MA v Karen Read: First Responding Officer Details Crime Scene & Dash Cam Video

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We'll have updates for you on the very best moments throughout the day on Court TV live. Right now let's get you to Dedham Massachusetts, we've got a returning witness on the stand the Canton police officer who started his testimony late in the day yesterday one of the first responders there's name is Steven Seraph he is back now it is time for the defense cross-examination. >> What change or amend we're modifying testimony yesterday that I know. Did you discuss your testimony with any person between the time you got stand yesterday in coming back to the courtroom. Sure don't ask you a question about a couple of questions about something called the dispatch log, you know the dispatch ones, yes. What is it that's what can you describe the jurors. >> Just note with time calls come in and sometimes a short synopsis of what happened on the Cole. >> It's an official Police Department correct that's correct and it's kept in the ordinary course of business yes, it's true created at or near the time of the event that record. Yes and it's supposed to be accurate. what it has is the dispatch details. Well the event that's in question, whoever, whatever officers show up what time they show up the order which they show a location to which they're dispatched things of that nature correct. Yes. And you look at that especially in this case, no I've not. Everton yes. This has been remarked as exhibit. >> If you recognize that document. >> Yes It looks like a lot. >> So that's that's what they. The 29th you see your name so we're on a special on. The right one of the 3 officers it was called to the scene. Yes and it looks like especially for the call out you testify about yes, that's correct. Person. Yes. I mean that public as we. I really yes, This is not a lot of contests. the magic of the don't you can even look at the screen or look at the dispatch logs in front of you all talked with one of the screen. Little to the right there appear to be 3 entries for the test much of the officers that were on the scene about what you testified yesterday, yes, Sir, and in fact it has this to spend this dispatch log shows that. >> You and then officer Mullaney and then sergeant good all right to 32 fair of you that morning within 7 seconds of each other correct. Well that's what it says yes it actually has office from a lady arriving first at 6 oh 9.26 you see that. And you see that it also 3 seconds later at 6 oh 9.29, you're right is that right. >> 6, 6.29 says it is 6 o 9 ese 6 I meant when I said yes, I'm sorry, but that's okay and then it has sergeant good writing for seconds after you at 6 '09 and 33 seconds you know so all 3 of you according to the official document generated by can Police Department for this event has awesome Lady arriving first your writing said and also sergeant good arriving 3rd all within 7 seconds each other right. But that is completely false yes, you look at your dispatch, I'm sorry your dash cam track it clearly we saw yesterday, you're right and there's nobody else on sea craft. In fact 06:10AM that you're right the correct but that yes and then officer Millie actually arrives after you. 06:11AM right. And sergeant good start to rise, according to your own dash cam. Until about 6.16 last quarter after 6. So right off the bat. The official can police. And dispatch log one of the first documents generated in any investigate event. That's completely wrong right. The times are yes well the Times of the orders come by. I mean not only did possibly not arrive first, you're right first that's going to be here. Sure so that's 2 things that are wrong about just that not sure and then it has officer, I'm sorry sergeant good arriving, 7 to 4 seconds after you which is also incorrect. He didn't arrive until 6 or 7 minutes after you write sure are. That you would need to stop in the past snow you've never seen that especially on know your seat to make sure dispatch log is so important so vital the investigation was actually accurate before was turned over to the defense front now my turn to art but without your dash cam we will be relying on you dispatched law to be true and accurate is that right. >> Other than other than what I'm saying that what happened correct. And you think it's after another not not not not not not an Officers responding is it correct in all other respects your mind. Can you rephrase one time, let's take away the border and the time that the officers responded ignore that is the dispatch lot otherwise. Yes. The left and cocoa and where it's highlighted great what's the address. I live in green. On the screen but into the idea of that that's OK, I'm just 32 feet of Fairview. The 32 fair, you know you're right to 34 fair to expect you to that even the location and a special on his fault is that right sure yeah. Yes. You testified to a grand jury on April of 2022 correct. I did the grand jury to remember telling the grand jurors what interests you actually responded to my niece. >> I don't recall a from a. >> quick glance sure copy of your. >> That question. Yes. Also sure to favorite highlighting the page on page 9. Would you indicate to the grand jurors that you actually arrives as 35 Fairview. I know what it says that you can read refresh your recollection that you asked he testified under oath that you have you responded to 35 sure yes and that is incorrect as well as its. Yeah, yes. He reviewed any of the other. Officers reports that relate to your dispatch out to the location. He even testified no I did not did you ever leave you officer sergeant goods report, you know are you aware that such started your discussion sergeant good that he wrote in his official report. You responded to 32 And of course we just talked about the fact that the dispatch log lists 32 Fairview road, not 30 for sure you cracked correct. So none of the initial police reports. The dispatch of law not your police report. Kelly not sergeant goods list 34 Fairview road as the actual location were you responding that morning, correct. As far as I know, yes, it's a. Was their efforts. When your hard-earned money else you're not to mask the actual address a Brighton hours houses 34 Fairview road. No no all those are just the stakes. Yes. When you make contact with the victim and the the women that you described yesterday. >> Did you see any evidence that any of the women had been engaged in life saving measure. Yes, what did you see it. >> Compare that I'm Jeremy was doing. >> Ultimo for general Keith. >> You saw I don't get too graphic that you some love her face yes, I did some blood on his face is correct. So it wasn't her hair no, I didn't see anybody go to stop not to do so, but certainly blood on her face from having engaged in some sort of CPR activity. Yes, not success to she said. It looked like Kerry. Roberts seemingly assisting with chest compressions that one. >> We'll ask a question was sorry objection. There's just No you can ask the question hasn't been asked and. Finish the question thank you are. >> Did you also see Kerry Roberts a seemingly assisting in chest compressions I don't remember who exactly was that it appeared that somebody was doing. What about the just the 3rd woman Jennifer McKay they were all around the body did you see Jennifer McKay. Engage with John Keefe as he lay on the ground. Assistant any lifesaving measures I do with this that I don't know I don't recall. >> But you do recall. >> He was framed. Her car never struck. The cause is just. Nothing to it something else it. >> Was Karen Reid really framed what do you. >> Thanks so far let's go back into the courtroom now we've got the first officer who responded to the scene being cross-examined by the re defense team. >> Is it true that side while my opponent. >> And Kerry Roberts stay with John o'keefe and begin engaging human part. Yes, and she was providing some sort of a narrative team cracked correct while the other 2 women are trying to save Jon and Kate's life. >> She's from 3 seconds and 3 seconds yes, some of that the dash cam video with us. Those several minutes on the dash cam video where she's standing in having a conversation with you oppose the brief seconds I do. >> What what what time frame you're talking to. Right after I got there fast. Did you ever see Jeff McKay do anything physically to help John a. I did I know I didn't see anything. came offer to you during that week. >> narrative that she was having a conversation she was having if you just off of the fact that you to stand in front of her sisters helps you know. If you're on the fact that a rather long list of the House is a first responder. >> 16. >> Were you a prize at any time while you were out there. The homeowner was first responder. Jackson says teen. Based on your observations between Kerry and Jennifer McKay which one of those women appear to be more focused on trying to save John's life in the moment action. You repeat the question Sir between Kerry and Jennifer McKay which one of those 2 women based on your observations appeared you to be more focused and physically trying to save his life in the at that point it was Kerry. You would agree with me. Also surf that in any investigation details matter after some matters correct. Sure. In police investigation important to the morgue allies observations things heard seen appearance by the correct. Yes, generally speaking, you're trained to read this report and the more lives, this observation as quickly as possible, so that things are freshly amendment, correct you know write a report about incident that respond to today 2 years, you know, but effective training exactly the opposite we respond to the scene someone Horton to need to get it down on paper Scalise possible for details and actors right, yes, you did in fact write a report. A supplemental report for this investigation. Where you laid out your observations about morning correct that's correct. >> I had to pause button right here because we're getting at the point where we need to hit a break let me bring back in quickly for final thought sergeant Joe check alone, a detective Mike alpizar. >> Sarge you were talking about the importance of reports, it's like you knew you had a crystal ball who knew that they were going to pull up this call log that this officer did right never looks at somebody else author did a great job by the defense team getting it in through him the officer just conceded to everything what were you thinking as you were watching that. >> I know exactly where he was headed with that you know so this is how it's going to go every police report here everything's going to be scrutinized to the nth degree weather is going to help the case or not is a whole other story but you know it's less than we kind of left eclipsed cliffhanger because this is exact we what I was I was hoping for to find out what this officer wrote on his report about his observations when we respond to the scene this is going to be pivotal. >> Yeah, it really will play it. We just have a little less than a minute but we will play on the other side start. >> A detective Al want to ask you about something else here please the defense in their questioning already trying to paint other people as the bad actors. >> In paint their as a in any case if somebody commits a homicide. But then after the fact tries to resuscitate them does it resolve them from criminal liability. >> you know the fact there might be just trying to protect themselves from. Prosecution all being found of guilt so it's possible. It's just something fusion on cam it's art to make it look like she's a caring for the victim for husband, I'm not saying that's the case but it definitely happens. >> Right it sure does happen in other cases and who knows if it happened here we do know the state has evidence video evidence of her car going back to Fairview road before she got the 2 women who are friends with John o'keefe to go with her so a part of their at least in the motions that they found is that she knew she was going to find him dead that he was already deceased and that this was an We'll see if they get there with the evidence presentation. I'm so happy to have you both on the show detective Mike out because our sergeant Joe Jacqueline, thank you both so much we'll be right back and we'll see more about this officer in weather he wrote down key details in the case don't go anywhere. >> I had asked about the origination of some of those venues and stated repeatedly I you know I hit. >> You learned that you will to have been attacked. >> And we all really stood out to me was you know the eyes. It was almost as if like the Ping Pong under-eye lives there with a small. >> I don't think I'm ever going to see you guys again and I said of course you will where friends. >> Welcome to the second hour of Court TV live. I'm your host Julie Grant and we're in the second day of trial in debt in Massachusetts in the one we're calling the killer or cover up murder trial involving defended Karen read the victim. Boston police officer John o'keefe let's go back in now we're hearing from the first responding officer to the scene has been cross-examined by the defense. >> These are called incident reports correct, yes. I'm holding what appears to be a multi page document that is entitled to an incident report mayor French yes. So if you recognize. What's on that page. As you report, yes, yes, some of us that yes Sir when did you write that that we the morning of. Today January 29 that's correct little bit later in the morning if you love to see us and EU reflecting back what he just happened. Minutes or hours before at you and you're trying to be as truthful possible credit. Yes, you're trying to be as accurate as possible yes comprehensive as possible. Yes it is thorough as possible yes. You will in that report quote Karen we kept screaming is he dead is he dead. She was severely distraught and not able to tell me what happened. Correct that's correct. Yes. There is no limit to the amount of work that you put on the page track no effect just white space. Just last time. Utilized right, that's Greg you could take it as much time as you wanted to write reports that right. Trump and this is a yes, yes. There was no reason to read anything is that right now. And you try to be as accurate as possible could in that moment. Yes, and put everything down in that report. What you experience what you observed, and what you heard that morning practice. And the only statement you attribute to my client that morning just hours after the incident 4 minutes after the incident was she kept repeating this day. EU energy by Michael Proctor the next day or 2. I don't know what that was but the killer, fresh recollection take a look yes. State in March, 15, but reflect in an interview on January 30 and then tell me if you recognize it. Looks like it is important stripper proctors report of an interview that he did with the crack. Yes, you look at the second page. But what you stated to to the product. But I 4 yes, okay. Did you tell to Proctor. different way we try the U.S. Bureau and comprehensive with trooper Proctor as you are in your own. Yes, we're holding anything back and that interview correct know you want to be as truthful as obvious as you possibly could if Correct yes. He told to Proctor. You can quote here chair Henry continually stay busy dead. As the paramedics treating the sheriff. And seeing care inside her friend's vehicle. Correct correct to the only state that you were treated to my. The day yeah. This incident was Stewart is he dead she continually repeated. Their In the 2 times that you are asked to reflect back on exactly what happened that morning. On January 29 and January 30th both times you attribute it only 3 one to my life having been he continually in her distraught state is he dead right yes, she wasn't saying that come with this you know I use the word she was severely history all right, that's Greg when you say severely distraught and saw part of that. I knew dashcam she was emotional yes, upset, yes, focused on John. Yes trying to save his questions is yes. If you are asked to testify in April of 2022 April 1420 22, a statewide grand jury. prosecutor who was asking the questions correct. Yes. You will be reported on January 29th. On January 3rd between that time and when you testified in April 22, getting meetings with anybody from the message to us. Mister Johnston without talking Kiefer there's for this for this trial. >> Just that the dates in question are up to April 14th, 2022. You know we're talking about with the insula is continue there is a discussion of potential testimony. >> Not not I don't I don't recall meeting with them for that no one time and I met with them in his office was but a couple weeks ago with with this in preparation for this to stomach cramped, but your testimony now. >> Didn't meet with your you did not connect with him. Discussions of testimony before the April grand jury. I don't I don't recall. When you did testify. >> And that grand jury room. We changed his story. >> Hughley testified that he consistently that grand juries you had report justified for what I remember what what happened Sir. What can we better in April and was minutes or hours after the event. Was a better better or worse. I don't know Lou. You think your memory gets better as time goes on, but usually it's the opposite isn't. Yes and we skipped on to say yes, which is why you read reports today. The U.S. you can't correct. Yes. Your which testified to a grand jury in April of 2022. The whole thing not a bad just as relates to statements attributed to my client, yes. What was your exact testimony in April of 2022 I have to have to look at what what pressure recollections. He saw a copy of your show. >> A grand jury transcript What page 18. Let me know what which you I'm with you that tell me what your recollection is it does. >> Well in fact on April 14th 2022 months after this event for the first time he said quote. And this is these are your words tell me if I get it right. >> See chart she you know. >> This is my fault. I don't know I don't know. She said you know I can't believe this happened, I mean she kept asking if he was going to die. If he's dead and you know I just basically said you know we're doing the best that can Yes. >> So in April of 2022 for the first time you attribute it to the phrase this is my fault. I can't believe this happened to my client correct that's correct nowhere the official report did you say that correct and know where your interview with Cooper Procter the next day he say that correct you think that was a. Pretty important omission on your part. You may contact with the stand, you know the body of a fallen police officer we sent you this is my fault. Yes, yes, and yes, again it made it out. He testified yesterday. And your statement change to get. Which said yesterday was just I don't know which word. Well I want to see this helps to yesterday said Mike White said, wow it's all my fault. did this. Yes Sir, yes, yes, Sir. What you can say that a grand jury. And you did say that to Proctor also. And you didn't put your report that's correct. >> Okay so this is this is one o one if I was a prosecutor on this case and in this officer was my app yet I would few the person falls charges, let's just be Matt because admissions are something you you always want in your case if you ever are so fortunate to have a defendant admitted to something you put it in writing this way it's documented it's preserved here she very well may have said it. >> But he didn't write it down and now her defense team is doing exactly what they should do in the crossing him that that's a problem that's one of the things you've got to have in your report that happens. Let's get a break when we come with it pause here you won't Welcome back to court TV live. I'm Julie Grant let's get you back into the courtroom now we're in Dedham Massachusetts for the trial over the murder of Boston police officer John o'keefe and we've got the first responding officer under cross-examination let's go back in. >> Find another 2 or 3 weeks. Junction 16. No shift gears for a second and talk about what the street. >> He actually said that point. You said that you review your dash cam video cracked once. You remember when you arrive for the first time out was the question question shows you it was sets the scene and assess the situation. So you want to listen closely to what that answer was pressed, Joe. What we did in fact that she didn't she. I don't I don't recall what you said. She said quote my boyfriend, I left him and he never came home in court. I don't know who to call. You re we've already agree the details matter any investigation absolutely sure we matter in this investigation, correct. >> I want to take a look at what's been pre marked as exhibit 26. >> Well we 50 The actual. Another look at the actual time of day we hear from a look at the runtime which down the bar. So in the space you could. >> Just to Orient everybody does this appear to be your desk and yes, I'm saying dash and you're looking at yesterday, yes, okay, it's going >> just it's not a nice and it's not a hearing examining their I want to do the best I can to raise the volume. And also share I want to focus your attention if you wouldn't mind. >> 9. >> Seconds after you say what happened just count your head and listen very very carefully to the woman's voice. >> very very hard to hear you listen to that for no pay does it appear to you that she said my boyfriend, I left and never came home I couldn't understand anything OK. Lets you play one more time. >> I was officer please listen to what there's a din of noise obviously road noise when noise etc it's your dash cam. The audio from your dashcam once you close the door listen very carefully about 9 seconds after you say what happened. For a woman's voice and see if you can make out with the boy says. >> Did you hear it, I left him and he never came home. I couldn't understand what I'm saying he couldn't understand that no one here and one more I'm no I don't think they know. Turn the lights on please. My client had said. My boyfriend, I loved him and he never came home. Would that be something that you would find important to put a new report just 16 ton. What's moved to another area of the dashcam video. We keep playing at the 28 minute mark I 20 minute 22nd Mark versus okc Council signed on for just a minute please. >> Alright weather going to side probably go to my guests retired deputy inspector for the NYPD and the author of the book the one from cop Corey big Isis with us Craig good morning, good to see you. >> A you have supervised lots of officers throughout your career. Your thoughts on this office or not including things like oh I don't know the defendants admissions in his report. >> To a big win for this trial Listen this officer. Definitely dropped the ball and missions like this is kind of what I think probably like to first a second weekend of policing. >> just down especially. You know spontaneous utterances would you think that submissions you have to just that stuff down only did he not just in time. It is saying to a grand jury the group were recklessly it really does it right, he's just not the Krewe de la creme police officers don't really like his game. I don't even I don't even like his demeanor on the He's just he's just very laid back as if like this is bothering him to come here. Probably should have picked up a job at Walgreens because of being a police officer who need them. The low point this is a homicide, somebody died you talking about some of the most vital information somebody screaming yelling saying this is all my fault, this is almost full. You don't write that they come a small town policeman get into that keep talking about small-town police. >> Yeah that's the that's a crying shame that that he didn't include such important information and core you're right, especially when somebody died here, you know this isn't to a traffic stop for. You know a little bit of dough for something this is visit death up police officer is dead, you know he's brother in arms is debt, you know, I mean my gosh you're right he does look like he needs to wake up and he needs to wake up and so does this prosecutors knew this was a terrible choice for the first officer to call him win. >> Really he isn't adding a whole heck of a lot this >> presentation of the case by the prosecution is leaving so much to be desired in what kills me is they have really strong evidence they're just presenting it that Corey pegues I'm so glad we have you here standby police he's going to get a br ea We've got some breaking news just in former President Donald Trump is being held in contempt of court and a New York judge has fined him $9,000 as for repeatedly violating a gag order. The former president is not allowed to make public statements about witnesses job murders or others connected to his New York alleged hush hush money case but Trump claims that he's exercising his free speech rights. The judge warned him that he'll send him to jail if he keeps doing it for TV as of course following this developing story for you we'll share any updates for you as we have them right now let's go back to Dana Massachusetts that sidebar East over there are a couple more questions left from the defense on cross for this witness and then we're going to see the second witness called of the day. >> Do you recognize your desk and video left of the screen. >> Yes Sir. >> And you look at sergeant goods dash and video which is squared up on the right side of the spread. I know you never say that no okay does it appear to you that these are 2 different perspectives of the same scene in other words you see the car the SUV on the left side of the screen right here. Correct. Yes, Sir to that same SUV. But their correct. Yes, Sir, okay, I'm just gonna here to be 2 different perspective to different angles that's basically the same thing yes I want to draw your attention to the individuals. Of the SUV right here. There's a person wearing a hood with for it is that Kerry Roberts sure I don't know. There appears to be another person with a darker jacket standing just in front of that person. I'm going to ask you to focus on the person in the darker. I believe and the only reason I'm asking you to to focus at this point because I want to try to play this just once and see if you recognize what's depicted in the video shot. What I expect you may see. Is this person move out of out of sight behind the SUV and then it. In the background. There's an SUV parked in the drive. Pay special attention to that portion. The SUV and see if you see that person and a dark jacket passed from right to left in for that SUV as if they're going to the House. >> Have you seen the person in the dark jacket. Leave this to be yes it's up to go behind the SUV yes, >> I stopped and now I'm going to ask to draw your attention to that car with snow on it. Pay special attention to that car. continues >> You see the person standing from part. Here's the person. Yes, welcome right to left yes that were in the House. And also if you wouldn't mind switching your perspective now you're looking more at the front of the House. Continue watching the film and see if you see that same person walking to the House. >> see that. No and see oh yeah get us to show you. Toward the front of the House. That was Jennifer McKay going into the House I have no idea was it person going to the House is a person use did you give anybody any permission to go into the House now come out would you think a witness in a homicide scene spend you would you think in a witness at a homicide scene are being allowed to go into a house. To make contact with other witnesses I didn't know was on a sightseeing tour. If I could if I could finish my my question. Do you think it's appropriate for witnessed a potential homicide scene. Unconscious person see whatever price yes to make contact with other witnesses and begin discussing. The situation unsupervised. Can you rephrase that question Sir do you think that's an appropriate thing to have happened. >> I had no answer for that and I don't I know you would use asking officer when you go to a crime scene. Yes, one of the first things that you want to do is secure the scene and separate witnesses, so that interviews can be conducted correct sure you wouldn't want this is just coming together and getting their story straight right, correct you want to avoid that at all costs. Yes, and why is that so we can't collaborate, they're they're a story. Yeah there's a woman sorry there was a person walking from the area where the body was found in the law House walking into the house to make contact with other individuals cracked it appeared that Lisa does that seem appropriate to you. We've talked a bit about what you did and didn't hear. At the scene for my client. When you're at that location did you hear my client repeating the phrase I hit him I hit him I hit him I hit it. She I hit him, you know I hear that. Yellen said or otherwise nothing nothing I would call. If you heard that if you have heard that statement you likely would for the damage. You likely would report that to to profit in the which yes. We likely would make sure that your grand jury testimony, correct. Yes, and you know those things because you did not state the correct. I didn't So you are 34 Fairview for more than an hour. Before you clear the scene right. Yes, Sir. We're at the location of the body of John o'keefe. Well what you just didn't stay to prove that he knows those makers the different times I looked at that question. You can just stay in your crews that point you've got out of the cruiser walked over made contact with the women and you're standing next to the bot yes and you are mostly looking around most of us and footprints yes and no you won't even notice a lot of friends. That's correct. So you are being observant area of the body. Yes and the area adjacent to the bot yes. You're looking for anything that might have a place, yes, anything of any evidentiary value cracked. You never saw her other was observed. We located a single piece. Until it until that you know. He certainly didn't see 45. He says a broken plastic Patel until now. We never located or otherwise and serve. John he's missing shoe. No. Or any of the clothing of his I didn't know. While strategy you ever. What a look inside the House. You know that missing shoe know that never crossed your mind you smart thing to do with the time. Section on rephrase the question or do you think that would have been appropriate protocol when dealing with a body laying on the lawn that is partially been closed to look inside the House of the law no. We didn't think that was an appropriate protocol do. Were you anybody else you know. Obviously did not conduct a search of that House did you know. And you're aware that to this day, no law enforcement officer ever conducted a search of that House. I'm not aware of We're just want to do this. Anything that's too lonely. You're asking questions. He was shown a dispatch logs that correct that's correct. dispatch walk as far can Police Department is concerned are you aware of sort of. >> How when or who creates that yes and can you explain to the jury sort of how that documents were comes into being. >> So when a call comes Officers at the desk well usually the first thing to do would do is dispatched to people going to the scene and get everybody rolling as far as if they need FD police. What resources they need. And basically type in. What the call is >> so very say it's more important to get assets allocated to is seen especially in the case of an emergency which is part of that calling 911 and to ensure that the dispatch time is right down the Louis. You were asking questions about different that you heard the defendants a correct that's correct. you were shown specifically some grand jury testimony from April 2022 in which you indicated during that time this morning that the defendant stated this is my fault. Yes, it is that based on your memory of what she said yes, you also testified yesterday. Along the same was correct What you testified to before this jury as far as the memories that accurate as to what on that scene 1/29/2022, yes. Now prior to this call and did you. No Kerry >> Did you know Carol Reed know you know John we know you know Jennifer McKay know based on what. >> Seen as far as the dash camera would you be able to differentiate between Jennifer cable Terry Roberts from that but no. While you were on You see. >> Anybody from 34 Fairview rose from that address came outside you know you see anybody from any address on that entire Street for the entire 90 minutes that you're outside you know. >> You're asking questions about some different addresses on. >> Fairview whether they be 30 to 35, you know where either 32 or 35 is located in relation to 34. >> Who will be next to each other sequential. All right, you're all set officer, thank you thank you. >> This to Ali who is in next with news. >> Before we get to the next one is that we bring in my guests because we got to hit a break and I want to hear from him creepy guy standing by watching this. Corey I did who I'm more disgusted with with with the the lack of preparation whether it's the prosecutor. >> Or this office or both I mean this is embarrassingly bad. The the Oak we have lost their son their in this is a death case and and the attitudes I mean this is astounding to me your thoughts please. >> It would you know would you lead is this is good. So I love Court TV show in America that late. These cases and that some 40 minutes and 20 minute commercials. This is probably like normal around the country with the obama 218,000 police departments. Everything is in pristine the prosecutor I believe he has a lot of evidence he has to start or action about hopefully this is the worse that he has to because this is his best guy helped Carol Reid is going to walk away all of his coming across like this cause. And the you know police work is all about. You know Gary and Devin is analyzing it and making a decision like this just police one o one pressing 2 to one on one yeah it should have been eyeing clad this so many times that you said you was a prosecution with the office you go over the store you go over this do you go over this total Hugo's story. >> Harry and you don't want him up there saying or don't know I don't I don't know that like it wasn't it is that a graceful yeah I don't know who that is. >> You've got to be kidding me and then and then I want the prosecutor COLUMN if he wasn't going to know anything. >> I mean it's mind boggling. >> I know we had a call. >> Because he was the first officer sure seen sure and I had to prosecute and can't be happy it's no way that he had this before MS. Only stand and didn't have just is on it. >> know that you're right you're exactly right Corey this would have been a surprise he would have known to do better
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Id: Onh3mv6s8QE
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Length: 55min 9sec (3309 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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