Hungarian Food Tour | What & Where to Eat in Budapest, Hungary - First Timer’s Guide!

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this video is brought to you by AO where we're going to be showing you some of the best eats here in Budapest oh my God man that's a really good we're Matt and Nat and we've spent the last 3 years traveling the world as part-time non- remote Travelers after accomplishing our goal of visiting all 50 US states in 2021 we've set out on our Next Big Adventure to see as many of the 1,000 places to see before you die well before we die in last week's video we were in Vienna Austria where we indulged in some of the city's many delicious food offerings took in the panoramic views from the top of the tallest Church in Austria and experienced our first classical concert in one of the world's most iconic music Halls this week we're in Budapest Hungary it's no secret that we love international travel but staying connected abroad comes with its challenges for the longest time we rely on public Wi-Fi expensive data roaming through our home carrier or purchasing a local SIM card once we arrive to stay connected but thanks to today's sponsor AO we no longer have to deal with any of those less than ideal Solutions airlo offers eims for more than 200 countries in regions providing instant connectivity from the moment you arrive at a destination so no more wasting valuable vacation time waiting in line at an airport to buy a physical SIM card and if you're unfamiliar with what an eim is it's a pre-installed SIM card in your device that works like a physical Sim by identifying you as a mobile subscriber and connecting you to your Telecom service providers Network the difference is that it's built into your phone and works 100% digitally and if that just confused you even more kind of did me I think that's okay because I don't completely understand it either the only thing you really need to understand is that AOW eim will make staying connected on your next international trip much easier and way more enjoyable yes we recently got back from spending a week in Paris using AO eims and from navigating us to some of the city's most iconic sites to downloading tour tickets and even uploading social media posts they worked absolutely flawlessly and if you want to try heow and stay connected on your next international trip then scan this QR code or click the link in the description and use our code matat 3 to save $3 on your first eim purchase thank you so much to Arlo for sponsoring this video Welcome to budap or as locals call it Budapest this city has long been known for its stunning architecture Rich history and world famous thermal baths and Spas but many people don't realize that it also has an incredibly delicious food scene from Hardy stews to Sweet pastries Budapest is a food lovers paradise and we are so excited to be taking you through the heart of this beautiful city where we're going to be showing you some of the best eats here in Budapest and if you want more information or details about any of the restaurants or dishes that we highlight in this video then check out our blog which we've linked down in the description now let's go eat [Music] so we've come to Cafe gbo where we're going to be trying our first two Hungarian dishes now this is a perfect opportunity to tell you guys that our ability to speak or pronounce anything Hungarian is pretty non-existent we apologize in advance but we're going to do our best we've been asking our waitress how to say everything and she's been super kind and helping us with the language so with that in mind I'm going to tell you what we actually got to eat here the first one is a little bit easier to say but it's a Doos tort which is a Hungarian sponge cake layered with chocolate buttercream and topped with caramel the layered pastry is named after its inventor who is a Hungarian Chef named ysep C doos and the next item which is a little harder to say and I had to have our waitress repeat a couple times for me but it is a shoy galushka which is a Hungarian trifle a cake made of three different flavored sponge layers pastry cream raisins walnuts and rum syrup so let's dive [Music] in first up is the Doo cake sponge is pretty dense but it's very thin layers so it's not overtaking anything the chocolate is very rich I did have to take this kind of hard caramelized top off of it cuz I couldn't cut through it so maybe I should try a bite of the cake and then try a bite of this with to get the full effect the caramelized top does add a nice sweetness to balance out the richness of the chocolate so I can definitely see why that's on there oh wow I'm not going to lie I wasn't really prepared to like this as much as I do it is absolutely delightful the textures of the three-layer sponge cakes so good they have slices of little orange and citrus the chocolate is very rich I am obsessed with this and I want two more oh my gosh amazing I better put the camera down if I want to eat any of that that is very true this isn't any good you're not going to like it you're not going to like it guys those cakes were absolutely amazing now the Shamy galushka was the winner for us I believe but you can't go wrong with either and the perfect delicious way to start this food tour now on to the [Music] next from one sweet treat to the next we've made it to a spot that is famous for its handmade strudles and we're going to be trying one of the most popular ones in Budapest and it's their sour cherry strudel so let's go give it a try [Music] so we just put our order in our waiter talked us into getting two cuz he said they were small even though we were going to share but we ended up getting one just sour cherry and one with sour cherry and poppy seeds which is a really popular option I asked him how to say it I'm probably going to butcher it but it's Mees makos that is the Cherry with the poppy seed Bravo it's probably way off but I'm trying and you can't fault to us for trying I mean you can but guess what I ain't going to care here so as you can see this pastry around the strudel is paper thin maybe even thinner actually strudles here in Budapest are more about the filling than they are the pastry from what I heard the pastry is just the casing to hold all the delicious goodness so let's give it a try I wasn't expecting to get so much of a poppy seed flavor it balances the sweet tartness of the Cherry with a nice earthy nutty flavor I actually like it now if you know me you know I love more dough than filling so we'll see if I like a strudel oh wow super tart not super sweet which I really like the flavor is really good I think you can eat a lot of these cuz there's not a lot of dough but I like it it's really good I bet it be really good with ice cream she actually tried to get me to order a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side but I had to remind her that we are eating all day long for this video and I don't think adding ice cream to it would have been a great idea why you got to call me out like that I did I think it'd still be a great idea maybe not for today but for you when you order it get a thing of ice cream I'll second that so I just had a bite of mats which has a lot of poppy seed so I'm sure we would fail a drug test so keep that in mind if you uh do try this one on to the next we've made it to Retro Lango now which is one of the most popular langos restaurants in the entire city and if you don't know what langos is it is essentially fried dough topped with either Savory or sweet toppings let's go give it a try [Music] so we decided to go with the most original flavor which is sour cream and cheese and we got it with the garlic sauce as well of course you can get tons of different toppings but we decided to go with the more traditional root since this is our first time ever having it you're supposed to use it pork I've seen a lot of people just picking up and eating it you can pick it up and eat it I don't know what the correct way to eat this would be with silverware or without I've seen both both happening so I'm going to go with the without option that's very nice the dough isn't overpowering in flavor at all it's super Airy and light they were not shy with their toppings at all there is a ton of sour cream and cheese on there I mean it is absolutely delicious then that nice sharpness of the garlic coming through oh I'm a fan for sure it's like everything that a sour cream and onion chip wants to be on a flat bread [Music] I love that we got the garlic sauce cuz that really adds a lot to it the sour cream and cheese the cheese is phenomenal the dough is fried to Perfection I love this a lot I would literally come here probably every day and just get different toppings so big fan and the dough is a nice balance between like crispy and chewy cuz you do get some bits that are crispy some that are soft and P pillowy others that have a little bit of pull to them I love it it kind of reminds me of funnel cake dough have you ever had a elephant ear no what's that so an elephant ear is kind of like a funnel cake but it's one big piece of dough and that's what this reminds me of it's like an elephant ear but a Savory elephant ear I love it a [Music] lot but that garlic sauce I think is going to be sticking with me for the rest of the day yeah so for all of those people who hate on me for chewing gum I have to it's for the Hungarian people okay and we're mad so I think it's safe to say that Lango is one of our favorite things that we've had today but we are not done yet so let's go try one of the most famous cakes in all of Hungary the chimney cake which is traditionally called uh this is the official dessert of hungry it gets its name from its Hollow cylindrical shape and we're excited to try them for the first time [Music] ever thank you so I got the Almond one and I went with the more traditional or original flavor which is the cinnamon sugar what I love about these is they're like little spirals so you don't have to eat like the whole thing you can just take like little bite so these are made by taking strips of dough wrapping them around like a spindle and then putting them in an oven or over charcoal and Flame I've seen done as well and that's how they cook these and make these delicious cakes all right let's dve [Music] in they put sugar on this one so there's a nice glaze of sugar to make the almond stick to make the almond stick so it's crunchy which is what I love I love that the outside which is exposed to the heat when it's cooking has a nice crisp to it but then the inside that is wrapped around that spindle just gets baked but no no crisp to it it is like so soft and pillowy and delicious oh yeah I love the snon sugar combo too honestly I'm liking these even more than I expected to me too there's nothing better than cinnamon sugar I have cinnamon sugar toast at home oh my God I can see why this is the official dessert in hungry and they're so unique and they come with a too container you just go like this use that that's true and you whip it let's go now you can get these filled with ice cream and all sorts of toppings and such but I've heard that it's not necessarily the way to go especially if you're trying to do a traditional spit cake or traditional chimney cake but listen you do you if you want ice cream in the middle of your chimney cake go for it I do think it would overtake the chimney cake flavor and it would just be about the ice cream then I would recommend getting the chimney cake Maybe by itself first then maybe after that if you want to add ice cream you know that's your decision that's between you and your Wasteland all right so now we're going to sit here people watch and eat our chimney [Music] cakes now we're going to try and walk off some of those calories we're going to have to do a lot of walking and would love to show you a little bit of budapes in the meantime [Music] if you guys have enjoyed this video as much as we've enjoyed making it please make sure you give it a big thumbs up and as you heard in the intro of this video we're on a journey to see as many of the 1,000 places to see before you die as we can In Our Lifetime places like Budapest so if you're interested in joining in on that Journey please hit that subscribe Button as well as the notification Bell so you don't miss out on any future videos [Music] gosh I absolutely love going to local grocery stores you really find out a lot about the culture in a grocery store oh yeah and we heard that we had to try these little things right here which are like chocolate covered cheese curds they have lots of flavors which Natalie got she got a it's like a hazelnut chocolate one I wanted strawberry but they were out so I think I got the original which is just like the butter cream and curd whatever um all covered in chocolate I think I got milk chocolate you can also get dark chocolate let's give these a go I got it let me help you out let me help you out is it dark chocolate it looks like it not a huge dark chocolate fan but oh that's delicious why would people think that was weird man that's really good dang wow I did read online that when hungarians like move away from Hungary that worse than the being homesick is missing the these really I can see why they're so good mine has a little chocolate Center in there good and I'm not a dark chocolate fan this is delicious oh yours has more of like a Tang mhm I did not expect to like these this much same all right let's go finish our pre- dinner dessert so the best part about this stop is that our dinner location is literally right right there so let's go eat some dinner [Music] when you're here in Hungary you have to try pinka pinka is a Brandy that's distilled from pretty much any kind of fruit the most populars are Plum apricot pear and Peach and I got the pear and I'm so excited I asked our waitress do you drink pinka before your meal or after your meal and she pretty much said anytime if you drink a before your meal it helps you with your appetite and if you drink it after your meal it helps settle your stomach so I don't think that there's a wrong time to drink pinka oo that thing is strong also it's warm for some reason I'm just used to like on ice or chilled it's definitely not it actually is a lot smoother than I feel like the alcohol proof and content mat just said that pinka is usually like a 40% alcohol which I wish he would have told me before I drink it and it's just a hint of hair it's very nice I think I'd like it on ice but don't tell anyone oh yeah smells strong that's for sure but it does have a nice fruit uh smell to it as [Music] well it's very strong and it's not warm it's room temperature the heat comes from the 40% alcohol that's where the heat comes from you're not wrong you're not wrong but it's a nice flavor it is is very strong so be prepared for that that's why they serve it in such uh small glasses and Matt got a local beer well it's a Hungarian beer is from Dre Brewery it's their pilzer from what I understand Dre is actually like one of the biggest Hungarian breweries oh yeah that's super easy to drink but still nice plenty of flavor to it it's not like a watered down flavor but very easy to drink you'll like this one I want to apologize in advance for the awful lighting just keep that in mind the food actually looks really really good you guys know here in Hungary a staple is their goulash paprika anything here in Hungary is a thing it's more of a soup than it is a stew it's hot hold on let me just do a little bit little bit of soup oh my gosh the amount of flavor that they put into a soup is amazing oh my my gosh I can't wait to soak up every little bit of this soup with this bread so I went with another Staple in Hungarian Cuisine which is the chicken paprikas or paprika chicken as Natalie said paprika is a huge part of so many dishes in Hungary and obviously it's a huge part of the paprika chicken dish and is made up of obviously chicken it's been simmered in a sauce and then covered in a paprika sauce I don't know what all is in it also handmade dumplings on the side oh man that is so freaking good there's such a creaminess in that sauce the paprika flavor unlike anything I've ever had it is just absolutely delicious the chicken is simmered and cooked to Perfection and these homemade dumplings are absolutely incredible in heaven [Music] all right shout out to our amazing waitress Victoria who's been serving us here at dinner tonight and after we finished dinner she asked if we had tried the other national drink here in Hungary which is called Unicom she said it's more of an Herby type drink she compared it to Jagermeister but in her opinion it was worse but you had to try it when you're in Hungary so here we are oh yeah definitely smells Herby [Music] I've never had anything like this in my life are you crying I don't even know how to explain it it tastes like I'm drinking leaves and medicine and essential oils and perfumes all at one time here's to Unicom and our awesome waitress Victoria oh good I don't know if I've ever tasted anything that pungent before it like really punches you in the back of the throat you definitely have to try it just for the experience so if you could not tell by our reaction to the food the meal not the last drink there um it was honestly so amazing way better than any of our expectations and that was seriously the best way to end this food tour and remember remember to check out our blog if you want any more information or details about any of the food we ate today or any of the restaurants that we ate at we've linked that down in the description but that's going to do it for this video and we'll see you next week in another Budapest adventure oh I'm saying okay of course he wants to do two takes Natalie likes to do one takes and then gets some the editing process and says please tell me we did another one please tell me we did another one that's the only one we did am I wrong huh that was that was me telling you you're were right one really Matt yep really what about this one no all right unicor in German is unique so fun fact sweating a little bit there's a big truck coming she'll be coming around the mountain when she comes she'll be com around the she'll be coming around the she'll be we just took a nap I could keep sleep like a 15-minute nap because we've been eating so much and now we're off to dinner to eat more I don't know why they call this place hungry because I don't know how you could be hungry here she's she's been waiting all day to say that joke [Music]
Channel: Adventures of Matt and Nat
Views: 22,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Budapest Hungary, budapest hungary food, budapest food, budapest street food, budapest, budapest food tour, hungarian food, street food budapest, street food tour budapest, budapest food guide, best food in budapest, hungarian street food, budapest food vlog, street food in budapest, food to eat in budapest, hungarian food tour, hungarian food guide, hungary street food, street food in hungary, street food hungary, best hungarian food, budapest hungary travel, hungary
Id: 7bknOwac23k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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