What is Luminar NEO? Is It As Good As They Say?

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ah god they've done it again haven't they they've released another product wasn't only five minutes ago that luminar ai was released and here we are today skyline have announced another luminar product luminar neo what is it all about what does it mean why why have they done that that's what we're going to look at in this video [Music] for those of you in a rush here's my quick summary on luminar neo it's going to be a faster engine which is still going to be built around ai tools which is going to enable more creativity it's going to be bringing back layers so it's going to be more similar to something like photoshop that infamous masking technology that's enabled them to bring us bokeh ai we're now going to be able to use those masks in other applications so we can swap out backgrounds and more creative things like that and the actual core of the program has been rewritten to bring it up to par with the advanced technologies that ai is in the past skyline were trying to build a sports car around a bicycle but they've done away with the bicycle and the actual under the hood is actually going to support the ai much better so we're going to have a smoother performance we're going to have better results and we're we can have more creative flexibility so luminar neo very much looks like it's geared for people like myself who actually really enjoy the editing process and really want to take their work that little bit further whereas luminar ai was always more geared to getting good results but getting them done nice and easily efficiently and just kind of holding your hand in the whole editing process that's the quick overview but now let's go a little bit deeper so it's pretty cool skylum invited me to a webinar where they were sharing information about the new product luminar neo so in spite of the fact that i'm right in the middle of a very big client project at the moment i've paused that i parked it up and i spent the time necessary to learn about luminar neo so that i could share that with you guys it was a long webinar it's like an hour and a half and i went old school and i made notes very possibly the first question you've got like me was what's going to happen to luminar ai is it replacing it the answer is no they're just extending the family of products they have for example in the same way that adobe have a suite of products for editing images they've got adobe photoshop photoshop elements photoshop lightroom classic cc you know they've got all these different options for people and they suit different people with different purposes in their image editing and that's kind of the approach that skyline are taking here luminar ai is an excellent editor but it very much has a focus on new photographers people just getting started out and who may be slightly intimidated with editing it gives you so many options for improving your photos but doing that very very easily so luminar ai great for new photographers and as you know from watching my tutorials i really love using luminar ai but sometimes i get frustrated because i want to go just a little bit deeper for those of you out there like me who actually just genuinely really love the photo editing process like i can lose myself in photoshop for example i can be there for hours and i really enjoy that whole process well they're building luminar neo more akin to photoshop they're bringing back layers the ai tools that they're going to be embedding into it they're going to be modular um how to explain this i'm trying to explain an hour and a half webinar to you guys in as quick a time as i possibly can right let's give it a go luminar neo is going to be more akin to photoshop but with the ai and neural technologies that skyline have developed over these last few years so it's going to be really great for creatives and also professionals okay i've gone to my book because this is one of the things that really caught my attention it's not one of the like headline features but this came from the mouth of the ceo of the company and he stressed that luminar neo is going to be able to deliver higher quality more professional results and for me that's a big deal the way that they're actually setting up under the hood they're going to be building each of the tools in a modular way so each one each tool is independent of the other so if when you use luminar ai for example and you start making check making changes you guys will notice this from my more in-depth tutorials the further we take the edit and the more tools that we add one or top of the other on top of the other because every single change that you make within loom not ai has to be stored into memory if you go back in time and make a change to another tool every other tool that we've added to that edit has to be reprocessed recalculated and so that can just really bog down the computer and bog down the system so the developers at skylum have actually been able to come up with a way to have these tools working independently yet together all at the same time it's a modular approach because the tools are independent of one another the actual quality of the processing that goes into each tool the level of the result can actually be enhanced and improved for example the bokeh ai tool that they've recently released for luminar ai the concept and the technology behind it is really great it's a really clever tool however the results aren't always perfect you know sometimes they're pretty shoddy in fact whereas other times it's really good well the approach that they're taking with neo will actually enable those type of tools those ai driven tools to perform much better that's what i'm told and that's what i'm really excited about it was a first for me today and i'm getting this information to you guys as quickly as i can so i hope you appreciate it man it's quarters 10 on friday night in new zealand everyone else is probably out partying or doing whatever people do on a friday night and i'm recording a video looking are neo takes me back to what my dad used to say to me you want to get a life boy with this new release luminar neo skylum have of course announced there will be some new exciting ai tools but i mean the two key headline things for me are a huge step forward with the performance that is a massive thing for me and the fact that they're touting that the results will be much more refined much more professional high quality i really like the sound of that in a second we'll take a look at their website and i'll show you some of the new tools that they have available in luminar neo but before i do that i just wanted to bring to your attention they are doing an early bird promotion and they announced that they were going to have 30 000 copies available at massively discounted price now the skeptic of me thought 30 000 copies yeah right you'll just keep selling them as long as people want to keep buying them but they've actually got a counter on their web page there's a link below go to the counter it started at 30 000 for me at midnight last night and already at time of recording this it's down to about 25 000. so that deal is definitely being snapped up by people already so if you want to get an advance pre-order save yourself some money i would go to the link i've got in the description below i normally have a discount code at sky10 try it i think for the time being while they're running this best price ever i don't think that it's going to apply but if you miss out on that which is very possible it's probably going to be gone in under a week if you miss out on that and you see this video you can still put in my discount code and save yourself some money there if you like luminar ai if you like the idea of taking your editing to the next level with layers faster processing all that sort of stuff that they are promising so certainly check out that pre-order offer if this looks like something that would be a good fit for you and your photo editing but for now let's have a quick look at the tools themselves okay luminar neo create more joy create more landscapes create more colors okay so that just looks like a lot of hyperbole at the moment but here we go check this out relight any image while keeping it natural as i bring the classic luminar before and after slide across this lady's face this reminds me of something they were speaking about in the webinar that got me actually really excited there's actually a lot more to it than what they're showing here they actually spoke about this and using the same technology that they have in the atmosphere ai tool where they can actually sense the depth in a two-dimensional photo it can still figure out that ai can figure out the three dimensionality of that scene it's going to be able to use that data to re-light the scene so that's that's pretty insane so you can actually light your model separately from the background and things like this they didn't go into too many specifics but just the very concept and the fact that the capability is there is really exciting but let's move on what else are we looking at okay this is a big one are you happy with your background so as i move this slider across we can see that the background is changing the color toning on the model is changing to match the background and why not this isn't available in luminar ai at the moment but as i've thought and a lot of you astutely pointed out with the bokeh ai tool where it can detect and perfectly mask the human to then just blur the background surely there's more usages of using that mask like why can't we take that mask of that person and then do more creative things with it they are going to allow us to do that with luminar neo because it's going to be more kind of photoshop layer based we're going to be able to use those ai generated masks and then do things like just switch out the background stuff that we've been hoping for all this time with luminar ai they're going to step it up with luminar neo now with this new engine it's going to be capable of doing that so big deal i'm really excited about that all right let's move on to this one what if there's dust on your sensor they now have a tool that is going to automatically recognize which what is dust spots what is dirt on your sensor and automatically clean it from your photo and that's actually pretty cool i created a whole video about how in photoshop you can create a crazy curve effect which is going to highlight where those spots are so you can clone and heal them out really simply well i say simply it was still like a 10 minute video demonstrating how to do that and if you have a whole load of dust spots on your imagery that's still time you're having to spend to remove that from your photos and if it's there on every single photo say you shot a wedding some other event and you have to keep removing that i mean firstly you should be like me and go out with a perfectly clean sensor because that's what us pros do but seriously i saw this in action in the webinar saw the before and afters and it's very impressive so it might not seem that exciting but the fact that it's another time saving tool where you can spend that time on more creative pursuits with your photo i think that's a really really cool thing okay as i come down here this next one removal of power lines so apparently there's going to be an automatic tool where potentially with one click you're just going to be able to get rid of power lines for me here in new zealand all our power lines and everything are underground so no biggie for me but i know when i was traveling around europe i'd see all this amazing architecture in vienna and italy and other places and it'd just be ruined by all these power lines so i can imagine for a lot of people in a lot of cities this is actually going to be a really really useful tool okay let's scroll down here and see what else we've got get more control and experiment freely with layers and ai masking okay so as you see this thing here that i'm waving my mouse over that very much looks more like the kind of layered approach that we see inside of photoshop so we've got textures we've got a shape layer you've got sky elements and incidentally at the moment with the tools you can only use them once like the augmented sky tool so you can only put one element into the sky we are going to be able to use the layers so that we can introduce many different entities so in terms of compositing the sky's the limit image engine redesigned memory usage optimized performance lightning fast look lightning fast performance that remains to be seen right um i've never actually personally had too many problems with luminar ai itself and its performance but i have quite a beefy machine i built it specifically for handling image editing i never liked the idea of waiting on my machine my machine should be there and responding instantaneously so when i do a really really heavy edit in luminar ai and i've used just about every single tool going then that is when i do start to see a slight lag and sure it bugs me so for those of you that are using machines that struggle earlier than that in the process the fact that they have optimized things i think is going to be a massive game changer and your whole user experience consequently will be improved and you'll be like hey happy bunny moving sliders around and you're actually going to get a real time response and be much happier with the results okay let's move on to share your ideas straight to mobile so the idea now is that they're going to have an app which is going to work in unison with your desktop so luminon neo is still going to be a desktop based application but there's going to be a partner mobile app and the desktop app the mobile app they're going to talk to each other so it's going to be easier for you to share your work on social media and as we scroll down to the bottom okay you can see already that we get one of 30 000 copies today they are down to 25 744 and counting but i just really wanted to bring your attention to what is exciting me the most which is technologies for professional results i already use luminar ai in my professional workflow some people argue it's not a professional tool i found a way to integrate it into my professional work so i can leverage the ai that is inside of luminar ai and i've put together many videos that actually demonstrate that where i use it as the icing on the cake but when i'm doing that i'm using it in conjunction with lightroom for cataloging my work photoshop maybe for some fine polish and then luminar ai just for some of those more creative tools and i'm sort of adding them all together and the finished polished result in fact i'll show you okay this arrived in the post yesterday this is a very well respected architectural magazine here in new zealand front page edited in luminar you guys may recognize some of these images for example this one i did a whole demonstration in photoshop how i did luminosity blending again it was finished in luminar ai every single one of these photos in this article was edited at some point in luminar ai uh back cover editing luminar ai so yes i use luminar ai in my professional work all the time but the way the team at skyrim have touted luminar neo and the fact that it says technologies for professional results and they spoke in depth about how the quality of the results from the tools is going to be improved as well as the performance i'm actually really excited so yeah like i say if you want to get hold of a copy of this in advance you can save a lot of money pre-order in the link below as i know more i'm going to share more with you so if you want me to keep you updated with luminar neo do me a favor just write luminar neo in the comments after hearing me talk about an improved engine improved results the different tools that i showed you that they're demonstrating on their website what are you most excited about was it one of those oh i have a lot of power lines around me that talks really going to do it for me or somebody who has a shed load of dust on your sensor all the time is that going to be the the game changer for you let me know in the comments love to hear from you guys thanks so much for watching and i will see you in the next video bye for now guys [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Turnham
Views: 47,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photography, Photo editing, editing, post production, photography editing, Photography education, Luminar AI, Luminar NEO, What is NEO, What is Luminar NEO, Luminar New Software
Id: ZPcQm2Scq4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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