Lunar's SURPRISE Birthday Party in Roblox!

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is that all for [Music] me of course it is because it's l a day for me lunar I created this beautiful Adventure game for you and when I mean create I mean drag free blocks into this game all right but no doubt lunar I spent weeks on this everyone welcome to Luna's birthday Adventure before the party starts I want to Dr rank um this machine might be quite challenging to win lunar I don't know if you want to waste your time what I already booped my name in what do you mean it's empty there's like five sodas in there okay that's a lot of soda actually there's six importantly is this crane machine rigged left down it works it'sing grab it you going to grab it I got nothing your machine is r no it's not lunar just try grabbing something somebody win me a soda I demand it because it is my birthday it is lunar day I will attempt to win you a soda for a lunar day the machine looks broken the machine seems to be broken guys you just have to speak nicely to the machine yeah guys that's how claw machines work oh oh okay wait wait I got to try again the machine was broken um oh you guys are is it even possible to you guys really bad at this okay I tried this machine and it does work all right so all you have to do lunar you will get your soda it's really bright in here all you do is do this you stop you go and you wait for it wait for it boom Oh wait maybe it is red what did you say nothing please a soda for lunar yes yes H this isn't bowling okay you know what this is a waste of time what maybe if you put more soda in it you should get something you know you don't understand gold before it put crumbs in there funny you threw crumbs in there how are we supposed to get it supposed to work Draco ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding maybe this it is rigged okay it's rigged sorry keep going people stop wasting your time you know what this is called This is called the time waster you know get that extra Play Time Well F what do you it's totally not rigged over here is the crew District Roblox shop group where you can buy beautiful clothes on the wall and the lunar since it's your birthday it is free wow wow thank you I already have all of these in my inventory lunar are you ready to begin your adventure yes oh but before you begin this is my donation board I accept one Robux oh my gosh he's a CLI forever to show us okay I I'll pay one Robux I have to be on the lead is this Robux for lunar yeah no the Robux is for the group Draco it's for the group okay I like how you only have to pay one robox that's for group funds that's cheap thank you it's for our group funds that's right because developing this took one whole week to put all these free models in okay well I could witness it everyone you know right after Christmas funny was like boop beep boop doing stuff and I went up and she was like don't look and I was like why and she's like it's a secret she never told seriously lunar I'm starting this game you're all invited to my birthday gold you can stay there and look at the Robux board I don't know what you're doing goodbye so cool what is this this a story Adventure Obby I feel like I'm outside right now not in the B yeah look you're invited to my birthday party thank you lunar for inviting us to your birthday thank you lunar yeah I bought presents lots of presents okay which one are you talking to are you talking to the NPC or me lunar look at all the gifts we have we're like so ready for your birthday party yeah is that a cat yes it's for you I will name you cheese ball so how are we supposed to beat this level funny do we go in the house yep are we allowed to anything it's an explorative game this one of those tricky things with exper this it's clickbait I thought it was going to expand into a big house clickbait what are you talking about because I thought it was going to expand like those warping doors and it brings you into a big room read the to-do list rainbow what does the to-do list say a very tiny house it says to-do list go to Luna's birthday mhm exactly where is Luna's I'm telling you it's literally obvious I'm not going to say anything I'm just going to dance like this with my creepy face is it in this incinerator no oh I know what it is funny you sneaky little funny why is this mailbox sparkling because you know I thought I could put like a letter in it you know but I got bored and I couldn't figure it out but this is your house okay your house lunar came and she gave you a letter that's the whole gist oh so my house is bigger letter letter come on guys how do you continue to the next level are you serious the real did I click on lunar oh my gosh I I'm literally not going to point at it what kind of hide and seek is this seriously oh wait I see it it's this Cloud right here right what I think you're overthinking what no um she's looking at it she says she's looking I'm going this way you follow the light secret I don't see anything you click on lunar do guys to be in the house it I'm worried because they didn't figure out how to get out of here the door oh I see it look guys this tree it's sticking out of the roof a portal you just parkour up the tree for get out yes yes here gold I don't think gold you're lying this doesn't work why is funny standing there wait L I'm just going to look the map I figured it out I saw through the map it's over here guys we're supposed to fly in the sky everyone oh so I was close hello excuse me before you guys leave can you please go find the one secret I hid around here what secret whenever find hides her secret it takes a billion years out so easy does this not look suspicious right here what are you this really no this gold oh I see it what it's Slender Man's not knife ew oh scary dra log number one year 5,960 Dash question mark oh I've been time traveling to different dimensions to collect all the boys but I have landed here what is this horrible place I don't care if it's your midday I only care for collecting more followers anywh who whoever is reading this I found Secrets lots of them while traveling this map I found this layer it's even better than mine hey actually a secret layer I thing is I have something to say this already you guys are not allowed to find the secret layer cuz will ruin the entire video so K you have to find the lir I'm not going to yeah I want to leave it as spoiler sorry guys fine I'll go back do it on your own find the lir you can't stop me I must find the ending I can't go to sleep if I the secret ending gold it's a secret well not really a secret ending it's just a secret place lunar I would just like to say that I didn't know that you like obies your birthday party is an Obby guys a hole behind this cloud Draco stop trying to find the easier way okay this is the tricky way obious I collect this lunar stares work wait did it work does the checkpoint not save um is this all be broke spicy I guess I'll test it save please save oh thank goodness you head to the city to get a gift for lunar come on everyone the city is the best place to get gifts am I right it's time to sh it's true it's the perfect place um look no I will not say a pun see realistic NPC now get your bus out of here okay how dare you speak for the NPC and this is funny NPC she is frozen but look look how identical we look hi hi funny I love it look how who's this random person hell rainb that's Roblox is that just a pedestrian no it's literally the Roblox username and over there is gold hello gold that's me gold what are you doing over here this city has nothing to buy that is so gold that is so true okay keep moving people play the game like you're playing a literal game a city this is so not where I would shop but let me it's a shop gold what are you talking about gold these buildings are fake buildings clearly guys there's someone behind the shop what what's this a secret NPC hello the first funny cake face pal in the wall funny 3 cake no I'm just kidding get a gift for lunar everyone oh who is this WOW wait we can actually eat under here who's this mysterious I wonder h i wonder I ate all the ramen n Nom s why would you do that Draco step aside Draco give me some I want these noodles I don't think there's any Ramen here for lunar lunar obviously Draco ate everything he's not saving anything for anyone there's some empty bowls over here if you want okay so clearly looking around this map I see the giant numbers okay I understand poop I thought it was a secretive it's literally in your face in bright red letters are you sure two three four shouldn't there be four numbers guys we got to find another number Draco L there's four numbers right there what you know funny funny says the secret right you should just read funny what should I buy the code is so obvious stoies yeah it is obvious it is obvious it's right there 2 three four you don't have to find it it's five right here five oh five it's a giant five how long did it take that's funny do you seriously come on gold it's obvious 3 four five you're doing it the wrong way gold 2 3 4 5 what are you wait that Funny's tricking us guys funny wouldn't make it that simple okay 2 4 I told you okay knowing funny in every single situation I always ask why do you make the passcode that she's like eh because that's what I always do it didn't work wait gold there's no one I know but her password is always 1 two three are you trying to get us hacked I'm going to go send in the Ramen Shop what should I buy the code is so obvious what does that mean great you bad at riddles yeah keep you can stand there all day this is horrible what should guys we can open this trash can what yeah go have fun probably just a glitch over here opens you better not ow is this for you not for me oh it's a bad I want it a badge it's a cake it's a deser Dre trco birthday girl garbage this is so cool okay guys I know it's cool want taste no I love secret badges I know this came from the garbage but it looks delicious um gold rainbow your he it tastes like handon cake ow are you sure or did it like ripk typical it was probably ratten oh my gosh what you figured it out can you please tell me you figured it out did you figure it out oh my goodness I was right here everyone stand there look at this I'll show you wait do you see gold right here yeah one two over here three four how dare you trick me like that I knew I was right I got let me do honors lunar birthday girl I'll show you four five oh the genius bad because he is a geni gold is a genius everyone it only took her five whole minutes funny you tricky where are you now in the m you are in Luna's dream world or lunar head bet this water isn't even dangerous it is dangerous Draco and then you just Obby on over why did you put eyesore red in do this you guys I'm embarrassed you can't go over this a what kind HBY is this why is it red on redit lunar I know just talk this no right rainbow you can't cheat there's no shortcut it's just a Obby Bridge model not made from me okay just play it I ha shrunk it my goodness shrinkage oh this is too spicy gold and rainbow aren't going to make it to the birthday party cuz they can't pass the simple bridge I can if I do the leap of faith my head will hit the spawn no the next leap is the trick skip it and do the middle oh thank you you you're right Draco wow it's all about the tips and tricks oh no is this all just a dream I made this Obby easy for you it was only appropriate to put rainbow here cuz this Obby is so darn spicy that's AIC honey that is a li hey that chili pepper killed me what the heck yeah it's a Hot Chili Pepper don't you know Chili Peppers are spicy so rude why are there hot chili PE this is not easy this is painful Draco the trick is to get to the edge okay and then do this see lunar is it easy the spicy spicy lunar so easy very easy gold just because it doesn't make a sound you still got the checkpoint you're good no oh my gosh Secrets everywhere that's right just when you think there's no secrets there're secret stop ow why are you pushing me go bro why are you pushing me pushing me lunar can we appreciate look there's broth coming out it's a broth waterf yeah noodles it's a spicy water fountain what is gold and guys pick a door stop trying to cheat um chea let me guess all of it's purple it betrayal oh my you've betrayed me how dare you not make it purple easy ow cheating what is happening it's spicy bro what do you want I don't even touch the door yet is there Ghost in This Obby why is it killing me I'm do that I'm not doing anything okay so while you guys don't get I'm going to go jump in the bowl of soup bro I'm literally don't jump in the bowl she's in the bowl of suit I want to go in the bowl of suit too this looks delicious wow after crossing the spicy realm you were brought to the noodle water slide out it's a cup noodle bowl those noodles are way too short why look it's true we why doesn't your slide work funny I want to slide into the noodles just just go gold I don't know why you're broken just go just go I want to SL SL I think the slide broke I want to slide broke she just I think whatever makes people slide it probably slid off into the ocean yeah just go just go there you go nothing wased are you guys having fun at Luna's birthday party I am am this is so much fun I'm having fun too it's nice here it is nice look at it guys there's noodles there's beef keep on climbing what a staircase of delicious chicken inant noodles that's right is your favorite brand never see this game is so much fun oh and then guess who's at the top where youi come on guys it is funny herself woo be careful of kitty kitty is dangerous is it Kitty the kitty that I think it is no it's another kitty okay everyone this should be easy it's just typical Obby mechanics since it's lunar speed day we will do the H did it blue he always does that thing he turns to the side and then he's like well yeah okay go Jacko use your senses blue red well if this is a template it is a template blue red blue red yellow oh wow guys we're almost at Luna's birthday party let's go hurry you got to hurry up you're taking forever you know house yeah you're going to be late for my party let's go let's go wow magal W you're late for my party hurry up or else yeah Lun hear that I love this my head I'm a giant Lun looks so cute she looks like a thumbnail I love it what's this button for behind pingles um funny I know like this is all cool enough but why aren't these Pringles sour cream and onions lunar I was too lazy these are premodel okay I did not have time to get sour cream wait what you don't know what the button does probably it opened the door oh run go to it hurry we can't be late for lunar be day what was that I come on open thank you go go go seriously guys what is this a teamwork Obby no it's a timed button you bar any time to walk it's not short not going to make it Luna's not going to make it to her birthday she made it ah the next place is the ASMR realm ah we're outside a nice peaceful Forest oh what I know what it is like the professional hacker is it perhaps 1 2 3 4 five the professional hacker do this guys just sit back gold you're embarrassing yourself relax gold I don't think it's that I know what it is you have to count the amount of trees there last wall heck no I'm not counting all these trees in this room go just count for the trees yeah I'm not doing cuz it's my birthday you guys we can't ruin the number secret cuz KF has to find out themselves okay typ in Rainbow you're so toxic can't we got to blur out spoil my gosh rainbow is Big Brain crazy okay go get the number we going to make KF figure out themselves oh I know what it is I know what it is it's a stupid math puzzle there's a okay don't you IQ test me blur blur don't block it don't say it don't ruin it don't say what you how dare you IQ test you I blured the number stop okay here is the code press it voila you go go go you see this wow you do the crime you waste my time get pepper spray yep but officer lunar to celebrate your birthday late of the Year there was supposed to be Kitty NPCs here I think they died is it dra um the kitty NPC wait it's kitty it's dead wait is that a crime ow ja why did you touch the kitty all right people there's a door there and what do you do it's this one's obvious and a key yeah I'm pretty sure this is an Obby because there's Tower going all guys I found the key I want to go I found the key Draco you can't use my head get off but finally there's more have to get the key or does one person just need to get the key I got the key only one person needs to get the key but guys you got to be more explorative in each room you go to I'm just saying explorative but wow I already found the key I just like getting to Luna's birthday badges around here are you no I want them we're already are you you can't find the badge guys I see the badge where I smelt it with my hungry scents it's up there it's a bowl of ram I need it see and it says hiding this from my bro how dare you hide Ramen I thought we were all out guys I didn't test if this was possible wait how' you do it gold did wait what gold how'd you get up there gold tell meing this from my R gold I couldn't even figure out how to get on I did it oh the tree funny you created this how do you not know how to get up here I just need my badge there you go I tested some of it Draco get a move on people open this door because an adventure awaits you you're all going to jail Luna there's no jail come on we're going to be late have a question buny is there a every Obby has you know a toilet every Obby has a toilet one do you have a toilet one here no gold I do not have a toilet one wait you slide in the M no no no no get on a horse you're going to be late for a very important dat important date we already late horse where you not read Draco really really no horses left walk so typical everyo I knew this was going to happen just Del only one thing you're too get to where you tool that's right walk and it's pretty coolum jump really creative where does luna live Guys across the world Luna lives in a very special place a place far yeah why is this partyy so far away because the poop slide it's poop slide that's not a poop slide that's not poop is it oil what are we supposed to do here wait are we supposed to jump through that well if you had a horse it would be very fast but you don't the horses didn't work did they keep on yeah that's why they're gone there's a light this mountain feels like secrets okay not that's you're overthinking Draco everyone let's go ooh an ominous cave what where're finally here here Lun you have a beautiful house welcome to my modern mansion that I just learned that I have that's right lunar and your party awaits you at the front door oh there there she goes let's go now that an entrance there you go you get your bad and you get to party with Luna Lun Lun happy Luna day happy Luna happy Lun you thank you this lunar we have your pizza a purple cake for you and Present part is so cool everywhere great beautiful now where are my gifts lunar lunar look there's M Cola behind Funny's head it's rotating that is so cute yeah lunar um before your present don't you want a meth Cola Boba flavor I do want a meth Boba Lun I will try to win you one oh she put in five cans this time but that's way more than five C and rainbow get the meca it's so cute did you just make a pun come on give me something she have it that was right in the middle oh my hey lunar this is how you get a mola with time yep I'm looking for from a distance and patient watch that oh my gosh these machines are more R I'm going to go please please I'm attend the family Barbecue oh over here gold actually I made this area inspired off of gold gold you were cooking this family Barbecue uhuh family put nachos on a grill yes gold nachos on a grill and can you go open up that barbecue mhm what is cooking in here wow is that made plastic yeah it's a big hot dog it's a real GI Hot Dog and most importantly you put that hot dog in a smoothie and this thing turns on so you can cook who who wants to try this smoothie hot dog first I call it smoothie dog I would like to give it to Rainbow oh thank you so much okay lunar we have to go get your presents now but um Draco did you get one start okay let's go give Luna's presents while Draco tries to win Hera gold wait wait hi how'd you get that hold up were you were you were you reaching inside the happy birthday lunar supposed to give it to lunar um I thank you so much although I don't appreciate that you took the first SI I'm sorry can you please show everyone your the can please we have to appreciate it yes you see this look at this mea it's really fasinated Happ L Lun thank you thank you everyone comment down below happy birthday to me lunar here is your gift a Coraline plushy doll wow that is so birthday thank you rainbow can I have it now rainbow it is actually super glued to my hand so you can have it later lunar I got you this drink oh my gosh it is empty now though so it is just a cup what the um thanks you're welcome lunar I got you the best gift cuz I'm The Best Gift Giver you see this first it's this really cool retro phone see this oh and then next is this really cool cup do you see this cup looter it's the most hottest popular cup wanted right now in the mon is that the quencher yes it is the purple one and I got you doys you see that lunar purple chips and then look on my back these are limited too you see that all purple them gold is the best gift giv the last crisp 100% lunar original the biggest even tast delicious thank you gold you're welcome and lastly lunar I got you this giant giant SpongeBob popsicle wow what here you go Luna for you thank you is it edible the cool thing is you can't even unwrap it wow amazing lunar you could blow out your candle now and then head over to the winner area nice let's go she's just spinning on the cake what the come on let's go to the winter area wow this is where you Flex on everyone coming into the game you're like hey oh my God I'm the winner you know can I get stuff from here no none of it works it's aesthetic can you see Rainbow it says out of order sorry but you can play yeah but I got a basketball you she threw it at Draco is this the dance floor that do everyone outside can see you guys in here this isn't a dance floor this is tic tac toe let me in Gold you got to come in here there's giant there's giant Reese Cups yeah and there's also giant Reese Cups on the table that you can't eat and then bobas hey do you think this is rigged I don't know rainbow do you think you can carry a giant plushy out I don't even know how that got in there I'm going to try let's go rainbow this is such a bad idea I don't know how to control these things that was horrible peanut rainbow the basketball actually works like you can throw it in the net and pick it up just go go you keeps hitting Jacko I don't know why stop throwing your basketball at me gole you got to shoot the Hoops shoot them watch this you bounce it you throw it in oh but hit draco's face again can you not I'm trying to win a giant stuffy I don't think it's possible Draco just getting potato boom Oh I thought it was a dance floor me too oh yeah oh yeah I got it leg wait what no wait now I can get it arm Jack you know what rig means um I don't think works cuz I rotated it [Music] anyways yes yes yes no and you could also play Tic Tac Toe go tick oh t t give me an X give me an O give me a three give me a toe in a row what no I don't know how to Rite I guess you made an O as an o no thank you for the most amazing party ever everyone we're crew thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next one bye-bye byebye bye make sure to leave a like And subscribe and say happy birthday to it's thank [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,053,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox game, roblox birthday, roblox lunar day, roblox birthday party, roblox birthday game, birthday, lunar day, lunar's birthday, roblox adventures, krew game, krew roblox game, itsfunneh game
Id: EX4Ad0Lcm08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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