us out there there's no way the four of us Rebecca was just making tow us a baby I'm continuing so I can continue today Mary oh no we're not dating this is heavy cream dude this is a bit work they'll find you Robbie Rob they've been looking for you my head hurts from this way do you want out of there so weird I mean he's the one that drank the heavy whipping cream not up I know that bar just left us with the smells Oh Robbie Rob is out that means there are only three of us let work this challenge what do you guys want to do that rubbing Rob you don't have to be in the water you can get on the boat okay zamp damn I have been keeping a huge secret from everyone on this boat but I promised by the end of this video you guys will all mined out it is a huge surprise that Shh Rebecca do you think I should go out next and then I could just go lay out with Robbie Rob and Matt can't bother us wait do you actually like Rob me Rob it's your crush I mean you said you didn't know I just want to push mouths fun you just want to make Matt mad that's the only reason yeah obviously that's what I just said hold on a little longer you haven't done your truth or dare yet okay you're ready Sam Sam that prank worked out perfect I could not have done it any better I mean what love is out there Maddie's still on the boat they're separated nothing could be better than this right now hey y'all can I get back on the boat it was just getting it's getting kind of cold out there you're not in the competition oh definitely I'm out for sure since you're not in the challenge get to sit over here okay okay I forgot it's actually over there over there like right over there yep Rebecca changing it for no reason now is the reason fine how it works I guess all over Maddie's gonna get some sign up yeah and then you know I guess I can pull you through shade I think I might be getting sunburned okay yeah not a good spot though okay you know let's leave it that Maddie hasn't been truth or dare yet so Maddie truth or dare oh I choose true okay I'm gonna let Robbie Rob actually get some truth right now okay I think I got a good one Maddie have you ever met someone that you just really enjoy spending time with my clothes you can spend as much time just hanging out doesn't be her cousin yeah yeah yeah I have actually it's Rebecca right totally wait wait wait Maddie no no no no don't want them hanging out wait but it is me right is it people doing a weird thing to be I'm gonna make up the next challenge because Maddie it's time that you face your first fear your biggest fear we already we're learn about the other thing but now it is the the biggest fear which is ghost and Maddie I don't know if you knew this secret is haunting it yet big bears haunted and the place that it's haunted the most is actually Lake the lake is the biggest spot that it's haunted but you know it does work out here even though our cellphones don't is the ghost app no yes yeah we're gonna use to go steady yeah I don't wanna use a ghost op we don't have a choice okay challenge it's the ghost app challenge it's just uh it's an app I have is used to be working even though we don't have service turn up the volume Rebecca there's not gonna be any ghosts yeah okay I don't know of an app could detect a ghost right technically there was this wedding actually agent are from the GMO it just said bad good save him it's a crime just said claw it looks like there is it goes right an entity here over there yeah yeah it's okay as long as it doesn't go real if it goes this guy if there was it goes let me just walk around because I don't want this to be haunted and see haunted Lake Rebecca no it is you want to go in the lake if it's haunted well you know what they actually say you're safe in the lake but the boats of our what are haunted oh that's right go through spirit water they attach themselves to things on the water hey Matt no stop scaring her you just want her to jump into the water no I'm just telling you is there anything on here on the boat Rebecca I mean it popping up right now but it may have earlier yellow in his second stroke there's certainly attached to the boat that's how it starts okay yeah they attached to the boat first one comes out here you're like it buddy come on out here in the awesome before you know all the red ones are out here another one blue is strong is it's right there realize we just realized something GI N or cime there's these are made it's okay no no no no this heart attack oh no they're on that goes to fire this was the worst idea ever this is not what I planned you playing something it's not my fault okay wait Mac right what are you doing no no yeah yeah my fault it's my fault I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Becca hold DS there's no other way to enter there thanks I'm gonna pass right you don't even know they didn't push you to do that now I cannot put you into the lake she's a terrible date okay dropped on the boat right okay there's something I have to show you what is it it was a prank we all wait in the water Rebecca uh yeah nothing I thought we were trapped on this boat um we kind of were Rebecca what what Hey explain everything it was just a prank come on just get us to shore I'll explain everything okay he's get it to shore I was trapped on a boat with ghosts thanks a lot Rebecca now I'm gonna be late for my pizza ship I better not lose this job my wife is a liar and she can't be trusted wait pack finally guys where you go something I have to say man so the challenge was last to leave the boat buys it right yeah so I am gonna have to buy the boat and give it to the owner yeah yes go pay the rental okay I have to take the keys to that it make me do this not to know actually I haven't been keeping a secret from you now you guys might be mad at me for trapping you on the boat everybody's mad at you we all went in the water and you were just like dried up no time okay okay but the real reason I did all of this is because I wanted you guys here when I presented Matt with his birthday present his surprise birthday present what a challenge that I lost things back Matt awesome this is your boat is your bow no okay that's my pole this is your boat number 17 yes about that I put that there okay how did you plan this whole thing well getting Robbie rough up here for the double date was just part of it you distract you guys from what was really going on I was a distraction what was really going I got this boat but I didn't want you guys to know so I kept it a secret and then I planned it out so that the boat would be here when we got here and you guys would think I rented it how did you do that Rebecca well when I was down here I told you guys the boat was number 17 but it actually wasn't 17 I would input 17 on there when you guys were searching trying to figure out which boat we rented oh how do you explain that we didn't have service out down the lake actually you guys all had service but your phones check them now we're on airplane mode buddy you don't want to get your phone wet when you go in the lake right Oh No yeah you can't lose it here I'll take your phone I'll take some pictures of you guys on your cute little day okay Robbie Rob do you want to hold your phone - okay great yeah you guys do not want your phones destroy it when you're on that floaty hold on who's on airplane mode it wasn't you my boss has been text me I got I have to go congratulations oh that's amazing I forgot something let's do this again I mean I don't really know Matt that well go to you as a bow because now I can do more double days you're probably wondering about the keys well Matt when they were on the tube and you were flipping them I went and grabbed the key yes that's the only way I could trap you guys keep you on the boat they make this the best surprise ever I feel super bad now I mean I was so mean today Rebecca I just wanted to make it a fun challenge because at the end of it I just wanted to throw you the birthday surprise ever honestly like the best gift anybody could get is a brand new boat okay so now since this is officially Matt's new boat let's check it out can't believe that Rebecca's surprise mat with a vote for his birthday not gonna lie I was really mad at her when I thought that we were trapped in the lake for 24 hours but now I see why she did it and happy birthday Matt I hope you really like your vote are you kidding me this is the best gift ever I have a brand-new bro thanks babe I love you so much this is amazing you guys I think Matt was so excited he has always wanted a vote and I cannot wait to make so many more memories on this vote you guys so thank you for being patient and if you made it this far make sure to comment below the twist at the end because no one is gonna believe that this happened I can't believe my wife got me a boat shoutout to you guys that got emergent tagged us on Instagram and make sure you subscribe to all of our channels this is gonna be so amazing did you see the way you're never going on a date with him again or I am still in shock I mean this is the most amazing gift anybody's ever gotten I mean I have wanted a boat ever since I was a little kid and now we own one I mean we can go on that anytime we want mean this is the most amazing gift babe if you're watching this thank you so much I love you so much you are the best and now we're gonna have this boat for a lifetime we can create the most amazing memories on this thing Wow I am still in shock
Channel: Matt Slays
Views: 5,552,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stranded, lost, keys, matt, boat, middle, lake, matt and rebecca, ben azelart, testing, tik tok, challenge, sidemen, camping, unspeakable, lego, house, piper rockelle, awkward, situations, hidden, hide and seek, best, friends, mean, react, pawzam dogs, norris nuts, tiktok, race, 123 go, small, giant, vs, carter sharer, the labrant fam, red hood, spy, society, brent rivera, mom goes through my phone, entertainment, gamemaster, escape room, in real life, family fun, mystery, battle royale, vlog, 2020, clean
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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