Luke Skywalker Meets Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars The Mandalorian Season 3 Theory

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Welcome back everyone happy new year if  you're watching this video you made it to   2021 congratulations you survived 2020 this is  going to be my video all about the mandalorian   and luke skywalker meeting ahsoka tano if you're  new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get all   the episodes i will be doing videos for all  the mandalorian and spin-off series and the   other star wars series that they've announced all  year long we have three new star wars series that   are dropping episodes this year so there's going  to be way more stuff going on obviously careful   for spoilers for everything that's happened during  the mandalorian so far if you haven't seen all the   episodes yet but after the ahsoka tano and luke  skywalker episodes of the mandalorian season 2 a   lot of you were asking if ahsoka tano knew luke  skywalker or had ever met him anywhere in the   timeline so this video will explain their relative  history together and how jon favreau and dave   filoni are changing things for the better that's  kind of what they're doing with the mandalorian   series all these spin-off series like the ahsoka  tano episodes that dave filoni is currently   writing right now those will be filming later this  year with rosario dawson's ahsoka tano making the   entire story of star wars better with all the new  interactions between all these big main characters   because of course ahsoka tano would meet luke  skywalker at some point that would be one of   the most amazing scenes ever but originally before  they'd ever thought to do the mandalorian series   before any of those brand new characters that they  didn't pluck out of the animated series had been   written into the canon like before they created  the grogu and mando characters ahsoka tano had   canonically never met luke skywalker between the  events of his birth during revenge of the sith and   the rise of skywalker ending scene in the new  movies where you hear ahsoka tano's voice with   the voices of all the other jedi and by the way  a couple years ago right after the movie came out   dave filoni posted about that implying that just  because most of the jedi's voices who you heard   during that scene were dead were force ghosts that  didn't mean that ahsoka tano was also dead there   were a lot of things about that movie that didn't  make sense so just forget about all that stuff   not really important it's just that she's still  alive 30 plus years into the future during that   era it's just that she's in our late 60s and  70s when that's happening right now during   the events of the mandalorian rosario dawson's  version of ahsoka tano is in the early to mid   40s which is still pretty young rosario dawson  just hasn't aged that much in the last 20 years   which is why this version of ahsoka still seems  relatively young but she's about 17 to 18 years   older than luke skywalker just for reference luke  is meant to be in his late 20s when this scene is   happening during the finale he was born right at  the end of revenge of the sith and ahsoka tana was   almost 18 years old when order 66 was happening  the main reason before the mandalorian series why   ahsoka had not met luke though is that after  revenge of the sith in order 66 she went into   hiding like obi-wan and yoda told all remaining  jedi that could hear their signal please do not   contact anyone go to ground hide in before their  last meeting prior to mustafar and him getting   cooked like crispy chicken he never told ahsoka  about the secret of padme being pregnant with the   twins they kind of addressed this during the  clone wars season 7 episodes last year where   they were doing the star wars version of a zoom  call and you see her with a really swollen belly   he's been hiding all his communications from  obi-wan and the rest of the jedi council   even though they reveal that obi-wan knew about  their relationship the whole time so anakin never   had the chance to tell ahsoka that there was even  a possibility that he might have children someday   so after she went into hiding for several years  after order 66 she wouldn't have had a reason   to seek out luke or leia in obi-wan to his credit  never subsequently contacted her to tell her about   it because he didn't know where she was she was so  good at hiding in the outer rim and he didn't know   whether or not she was still alive even he also  probably didn't want to chance the secret getting   back to darth vader and emperor palpatine so while  luke is busy growing up on tatooine bulls-eying   womp rats with his t-16 ahsoka is running from the  empire and darth vader's inquisitors in the outer   rim territories eventually bale organa learns that  ahsoka is still alive in the very earliest days of   the rebellion way before the events of star wars  rebels and he recruits her to their cause and she   just takes the secret identity fulcrum she helps  the rebels out but staying mostly in the distant   parts of the outer rim territories and she's  nowhere near tatooine so obi-wan at this point   still doesn't know about her still being alive  and she still doesn't know that anakin's children   exist then the events of star wars rebels happen  she has her big reunion fight with darth vader   and even though everybody's getting crazy force  visions darth vader has sith force visions of her   and she has forced visions of him neither of them  learned about the secret of his children still   being alive even though he got forced visions of  luke skywalker as an adult before he knew that   luke existed so he didn't know that he was looking  at his son when he was getting these forced   visions ezra bridger uses the star wars equivalent  of time travel to pluck ahsoka out of the timeline   from the sith temple that's right time travel  exists canonically in the star wars universe   using the world between worlds it's like a nexus  in the force that exists out of normal space time   and you have all these portals that will take you  to different parts of the timeline ahsoka goes on   jedi walkabout in the outer rim during the events  of the original trilogy of movies so there's a   lot of this untold story during that period of her  life they'll probably fill in some of those blanks   during the ahsoka tano mandalorian spin-off series  in those episodes and during that period she's   so off the radar and out of communication with  everyone that she doesn't learn about the rebels   blowing up the first death star and the second  death star till well after they happen like oh by   the way the emperor is dead oh that's awesome and  because there's this big time jump between those   events and her showing up in the mandalorian  series the dave filoni has not filled in yet   canonically it has not been proven that she  learned luke skywalker's identity and did   the mental calculus just connecting him to anakin  skywalker through their last names like maybe this   luke person is related to anakin dave baloney  already confirmed that this scene of ahsoka   picking up sabine wren to go find ezra bridger  happens after the mandalorian season 2 episode 5.   so given what dave filoni has said about the news  story that he's writing for ahsoka tano in live   action through the mandalorian and the big luke  skywalker reveal during the finale episode and   what they're doing with that character this part  of the timeline of course ahsoka tano and luke   skywalker would eventually meet through grogu  in this larger grand admiral thrawn storyline   right now all roads in the star wars universe set  during this part of the timeline the mandalorian   the four spin-off series all lead to grand admiral  thrawn so all the main characters will eventually   be tied up in this thrawn storyline it's just that  the reason that ahsoka tano didn't say luke's name   when she was telling mando about taking grogu to  the jedi temple if tython is because at that point   she probably didn't know who luke was or just was  too preoccupied with finding grand admiral thrawn   to take the time to investigate any claims about  a person who reportedly blew up the death star   and helped kill the emperor like there's a person  running around the galaxy using anakin's last name   who is this person maybe i should investigate  it's one of those questions like why does mando   not know anything about the jedi why does he seem  so oblivious to what's going on with them you have   to imagine a lot of news gets distorted and the  facts change a little by the time that they hear   about this stuff in the outer rim territories but  the whole key to ahsoka and luke skywalker meeting   is grogu because now he's the common thing linking  them ahsoka didn't tell grogu about being anakin   skywalker's padawan when they spoke to each  other grogu only knows that she used to be a jedi   padawan like him during order 66 she also spent  time at the jedi temple on coruscant but when luke   skywalker starts training grogu especially through  the mandalorian season 3 and speaking to him about   his past reading his memories helping him unlock  his lost memories he'd eventually learned who   ahsoka tano is not that she's his father's former  padawan but that she's just another former jedi   out there who's very important someone that luke  skywalker who's trying to rebuild the jedi order   would want to meet he's trying to find every  last jedi and force sensitive person that he   could potentially train as a jedi out there then  once grogu and ahsoka eventually rejoin mando   during this larger grand admiral thrawn fight that  they're building up to ahsoka would learn about   the training that grogu had been receiving from  luke skywalker then knowing that there's another   jedi out there going by the name skywalker would  make her curious enough to investigate and luke   skywalker will also probably come back for more  of the thrawn storyline in the future for very   important stuff not planning on a ton of deep fake  luke running around but then that's the jumping   off point for them to actually meet in person and  then after they deal with the thrawn plot either   in some books or some future story then she starts  helping him jump start his jedi academy and reboot   the jedi order with grogu so to speak you have  to imagine a version of this scene where he was   talking to leia in return of the jedi when he told  her about the truth that they were brother and   sister and he asked her about their mother padme  tell me about our mother when he finally speaks to   ahsoka he can say tell me about my father because  aside from r2d2 ahsoka tano is one of the only   other people who's alive who would be forthcoming  enough to tell him about the life of anakin   skywalker for those asking about r2d2 there's a  lot of questions about this during the mandalorian   finale video that i did so george lucas actually  revealed that canonically r2d2 never had his   memory wiped if you only saw the movies you  probably wouldn't know that because they end   with that scene saying please wipe these droids  memories but for many many years george lucas has   maintained that r2 never actually had his memory  wiped that's always been a bit of a running joke   in the fandom that r2 is the biggest droid in  the star wars universe because he's withholding   all this information because he remembers  everything that happened during the prequels   but everyone let me know in the comments when  do you think that luke and ahsoka will finally   wind up actually meeting during this part of  the timeline and for those of you asking yes i   do hope that they wind up including force ghost  anakin skywalker hayden christensen scenes with   live-action ahsoka during that series when they  do the spin-off reportedly some of the hayden   christensen stuff that he's filming is going to  be for flashback anakin and darth vader during the   obi-wan series and if he's doing that then it's  just as easy to do force ghost anakin during the   ahsoka series and present day there'll be a bunch  more star wars stuff happening really soon so   leave all your video requests in the comments all  the marvel Wandavision episodes are going to start   in the next 10 days i'll be doing weekly episode  videos for that while you wait for everything   everyone click here for my full mandalorian  season 3 video and click here for that obi-wan   kenobi series trailer thank you so much for  watching everyone stay safe and happy new year!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 247,785
Rating: 4.9250002 out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Mandalorian Luke Skywalker, Emergency Awesome, Trailer, Mandalorian Season 3 Trailer, Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8, Mandalorian Season 3, The Mandalorian Season 3, Mandalorian, The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 8, The Mandalorian, Luke Skywalker, Baby Yoda, Mandalorian Episode 1, Ahsoka Tano, Teaser, Scene, Marvel, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, Clip, Movie, Movies, 2020, Mandalorian Season 2, Netflix, Mandalorian Post Credit Scene, Boba Fett, Avengers, News, 2021
Id: Ol8wTp4cqXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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