Macedonian Empire Vs Athens & Thebes: Battle of Chaeronea 338 BC | Cinematic

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on August 2nd 338 BC King Philip II of Macedon had invaded Mainland Greece [Music] Philip was accompanied by his 18 year old son and Heir Prince Alexander Philip and his Macedon Army are confronted near the Greek city of cheranea by a large Greek Alliance of Athenians and thebans the Greeks had carefully chosen their Battleground with mountains to their South and the kefisos river to their North this secured the Athenian and theban flanks on either side and favored the Greek hoplite style of battle Phillips Army was set up in the following order deployed on his right flank was the king himself commanding six thousand of his most elite High pacifists infantry with 500 peltaste and 500 archers foreign on the opposite end of the battlefield the Greek army was deployed as follows on their Left Flank was ten thousand Athenian heavy hoplite infantry although this particular band of Athenian soldiers were inexperienced with most of them having never fought any battles prior [Music] deployed at Phillips Center was fifteen thousand Macedonian phalangite cyrissa Pikeman forming an impenetrable wall of Pikes these soldiers were the heart of King Philip II Macedon Army foreign deployed on the Greek center was a multitude of 7 000 Greek hoplites from various Greek States most being mercenaries with others being older Veterans of surrounding Greek cities [Music] [Music] deployed on Philip's Left Flank was another 5 000 hyperspists infantry 500 Macedonian companion Cavalry 1700 or South Australian Cavalry with an additional 1000 skirmisher soldiers on the far left the Left Flank of the Macedon Army was commanded by Prince Alexander himself in total Philip commanded roughly 30 000 infantry and two thousand cavalry foreign deployed on the Greek right flank was the thebans whose force was the largest of the Coalition at some 18 000 men the theban hoplites were the more Elite and more experienced of their Greek counterparts and finally on the far right of the Greek army was 300 sacred banned theban hoplites these men were the most elite of the entire Greek army and arguably on the entire Battlefield in total the Greek's Army numbered some 35 000 men [Music] thank you King Philip ordered his right flank to advance on the Greeks while the rest of his army was ordered to remain in place keeping a slanted formation Philip ordered his son Alexander not to join the battle until a moment of opportunity presented itself before the rest of his force was to join the battle even at such a young age Philip trusted Alexander as by this point Alexander was already experienced in battle and had commanded men prior to this engagement foreign thank you foreign flank Advanced on the Athenian Left Flank his skirmisher men Advanced ahead of their formation and began loosing arrows and javelins on the Athenian lines hoping to lure out them away from their battle lines however the Athenian lines held firm waiting for the approaching Macedon infantry to come to them Hades coming within a hundred feet or so of the Athenian lines Philip ordered his hyperspissed infantry to charge [Applause] foreign [Music] Phillips men were more experienced and battle-hardened inflicting more casualties on the Athenian soldiers however they were unable to break the Athenians as the Athenians had a numerical advantage and were able to hold their lines firmly Alexander didn't want his father's right flank to be isolated and thus he ordered the Macedonian left and Center to slowly Advance up the battlefield foreign [Applause] this maneuver by Alexander prevented the Greek allies in the center and right from leaving their positions to engage with Philip's right flank as the Athenian Left Flank was beginning to tire out Philip spontaneously ordered his right flank to begin to fall back the Athenians took this as a sign that they were winning the fight and began pushing forward staying right on top of the retreating Macedonian right Alexander noticing what was happening watched closely as his father's right flank began to slowly pull back luring out the Athenian flank further away from the safety of the main Greek Force foreign the Greek allies at the center noticing what was happening marched out of their formation with a portion of their Force to keep Pace with their Athenian allies on the left as to not allow them to get flanked the Greek hoplites at the center surged forward chasing down what they believed was a fleeing enemy they were met at the center by the Macedonian phalangite sarissa Pikeman whom had deployed a wall of Spears [Music] as Phillips right flank led the Athenians further from their main force and as the Greek center had engaged with the Macedon phalangites thus breaking apart the Greek formation Alexander had realized that this was his opportunity to strike he rode forward leading his 2300 Macedon cavalry oh charging across the field Alexander signaled for the rest of the Macedon lines to advance forward onto the theban lines foreign upon seeing this maneuver by his son King Philip then gave the order for his own men to stand their ground and fight Philip's men then began to push the Athenian Left Flank back [Music] Alexander steered his Cavalry Soldier Inward and to the flanks and Rears of the now engaged Greek center and theban lines all right his Cavalry violently smashed into the Greek hoplite's rear crushing the Greek soldiers in what was known as the hammer and Anvil maneuver foreign [Applause] begin to panic as their formation collapses leaving them exposed from all sides the Greek center breaks into a full-on route leaving the theban right flank fully exposed and now surrounded seeing that their Center has collapsed the Athenians that were engaged with Philips right flank soon enough begin to route from the battle foreign [Applause] ER and his Cavalry press on riding down the theben's right flank sending them routing from the battlefield foreign sacred band Warriors refused to withdraw they make a courageous Last Stand fighting on until they are eventually overwhelmed and cut down after hours of intense fighting the casualties in respect to the size of both armies were rather low the macedonians were reported to have lost only 200 to 400 men the Greeks were reported to have lost 2 000 men with an additional four thousand of them being captured with this victory at charonea King Philip II of Macedon was now the leading political figure in all of Mainland Greece [Music] someone mom
Channel: Bellum et Historia
Views: 714,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alexander the great, King philip II, Macedonia, Greeks, Rome, TotalWarRome2, Total war, Huge Battle, Cinematic Battle, History
Id: sEU_vmYJc-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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