LYON FOOD GUIDE πŸ‡«πŸ‡· with Prices - France's Food Capital

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the main reason I added Leon to my France itinerary on this trip is because it is known as the gastronomic capital of France I was only in Lyon for a few days so I couldn't possibly eat every single dish that the city is famous for but I did my very best to attempt it starting with a visit to Brasserie Georges this Brasserie opened its doors in 1836 and has been serving up freshly brewed beer and leonays Specialties ever since I ordered a dish that you'll find on menus all over the city the Cornell de broche which is a mixture of creamed fish and served in a rich and creamy crayfish sauce the dish is light and fluffy and creamy and decadent and the sauce is best mopped up with crusty bread the next day I had my very first Bouchon experience abushon is a type of restaurant in Lyon that serves traditional leonese cuisine these restaurants are typically small family-run bistros that serve very hearty meals the title of Bouchon is actually something that these restaurants must earn each year so keep an eye out for the Bouchon Leone's sign outside of each restaurant to ensure you're eating at an authentic high quality spot [Music] [Music] while at lillianese I had an incredibly delicious salad lioness which is a salad topped with fresh croutons bacon and a poached egg for dessert I had a ProLine tart you'll find this pink praline all over the city it's pink by choice the almonds being covered in Sugar that has simply been dyed pink the Mila that Bouchon was unbelievable I had the salad Leones which is basically some lettuce very fresh very crisp topped with bacon but the bacon was more like pieces of pork belly like they was crispy that was it was so meaty it was a little bit smoked uh but just unbelievable so delicious and then a poached egg on top some fresh croutons and a nice vinaigrette at the base so when I mix it all up it was serious you guys it was quite Rich so that was all I got sort of as my main meal and I finished with a little bit of coffee and the praline tart which is a pretty common dessert that you'll find around Lyon the praline in general is all over the place you can get it in a brioche you can get it as a cake but I got it as the tart and it was so sticky uh the base was crumbly and buttery and it was just a really really delicious meal I highly recommend that place uh with all of the places that I go in this video I will link below in the description so that you can find them on your trip to Leon but I highly recommend it it was so busy um I went at just after 12 Vlog and when I left at one o'clock it was full people were waiting for tables it's easy if you're coming as a small group two or three people uh there's loads of shared tables which is maybe a little awkward if you're with a larger group at a share table but it was fun and everyone was very friendly and it's really fantastic the guys that work there are super nice it seems like a sort of family run place and again the food was Top Notch so that evening I had what I can only describe as the most insanely delicious food I've eaten in all of France this Bouchon serves up fresh sourdough bread and salty salt to you as soon as you sit down and they have local beer on draft and the menu has so many delicious things on offer that it's hard to choose just one I went with another local specialty or blood sausage served with mashed potato and roasted Apple I cannot recommend last night's restaurant enough it was amazing all my restaurant Recaps seem to be right here in this hotel room but I'm actually about to check out so say goodbye to to the hotel recap where it's a little bit quieter to tell you about the best meal I've had on this whole trip to France so far uh maybe black pudding blood sausage it's not for everyone but if you enjoy that sort of rich the texture the paired with the apple and the mashed potato it was unbelievable you guys I want to eat it again today but I won't I'm gonna try another Bouchon today while I'm out and about but first I really need some coffee so foreign the amazing food continued with breakfast from a local artisan bakery that made a brioche that weeks later I'm still daydreaming about alongside a cup of coffee with milk it was tough to choose Just One Last Bouchon to enjoy but I went with Cafe contoi Brunei where I was able to sample several different Leon Classics on one plate including Leon's sausage pork belly and andu yet all in a red wine gravy and topped with a poached egg and yet is not my favorite and perhaps the only thing on the plate that I would not order again my final Bouchon meal was a success I got to try a few of the different sausages that are quite popular famous in the Lyon region one was the andouillette which I knew I probably wasn't gonna love but I didn't want to try us when I saw it as part of this sort of sampler dish I thought it was a great alternative to having a whole plate full of it because it's basically a tripe sausage and I believe that the casing is usually the colon so you can imagine the smell and taste it's quite strong if you like tripe I'm sure that you love this but the other two meets the the Leon sausage and the pork belly were amazing And the sauce was so good I highly recommend all of the Bouchon that I visited it's definitely not the cheapest option for eating in Lyon but it is the place to get really the best local food if you want to try local food from Lyon the bouchons are the places to have it lunch is also a really good option because they do cheaper sort of set menu so you can try a starter a main and a dessert for usually about 20 to 25 Euros but alternatively at dinner time it's usually 30 to 35 Euros because the portions are bigger and the lunch options are usually only available during the week not on the weekends good morning I am no longer in Lyon but I did bring one last little treat with me this morning that I'm super excited to try so praline is something you'll see all over Leon if you remember the first lunch that I had while I was there I had a ProLine tart it's basically almonds that have been covered in sugar but the sugar has pink food coloring in it so it's very easy to spot in shop windows and bakeries like I did with this brioche it is a ProLine brioche and I'm really excited to try it I'm also quite hungry oh it's a lot of bread but it it's not too sweet I find this about a lot of pastries and bakeries around France but even though it has like sugar coated almonds on it the bread isn't too sweet so it's his perfect balance what's not to like about sugar coated almonds they're absolutely delicious I hope you enjoyed eating around Leon with me this is from panatera uh it's a bakery that I went to twice on my trip to Leon the bread is unbelievable I will link below to all of the locations of all of the places that I ate in this video I highly recommend it if you have been to Leon before and I missed a spot let me know in the comments below and I will try it the next time I'm in the city thanks as always for watching and I will see you next time bye
Channel: Laura Bronner
Views: 46,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, france travel, lyon, lyon france, lyon france 2023, lyon travel, lyon france travel video, lyon france food, food in lyon france, best restaurants in lyon france, bouchon in lyon, lyon bouchon, best bouchon in lyon, Where to eat in lyon, what to eat in lyon
Id: yShrWL54wIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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