MA v Karen Read: Officer John O'Keefe's Brother Testifies

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you saw have the evidence should give the court and jury in the case now in hearing should be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you C yes I do thank you you may take the stand do one down anytime you're ready Mr thank uh good afternoon sir good afternoon could you uh please state your name and spell your last name for Paulo Keef last name O Apostrophe capital k e e f and uh where do you live sir I live in West Bridgewater Massachusetts and uh how long have you lived there uh 10 years and who if anyone do you live there with my wife Aaron are uh two children and uh how old are your children uh 13 and 10 and uh both daughters is that correct correct and how long have you and your wife been together uh together 24 years total uh married for 17 almost okay what is your wife's name Aaron and where did you go up uh brain tree Massachusetts and um what are your parents names uh my father is John mother is Margaret and uh did you have any siblings uh two yes um my sister Kristen [Music] and uh excuse me brother John and uh what was sort of the the order and age as far as the siblings uh my sister was the oldest um my brother was the middle uh I'm the youngest so my sister was 5 years older than me and my brother was 3 and 1 half years older than me and uh do you work sir I do what do you do for work uh I'm in sales uh for company Simmons Industries which is a manufacturer of U Plumbing products how long have you been doing that um 12 12 years now does uh does your wife work as well she does what does she do um she's in marketing she works for a mechanical contractor uh out of Randolph and about how long has she been doing that she's been with her company for uh a year and a half now before that um she had a a job in working out of Boston for about 13 years and uh your brother John um did you call him John or was there other like a nickname or anything else that you refer to I mean we all called him Johnny especially if you're family and um what did what did Johnny do for uh Boston police how long was he a member of the Boston team 16 years and within the Boston police where specifically did he sort of of work uh he started in hide Park matapan area uh which I believe is E18 and transferred over to Dorchester which is C11 um and then um downtown Boston for the uh and the sore unit which is the sex offender registry unit and when was it about that he started with the sex offender registry so after uh my sister had passed away in 2013 her husband passed away 2 months after that um my brother he took on a responsibility of raising uh our niece and nephew um and so the Boston police you know to ensure that he was safe and protected um moved him to that unit in 2014 and um I'm sorry to ask you this but but your your sister passed away in 20133 is that correct correct and what did your sister Kristen pass away from um she had an aggressive brain tumor which is called gleo blastoma and about how much time was it between the time that she sort of received the diagnosis pass uh 5 and a half months and U you mentioned that you had a brother-in-law christen's husband is that correct correct Steven furbush yes and uh when was it that he passed in relation to uh 2 months later which was January 12th 2014 and uh they and by they I mean Kristen and stepen furbush they had two two children is that correct yes two children uh Kaye and Patrick which one is old kayle's the uh older Patrick's a couple years younger than her about three years how old are they now uh Kaylee is 16 and Patrick is 13 and you mentioned um so initially when your your sister Kristen passed away um what was sort of the the family's plan as far as um haly and Patrick were concerned um can you repeat that sure so initially when your sister Kristen passed away and her husband Stephen was still alive what was sort of the initial plan as far as with reference to the children um we were kind of in scramble mode to figure out you know how are we going to move forward um my wife and I talked about having the kids come live with us we had two small children at the time um three and 8 months were uh my children um we didn't have a you know large enough house to take on two other children so my brother um stepped in moved into the house in Canton and and raised them for eight years and so around this time of 2013 uh your sister Kristen and and her husband Steven's children uh about how old were they at this time that that Johnny sort of took over Kaye was Kaye was six Patrick was [Music] three now um when your brother Johnny uh sort of um what if any sort of legal relationship did he have to to your niece and nephew Kay uh he was made a legal guardian and uh where did where did he move from and where did he move to when heum that so he was living in uh Dorchester u in a condo um he was living by himself so he pretty much moved into my sister and brother-in-law's house in Canton um lived there for I want to say four years until um sold the house and bought a different house uh which is also located in Canton now the initial house uh that your sister Kristen and her husband Stephen lived in with with Kaye and Patrick about how long had they been living there before before your brother Johnny moved in um they were probably there for five or six years prior to that where where had um your sister Kristen and and either of the children lived uh prior to moving into that house yeah so they uh Christen and Steve actually moved in with Johnny um in Dorchester when Kaylee was just a baby uh lived with him for uh approximately a year before they bought their home in Canton um now about you mentioned that at some point uh your brother bought a second housing Canon and moved in there with the kids is that right correct okay around around what time was that I want to say 2017 or 2018 time frame um and they live there up and through sort of January 28 29th of 2022 is that correct correct now around that particular time of of January 2022 um about how often uh did you see your brother Johnny and and the kids K uh I would say probably every other week twice a month and uh your brother in particular how often would you communicate with him during that time uh communicate regularly um mostly through text messaging um you know a couple days a week I would say now over the course of time you said about eight years or so that that Johnny had uh sort of custody of Cen Patrick correct correct and uh over that course of of time uh about how many um relationships and well let me let me phrase this question first about how many long-term relationships uh did your brother Johnny have uh with women over the course of that time and and before you get to that if I could just ask you what your definition of of long-term relationship uh long-term relationship is you know over a year and so how many of of those types of of dating relationships that lasted for at least a year uh did did your brother have during that time that he had the kids two and uh who were those two individuals um Amy Amy Fortney and uh Karen Reed and uh this other individual Amy uh went about was it that that your brother dated her uh 2016 2017 time frame I think and did this other woman that he dated named Amy did she have children of her own yeah she had uh two sons now you mentioned two so other than the name who who was the other one uh her two sons names are uh Gabriel and Christian no I'm sorry oh I'm sorry in reference to you mentioned two women that your brother had dated for a long-term period correct yes correct and one of them was the woman Amy that you were just speaking about correct correct okay and who was the second one Karen Reed and uh as Karen Reed someone that you had met through the course of your brother dating her yes just U you clear for the record do you see Miss Reed in the courtroom today you identify as to where she seated or an article of clothing that she yep she is seated right there um between Mr J Mr Jackson just ask the record reflect the identification of the defendant by the no objection yes now Mr o'keef when was it that you first uh met [Music] Karen I believe it was Mother's Day um so maybe May of 20 2020 no prior to that uh were you aware of any other time uh when Miss Reed and your brother Johnny had dated in the past they dated uh very briefly in 2004 and had you had occasion to to meet her during that brief period where they dated in 2004 I did not meet her back then no and so the first time you met her would have been sometime in the spring of 2020 correct correct and what was your understanding as far as uh when they had reconnected or gotten back together uh in reference to when you met her they uh reconnected I believe my brother reached out to her um in March of 2020 um right at the beginning of co uh I think he reached out to her via uh Facebook messenger and then um you know text and they resumed some kind of relationship and you had occasion to uh to meet or see Karen Reed over the course of of hanging out with your brother at various occasions correct correct yep now about how often would you see Miss Reed would it be the same more or less than than when you saw your um almost the same maybe a little less if you know if my brother was just if it was just him and I are his friends but uh for the most part um he was with Karen and as far as your understanding what was sort of the um living arrangements uh with regard to miss Reed and and your book she has her own home in Mansfield Massachusetts um she would stay at my brother's house in Canton I would say three maybe four nights a week and that would be at your brother's house with both he and and uh your niece and nephew correct correct now with regard to you mentioned that they reconnected sometime around the covid-19 pandemic is that correct uh yes correct and with regard to uh your brother and uh the defendant Miss Reed and the children what was sort of going on as far as as far as school and work with regard to the pandemic with regard to each and the so that was a a period of time when um schools were closed and kids had to do remote learning so kayy and Patrick were both at home um remote learning and my brother um you know didn't have a job where he can work remote so he had to go into the office and uh most of the time Karen would be at home with the kids during the day while she worked remotely now you mentioned uh earlier that your your brother had a a legal guardianship role with regard to the children correct correct yes what if any legal status or role did the defendant have with regard to the children she didn't have any [Music] now with regard to uh your brother and the defendant's relationship uh what if any conversations uh did you have with your brother in regard to status of their relationship or any issues in their relationship he didn't say too much um if they were arguing you know he might you know give reference that they were arguing didn't really tell me what they were arguing about but um mostly kept that stuff to himself um what if anything did he mention to you as far as reasons for an argument or sort of points of contention he didn't like um you know if she' spend a lot of money on the kids for gifts or you know um I know there was some arguments over um you know what she she fed them whether it's you know Dunkin Donuts or or or whatnot but those things along those lines now what if any uh sort of um what if on what if any occasions uh as far as their arguing or anything like that Did You observe personally yourself yeah I witnessed uh so they had rented um a house down in Cape Cod say that was um the summer of 2021 um I brought my two daughters down um for a couple nights and uh I witnessed uh you know one intense um fight um between the two of them and as far as a fight as you're characterizing that was that anything physical or just for no it was a verbal verbal argument and uh what if anything was that verbal argument about uh it's hard to recall I mean you know I guess like typical couples's fighting there was um alcohol had had been involved um I recall her complaining that you know he wasn't nice to her you know something to that effect and um I was kind of the referee in that uh entire situation now when you make reference to alcohol invol is that one or both or uh both both your brother and the defendant correct now if I could turn your attention to um New Year's uh and specifically New Year's Eve going from um 2021 into 2022 you recall that time I do and you recall where you and your family were uh for that sort of New Year celebration yes so I was uh with uh my wife and her family U uh we went to Aruba uh the day after Christmas uh in celebration of um my wife's Mother's uh 70th [Music] birthday Mr L does it make sense that I give an instruction at this point um I'm going to see council at Side by e e e okay um so during that New Year's Eve you were in Aruba uh for your wife's Mother's 70th birthday correct correct and uh was your brother Johnny was he also in a Ruba around that same time frame yes and your Resort and your brother's Resorts where were they in relation to each other um they were pretty much on opposite sides of the island and uh at any point in time when you were in AR Ruba did you see your brother uh at any point uh unfortunately we did not now you mentioned that you were there with your wife and your children is that correct correct okay do you know who your brother was in Aruba with around that same time uh he was with Karen Reed and brought the kids so Kay and with them um or also with a large group um many other couples and families you know who was sort of the primary organizer of of that group that your brother was with yes uh a friend of ours um L Solin and how did you know Laura S I knew Laura um through my brother um she had um dated um my brother's um partner and one of his best friends um Pat Rogers and uh did Miss suvan and Mr Rogers have a child together yes and a boy and at some point did Mr Rogers pass away yes what was sort of the relationship between your brother and Miss Sullivan in relation to Mr rogers's child uh Johnny was uh so she has uh son Benjamin who Johnny is uh Godfather to and sort of towards the end of your stay in Aruba um with regard to the pandemic what if anything happened uh to you or any other member of the family so my older daughter um tested positive for covid um so her and I kind of got left behind stayed for an extra three four days I believe so after you returned uh from Aruba uh at some point uh were you and your brother trying to make plans to connect or or to to hang out or see each other at some point in January 2022 uh yes we were actually planning on uh getting together on January 29th and do you recall what day of the week that was that was a Saturday and why was it Saturday why were you sort of targeting Saturday as a new Point weekend no work um kids didn't really have much on the schedule by that you mean your kids as well as correct yes and then what if anything uh occurred with reference to those plans as far as them coming to a fruition or not uh big snowstorm hit um the area and um you know we said it's probably better if we just stay home and off the roads so we kind of canceled um getting together the day before so can so initially had a meeting for the 29th but canceled it the day before on the 28th correct so this snowstorm that you were talking about that was coming in is that something that you and and your brother were aware of Prior uh prior to that day it happened yes and was that something you learned of where did you learn about that uh the news oh sort of all over the news as I fair to say correct yes and as far as um any did either you your children or or John's uh children for lack of a better term nie and nephew were there any sort of planned activities for that day that got canceled because of the weather or no um on that Saturday the 29th um I mean I think everything was pretty much canceled I don't know anything specific we had um I mean uh my daughters had basketball on Friday night the night before but we didn't really have any plans uh for the children on Saturday now turning your attention to that that day of the 20 28th so the day before that that was a Friday is that correct yes correct and uh you mentioned that your daughters had basketball uh that evening is that correct correct and what a any role do you have in in regard to your daughter's basketball I coach uh I coached both of their teams and uh so you coached two games that Friday night correct and about what time do you know that you if you know did you sort of get home from all of that first game was at 600 second game was at 7:15 so we got home 8:30ish and uh wife was with you at both of your daughter's games correct and when you got home had it the snow that had been predicted had it had it started at that point where you were uh I I noticed uh the first flurries um somewhere sometime between 10:30 and 11: p.m. and uh if you know approximately what time did you did you go to bed then uh right around probably midnight and uh your wife Aaron did she go to bed same time you I think she went to bed a little before me yes now earlier in that day that Friday the 28th uh what if any conversation by any means did you did you have with your brother John my last communication with him was uh on a group text exchange um that included myself um Karen Reed and my mother and he was um excited because uh our niece Kaye had gotten accepted to um Bishop fee in high school um so he was he was happy proud proud dad moment and then um you know Patrick's National math scores came back and he scored extremely high so he was uh extremely proud of Patrick uh that day as well so we had sort of sent your brother John and sort of sent that to the group which included yourself your mother and and Miss Reed correct and um you need as far as uh what what grade was she in and what grade was she going into as far as that application to yeah so she was uh 8th grade going into 9th freshman year in high school now you go to bed uh at some point um in the evening of the 28th and you woke up on the 29th do you recall what what woke you up on that morning yes my mother called me at 6:40 a.m. is that something typical no um she called um and just said something happened to your brother uh they found him in the snow and they took him to to the hospital and which hospital was it good Samaritan in Brockton Massachusetts and at that point did you or what if any other sort of information did you have as as to what had happened to your I really didn't know much um until I got to the hospital um while I was at the hospital uh my cousin Works uh 911 dispatch so she came down cuz she had heard um and the only thing I was able to get was that you know he was cold and they needed to warm him up but uh didn't have much information other than that you get that information from your cousin when you get to the hospital correct correct that cousin what was what was her name uh Susanna Hensley I could take you back to just prior so you initially get the phone call from your mother peggye is that correct correct that's about 6:40 in the morning correct and um wife Aaron is with you at that time is that correct correct and so you get that call and sort of what is it what is it that you do or sort of how quickly are you out the door I jumped out of bed got changed brushed my teeth and I was out the door and uh you drove uh from your house to to where yes I drove uh myself from my house to the hospital good Samaran hospital and what kind of car did you have at that point if you know um a Toyota 4Runner that's a SUV that's an S SUV yes what what color was that black and as far as the road conditions visibility sort of when you're driving from West Bridgewater to Brockton what if anything did You observe as as far as how the roads were uh the driving was very poor that morning um and just continued to get worse throughout the day so it took me um longer than usual um than it typically would to drive that distance now as far as your parents were concerned um did they come to the Good Samaritan Hospital as well yes our friend uh Carri Roberts picked them up in brain tree and brought them to the hospital in Brockton and when you say your friend Carrie Roberts how how do you know Carri Roberts so we grew up in brain Tre uh she grew up in brry as well um two years older than me um knew my brother um they actually they went to homecoming together one year um and she also resides in [Music] Canton uh so she was someone who had grown up with you and your brother was friends with you and also friends but you probably correct correct now as far as your arrival at the Good Samaritan um who arrived first was it you your parents or something else I got there first and about how long was it if you know between the time that you got there and the time that your parents arrived there with problems probably about 45 minutes and when you arrived at the Good Samaritan Medical Center where within the facility Did you sort of go uh emergency room waiting area Lobby and at some point did you after your parents arrived uh did you move from from the waiting room area to somewhere else within the hospital so when my parents arrived um they brought us you know in the double doors into like a little family sitting room and about how long was it that you were in the family sitting room before you went somewhere else so we were in that waiting room um doctor and nurse came in um and told us that um all their efforts to save my brother um were unsuccessful and that he had passed away and then um asked if we wanted to go see him and which we said yes so we left that room and walked uh down the hallway to his hospital room and that doctor you spoke to do you recall what the doctor's name was uh Dr R and uh when you say that we went down to uh to the room where your brother was was that everyone in the group it was uh myself and my parents yes and uh Miss Roberts did she go as well or did she no she stayed out in the the waiting area and as you were making your way down uh to the room where they had uh your brother what if what if anything occurred along the way um so I noticed um Karen Reed was there um she was being restrained by uh hospital employees and she was uh you know screaming out to us um asking if he was [Music] alive is that something that she screamed out once more than once or something else several times now at some point you went into the room where your your brother was correct correct and um can you describe to the jury sort of what you saw as far as your your brother was concerned um I mean he was pretty banged up um he had his eyes had swelled up he had a um breathing tube in The Mask anyway way Blood come down his nose Blood come down his mouth um but what really stood out to me was you know the eyes it was almost as if like there were pingpong balls under his eyelids they were that swollen now in addition to what you observed as far as his eyes what if any other sort of injuries Did You observe on any other part of of your brother's body uh I noticed some markings on his arm um didn't mean look at his lower uh torso area at all cuz he was you know covered by a sheet so most of the injuries that you know we observed was was to the Head area and face area and when you say his arm do you recall whether that was one arm both arms or which arm take uh he had markings on his uh his right arm um I didn't notice anything on the other side um you spent some some time privately as a family with with your brother and at some point you left is that correct yes we were I would estimate we were probably in the room with them for probably 20 minutes until we left and after about that 20 minutes you come back out to the hallway and and where are you going um yeah we went back to the waiting area you know trying to figure out we can we leave do we leave um so yes we left my mother drove with me my father drove with Carri Roberts uh we went from the hospital at good Samaran and Brockton back to my brother's house in Kenton and if I could just take you back for a moment so as you exit the room where your brother is and you come back out in the hallway what if anything occurred at that point again we saw um Karen Reed um being restrained by hospital employees saying screaming the same things is he alive is he alive is he alive do and any points either before or after respond to any of that screaming that you heard from the defendant actually BW or kiss now as far as your relationship with the defendant Miss Reed prior to January 29th 2022 how would you characterize I thought we had a a good relationship um I held her in very high regard um I thought she was a good influence on my niece and nephew I appreciated all the help that she was providing to my brother with the kids um would go out together as you know couples uh a couple times um she was very became very friendly with my wife but I'd say overall we had a we had a good relationship as far as those positive feelings uh that you had in relation to the defendant prior to January 29th 2022 had you expressed those to either the defendant or any member of her family uh yes so um Christmas Eve of 20 2021 uh was the first time I met her parents they my brother hosted uh Christmas Eve at his house um I met Mr and Mrs Reed uh I offered to help Miss Reed Mrs Reed um carry some uh things in from her car and as we were walking to the car I said you know I just want to tell you what I think your daughter's great I think um very appreciative of what she's done for the kids and helping my [Music] brother now turning back to to that day of January 29th uh you go back out to the to the waiting area is that correct yes and what if anything happened what did you see or speak to when you got out there um I saw her father Bill Reed come into the hospital uh he was picking up Karen as we were pretty much exiting the hospital to head back to Canton and did you have any conversation with him I did not now You indicated that you drove with your mother back to Meadow AV where your brother lived is that correct that's correct and uh Miss Roberts drove with your father back to the same location is that correct that is correct and as far as your understanding sort of on the drive back where with kids where was Kaylee and Patrick at that point so Kaylee was uh picked up by uh Mike camarano who's her kayle's best friend's father Patrick was at a sleepover the night before so he was still uh with the family um of the at the house where he slept the night before you mentioned that the drive from your house from West Bridge waterer to Brockton was was somewhat difficult correct very difficult how would you characterize the drive from Brockton to to your brother's house in K I mean at one point I said to my mother I don't know if we're going to make it back you know visibility was terrible couldn't see the roads um we made it back it was just a very very difficult um um just the probably the worst driving conditions I've I've driven in as far as weather and so then at some point um you and your vehicle Miss Roberts and hers and your parents you arrive at at your brother's house and Kon correct that's correct know about what time of day that was it was midm morning so maybe between 10 and 11:00 in the morning and uh was there anybody present at the house uh when you arrived there no and at some point did other people uh come over over as far as specifically I'm asking about uh the children yes so Kaye was dropped off um shortly after we arrived and then a little while after that Patrick was dropped off um from his sleepover and at some point you were tasked with informing the children what happened to your brother correct correct um at some point after you left uh the hospital in Brockton uh what if any conversation or what if any phone calls did you receive in relation to the defendant Miss re um Karen Reed called me um asked me if it was okay to come over to see the kids and I said sure and do you know how long that that phone call went on for it was quick phone call maybe a minute um like I said she just asked if she can come over and I said sure and then uh she arrived at the house you know shortly thereafter when you initially arrived at the house along with uh your parents and Miss Roberts and her vehicle what if any other vehicles Did You observe sort of in the driveway at that [Music] time I only noticed I think my brother's car I I mean I don't even recall seeing any other cars I mean um um I mean there could have been a car in the garage but I didn't notice really nothing stands out what what kind of car did you brother had uh Chevy Traverse what color was that if you know uh like gray and if you recall when you first sort of arrived there where was that vehicle parked in relation to the Drone I believe it was uh the right side of the driveway you know um all the way down to the end of the drive like the top of the driveway all [Music] right now you have the phone call with the defendant you indicate it's fine for her to come over um you know about how long it was after receiving that phone call and when Miss Reed arrived there 20 to 30 minutes maybe and um when she arrived at your brother's house who if anyone was she with she was with her father and uh at some point was there anyone else from her family that that came over the house that morning her brother and his wife showed up shortly after she arrived with her father Yes and how many cars uh if you know they come in between sort of the they they each took separate vehicles so two cars arrived and Miss Reed's vehicle do you know where where that vehicle was in relation to your brother's house at that time it was either in the driveway or in the garage I'm not positive so fair to say it was at the house correct it was at the house yes so between the Reed family there's three vehicles at your brother's house correct correct now the defendant her you mentioned that you had met her father before on Christmas Eve is that right correct had you met her her brother or brother's wife prior to that day no and um you were in the house when they arrive is that correct when Karen and her father arrived I was uh shoveling the walkway out [Music] front and um in total um about how much time was was the defendant at house that morning when she came um I would probably say about 30 [Music] minutes and at that point when when the defendant arrived uh was either Kaye or Patrick are both home at that time yes um they were Kaye had come home first and then uh Patrick had come home so I think Patrick may have come home while they were there and you mentioned when they arrived you were out shoveling sort of the front walk correct yes and when they arrived did you go in the house with them or did you continue shoveling or something else I continued shoveling for a very short period of time and you know went in this went in the house like pretty much right after they did and when you got in the house what was it sort of that you were doing at that time I mean we had just told Kaye what had happened um and we were waiting for Patrick to get home so we were kind of just congregated in the kitchen when you say we who who exactly are you talking sorry um myself my mother my father was Miss Robert still there or has she gone home I don't recall and so in addition to yourself your mother and your father Miss Reed her father any other sort of members of her family where were they within the house at that time so mainly the kitchen at first um when Patrick came home we kind of took him to like a the side room where the kids hang out uh talked to him in that room and then we were in the the kitchen um then um Miss Reed and her father went upstairs and when you sat down with Patrick to uh to tell him what had happened to your brother who if anyone else was with you at that point Karen Reed and at some point subsequent to that uh you went back to the kitchen correct um yes and and where was it that the defendant and her father went upstairs into the bedroom and uh if you know about how long were they in the upstairs area of the house I would say 10 to 15 minutes and um them as they came down the stairs yeah so I was on the phone um a few times um so I didn't watch them walk upstairs but I saw them come downstairs you know turn the corner at the bottom of the stairs uh she had um some of her belongings that she had uh taken from the bedroom and where did she go with those belongings uh they left um like I said they were probably there for 30 minutes they got in their cars and uh drove back to dayon Massachusetts and when you say got back in their cars you mentioned three cars that had been there in the driveway or in the area of the house correct correct when the defendant left how many of those cars remained zero and as far as the weather conditions that you had mentioned uh that existed at the time that you drove from the hospital in Brockton to your brother's home in kin what if any Improvement occurred with the weather during that time frame none so essentially the same is that fair to say yeah it was still um yeah the conditions were still poor now with respect to miss Reed's vehicle did you know what kind of vehicle Miss Reed had um Alexis SUV I don't know the actual um [Music] model Mr Tali that clock is actually wrong it's just about 1:00 so is this a good place to take a break perfectly F all right all right jurors it it's the lunch and break we'll break for an hour we're here ready to go no later than 2:00 please notebook put them on your [Music] chair e e what back in session you may be [Music] seated all right Mr L can we have Mr o'keef again please yes witness please all right whenever you're ready ready Mr L thank you uh so Mr o'keef um you testifying before the uh the lunch and recess before um you had indicated that um Ben and Miss Reed had gone upstairs for some period of time is that correct correct and that's at your brother's house on Meadows out correct and who if anyone had she gone upstairs with her father about how long were they upstairs for 101 15 minutes and as far as was there anyone else uh in the upstairs area the home with them at the time that they were upstairs no nothing I'm aware of now as far as Miss Reid was concerned uh what if any conversation did you have with her while she was at the house for that period of 30 minutes or so none really and as far as any other members of her family without any reference to what it was what if any sort of substantial conversation what if any conversation did you have with either her father her brother or the brother's wife again none not really I didn't really have much interaction with any of them while they're at the house now you're obviously familiar with your brother's house on Meadows AV is that correct yes and as far as the house itself what if any sort of security uh did your brother have installed on on that house on Meadow uh he's got excuse me a ring he had a ring doorbell uh and then a ring camera flood light combination um above the garage doors overlooking the driveway and when you say the doorbell uh how many sort of points of how many doors or entrances uh into the house [Music] with cameras I would say two I mean the the driveway and then the the main front door of the house may I approach the witness [Music] yes show you three photographs exhibits 2 three and four if you could just look at those briefly and look up when you finish and generally speaking sir do you uh recognize what's depicted in those three photographs um yes the first before we get to them just in general do you recognize those okay and what do what do you recognize this them in in general terms what do you recognize them to be photographs up that's my my brother's house at one Meadows AV in Kinton and uh Miss Gilman if I could have exhibit two up on the screen [Music] I'm to shach again your arm youer basic okay and again so what's up on the screen is exhibit number two uh what what are we looking at here that's my brother's house at one Meadows AV in Canton and as far as the uh ring Bell camera that you were referring to is that something that's visible in this Photograph not in that photograph no okay and so typically when you would come over uh to your brother's house um what would be sort of the general Point uh or door that you would use to go inside the house so um either the garage door or there's a side you know side door right behind that bush so behind that bush is there any sort of like uh walkway or anything like that over there yeah so there a walkway that leads up to a couple of steps and then to the entry way is that where the ring doorbell would have been located uh label this ort of the front door yes and the garage area with the driveway that you were referencing in relation to this Photograph it's not depicted in this photograph is that fair to say correct okay um so which sort of with relation to this Photograph understanding that it's not depicted in it where would that be the driveway would be to the right side of the house says we're viewing it from here and if I could turn your attention to the next exhibit number three Miss Gilman if I could have that and what's up on the screen is that what you have before you as exhibit number three correct okay and where abouts in relation to the house what what are we looking at here so that would be the driveway right side of the house um two garage doors the upstairs window and the ring um camera/ flood light combination now with respect to the garage um was there a particular way that your brother would have would have kept sort of the garage area um yeah he had on the left side he had a 1971 Ford LTD parked over that side um and he would typically Park uh his car on the right side so the car that you were talking about before that being the Chevy Traverse is that correct correct and so the flood light combination with the camera that you see that in this photograph is that correct yes if you could just using the laser point and direct the Dury's attention to that right under the window thank you and as far as these particular ring Camp driveway garage one and the front door of this sort of side uh entry way there um who if anyone as far as you knew had access to those particular cameras how would they be accessed uh most likely through uh the the Ring app on your um cell phone and I believe the only ones we had um access to was my brother and Karen Reed and as far as brother all right I'll strike that see if you can lay a foundation as far as your brother was uh how what if anything would he do with reference to those ring cameras and and his app on his phone when people would arrive at his house um I mean a few times he talked to me through the speaker you know if I pulled up to the house and he wasn't home and he would speak to me on it but I'm not sure if I follow the entire question no and that's exact so there were points where you would come to the house correct and he wasn't there yes okay and he would sort of talk to you through the the ring application is that fair to say yes okay now as far as Miss Reed was concerned um when you say um you believe she had access to it what what leads you to believe uh believe the kids had mentioned it before um Kaylee and Patrick mostly Patrick all right I'm going to strike that now if I could direct your attention to the next exhibit before your exhibit number four and again sir what's up on screen is that what you have before you as exhibit 4 uh correct and uh if you could describe to the jury sort of what part of the house we're looking at here and what if anything in relation to the the ring that you observe here that is also the driveway from a different view um call it the top of the driveway looking down onto the street um right in this picture here the ring camera or the flood light ring is not visible and the walkway that you were talking about that was behind the bush do you see that in this Photograph yes if you could direct the jury's attention to where that so if you follow that walkway sort of around to the bush where does that LE right to the um Breezeway door by may approach yes now the Mr oef the ring camera uh that we're talking about um have you seen those on on like a disc form is that correct have I seen them on a dis form I'm not sure if I follow that question sure um have you viewed any any ring camera footage from either the the front door or the drive way to your brother's house no I didn't have access okay now you want to May re approach yes e all right so Mr L you have something to Mark as an exhibit yes so there are two discs uh one labeled uh Meadow a ring videos oh sorry so they they've already been marked already been marked all right so the next go go right ahead no okay uh so and let us know if you want the lights dimmed at all Mr L uh yes please do you want that now yes please would please thank you so miss Gilman if I could have from what's been marked as exhibit six uh driveway camera if I could have uh video number 161 and if you could just pause that for a moment now Mr O'Keefe what's up on the screen there uh do you generally recognize what's depicted there um it looks like Karen Reed's vehicle uh my brother's vehicle and it looks like another SUV behind it I don't know who the two people if if you could just using the laser pointer before you if you could just direct the jury's attention to which vehicle you're talking about when you so starting with Miss Reed's vehicle where is where is it in this video that you object that um I believe it's that one right there and your brother's vehicle is back there and the vehicle you're referring to where is your vehicle where is it and uh if you know uh when about is this video depicting in relation to what you've described as the the of January 29th um I mean that would be um in the morning coming back from the hospital midm morning and as far as the people within this video do you recognize any of the people within that'd be myself I believe that behind me is could be kri Roberts cuz that I believe that's kri Roberts's car she drove um my father back from the hospital to one Meadows in M if you could just run the video oh that's my mother I'm [Music] [Music] Miss Gman from the same exhibit if I could have go Mark [Music] 165 again miss G if you could just pause that briefly now with respect to um this video d recognize um the vehicle that just pulled into the driveway here um uh that looks like Karen Reed in the in the photo on the video I assume that's her father's car but this would have been the time that Miss Reed the defendant arrived with her family from the hospital as well correct and U Miss Gilman if you could just run that through for [Music] [Music] thank if I could asked for the next labeled a video from exhibit 6 number [Music] 166 see if I could ask you to pause there now Mr O'Keefe with the last video the two individuals sort of walking over to the house do you recognize who those were yeah it appeared to be Karen Reed and her father and uh the individual who just got out of the same vehicle you recognize that person that appears to be Karen Reed's brother Nathan and again this particular day January 29th at your brother's house that's the first time that you met him is that correct correct in this G if you could just play this one this thank you Miss Gilman from the same exhibit number six I get out video 169 just there for a moment now as far as uh you mentioned earlier in your testimony that after Miss Reed arrived at the house uh that your nephew Patrick came home as well correct and do you see your nephew Patrick in this video up on the screen now yes would depict when he got dropped off essentially correct Miss Gilman if you could just run that [Music] [Music] through for Miss Gilman from the same exhibit 6 if I could have number one 76 pause that right there now from this uh video you uh referenced earlier in your testimony Miss re gathered some belongings and then had left uh with all of the vehicles that her family came with correct correct and uh do you recognize anyone depicted in this uh video number 176 that's Karen Reed and uh what if anything do You observe in this video her to have in her hand at this time uh looks like some type of a bag and uh Miss Gilman if you could just uh play this one for [Music] thank now miming if I could have from the same exhibit 6 uh number 178 I could ask you to just pause you right there now Mr o'keef you were at uh your brother's house on Meadow for a majority of of that day correct yes okay about how long were you there into the evening yes and uh at some point where attempts made in your brother's house the driveway the walkway things of that nature as far as snow removal was concerned um at one point uh other than me shoveling um Patrick's friend's father came with a snowblower and um so initially it was you shoveling was your what if anything was your father doing while you were shoveling as well uh it was just me shoveling um and do you recognize uh what's depicted up in this video as far as any individuals in this video uh I believe that is me standing there with the shovel and uh Miss Gilman if you could just play this through with [Music] this for Miss Gilman from that same exhibit 6 that I have video number 185 just com me if you could just pause it right there now in reference to the snowblower uh coming out or sort of the friend of of Pat the father of Patrick's friends uh you recognize anybody in this video here um I'm assuming that's um the father of Patrick's friend but I'm not sure so fair to say This was later in the day after you were out there shoveling and after the defendant had left the house is that correct yes and with regard to um with regard to that particular day of January 29th uh do you recall any law enforcement whether they be PD or state police coming to the house while you were there that day on the not on the 29th no and during the course of clearing s of the driveway out as far as snow or ice um what if anything did You observe as far as Beyond just sort of snow and ice were there any sort of [Music] any sort of other items uh within the driveway uh that you recall seeing or not that I'm aware of no and this Gilman if you could just uh play this video with you for thank you and lastly from this exhibit Miss Gilman if you could from exhibit six pull up um video number uh 239 Keith what's up on the the screen right now is that essentially what the driveway look like at the end of sort of with the snow blowing and the shoveling and snow removal that day yes and uh that vehicle towards the top that's your vehicle is that correct uh yes and is this around the time that you would have been leaving uh your brother's house uh on January 29th yes [Music] uh Mr coros we can have the the lights back up may I approach the witness [Music] yes recognize that yes I and Miss Gilman if you could just uh enlarge that a little thank you very much and what's up on the the screen Mr o'i uh is that what you have before you as exibit number one yes and and what are we looking at in this exhibit that's my brother and as far as your earlier testimony in regard to uh the the vehicle that he kept sort of on the left side of the garage uh what if anything do you recogniz um it's depicted in the sure it's a convertible 1971 Ford LTD and with reference to that vehicle um how did your brother feel about that that vehic uh he enjoyed it he thought it was fun driving around um you know in a convertible uh nephew Patrick enjoyed you know being driven to baseball games and whatnot and it's so and uh your niece Kaye how did she feel about it she did not like it still doesn't than may I approach ret I have all right Mr o'keef sir I have no questions for you all right Mr o'keef you are all set sir thank you thank you this sir um one second J [Music] next
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Id: at326C83qw4
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Length: 78min 38sec (4718 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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