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who kills me in my sleep how many times I have to tell you get off my line W another Jerry crazy now we can breathe attention everyone there's only 5 days left to get your crew cookie these adorable cookies are limited edition and they will never come back click the link below to get your very own crew cookie mom is kidnapped mom what should we do I don't know save her we should save her dad it's Common Sense we'll take the gas can we need to find mom as fast as possible good idea gold yeah I will do some research until night research that might take too long Dad we just got to go we got to get in the car and floor yeah we got to go find y get possessed at night Dad or we should go eat ramen cuz that's what we always do honestly let's go eat ramen we good Ren guys I don't trust Dad is he going to get possessed again Dad I don't trust him at all I think I know where they went to the convenience store right grocery store to get get more I saw a bunch of circle footsteps outside how goodby dad it took us a few hours to figure that out maybe we should follow it and hopefully we'll find Mom Dad mom's footsteps are square you're right and those are circles so what's y'all waiting for for you for for you to finish your monologue a car you're the dad right let's pack foods and drinks as much as possible it got it water Ramen and nothing else because this will be a long journey oo W I don't think I'm ready to commit but fine guys our dad is so dramatic he is dramatic but this is the first time we get to leave this house it's actually you it says 50 noodles 50 gas cans and 50 glasses of water what love packing for trips I'm going to do water water's the easy I'll gas anyone want to do Ramen but I'll do gas I'll do Ramen okay I'll just do cups of water because this seems easy dad shouldn't we just like go buy water bottles or something instead of putting glasses of water in the cooked noodles what it's it's cheaper at home yeah but what if we're speeding up and then all the glass cups fall in the back how smart is that like noodles are infinite we could eat them if they fall on the floor but glass cups of water Dad serly it's dangerous it is dangerous the glass can shatter can we eat some noodles now cuz I'm like already hungry I'm actually kind of hungry too can I drink this water no you can e people we got to we got I've only cooked three noodles dude guys we 11 9M we have until 11: it's only it's 9 hour we need have some Rhythm okay left is go in no left is go out and right is in okay we need some manners here guys let's go okay okay I'm filling up my glass and oh left that's right that's right and then left back in hey you know who could help Dad Dad Dad could help us dad I noticed that we're always doing the work and you just stand there and you look dead inside and you just stare at us yeah but I guess he's not going to help you know what I'll start helping to make noodles because noodles are more important guys that's water more important yeah but I like our duty is to pack and Dad's duty is to organize and drive and find the roads you know I'm pretty sure we're going to be driving too no Draco I'm pretty sure we're not driving I think all right we got 15 noodles nine gas cans and 10 glasses of water we need more water we have an hour left okay go go go guys I think we should hurry up we need more gas cans Dad don't blink if you're possessed guys I think food might be more important just because look our hunger barer went down this might be a trick I'm pretty sure gas is more important because he did say it's going to be a long journey noodles is important wow okay hurry Mo I'm grabbing these noodles it's 10: p.m. and it's almost 11: do you think it's even possible to fill 50 I think we need more players that was go go go go go wait you can run I forgot we can run shift people shift go go go go left left go we're so stupy it's left we could run the whole time we have to have some Rhythm we could gosh it says Max 50 gas cans but there's only 13 okay now we get in the car we have to go we need more noodles we need more Noodles put something in your lunar we have to start I just brought an empty glass cup ah are you serious uhoh bring us now I'm stuck in the chair uh some people are in the trunk it's over for me you think it's rainbow um oh this forever uh I brought one empty glass of water if anything happens I can smash it on the floor and I have noodles for me and scare them okay wait where are we going blockwood Beach a beach a beach in a cave mom be had a beach what there's a boat she's on vacation oh I think we're actually going to boat to an island maybe to see if Mom oh dad's waiting for us I think we were driving oh oh Dad where did you bring us oh that's a ship dealer howdy I heard Mr Jerry wanted to buy a boat is is that true is Jerry our dad we don't got money I have $2 and a glass of water all right I got the SS Minnow Johnson available it's quite small but durable yeah it looks nice that looks gigantic I mean that's a nice boat how it cost this boat will cost you guys 10 noodles and one glass of water that's like all of our noodles all right let's give him o we have too guys we don't have much noodles all thanks for the payment you guys could get in the ship now what if we didn't have noodles we're going to start then we lose dude oh shoot dad have an emergency business meeting you guys go on yourself and take care is it that important right now dad emergency business meeting Dad go typical dad dad's always leaving us Auto defense Iceberg oh gosh does anyone here know how to sail a boat no no okay I hope they have aut think we are officially done icebergs get rid of the hooded Man by shooting him and fix fish defend fish gold loves fishing I will fish in games um who's going to be the captain I'll be the captain it only makes sense I'm read the manual Captain nope all right this Captain says where the heck uh oh get down top of our boat oh sorry um what's it called starbo I don't see the I don't see the wheel I mean I'll seear bird lar bird H all right we need to make some rules here we're too dumb for this I never had to be a pilot before hey you're the Fisher fish yeah oh you're right I'm a Fisher all right um lunar and rainbow you are selfdefense you the bodyguards Draco you're buildy boy I'm hungry no you're buildy boy Draco okay and I you can't be hungry in this moment although I think everyone should have a weapon on them okay just to make sure noodles guys I have bad news I'm really hungry too they said you dummy you can't fish while the boat is moving oh okay um I guess we can stop give me a second you fish for food uhhuh yeah funny you're the speed throttler okay got it got it um Auto defense on wait do we even need you to Pilot if we have Auto F first can we fish first everybody oh it's never mind let's go back in let's go theat generat just full speed full speed where is it oh it's the man's outside the hooded man's outside what do you mean l where where's I have gas I have gas where's the generator we're at full speed right now guys to the new island you have to turn off the lights it's using too much electricity okay um what's out there what's out there let me I was too hungry dead what I was too hungry it's okay rainbow with the power of robox you can only survive one more time please I wanted to grab noodles thank you guys we have to be extra careful okay I have to go fix again should I slow down should I slow down we having issues get that guy in the front Draco get him I have to F I have a hammer I don't have a gun body guard gold why you sleep cold it's cold it's cold I heard that if you sleep you won't know what's happening around you it's true Captain's going to sleep guys night thirsty um oh it's not cold outside how are we supposed to get them we're trying to get AC Don't Shoot Me by gold who killed me in my sleep I think you have to get revived I can't revive you all right ahe Auto Iceberg on dodging that full speed we're at 100% guys you're doing great Captain I need to sleep somebody watch my station I'm hungry I have to eat a Ramen all right oh ramen's in the Box out there there's I everywhere it's under Theon this is the fridge okay no that's a gas can it's C it's too cold what it's right here the foods oh there's only 16 left careful well I'm the captain so the captain eats first got it um what who deemed you to be the the generator's empty uhoh generator got it got it guys we're taking full speed right now okay guys I need to go hun turn off the lights they waste electricity somewhere I don't see anything oh he's back he's back uh oh get him get him go get him go get him go get him go get him guys I think you're messing with the wrong person uh someone feed lunar at first aid kit she is about to die uh n I'm going to get that hooded man sleep oh my gosh we're almost out of gas again we're almost out of gas again we're here I'm sleeping someone has to take co- Captain Draco you are now Co Captain okay yep I'm still sleeping though dra you got to hit Auto you have to turn oh my gosh it's the he Draco come on it's okay we can repair we can hit everything as long as we can repair it I can fix I don't think that's how repairing work I can fix it guys is it still too cold to fish can we fish a little bit yes extremely cold we have to wait till the morning out dude we're hungry though full speed until the morning just I'm just going to sleep more refill the generator the lights on wo oxygen just wait just wait for the oxygen to tap out a little bit UMO you just G what up by the morning I will have drinken all the drink rainbow Noles rainbow how dare you not eat all the food but I'm so hungry no rainbow I'm so tired when are we going I'm looking at the steering wheel I could turn the ship around without having Auto on okay um guy is on our front how do we speak harb honly they H 12:00 I really have to yeah lunar just go just go how many times I have to tell you get off my L we're 25% to our destination come on lunar get him up ooh it's not cold outside we can fish oh fish fish fish stopping stoping stop the boat stop the okay let's actually get real food this time I think everyone should fish though come on guys the generator gold push me out we can fish I got nothing something um oh I got a D oh stopped the boat oh I found the water dude I stopped the boat chill yo keep fishing keep fishing I trying to repair oh we're running out of oxygen anyone gas you got it oh my gosh oh my gosh what's happening why is the wobbling you guys we need more we need oh thank you um we should catch more fish though everyone's a little hungry fun move move funny I found Goods I found Goods it's a squishy got a fish for food I'm tired though so I need to sleep y'all I need to fix the boat why is it going still Draco I don't know why you keep falling yeah Draco I'm just going to go to sleep bro because I have to fix the bottom of the boat or it's going to die thanks um there's a guy in the front but I can't cuz the captain is still steer in the boat the captain is sleeping you know what beauty sleep is hey get away from those noodles I good food guys I'm just going to keep fishing until we anymore and now I'm going to eat it and enjoy it you know what else I found look guys this is how you wake up the captain what is that look at this look at this oh my gosh you have so much food hold up guys I think we should travel a bit more excuse me excuse me thank you thank you I think we should go now people I don't think this what's wrong with my character I'm so wobbly but I have noodles um bunny behind you Draco just take get away shoot my character's wobbling everywhere ah I got it hey I saw that where'd you get that food it's 5 a.m. right now oh I am the captain of squid doesn't it look delectable oh fried calamari delicacy and it over hungry I'm just kidding I'm J gold this is my food funny you're going to have to go get your own food um is it time to fish dude we're barely there yet we're running out of food this good good honestly theator I think we should have just got gas now that I'm thinking it's okay we're good we're good I need food though guys I'm going to eat nine of the noodles we I think front line again need n funny Draco okay go sleep Draco I'm good I got it I'm a little low on sleep okay he's too sleep you ran us into a bunch of icebergs is this a gamer Chair by the way yeah it's a gamer chair it's a gamer chair for the captain seat hello do you see anything gold nope I see nothing many icebergs I don't see oh why did you take right we're almost out of electricity Auto defense Iceberg takes off so much everyone go mother must be very valuable for them to travel and take her through all of this um we got to take more of a right we're just going to run into that may day Mayday I have an announcement we only have eight glasses of water so everyone I have infinite robu I am just going oh okay that's it oh Jerry's on board again okay Jerry stop he pushed me off the boat uhoh oh we got to turn this way I don't see anything it's very hard when it rains let's go e Are we almost there yet I think we're running out of oxygen people can we get oxygen here revenge for Draco oxygen I don't know where I'm steering we still have gas wa another Jarry are crazy okay turn on auto for now I have to sleep have to sleep we can't Ox it uses too much I will I will steer Draco you steered and you ran into like 10 icebergs it's okay I got it I got it rainbow and lunar please tell me when it's safe to like fish for food cuz I think we need to stop okay not safe there's nothing we have two gas cans left we have five glasses seven glasses okay turn off electricity we have no we need to Speed Ahead or we will not make it tomorrow the only thing that is great right now is that I have spaghetti and meatballs need to eat Luna you're thinking what I'm thinking hey hey hey hey hey hey hey everybody step back this is my spaghetti and meatball I wasn't thinking anything I think water's more important guys gold stop flexing all the stuff you have W rainbow chill hey go wait I think it's safe to do is it safe to dock for food no now no we can't do we don't even have any power Co Captain down we need our third Captain up it's okay I have Rob I guess lunar cuz she has life all right lunar go lunar L guys we only have two gas cans we can't turn on any electricity and we need to full speed Jack you guys who cares about the Jerry's in front yeah it's for your thirst and hunger just wait until it goes down to the last tick I don't think we can sacrifice anything yeah we can if if we have less crew mates then oygen someone can survive okay I'm taking one glass water and I'm taking one I'm taking there is oxygen you're just tired go sleep lunar go sleep I got it lunar chill chill sleep lunar it's okay thank you ah Jerry's on board no who cares about Jerry car about Jerry Jerry's glitched all right Jerry Draco stop Draco you're going to fall overboard again what's our percentage yet okay we're almost there 500 mil almost done got this her percentages we're never going to survive at Sea our dad went to go on a business important business who cares about Jerry what could be more important than saving our mom yeah Dad why do we always have to control everything it's 7:00 a.m. right now how many gas tanks we got left guys Iceberg up front two iceberg front I can't see it I'm just going to oh to your right nice oh did you see that that was a close one they don't call me Captain funer for Nothing by my estimations we should reach our destination at 9:00 a.m. it's 8 a.m. how many times I have to tell you Jerry you can't keep doing this oh oh no sorry sorry sorry sorry oops ah go push me up Bo uh guys I need to sleep I need to sleep Draco that's close bro I'm a pro okay Draco says at 9:00 a.m. get rid of Jerry oh I need to eat I need to eat there's too many Jerry's how many foods do we got left four foods not many four Waters ooh three foods and three Waters sing okay then I lost my calamari um who's watching the ship why didn't I just stick the calari in my mouth I'm watching it I'm watching it I'm sleeping and I'm watching it at the same time I don't think wco clear watching Lun you watch no I'm going to lose my spaghetti and meatballs I should have just ate it this is what we get for saving everything I got the gas everyone has lost their items time Jacko I've lost I guess you should have eaten it oh refill generator I'm preserving I'm preserving I'm going to wait till our Oxygen's almost empty okay we only have one more gas C important thing yeah yeah I got one over I got the second one here I'm just waiting a little uh we got some food hold your breath put I'm just kidding going to dieing fing ah now we can breathe you killed turn off the lights dra you killed lunar you put it in plate bro lunar get your dead body off the seat 9:00 a.m. Draco is a bad Captain I think we'll arrive there at 12 p.m. or 11: a.m. or 1 I don't know you know what I'm just going to go teach Jerry a lesson out there Jerry why is mom across the sea oh no no I just wasted food oh my God guys I apologize I think the only way we can survive this you stop the boat really quick and we can fish there's no more food no we can survive we're literally are you we may have a little delay but I think we might get there by 11:00 a.m. Auto auto auto you got to avoid that no don't turn on auto don't turn on auto there's so much danger I think it's time bur it burns so much gas it burns so much gas we need we only have one gas can we actually have to full speed we have no time for breaks we have to go we literally we have no gas and I do not want to collect a bunch of gas again that's yeah I'm not going back to where Dad was how you feeling guys you feel sefe yeah I've discovered our dad is useless yeah don't die in the ocean it glitches you I can't do this anymore guys gold get up and go to sleep or something go to sleep does anyone have anything to help me cuz I feel nauseous just 100 more miles um guys it's 10:00 a.m. and I'm very hungry oh there's no more food there's no more it's over it's over we're almost there almost there miles left dude I'm hungry hry I'm going to die gold steer the ship how are you sitting everywhere what because I'm tired it helps me funny feel less I have a nice crown on look at me but anyways oh wow it's time to revive we can just keep wasting Robux to get to the island I don't care there's no way we would have survived let's grab this and this I'll steer got it full all that's important is the ship can't sink got it 50 more miles we'll be that at 11:00 a.m. just hate this no 12:00 p.m. jackco you got this funny keep going okay gold it's kind of hard if you're sitting on the steering wheel I do see a lot of icebergs coming up I oh there's a little one let's Dodge it DOD that one funny got it left Full Speed Ahead you didn't dodge it I think I I think I dodged it and then I fully ran into it Jerry get off the harb bird again that the correct word isn't it l bird oh wait no dude does LD Star right I don't know you guys we can fish it's not cold who cares lunar it's not worth it we are only 20 mil from Shore I I need something I feel like I'm going to die ooh last gas can Reviving one more time we're almost there okay full speed full speed full speed Full Speed Ahead with the lights on nice mom I hope you know we went through the trouble to get here we traveled the Seas airport what to the airport we all the way here go to the airport why didn't we take a plane I bet Dad took a plane yeah I bet Dad did and these roads are very dangerous does anyone see Mom or any clues of where Mom is pilot license yeah Draco Draco why are we driving like this guys why are we going into the airport I don't know I feel SI I'm showing off the offroad capabilities of this vehicle we're going to a weapon store we need to be prepared for the fight ahead thought we had a weapon on the boat here we are Sam's weapon store oh um yeah you should feel sick after that drive um it looks empty I don't think he sells anything you have any stock here hello there's nothing what's up oh gosh I see your head hey you want to buy some weapons heck yeah why do you think we're here give us your biggest guns well it's still 6:00 a.m. so most of the items are still not ready what what do you mean how's that possible what do you mean ready our guns food but hey don't worry I got these old bats and it's for free haven't used it much really I mean bats work you can't complain about free it's true we'll take one thank you sir it's better than nothing heck yeah hold and release the hit wo oh there's some heft in here boom get in the car now we're going to save you old sty oh here we go again all right our slogan all right backing up our slogan when we hit the the evil person get I got none good you're not even a fart you're not even a fart I mean you could do that what whoa the Draco where is this Draco where are you going this is the bunker where they're keeping Mom okay Mom get your swinging on arms ready you guys before we go in do we even know what we're fighting huh are we even prepared we're probably fighting a weird strict villain see Dr this door down yeah yeah um yeah or you could just walk through oh God you again Jerry there you are you finally arrived oh wait they were the one that was on board oh Jerry otherwise there will be the most dire consequences and your mom gold just smack him just don't let him finish his monologue what about our dad if you want to save your mom fight me right now okay but why do you want to fight us okay yeah what did we do to you Mom Mom wo wo wo your mother's soul is mine why do you want our soul dude you're upset it belongs to the fried ramen noodles we eat every day yeah okay but you can take our dad you like took him like three times you will never ever defeat me we are not weak what do you mean you're not even doing anything you're just talking you're just walking around and having your little oh okay that was strong okay I see I just going to throw some Robux in wait conserve electricity at the same time no way oh let me turn off the lights I can't revive myself what you're dead come on wait he's almost dead one more hit let's go take this nice how see that and Draco couldn't revive mom because he is a button broken finally defeated that man what Jerry wait did you mother wake up mother wake up Mom I hope you're okay we're going to save you right now stoping Mom fny stop hitting mom that didn't help us what say about it thank you my kiddos what wait a minute no no Mom are you are you evil did he take your soul she's speaking with dot dot dots this isn't good she our mom thank you for saving mom mom would have died if you guys weren't here yeah oh no problem mom you're welcome noodles for us now we're hungry now let's go home and meet your dad Dad's on a business oh my gosh he didn't help us yeah you should mom you wouldn't believe this uhoh you never defeat Mead never dad I knew it oh that was the business trip dad was on Dad and now I will take your dad with me good luck finding us in the sky what are you going on the airplane oh uh yeah you going to leave yet just wait Dad you got tricked gas by a business trip ah not a again what do we do now cuz like just leave we don't let kind of tired I think we could make use of the airport no Mom just leave it Dad got possession Let It Go Let It Go mom unhinged I like it unhinged strict mom the next chapter
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 1,514,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox weird strict dad, weird strict dad, weird strict dad itsfunneh, weird strict dad funny, weird strict dad krew, roblox weird, roblox weird strict dad ending, roblox dad, roblox story
Id: 7Mqezpf7hpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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