Roman Republic Vs Macedonian Empire: Battle of Pydna 168 BC | Cinematic

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[Music] foreign in 197 BC King Philip of Macedon was allowed to remain in power I'll buy it as a client's state of Rome however following Philip's death in 179 BC his son and heir to the throne of macadon Perseus was less willing to accept Roman control King Perseus was an ambitious man he began to restore Macedon as a regional power although Perseus knew that Rome would not allow the Macedonian King to break away from Roman control he soon expects the Romans to send an army to Greece to ensure that their control over the region would not be eroded as expected the Romans were concerned that their de facto control over Greece would be under threat with the rise of King Philip and his Macedonian armies the Romans soon declared war on Macedon they sent an army led by the Roman Consul Lucius emilius paulus into Greek Land sycophone King Perseus Lucius paulus commands an army of roughly 38 000 men of which 34 000 were Roman legionary infantry and lighter valite skirmishers with the remainder being Calvary 22 African war elephants and Roman allies from Italy and Greece in preparation for a Roman Invasion King Perseus has gathered an army of roughly 40 000 men of which more than twenty thousand were the elite Macedon phalangitase over four thousand Cavalry and the rest of his Force were thracian mercenaries and skirmishers after campaigning across the country and days of maneuvering both armies finally face each other near the coastal town of pidna the Roman infantry fought with short swords and large shields in a head-on engagement with the Macedon Phalanx they would be cooked to Pieces very quickly emilius nudists all too well so he had stationed his Roman army Atop A sloping Hill this maneuver was to take away any advantage that the Macedon Phalanx infantry had on the flat terrain where their long cyrissa Spears could be used to full Effectiveness thus causing Devastation to the Roman Infantry at the center of the Macedon Army were peltests and skirmishers followed by the elite phalangeate sarissa Pikeman these were the finest soldiers of the ancient world and were a key success to Alexander the Great's campaigns in the 3rd Century BC on the Macedon right flank was Perseus himself along with his Elite ajima Cavalry and some thracian paltas and Greek archers foreign [Music] on the opposite end the Roman Left Flank consisted of Allied Italian and heavy Roman cavalry [Music] when the Macedonian Left Flank were more Macedon heavy Cavalry along with duration infantry and Pell tests foreign end the Roman right flank was made up of Rome's veteran Equity Cavalry along with a large contingent of African war elephants that had been brought by Rome's Libyan allies foreign at the center of the battlefield a skirmish erupted between the Roman and Macedon lighter troops [Music] foreign the Roman skirmishers had pushed back the macedons the Macedon skirmishers are traded to the Left Flank of their army upon seeing the outbreak of the Skirmish battle Perseus saw an opportunity to draw the Romans down from the uneven foothills of Mount Olive cross he marched his army forward with the phalangetes leading the way trying to buy more time for their comrades the roman-like troops and skirmishers valiantly charged at the Macedon flowers foreign seeing this amelius had given the orders for his men to March down the slopes and tried to save his men thank you they were inevitably cut down although the skirmishers stood no chance against the Macedon Phalanx they were able to slow their advance and give the Romans time to probably form up into battle formation after witnessing the slaughter of their lightly armored comrades the Roman legionaries became intimidated by the Macedonian war machine which marched upon them seeing that his men were frightened and losing morale the consul amelius quickly ordered his men to stop their advance and turn back up the slope to Higher Ground thus giving his men a better Fighting Chance against the Mastodon phalanx foreign [Music] successfully retreated up the slope and now had some time to reorganize their plan of attack emilius then rode to his right flank and then ordered his elephants and Cavalry to charge forward and attack the macedon's Left Flank which was occupied by thracian palfests and Infantry foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the pal pass were usually very effective at bringing down elephants in Cavalry however they had been depleted from fighting the Roman light skirmishers earlier in the day and thus the Romans rode right through them cutting them down very little resistance eventually a Mass Route began as the Thracians began fleeing and thus left the Macedonian ajima Calvary out in the open and exposed with no infantry or range support foreign s coupled with the Roman Calvary was enough to smash through the ajima Cavalry and send them routing from the field of battle ultimately destroying the Macedonian Left Flank entirely and leaving the Macedon Phalanx at the center exposed whilst the engagement on the right flank unfolded the Macedon Phalanx at the center had been marching up the steep slopes in pursuit of the retreating Roman Legions upon their Pursuit the Macedon Phalanx had lost its tightly packed formation whilst marching up the rough and uneven terrain and gaps within the ranks began to open this provided the Romans with a great opportunity to attack with the Macedon left flying completely exposed the Roman right flank was ordered to advance and attack the Macedonian Left Flank foreign as the filings kept advancing more gaps began to open within their ranks emilius noticing this ordered his men to attack right between the phalanx's gaps the Roman centurions LED their legionaries into the exposed areas of the Macedonian phalanx foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign the Roman Left Flank was ordered to charge and attack the Macedon right flank where King Perseus himself was stationed foreign [Applause] just like on the opposite side of the battlefield the Roman Cavalry cut right through the Greek and duration skirmishers and attacked perseus's personal Calvary contingent foreign Phalanx was being assaulted from multiple sides and was quickly deteriorating as the feet looked inevitable men from the Macedon center began breaking formation and retreating the final nail in the coffin came when the regrouped Roman right flank had returned and charged at the rear of the depleted macedonians causing the Macedon soldiers to begin routing in Mass foreign [Music] would last Macedon units to fall they had sacrificed themselves while their King was able to flee from the battlefield they had all fall to their death at this point of the battle defeat was inevitable for the macedons and the remainder of their army retreated from the battlefield the estimated losses were reported as such the Roman losses were reported at just a few hundred which seems rather unlikely while the macedonians suffered roughly 20 000 losses with 11 000 of their soldiers being captured it was reported that Perseus was captured and was sent back to Rome as a prisoner upon his return to Rome the consul amelius marched through the streets of Rome when his Victorious soldiers following him he was then given the title macedonicus by the Roman senate after this battle the age of the Phalanx came to an end the Roman Legions ruled the battlefield for many centuries to come foreign
Channel: Bellum et Historia
Views: 315,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rome, TotalWarRome2, Total war, Huge Battle, Cinematic Battle, History, Pydna, Macedonia, Roman-Macedonian Wars
Id: WS2S_I8tuf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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