Brother of John O'Keefe testifies at Karen Read murder trial

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now as far as Miss Reid was concerned uh what if any conversation did you have with her while she was at the house for that period of 30 minutes or so none really and as far as any other members of her family without any reference to what it was what if any sort of substantial conversation what if any conversation did you have with either her father her brother or the brother's wife again none not really I didn't really have much interaction with any of them all they at the house now you're obviously familiar with your brother's house on Meadow AV is that correct yes and as far as the house itself what if any sort of security uh did your brother have installed on on that house on Meadow uh he's going excuse me a ring doorbell uh and then a ring camera flood light combination um above the garage doors overlooking the driveway and when you say the doorbell uh how many sort of points of how many doors or entrances uh into the house were with cameras I would say two I mean the the driveway and then the the main front door of the house may I approach the witness yes photographs and four if you could just look at those briefly and look up when we finish and generally speaking sir do you uh recognize what's depicted in those three photographs um yes the first before we get to them just in general do you recognize those okay and what do what do you recognize them in in general terms what do you recognize them to be photographs up that's my my brother's house at one Meadows AV in Kinton and uh Miss Gilman if I could have exhibit two up on the [Music] screen okay and again so what's up on the screen is exhibit number two uh what what are we looking at here that's my brother's house at one Meadows AV in Canton and as far as the uh ring doorbell camera that you were referring to is that something that's visible in this Photograph not in that photograph no okay and so typically when you would come over uh to your brother's house um what would be sort of the general points uh or door that you would use to go inside the house so um either the garage door or there's a side you know side door right behind that bush so behind that bush is there any sort of like uh walkway or anything like that over there yeah so there's a walkway that leads up to a couple of steps and then to the entry way is that where the ring doorbell would have been located uh label this or of the front door yes and the garage area with the driveway that you were referencing in relation to this Photograph it's not depicted in this photograph is that fair to say correct okay um so which sort of with relation to this Photograph understanding that it's not depicted in it where would that be the driveway would be to the right side of the house as we're viewing it from here and if I could turn your attention to the next exhibit number three Miss Gilman if I could have that and what's up on the screen is what you have before you as exhibit number three correct okay and whereabouts in relation to the house what what are we looking at here so that would be the driveway right side of the house um two garage doors the upstairs window and the ring um camera/ flood light combination now with respect to the garage um was there a particular way that your brother would have would have kept sort of the garage area um yeah he had on the left side he had a 1971 Ford LTD parked over that side um and he would typically Park uh his car on the right side so the car that you were talking about before that being the Chevy Traverse is that correct correct and so the flood light combination with the camera that you see that in this photograph is that correct yes if you could just using the laser point to direct the Dury's attention to that right under the window and as far as these particular ring C driveway garage one and the front door the sort of side uh entry way there um who if anyone as far as you knew uh had access to those particular cameras how would they be accessed uh most likely through uh the the Ring app on your um cell phone and I believe the only ones who had um access to was my brother and Karen Reed and as far as brother strike all right I'll strike that see if you can lay a foundation as far as your brother was uh how what if anything would he do with reference to those ring cameras and and his app on his phone when people would arrive at his um I mean a few times he talked to me through through the speaker you know if I pulled up to the house and he wasn't home and he would speak to me on it but I'm not sure if I follow the entire question no and that's exact so there were points where you would come to the house correct and he wasn't there yes okay and he would sort of talk to you through the the ring application is that fair to say yes okay now as far as Miss Reed was concerned um when you say um you believe she had access to it what what leads you to believe I believe the kids had mentioned it before um Kaylee and Patrick mostly Patrick all right I'm going to strike that now if I could direct your attention to the next exhibit before your exhibit number four and again sir what's up on screen is that what you have before you as exhibit bo uh correct and uh if you could describe to the jury sort of what part of the house we're looking at here and what if anything in relation to the the ring that you observe here that is also the driveway from a different view um call it the top of the driveway looking down onto the street um right in this picture here the ring camera or the flood light ring is not visible and the walkway that you were talking about that was behind the bush do you see that in this Photograph yes if you could direct the jury's attention to where that so if you follow that walk way sort of around to the bush where does that lead right to the um Breezeway door I may approach yes now the Mr oef the ring camera uh that we're talking about um have you seen those was on on like a disc form is that correct have I seen them on a disc form I'm not sure if I follow that question sure um have you viewed any any ring camera footage from either the the front door or the driveway to your brother's house no I didn't have access okay now you want to may approach yes for e all right so Mr L you have something to Mark as an exhibit yes R so there are two discs uh one labeled uh Meadow a ring videos oh sorry so they they've already been marked already been marked all right so the next go right ahead no okay uh so and let us know if you want the lights dimmed at all Mr L uh yes please do you want that now yes pleas you would please thank you if I could have from what's been marked as exhibit 6 uh the driveway camera if I could have uh video number 161 and if you could just pause that just for a moment now Mr O'Keefe what's up on the screen there uh do you generally recognize what's depicted there um it looks like Karen Reed's vehicle my brother's vehicle and it looks like another SUV behind it I don't know the two people if if you could just using the laser pointer before you if you could just direct the jury's attention to which vehicle you're talking about when you so starting with Miss Reed's vehicle where is where is it in this video that you observe that uh I believe it's that one right there and your brother's vehicle is back there and the vehicle your refering to is your vehicle where is and uh if you know uh when about is this video depicting in relation to what you've described as the the events of January 29th um I mean that would be um in the morning coming back from the hospital mid morning and as far as the people within this video do you recognize any of the people within that'd be myself I believe that behind me is could be Kerrie Roberts cuz that I believe that's Kerri Roberts's car she drove um my father back from the hospital to one Meadows and Miss dman if you could just run the video oh that's my mother for [Music] Miss G from the same exhibit if I could have go Mark 165 again miss if you could just pause that briefly now with respect to um this video do recognize um the vehicle that just pulled into the driveway here um uh that looks like Karen Reed in the in the photo on the video I assume that's her father's car so this would have been the time that Miss Reed the defendant arrived with her family from the hospital as well correct and Miss Gilman if you could just run that through h [Music] thank if I get asked for the next labeled video from exhibit 6 number 166 [Music] if I could ask you to pause there now Mr OE with the last video of the two individuals sort of walking over to the house do you recognize who those were yeah it appeared to be Karen Reed and her father and uh the individual who just got out of the same vehicle you recognize that person that appears to be Karen Reed's brother Nathan again this particular day January 29th at your brother's house that's the first time that you met him as that correct correct in this if you could just play this one thank you Miss Gilman from the same exhibit number six if I get out video 169 [Music] now as far as uh you mentioned earlier in your testimony that after Miss Reed arrived at the house uh that your nephew Patrick came home as well correct and do you see your nephew Patrick in this video up on the screen now yes this would depict when he got dropped off essenti correct Miss Gilman if you could just run that for for Miss Gilman from the same exhibit six as I could have number one 76 right there now from this uh video you uh referenced earlier in your testimony Miss Reed had gathered some belongings and then had left uh with all of the vehicles that are family came with correct correct and uh do you recognize anyone depicted in this uh video number 176 say that's Karen Reed and uh what if anything do You observe in this video her to have in her hand at this time uh looks like some type of a bag and Miss Gilman if you could just play this [Music] one for now M gim if I could have from the same exhibit 6 uh number 178 hi ask you to just pause you right there now Mr o'keef you were at your brother's house on Meadow for a majority of of that day correct yes about how long were you there into the evening yes and uh at some point where attempts made in and around your brother's house the driveway the walkway things of that nature as far as snow removal was concerned um at one point uh other than me shoveling um Patrick's friend's father came with a snow blow and um so initially it was you shoveling was your what if anything was your father doing while you were shoveling as well uh it was just me shoveling um and do you recognize uh what's picked it up in this video as far as any individuals in this video uh I believe that is me standing there with the shovel and uh Miss Gilman if you could just play this with this where okay Miss Gilman from that same exhibit 6 could I have video number 185 just comment if you could just pause it right there now in reference to the snowblower uh coming out of sort of the friend of of Pat the father of Patrick's friends uh do you recognize anybody in this video here um I'm assuming that's um the father of Patrick's friend but I'm not sure so fair to say This was later in the day after you were out there shoveling and after the defendant had left the house is that correct yes and with regard to um with regard to that particular day of January 29th uh do you recall any law enforcement whether they be PD or state police coming to the house while you were there that day on the not on the 29th no and during the course of clearing some of driveway out uh as far as snow or ice um what if anything did You observe as far as Beyond just sort of snow and ice were there any sort of any sort of other items uh within the driveway that you recall seeing or not that I'm aware of no and this Gilman if you could just uh play this video for thank you and lastly from this exhibit M Gilman you could uh from exhibit 6 pull up um video number uh 239 Mr Jo ke what's up on the the screen right now is that essentially what the driveway look like at the end of sort of the snow blowing in the shoveling and snow removal that day yes and uh that vehicle towards the top that's your vehicle is that correct uh yes and is this around the time that you would have been leaving uh your brother's house on January 29th yes uh Mr cor we can have the lights back up may I approach witness yes [Music] yes and Miss Gilman if you could just uh enlarge that a little thank you very much now what's up on the the screen Mr o'i uh is that what you have before you as EX one yes and and what are we looking at in this exhibit that's my brother and as far as your earlier testimony in regard to uh the the vehicle that he kept sort of on the left side of the garage uh what if anything do you recognizing um it's depicted in the picture it's a convertible 1971 Ford LTD and with reference to that vehicle um how did your brother feel about that that V uh he enjoyed it he it was fun driving around um you know in a convertible uh nephew Patrick enjoyed you know being driven to baseball games and whatnot and it so and uh your niece kayy how did she feel about it she did not like it still doesn't I approach ret I have all right Mr o'keef sir I have no questions for you all right Mr o'keef you are all set sir thank you thank you sir um one second J said uh I'm sorry call up a call Miss uh Mrs Arin o'keef to the [Music] [Music] stand be a should give the court juring case down hearing for the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God I do thank you you may take this to whenever you're ready Mr L thank you uh good afternoon ma' good afternoon could you uh please state your name and spell your last name sure it's Aaron o'keef o k e e Fe and and uh where is it that you live now West Bridgewater and who if anyone do you uh do you live there with I live with my husband Paul and our two girls and uh how long have you lived there in West bridgew uh believe 10 years this year and uh your girls how old are your girls now uh 13 and 10 and what is your husband's name Paul and how long have you and Paul been together how long have you been married be 24 years this year and 17 years married this year and uh do you work ma'am I do and what do you do for um currently I'm at a I switch jobs uh currently I work for a mechanical contractor and just sort of in general terms what what type of work is it that you do I'm their marketing director and you said you switch job so how long have you been doing this this sort of new job I'll be there two years in October and your husband uh Paul how how did the two of you meet uh I was his waitress in a bar when he was in college and um as far as your husband Paul's concerned his parents what what what are their names uh John and Margaret and your husband Paul did he have any siblings two um an older sister and an older brother John and Kristen and of the three John Kristen and Paul who was who was the oldest who was the youngest and what was sort of the age difference between the three of them Kristen uh was the oldest Johnny was next and Paul being the youngest and Paul was what three years younger than Johnny four and your sister-in-law uh Kristen she was the oldest correct um was she married at some point yes her husband Steve do you recall about when it was that that your sister-in-law Kristen and and Steve got they got married in 2006 and uh your sister-in-law Kristen and her husband Steve did they have any children they did uh Kaylee and Patrick and uh Kaylee and Patrick about how old are they Kaylee is 16 now and Patrick is 13 now now excuse me at some point uh did U their last name was furbush is that correct correct and at some point uh did your sister-in-law Kristen or husband Steven and their children moved to the town of C they did and about what time or what year was that uh 2009 2010 I believe and if you know where had they been living previously before they moved to Camp uh they were renting out their uh townhouse in Abington so they were living in Dorchester with Johnny and if you know at the time that they were living with Johnny uh were both Patrick and Kaye born yet or just Kaye just Kay so fair to say she was relatively young at that point yes now at some point your sister-in-law Kristen got sick correct correct and do you recall when about that was that you did you learn of that it was June 2013 beginning of June and uh do you recall what she was sick from or what the diagnosis was she um was diagnosed with gleo blastoma and uh at some point subsequent to that she she passed is that correct correct six months later sometime in Fall November 2013 November 11th 2013 now at that point in November of 2013 um as far as you and the rest of of your family was concerned what was sort of the plan or the expectation as far as what was going to happen with the with the children Patrick and k um I know that my in-laws were helping while Steve was still here Steve um passed away two months later but my in-laws were helping Steve kind of get acclimated and what if any role uh did your your brother-in-law you called them Johnny is that correct yes um so what if any role did your brother-in-law Johnny have with respect to the kids during this time he was very involved because he was very involved when my sister-in-law was sick I think he was out on he'd hurt his hand or or something when he was uh working out on the um when he was out out on the streets I guess and so he was on disability and was helping and going to the hospital all the time and being with Kristen and you mentioned he was out on disability and that he was working what what was it that your brother-in-law Johnny o'keef what did he do for work he was a police officer in Boston now mentioned that shortly after your sister-in-law Kristen passed away her husband Stephen also passed away is that correct correct and so what if anything sort of became the plan or what what happened with respect to your niece and nephew uh following uh their father uh Paul and Johnny went out to lunch one day and we had kind of assumed because Johnny was out on you know the streets doing his job like that that Paul and I would take the kids and Johnny said he was going to do it so he sort of volunteered or stepped up to do it correct correct and pursuant to that where did um where did Johnny go to live where did the kids live when he did this Johnny uh moved into their house in Canton the original house that Steve and Kristen had bought he moved in with the kids there and about how long was it that Johnny lived there with the kids um assumed that role um maybe four years four or five years I don't remember the exact year that he bought the new house and so they lived there for four or five years and then you mentioned that he bought a a new house where was the new house that he bought the new house is the house now on uh Meadows AV in Canton and so from whenever time Johnny bought that house he lived there basically with with kids Kay and Patrick until he passed away as well correct correct and um with respect um to your niece and nephew what if any sort of legal relationship um did Johnny have with respect to to the kids P he became their guardian and during the time that um from the time that that your brother-in-law Johnny sort of took over uh that guardianship with respect to your niece and nephew um as far as dating was concerned what if any sort of long-term relationships uh did he have during that period before you answer that if I could just ask you for your definition as far as what do you deem or term as as far as a long-term relationship one two years I guess as a start two years so during that time after he assumed sort of guardianship of of the kids about how many of those relationships one to two years or so did he did Johnny have during that time two and what were the names of the people that he had those relationships with uh the first first was Amy um and then Karen and just to be clear by Amy that was uh you know where she lived what town she resides in Westwood and uh she had children of her own is that correct yes and the second that you mentioned was Karen is that correct correct what is Karen's last name Reed this for clarity purposes do you see uh the person you knew Karen Reed correct yes says for clarity purpos the record do you see Karen Reed in the courtroom I do could you just identify where as to where she's seated or an article of clothing she's we um black or blue blazer and I just asked to record reflect the identification of an defendant by the yes now with regard um to miss Reeds as far as her relationship with regard to your niece and nephew what if any sort of legal relationship did she have with regard to either your niece or nephew or to your brother-in-law Johnny oi legal none now as far as um over the course of well when was the first time uh that you recall meeting the defendant Miss re I believe it was in June uh of 2020 during covid based on sort of your understanding when was that in relation to when they began sort of their relationship I I think it was in February or March of that same year right around the time that the pandemic caused a sort of General shutdown correct I think so yes now as far as you were aware did you know of any sort of pre-existing relationship or any time that they had dated in the past prior to that February March of 2020 I learned that after the fact so fair to say during any sort of previous time that they may or may not have dated you hadn't met Miss Reed you weren't aware of her at all correct I had not met her and do you recall sort of where you were or what circumstances were the first time that you that you met the defendant I believe we were all um coming to our house it was either I it may have been a birthday party or Father's day but we were out on the patio I think it was June so John o'keef uh Miss Reed as well as the children came over to your house for some kind of holiday or something like that correct now from that time sort of going forward how would you describe sort of your relationship with the defendant is I likeed her a lot and as far as um prior to January 29th of 2022 would you consider yourself or characterize your relationship as as friends I would and about how often sort of from that time of when you first met her in June of 2020 through January Ary uh the end of January 2022 um how often would you see uh sort of your niece your nephew uh Mr o'keef Andor Miss re one two times a month it was covid so when we could be outside or or all get together or if there was a birthday and were there any occasions where you would have occasion to to spend time with or hang out with uh the defendant outside of of either your husband or uh your brother-in-law John y yes and we talked quite often and just in in regard to sort of in person about how many times was that without them I don't recall now as far as your understanding of sort of the living Arrangement around it um how often um what was your understanding as far as the relationship and and sort of where everybody lived or where everybody stayed or how often things like that I I believe that Karen was there most times I do know that she liked to go home on Mondays just to kind of have a fresh Time by herself and Thursday she was teaching an online class so she would be home on Thursdays as well but for the majority of the time I believe she was over there now just to be clear when you say over there you mean the house on Meadows correct and when you say she was home where else did she have a home during that time in Mansfield and had you had occasion to to be over her house in Mansfield at any point in the time that you were you were friends I had gone over once yes now with respect uh to their relationship um what if anything were you aware of as far as fights arguments issues anything like that I think normal relationship you know nor the stuff everyone goes through if I could ask you just if you could expound upon that a little as far as when you say normal relationship stuff what what what exactly do you mean I know that um you know my in-laws being there often could be stressful and you know two par two people with kids in life normal everyday relationship now during this time frame um you were living in in West Bridgewater still is that correct correct and where where were you like what town were you working in at that point at that time I was working in Brighton so a fair to say relatively long commute between Brighton and West Bridgewater on a daily basis correct and so during that sort of long commute U what if anything would you do with reference to the defendant or who if anyone would you typically talk to on those long commes I would text her or call her and say I'm hey in driving and or she would call me and we would just shoot the breeze and just talk and was that something how often would you do that quite often now as far as your relationship with the defendant Miss Reed um you considered yourself friends or friendly is that correct correct is that something that you communicated to her or she communicated to you in any way yeah and yeah we would say how how well we got along and she would say if they ever broke up she hoped that she and I would stay friends now Mrs oie if I could turn your attention to January 28th 2022 into January 29th 2022 um actually first let me bring it back a little bit further U so New Year's Eve uh going from 2021 into 2022 do you recall that time frame I do would you recall where you were or who you were with uh around that that time of New Year we were in Aruba for my my mother's birthday and um when you say we who if anyone were you in a rubal with my mother father sister husband and our two girls and over the course of that were you also aware of where your brother-in-law Johnny o'keith and Miss Reed and children Patrick and kayy were at that time as well they were also in Aruba and so where they were situated in Aruba where was that in relation to to where you were situated we weren't our we weren't close um you'd need a cab it was not the other side of the island but far enough away you'd need to catch a cab they were more downtown and what if anything did you know about sort of who they were with or how they had come to be there in Aruba that time they were with a large group of people I would I don't know how many but there was a large group of people that was going down and as far as you knew was there any one person excuse me in particular that uh organized sort of that trip or yes Laura Sullivan and do you know Laura Sullivan I do and how do you know Laura I know Laura through Johnny he's her son's Godfather and uh to say as far as you knew that Mr o'keef Johnny o'keef and Laura Sullivan had known each other for sometime correct now at any point um when you were in Aruba uh during around the time of new years's um did you ever meet up with or or connect with with Miss Reed and and Johnny O we did not now at some point in time when you were in a Ruba during that same time frame uh what if any conversation did you have uh with Miss Reed The Defender uh I don't believe any with Johnny uh Karen texted me on the flight down the flight attendants were Karen and Ain and we were trying to arrange and see if there was a time we could get together so the flight attendants on their flight down and had the same names as both yourself and this re that yeah she texted me and said that and so you had been trying to arrange some some time or some day to sort of meet up is that correct uh I don't know I don't recall I had texted her on New Year's Eve to see where they were and what if anything did she reply um did she reply in text she did it wasn't until later in the evening um that she had caught Johnny kissing Lara's sister in the lobby of the hotel and what if anything further did she indicate to you in in regard to that just that they got into an argument about it and so did uh the two of you and by the two I mean sort of the two groups of of families did you ever connect or or meet up at any point when you were in Aruba we did not you have any further conversation with Miss Reed in reference to what she had indicated occurred at at their Resort I responded and said like kissing and I don't recall what her response was but I had missed the next text she said she did I want to meet up she had freshened up and did did I want to meet up but I had missed it and was either already going to bed or just missed it until the next day so she had indicated to you be a text that they had got into an argument and then further indicated or asked you if you wanted to meet up correct correct all right Mr I'm just going to give a brief instruction at this point right excuse me so folks you just heard um testimony about statements that were allegedly made by the defendant you really not to use the statements for the truth but you can consider them solely on The Limited purpose of the defendant's state of mind uh and as they go to the nature of the relationship between the defendant and John O'Keefe thank you thank now um between that time in Aruba and January 28th of of 2022 had you had occasion to meet up with Johnny o'keef Andor the defendant Karen Reed or the kids or any anybody from that C house no our older daughter tested positive and she and Paul were had to stay back in AR Ruba so we didn't have and then by the time they got back it was back to school and we didn't have a chance but your oldest daughter uh was quarantined along with your husband and Aruba and they came back sometime after you and your younger daughter correct and with respect to that um that sort of weekend of January 28th into January 29 uh what if any plans did you have initially to uh to meet up with uh your brother-in-law Johnny and the defendant uh Johnny had been communicating to Paul that wanted to get us together on the 29th and I said there's a big storm coming I don't think that's going to happen and so you were aware somehow of of a big storm coming in on that weekend as far as the 29th was concerned correct and what if anything you recall sort of about what were aware of as far as that storm like how severe what kind of storm I don't recall specifics but I I knew that it was a big storm that was coming for Saturday with a lot of snow and so you didn't think that was a good idea to set up a time to meet up with that correct now on that date of um January 2 e um what if any conversation did you have with with Miss Reed on that day uh she had texted me while I was waiting for the school bus asking if there was any chance I was out without Paul was that a typical thing that she would text you as far as the without Paul part no and um you indicated that you were waiting for the school bus is that right correct and at that time in January 2022 you had two daughters correct yes correct were they sort of in the same school as far as on the same bus no they were not they're separate schools so fair to say one was maybe in elementary one was in Middle School correct um so as far as around uh that time that you receiv received the text would that have been the younger daughter or the older daughter that you were waiting for us uh the younger daughter it was after 3:00 and who comes home or at that time who came home first the younger daughter or the older our older daughter and when you received that um text from the defendant what if anything did you or how did you respond to that I said that we I was waiting for the school bus and we had basketball on Friday nights and the basketball on Friday nights was that something that was one of your daughters or both both and uh do you recall um well let me ask you this with regards to your daughter's basketball at least at that time um what if any sort of relationship did your husband have to those basketball teams he was the coach for both of them and was that something that was sort of like a a local league is that correct town league okay and um that all of you and by all I mean yourself your husband and and the two girls did you all go to both games that night correct and do you recall about what time those games were six or seven now miss Reed reached out to you and texted you and then you uh responded as you described uh what if any further conversation did you have with Miss Reed on that day I asked her if everything was okay if something was up and she responded and said just another day I wish I didn't talk to an o'keef after 2004 and how did you respond to attitude I said what happened what's going on and they had bickered I guess about her taking Kaye to Dunkin' Donuts in the morning before school and just to be clear when you say they you mean Johnny o'e and Karen correct did you recall sort of how that conversation evolved or or what if anything else was said during that time I just knew knew that they had gotten into some type whe I don't know if it was an argument or there was something they bickered about her taking them and he said that she spoiled them now as far as your conversation with Miss Reed in regard to weekends uh what if anything did you two of you talk about as far as sort of plans for the weekend I said I was anticipating a storm so was probably going to hang in the neighborhood with everybody now as far as later on in that afternoon uh what if any uh sort of further communication did you receive from Miss Reed that day the uh think the last text was a picture something that popped up in her memories of my children and Kaye and Patrick from the cape that summer and said this just popped up in my memories and made me smile now did you have occasion to talk with Miss Reed any further on that day the 28th no that was it and so you went to your kids basketball games came back to your house is that correct correct and uh do you recall about what time you went to bed that night it was either close to midnight or after because Paul and I were sitting up watching TV recall what you were watching on the TV Yellowstone was that sort of a a binge watch that you were doing yes now before you went to bed uh did you have occasion to sort of uh knowing that the snow is coming did you have occasion to sort of look out and make any observations about what the what the weather was like before you went to bed uh I noted that while we were still up watching television that it was snowing already and did you have occasion to see whether or not it was sort of sticking to the either the pavement or the grass or anything like that I looked out on the deck and it was starting to accumulate on the deck sticking to the deck you know about what time that was probably around 10:30 or 11: and this is at your house in in West Bridgewood correct now you go to bed and at some point you wake up on the 29th and if you recall what is it that wakes you up the next morning I um woke up to my husband uh on the phone with his mother saying he's going to be okay he's going to be okay and they got off the phone and I said what happened at what's going on and he said they found Johnny in the snow this morning and after that uh phone call what is it that your your husband Paul did he's pacing around and he goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth cuz he said that he was going to drive to the hospital do you know what hospital he was going to drive to Good Samaritan and based on the weather and sort of the road conditions what if any concerns did you have about that plan of your husbands I was concerned with them driving because the roads weren't good now as far as um your in-laws um so your your your father-in-law is John o'keef Jr is that correct senior senior and uh your mother-in-law is Margaret or Peggy correct and what if any information did you have as far as were they going to the hospital and so how are they there they were going to the hospital and Carrie Roberts was going to pick them up because they didn't have a car that could drive in the snow now was Carrie Roberts someone that you knew prior to this date I yeah I knew her from when Johnny moved to Canton um and at some points uh do you recall proximately how long was it between the time that the phone call comes in and the time that your husband left your house 10 minutes relatively quick I'm sorry you just have to yes I'm sorry no you're fine you're fine um so then when your husband is leaving what if any similar to earlier the previous evening what if any observations did you make of sort of the weather and what what was going on outside of the time he was leing it was snowing when he was leaving heavy now at some point um you're at home and your children are at home with you is that correct correct and at some point who if anyone do you reach out to to to sort of find out what's going when Paul was brushing his teeth I said to him where's Karen where is she is she okay and I called her and I could hear the phone pick up and I she didn't say hello I just said Karen what the hell is going on and she just yelled back in the phone John's dead and Carrie Roberts grabbed the phone from her and said no he's not he's at the hospital they're working on him and I I didn't know what was going on um was there any further conversation uh on that initial phone call that you made to they were in car's car waiting for an ambulance to pick up Karen and then Carrie was going to pick up my in-laws as far as sort of going through that day um what was the next learned as far as your brother-in-law Johnny and and who did you learn from I uh when I spoke to Carrie in the car I asked her to take my phone number I knew she was to the hospital and I was nervous that Paul was going to be there by himself so I asked her to please keep me informed as to what was happening when she got there and without any reference to anything that Miss Roberts may or may not have said to you did you further updates from Miss Roberts throughout uh the course of that morning I think I called her every five minutes and at some point uh did you learn um what sort of the status was in in regards to uh to John I think it was I don't recall the exact time but carrye had texted me or called me to let me know when they were finally called in by the doctors from the emergency room and what if anything did you learn once they have been called in by the objection all right U sustained at some point um later on in that day um did you have further conversation with the defendant this week I did and you remember approximately what time that was I think it was around 1:00 and if you recall was that a situation where you called her or she called you or I called her because I didn't know what was going on and I kept saying to my husband has anyone checked on Karen is Karen okay so I called her and when you called her what if any conversation did you have with her at that uh she answered the phone and said that I was on speaker and she was in the car with her dad and they were driving to dayon and what if any questions did you ask or about what had happened and what have anything did she said I asked her I said what the hell happened last night and cuz I didn't I couldn't understand first how they were together if they had been arguing earlier in the day and she told me that they were out that she he she dropped him at a party afterwards didn't feel like going so dropped him and went back to Canton what if anything did she say occurred after dropping John she said she went back to Canton and I think woke up around 4:30 and couldn't find him and woke up Kaye to see if Kaylee had heard from him at all what if anything did she say happened after that she said that she went to go out and look but the roads were bad so went back and called Carrie and Jen so that they could drive together and by Carrie you understood that to mean Carrie Robert kri Roberts and by Jen who if anyone did you understand that Jen mcab is that someone that you knew or were familiar with at that time I had never met Jen and what if anything did she say after that when she went out with car I don't is it possible to refresh my memory on that um without without getting into that um just as far as um Beyond sort of what happened um what if anything else do the defendant say to you as far as um she told me um that she had to remember the bad times which I struck me as an odd comment to say but I had I assumed since she was at the hospital that maybe she was medicated but it just struck me as something odd now in addition to the um having to remember the bad times what if anything else did she say to you at that point during that phone call she said I don't think I'm ever going to see you guys again and I said of course you will we're friends now following that conversation and that day um did you ever speak with the defendant Karen Reed again no [Music] now one moment yes uh just one last question ma'am so in regard to those last two statements that you had testified about uh was that all part and parcel of the same conversation when the defendant indicated she was driving back with her father to dayon correct okay uh so there was no further conversation after that conversation shortly after 1 p.m no okay I have nothing further for this witness all right cross examination thank you R we have no questions all right Miss o you're all set thank you Mr L your next witness yes the calth we'll call officer uh Steven sarif to the stand [Music] you the other should give the court jury the case down here the whole truth and nothing about the truth so help you than you can sit or stand whatever you want to do thank you just ask that you speak into the microphone please okay whenever you're ready Mr L thank you good afternoon sir good afternoon could you uh please state your name and spell your last name for the record my name is Officer sarif um s a r a f Canton Police Department and uh how long have you been a member of the Canton Police Department about 27 years now were you working with the Canton Police Department on January 28th into January 29th of 2022 I was did you recall what shift you were working on that occasion I was working midnight to 8 shift midnight to 800 amm is that correct that is correct and will you dispatched to a call at approximately 605 a.m. yes I was and if you recall what was the dispatch in regards to and where specifically were you dispatched to it was a call of a person that um was unconscious outside um believe it was 3 34 uh Fair viiew Road in Canton now that particular area of Canton are you familiar with that area of Canton yes and uh as far as the town of Canton is concerned with respect to Police Department is there sort of U different sectors within the town that you would be assigned to patrol that's correct and the area of Fairview Road would that be within your sector that specifically that was West sector and how many sectors within the town of Canon are four now that particular area of Fairview Road what type of area is that is it residential commercial or something else it's residential and uh roadway of of Fairview Road there's houses on that roadway is that correct that's correct is there any sort of uh it's a paved roadway is that correct it is yes the lanes are they divided by any sort of lines in the middle of it yes and who if anyone owns or maintains that particular loc the town of Canton does now you received that dispatch where were you if you recall when you received the disat I was um uh there's a church right next to the uh the the police station in that parking lot and with respect to um the evening of the 28th into the morning of the 29th uh what if anything were you aware of as far as sort of forecast of the weather or some anything sort of impendent coming in it was snowing pretty good that night snowstorm that that evening so there's snowstorm that had been predicted is that correct I believe so yeah there was a snowstorm actually occurring around that time just after 6 a.m. that's correct and at the time that you're responding um a little after 6:00 a.m. uh was it light out dark out or something it was dark out and the time if you know how much time elaps sort of between the time that you received the call and the time that you arrived in that area there CL uh it's pretty close so a couple of minutes maybe because I didn't obviously go as fast as you could go because the uh roads were pretty pretty snowy um during the course of you have been working sort of since midnight correct correct and over the course of of your work throughout that evening had you or what if anything had you noticed with regard to snow removal as far as Town plows or anything like that uh I don't I don't understand were they were they plowing is that your question I I they they usually they will they were plowing in the roads okay so there have been some sort of treatment or plowing to the roads prior to your response as far as you know yes yes um what were sort of the the road conditions or the visibility or anything like that if you recall during your your response time today it was it was PR it was snowing pretty well um the roads were definitely slippery um I it took me uh a while to get to the um to the destination and um if you recall sir what was sort of the the path of travel that you took from you mentioned you were in the church parket lot next to the police station correct that's correct and where is the police station located in police stations at on Washington Street 1492 wash and so what was sort of the path of travel that you took from the church slot next to the police station to fairw so I went past the police station um onto Chapman Street and then um from Chapman Street I went to Fair viw Road and when you were approaching Fair viiew Road are you taking a right or left or something it's a right and uh as you were taking that right on to uh on to fairv view what if anything happened with your vehicle as you were taking that to not nothing that I recall and that particular coming from that the Chapman side of Fairview uh Fair viiew goes from Chapman and then it goes down to sort of let's say the bottom of the street it connects with another street is that correct that's correct and what is the street that cedarest cedar and if you're coming from the Chapman side down to the cedarest side what if anything is there as far as an elevation like is it uphill downhill or flat it's uh down it's down a hill feel decent size hill now as you um are driving down Fair View uh what if anything I mentioned it was dark outside correct that's correct so what if anything beyond sort of the the headlights on your Cruiser um did you utilize uh for assistance as you were driving driv down I had a spotlight on on the um the driver's side a handheld Spotlight to try to um Locate the house in question and if I could just ask you a little bit about the type of vehicle that you were driving so was it um what kind of police cruiser were you were you driving uh Explorer so SUV is that right yes SUV is and um as far as those um or the the particular Cruiser that you were driving on that occasion what if anything is it equipped with as far as um cameras or anything like that within within the vehicle yeah it's it's equipped with a um a camera uh for front and back and um um and the rear rear p uh rear seat of the um of the cruiser and so as you're driving down fair viiew you reach out and start to utilize your your Spotlight sort of on where is that located on the cruiser it's uh on my left hand side and is that a spotlight that's outside of the cruiser or inside of the cruiser where where is it located on on the outside of the cruiser but there's a handle that manipulates it so you can point the spotlight where you want to go so you have a some sort of tool within the cruiser where you can manipulate where it points that's correct and as you're coming down there of you utilizing that spotl what if anything do You observe out in front of um well as I got to uh my destination I saw um three people on the on the on the lawn of uh in the snow um waving me waving at me and initially when you see these three people in the snow do you have any idea sort of who they are or or male female anything like that there were there were um three women in later learned it was um male male subject on the ground and so when you initially are are sort of approaching or getting to the residence you you indicate you see the three women waving at you could you see uh or what if anything could you could you see the body at that point I saw that there was somebody on the on the ground yes uh so you could see the three women and you could see a person on the ground that's correct and at some point subsequent to this did you learn the identity of the the person on the ground I did and who did you learn that person John o'keef and prior to this day prior to this dispatch uh did you did you know John o'keef in any way no now the three uh females that you saw sort of around Mr O spotting on the ground um at some point later did you subsequently identify who those three people were I did and who did you identify uh one was uh Karen Reid um the other one was U Miss mccab and um M Roberts I believe all right sir I'm going to ask you to keep your voice up okay or speak into to the microphone sorry it's okay now you arrive on scene and and I'm assuming you get out of your Cruiser is that correct that's correct what if anything did you do from me I walked over to the to the scene um I first asked um you know is this person you know a a drug user he's have an issue with drugs um somebody said no he's a Boston police officer I said okay I checked for a pulse I couldn't find a pulse um then I went back to to um to my cruiser and tried to find a um the AED which is auto automated external uh defibrillator back to us for a second there so you indicated that you checked for a pulse correct that's correct and where on Mr o'keef did you check for on his neck it's cored s if it's cored is that correct that's correct and when you made contact with sort of the skin area in in his cored area on his neck what if anything did You observe as far as um Mr O'Keefe when you did I couldn't find any um pulse or anything like that and he was um cold to the touch now when you did this Mr o'keef you mentioned was was sort of U on the ground correct that's correct and um how is he sort of positioned on the ground he was lying on his back and as far as your observ ations of Mr O'Keefe during this initial time when you're checking the pulse um what if anything did You observe sort of on him or around him or anything like that at um I didn't really let me ask it a different way so as far as you mentioned that when you arrived there it was snowing out correct correct okay and so how much snow was in and around or on top of Mr O'Keefe when you first it was about um I would say about 6 in on the ground um there was a light dusting on top of them I would say and what if any observations did you make of Mr O'Keefe and sort of how he was dressed at this time initially That You observe I don't recall what he was wearing now with reference to the Residence at 34 Fairview Road um if you're standing in front of the house on the street facing the house um which side of the property was Mr O lying on his back as you're facing the house it's to the um I'm sorry go again can you say that again please so if you're standing on the street facing the house with Mr O'Keefe more to the center of the property the right of the property or the left who's on the left left of the property yes now in addition to Mr O'Keefe in this sort of area on the left side of the property what if any sort of other landmarks or or other things that you observe on that side of the property um to the left of the property there was a fire hydrant a a bush and a flag pole I believe to the left to the um farther left like more more near the property line I would say now with reference to um mention that there was it was snowing out and there was snow on the ground correct that's correct what if anything else did you note as far as uh the weather conditions as far as wind temperature or anything like that the B it was I would say it was near blizzard conditions it was snowing really really hard and uh How cold are obiously January it's snowing out it was cold but how how cold was it if you know when you first arrived less than 32 less than 32 degrees I don't know exactly I mean it was cold um so you pull up in that area with the three females are they to your right or to your left um I pulled up basically I had my cruiser um straight on and so which side of the cruiser were were the three females in Mr o'keef when you pull up and stop it was straight ahead Straight Ahead okay A little to the left and what if any other vehicles Did You observe sort of in the roadway in that area uh where three females were and and Mr there was another uh vehicle um in the roadway on the side of the road I I parked basically right right behind that and uh do you recall anything about that vehicle like what type it was what color or anything like that I don't recall now with regard to the three females you identified as Miss Reed Miss mccave and Miss Roberts uh you recall where they were in relation to Mr o'keef each of them when you s first sort of uh pull up and get out of your Cruiser so I when I arrived I saw um Miss Reed looked like she was giving CPR to him and she had blood on her on her face now in addition to yourself there are other uh sort of um First Responders that have dispatched to the scene as well is that correct that is correct and uh of them um who if anyone else was on scene at the time that you arrived um when I arrived I was the first to arrive then then there was officer melany that came a few minutes later and then um then the fire department came after him and I believe Sergeant good came at like within that I don't know what how how many minutes but it was pretty pretty close you're first to arrive on scene and then melany comes a couple minutes later yes and about how long was it between when officer melany arrives and when the fire department arriv um couple minutes I don't and at some point after that a sergeant good comes is that correct that's that's correct Sergeant good is a sergeant with your department that is correct okay now the fire department when they arrived um you recall what type of apparatus they had that that arrived on scene I believe it was an engine they usually come with an engine and an ambulance so to your recollection it was at least an ambulance and an engine yeah yes when you were in transit sort of coming from the church parking lot next to the station 234 Fair viiew um what if anything did you have activated on your Cruiser as far as lights or Sirens or anything like that I believe I had my I might I have my blue lights on I'm not I'm not sure as far as the time that you're coming this is shortly after 6:00 a.m. in a blizzard was there what if any sort of other vehicular traffic Did You observe in route from church parking lot to 34 there wasn't any that I could can recall so you go to get your AED device from your Cruiser is that correct that's correct and um around that time that you're retrieving that what what happens uh the F FD uh the fire department um came on scene and they took um over care of uh Mr o'keef now Beyond sort of um just checking pulse as far as um around that time when you were checking the pulse in the cored area for Mr o'keef what if any other observations did you make with regard to any injuries or anything else U on Mr O um well when I first got there the um you know he had blood on his face and it was just wiped away so that that's the only so there was blood on his face that was wiped away that's correct now when the fire department arrives on scene and they sort of take over resuscitative efforts with regard to Mr o'keef is that correct that is correct and uh the person you identified as uh Miss Reed firstly do you see that person in the court today I do could you just identify as to where she's seated or an article got the at the table right there black just ask record reflect identification by the witness [Music] yes after the fire department arrived when they sort of take over resuscitative efforts with regard to Mr o'keef what if any observations did you make of of Miss Reed and what she was doing or saying at that Miss Reed was um visibly upset um she kept saying um this is all my fault this is my fault I did this um and she was very hysterical and she kept she kept asking um um he's dead is he dead is he dead and with that specific phraseology that's something that she kept saying yes and by your repetitive nature I'm assuming it was said something that she said more than once correct several times correct and when she's saying this can you describe sort of how she's saying this I mean is it a a whisper is it a scream or is it something she was yelling pretty good good and with regard to her repetitive question as far as uh is he dead what if any response did you provide uh to her in regard to that I just said they're doing the best that they can I don't know now at some point um at some point did you direct Miss Reed uh the defendant to somewhere else away from Mr oi yeah I I I tried to get her out of the um the elements I put her in a car I don't know if it was my cruiser or another Cruiser there but I I I had her sit in the back seat just to get out of the snow and did she stay in that Cruiser for any she stayed in for a few minutes and then she was like up and down up and down sort of in and out of whatever car you put her into that's correct when she would come out of the car where would she go she was just walking around I I from what I remember i' now with reference to M Mr O'Keefe he's laying on his back um on the ground that location where was that in in relation to the roadway of Fair View Road it's I would say about 20t off the road uh so if it's 20 ft off of the road is it fair to say that was on sort of the front lawn of 34 fairv yes that's correct and at some point the fire department uh takes Mr O'Keefe's body off of the lawn is that correct that just and where were you in relation to MKE when that happened I don't I don't remember and from if you don't remember do you recall anything about sort of what the ground looked like when Mr o'keef was lifted up I don't recall I didn't now that area around where Mr O'Keefe was um when you initially come up you see him on the ground and you check for PS if anything did you note uh around Mr O'Keefe's body as far as the condition of or disturbance of of the snow around you um I noticed that there were Footprints and track marks around the body itself there was none coming from the residence um or the area it was just right around the the the body itself and so the position that Mr o'keef is lying on his back on the lawn correct correct is his head closer to the house or the street or something else I believe his head was um closest to the house and the footprints that you're talking about was that between sort of his feet in the street or above his head or where was it in relation to to basically all around him because people were walking around him and as far as Beyond sort of the immediate area above his head between his head and the house what if any Footprints or what if any disturbance in the snow did You observe up there I didn't see any now officer Sarah about how long was it that you were you were on scene uh I want to say about an hour an hour and a half and uh at some point uh the fire department transports uh Mr key from the scene is that correct that is correct and do you know to to what facility he was transported to I don't recall where they went and after Mr O was taken away by the fire department uh as far as the three females Miss Reed Miss mccave and Miss Roberts do you know where they went or what what they did following that um they after talking to um um Sergeant good they left in their car to I don't know where they went the car that was there they left now and any point in the time that you were on scene before they left did you have any conversation with any of the three of them I asked you know where were they what happened and what were they doing and who specifically who did you talk to if you recall well I asked I I asked Miss Reed and she she couldn't really tell me too much about what what happened um Miss mccab said that they were drinking in a couple bars downtown let me just stop before as as far as so just sticking with Miss Reed um you asked her what happened and you indicated she didn't really tell you much what no why not what what was her condition like at that point she was VE very upset uh so the same upset that you were describing earlier did that sort continue throughout the time that that she was on scene while you were there I would say yes um and at some point did you speak to miss mccab without reference to what she told you I'm sorry at some point while you're on scene did you speak to either miss mccab or Miss Roberts without reference to what they told you no I mean let me let me rephrase repase yeah at some point when you're on scene did you have occasion to have a conversation with Miss mck yes okay and at some point when you on on scene did you have occasion to have a conversation with Miss Roberts I didn't speak with Miss Roberts I don't believe um was there someone else from your department that was speaking with Miss Roberts on you know I believe uh Sergeant good or or officer um mullany was so one of the other two officers that were there correct now following Sergeant Goods arrival uh who if anyone else from your department arrived on scene at some point uh detective lank detective Sergeant lank and um Lieutenant Gallagher and if you know when was when was their arrival in relation to sort of when when you arrived [Music] um it was light out so I want to say maybe 7 o'clockish and so for the period that you were on seeing you said it was about an hour hour and a half is that correct that's that's about right the weather conditions that you describe sort of when you first arrived what if any change occurred in in the weather conditions from the time that you arrived and the time that you left um the conditions lightened up a little bit I mean it was still snowing but still snowing still cold correct yes correct the wind was that still persistent as well I would yes now at some point after Miss Reed uh the defendant left the scene did she come back she did did and do you know how long a period it was that she was gone between when she left and when she came back just a few minut um excuse me a few minutes and do you know why she came back I don't know and uh when she returned to the scene if anyone did you speak with her further at that point no if anyone Did You observe her to to be speaking with I don't I don't recall now the initial ambulance that showed up took and transported Mr o'keef as is that correct that is correct now after that ambulance left and Miss Reed came back to the scene what if any other apparatus from the fire department arrived unseen at that point another ambulance came and who if anyone went uh in that ambulance uh for transport they took uh Miss Reed to the hospital and do you know what hospital did she went to I don't recall I have one moment yes [Music] and your H if I may uh request the the lights be dimm okay could we dim them please Gilman if I could have exhibit number eight up on the screen now officer sarf do you uh recognize what's depicted up on the screen as exhibit number eight yes and where do you recognize that it's uh the house um 34 faar viiew and that's uh the house that you responded to on that date is that correct that is correct yep and what's contained in that photograph is that a fair and accurate betrayal of what you observed roughly when you arrived on that day yes yes direct your attention this this is just B um so from this photograph in exhibit number eight sir uh where Mr o'i body was when you first arrived is that visible in this Photograph or no um I would say it would be over more to the left okay so further off to the left is that correct that's correct before we get to that uh just briefly um Miss Gilman if I could have exhibit number 13 you could please enlarge thank now officer shiff do you recognize uh what's contained in this exhibit number 13 it's it's a street um fair enough approach the witness your yes sorry so what I placed before you as exhibit 13 as that what's up on the screen yes this is this is okay and is that a fair andac betrayal of what Fairview Road look like around the time that you uh were dispatched and arrived on scene yes absent uh the lighting condition um you mentioned it was dark when you arrived correct that is correct so this is sometime after when the sun has come up correct um if I I could ask you to flip to the next exhibit number 14 if I could have that one and again officer what's up on the screen is that what you have before you as exhibit 14 yes and you were testifying earlier about sort of footprints in and around where Mr O'Keefe was is that correct that is correct and what's depicted on the screen in exhibit number 14 is that fair and accurate portrayal of the footprints that you were talking about yes approach the witness [Music] yes now I'm showing you what's been marked as exib 18 M if you could enlarge that just a little bit more thank you so much um now from this Photograph first and foremost do you recognize what's depicted up in exhibit 18 on the screen here yes and this is 34 Fair View Road correct that is correct and in regard to uh you had mentioned some sort of landmarks off to the left side of the property of facing the property from the street correct yes and if you could using that um laser pointer that I placed up there before you if you could direct the jury's attention to First those landmarks that you obser I'm sorry officer if you could while you're you could just describe what you're so that's does the flag pole right there there's a bush there and right there I believe is the uh th hydrant and so where in relation to this Photograph if you can see it here was Mr O's body when you first got it's right in this area right here now if I could turn back just a moment when you indicated that you were coming up to the and you could see the three females sort of waving in Mr O'Keefe on the ground correct that is correct about how far away were you from them when you first observed them or first saw them about 20 feet or so and when you are driving down Fairview if you could describe to the jury where is your direction sort of where are you direct as far as you're driving a vehicle are you're looking straight in front of you or you're looking out the window a combination of both or or I was looking for the house the house numbers trying to find the house where it was and and there was I saw the the um the motor vehicle parked on the side of the road and that sort of leades my next question sir so what did you see first did you see the vehicle parked in front of you or did you see the people off to the side of I saw the vehicle may I approach this ret yes [Music] you want this so off sarf you had testified earlier in regard to a uh camera within your Cruiser correct that's correct and sub went to that day have you seen um the video of uh your arrival to the scene uh from the cruiser camera perspective I start once okay and uh yourn I would seek to introduce an admit as the next exhibit uh the cruiser camera stream uh one from Cruiser 683 right is there an objection okay thank you sorry I can cross I'm sorry put it back and forth Mr if I could ask Miss Gilman if you could play what what's now been marked as exhibit 25 and if you could just pause it right there m so officer sarif what's up on the screen uh is that what you recall as far as the sort of visibility and the roadway conditions when you first left the church parking lot yes and uh this is you sort of leaving from the church parking lot uh as you're going to 3450 correct yes now there are a number of different sort of things up on this screen uh there's an indication as far as the uh speed that the vehicle is is going at correct yes okay where is that located if you could with the uh the laser corner there right oops sorry now along sort of the bottom of that uh particular um video there's an indication as far as mic breaks lights sign correct correct if those are activated is there any sort of change in in sort of the the depiction there does a change sort of color or anything like that that you're aware of I don't know okay and uh the 683 on the bottom right corner is that the cruiser that you were in that day yes that's correct now as far as sort of the top middle of this video uh a date and a time is that correct that's correct as far as you're aware of that date and time that's up there that's accurate to to when this occurred correct yes okay so we're sort of looking in real time correct correct okay um so miss kilman if you could uh just let it run I'm sorry stop so officer shiff this road you're traversing at this point this is Washington Street is that correct that is correct and at some point you're going to then travel through and then take a right on a fair viw is that correct correct okay if you could just for the jury's sake as you approach Fairview and as you're taking that right turn just direct their attention to the fact that that's when you're turning on the Fairview sure M Gman you can go ahead for so this right here is Chapman [Music] [Music] Street for [Music] [Music] this right here is um Fair View if you just pause it there for once uh so officer similar to as the turn onto Fairview um at some point if You observe uh the point at which you believe you sort of illuminated your Spotlight on the side of the cruiser if you could just speak up and draw the T jury's attention to that as well okay M Gilman if you could continue [Music] [Music] [Music] right about now I I believe I put the spotlight on thank you I'm sorry if you could just sort of run it from this point to about the four minute Mark and then i' [Applause] ask damn [Music] [Music] right there now offic SAR this is you were testifying earlier as far as the vehicle in front of you that you observe first and then sort of the parties off to your left as far as the three females waving and Mr O'Keefe on the ground correct that is correct and if you could just using that laser pointer direct the jury's attention to number one where the vehicle is that you obser front of you and then number two where you observed the three females mrke on the ground so here's the the vehicle right right there and the the females are right there Gman if you uh wouldn't mind just running this uh straight through until about seven and a half minutes Happ problem huh [Music] [Music] okay for e for uh just one more your sure sorry you I have no further questions to this witness Sean all right will there be a cross exam because this may be a good time to stop if there is there will be a cross-examination okay so um jurors we're going to stop for the day uh I have to caution you those same three cautions please do not discuss this case with anyone don't do any independent research or investigation into this pace if you happen to see hear or read anything about this pace please disregard it and let us know and just to remind you tomorrow will be a half day we'll go from 9:00 until 1:00 with a mid morning break so thank you very much all eyes please jurors close your notebooks and leave them on your chairs first row follow me please to
Channel: NBC 10 WJAR
Views: 28,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Karen Read, Karen Read murder trial, John O'Keefe, second-degree murder, murder charge, Canton, Massachusetts, Dedham, Mansfield, Norfolk County Superior Court
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 33sec (6813 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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