Luigi's Mansion 3DS Gameplay Walkthrough - Episode 1 - Where is Mario!? Area 1! (Nintendo 3DS)

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hello zebra herd welcome to Luigi's Mansion on the Nintendo 3ds I am so incredibly excited for this because I've never had the chance to try a Luigi's Mansion game before Luigi's Mansion one two or the third one coming up next year they all look amazing so I figure I would get started with this one seeing how it's now released on the 3d s it looks like a lot of fun so with all that being said let us get started with Luigi's Mansion [Music] oh my it's a dark and spooky night it looks Luigi has a little flashlight he looks so scared why did he want to come to this mansion to your mansion okay I guess he owns this place [Music] big place indeed it definitely is a mansion [Music] do you really want to go in there oh no the big ominous store I don't know how scary this game is I supposed to be a little spooky hello Luigi looks so spooked I will I would just I would just sell the mansion I wouldn't even go into it to sell it for like a bit of money one F the foyer no nobody's been in here for like a hundred years Oh your mansion here we are you can see that on the bottom screen oh this is so cool so of course the Luigi's Mansion really is originally released oh you turn the flashlight off or whatever we thought want to do that you can uh I guess go through doors as well but yeah this originally released on the Gamecube and this door is definitely locked Oh what do we do maybe we could good this way let's find out oh oh there's some motion controls to start wiggling around we just panicking does this door work maybe we should try the big main door first uh not looking like it oh well I heard somebody talk or something I was a little creepy alright then there's only one way to go over here to the left no that's not working either let me try this one again because this one actually made a noise got any more huh my already stuck on the first room of the game oh oh no it's a floating gate this can only mean one thing ghosts oh hey thanks maybe it's a nice ghost maybe this is like a Casper situation are you going now oh through the door and look at that so we got ourselves a key I'm gonna head and grab that hey awesome so let's go ahead and go through this door just like this maybe try the key know what fun do I need to do is try to keep maybe it's not that door maybe it's back up here maybe oh here we go try it out Luigi yeah I guess the ghost did go through this door make sense oh we should try this one oh he's trembling oh no oh that's quite nice in here oh my gosh is so scared in the parlor ah now your ears again is two ghosts hanging up Luigi whoa oh is this old scientist man he's getting them look at him go this is back keeping him up that is very weird I guess in the average household appliance can protect you against ghosts whoa in the good one-two punch there and there he goes are you okay there old man [Music] ouch oh five sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work I'm getting too old for this ghost catching tomfoolery you know we've met you in tomorrow at Mario Luigi game anyway nice to meet you I'm professor egad yeah that's who it is this house I swear it seems to have more ghosts every day what's he on fella like you doing around here anywho yeah what are we doing here I don't know I would like some answers oh there's more of them this is bad huh oh this looks ugly all right young sir look lively follow me posthaste but I said pose pose faced I don't know but there we go a little boo loading screen whoa like the music so your name's Luigi I think our paths that were destined to cross well met Luigi mm-hmm where's this you ask why these cute cozy headquarters are where I do my ghost studying professor egads ghost research laboratory the lab if you're if you're of a shortening mind you won this mansion in the contest you didn't even enter oh boy is that really what happened sounds pretty fishy to me so you believe the mansion actually exists in strange what do you mean actually exists I've been living here since I was a lad of 20 or so and I'll tell you that mansion appeared just a few days ago what oh so I am so confused he said we're not in the mansion right now the spirits have fooled you I don't know if it's a dream an illusion or what all but I surely wouldn't be too happy winning a haunted house now that I get a look at you III just recalled a guy with the red hat kind of like yours wanted to the mansion without even stopping the chat and he never returned was he a dream too what that guy was your brother oh no that's horrible so Mario's in this mansion he wouldn't stand a chance against those ghosts without my help you have to go after him use the plan I'll teach you to deal with goats so that you can rescue your brother Luigi all right well now we got a motive we're trying to save Luigi and I mean we're sort of trying to save Mario all right so let the moments out we can either do standard it's gonna be changing the options Luigi can or luigi will walk facing direction that you slide the circle pad towards or sidestep the circle pad will control side steps and Luigi will walk facing one direction um I think we'll do standard for now if you don't like it we can always change it later um the light type this can be changed in the options the original or the strobe bulb a regular flashlight shining its light on ghosts will surprise them use the a bun to turn it off use the a pun to emit a powerful ghost scaring light charge up to increase the area defects I think we're just too original for now okay that's the vacuum cleaner I engineered to catch ghosts I call it this is genius the poltergeist 3000 it can suck up all kinds of things let er rip use R to vacuum the motion controls - Jen and the motion controls to change direction alright um so let's try this but I can't okay so I can move up and down that's good enough no matter how strong you think your brother is ghosts are mysterious beings they can't be caught using conventional means you'd better use this if it's the only way to foil them this is the only thing they fear or something to that effect well how about we start your training alright so let's try ghost seemed to like the darkness and they avoid the light so if you hit it with a flashlight beam all the sudden you can stun them to member mem momentarily then it's vacuuming time when you see a chance hold down our and slide in at the opposite direction just give it a try you'll learn that more that way than just listening to me app about it okay so we got this light so we have the light focused on right now they just want to why maybe I have to I got to pull at the back to make somebody die and then yeah there we go and then pull this way keep pulling keep pulling yeah we gotcha there's one goes caught well done that's how you do it Luigi while vacuuming hold B and use the circle pad to turn as the turn as you vacuum okay interesting I don't really need I don't think I need a turn but maybe Surprise them with the light when they get close zing pow right in the opposite direction got it okay the real training starts now so whenever it makes a little noise I should be good there we go okay so when I hold B I can sort of change the direction it'd be ghost ghost one only show up alone but the basics are the same now get ready for do ghosts I like this music so far so I got you first come on come on keep going and then grab you two hold on flashlight gotcha betas freeze and places on the phone got him okay there's two do two goes to bagged get two or more at the same time and something good may happen well that's supposed to mean I mean I'll try I mean I don't know where the other one went oh they just sort of disappear after a while so once I light them up well done no easy don't let your guard down though look they're coming more coming Oh No okay so let's go ahead and do this I was trying to get more than one in early work okay there's no no no I'm stuck oh oh look at all this holy cow that's four of them come on come on come on yeah that was awesome did drop hearts catching ghosts means using the flashlight and the poltergeist 3000 that's a team it gets me young feller I sort of do let's pick up those hearts that'll do well how many did you get I noticed on the bottom of the second screen this is game boy horror the Howser hate on those ten goes go get those ghouls Luigi I'd say you're ready to look for your brother now fine fine looks like you've worked up quite a sweat there how about a little go down in the gallery I'm quite proud of it you know okay so what's going on now hmm so we're checking out a gallery of some sort welcome to the Owlery I had 25 paintings once upon a time my famous ghost collection was complete but now only the frames remain it's a shame a tragedy I thought you said you were proud of it by the way Luigi I have a favor to ask you see that Gameboy horror you have in your hands oh yeah I guess I do it has a lot it has lots of features to help you as you explore the mansion for example you can view the map on the screen or you can check the items you've collected and I've built a part that will add even more functionality but I guess I left in the in the room in the back how forgetful would you mind tending to the room in the back end to find that part sure press X to shake and bang on furniture it's back some back there somewhere okay what can I talk to you some more yes I can the Ouija could you go in the back room and about gameboy her part gotcha is this the back room doesn't look like it so we can walk up to these paintings but as you can see there's nothing there oh it's just a regular old frame so off the checked it out later maybe but I can go through this door ooh spooky man this game is really pretty for being a 3ds game I mean 3ds games aren't ugly but uh just like it's very vibrant I like it so can we go up here well this is like some major gold painting ha now while we're looking for that we're trying to find a way out of here and into the backroom I like how it can do this see the sort of walks funny mmm okay yeah let's move to the right maybe the door to the back room is this one this is more paintings I guess I should take a look at the map no that I think is the back room then very odd I mean there is some paintings I can interact with list of boos never mind I mean there's not much I can do with it what about this one small ghosts list so this is of course like where I make some progress but where's this maybe there's a different door up this way I don't think so but I could be wrong oh yeah here we go this one isn't on the mini-map no that's not a door that's a furnace where is this back room who speak up dude I just maybe I maybe it was just in there with the big golden painting I just had the shake more stuff around okay let's try that again then all these we got a little bit more familiar with the gallery that's good this has to be yet so obviously there's nothing to really mess with around tear in this hallway but in this area I'm sure we could just open up a chest or something I just didn't think this was it then we can start banging on stuff like this right here oh here we go you got the part of the game boy or for the game boy horror it looks somewhat something familiar I think anything else I guess not it's like screening dust which probably means just nothing in there okay cool mm-hmm so I like that I like the classic Luigi on the bottom screen as well that's fun go through this and I'll just bring it - egad see what we can do with our little Game Boy game hey what's up oh that part is exactly what I was looking for let me just get it attached you slide it in oh oh hey what's up excellent the search function has been added to the game of Game Boy horror thanks for going to all that trouble Luigi you should try out the search function in the ghoul gallery just press Y huh hi can I take a photo I can way to go genius do you have the hang of that thing yet okay hold on okay so my good I'm good now what are you doing appreciating art for today Luigi I guess we have to take a picture go back to the lab where am I those other doors what's a gameboy horror what's that stand for started bother you okay let's do it the other doors oh the room in the back and the room on the right well the room on the right is where I put the paintings of ghosts from around the world the room in the back was built to house the painting of King Boo the very same King boo who ruined my entire collection I look forward to seeing the room Floyd is decorated thanks to Luigi hey do you have any questions um what's a gameboy horror I design the gameboy horror as a communicated tournament communications terminal it has all sorts of functions for example you can touch the bottom or the button on the left you see a list of the items you've picked up you're gonna try after you get some coins bond on the right is for the coast guide you'll be able to see detailed info on the portrait coasters you capture you can also use the bun in the middle to display a map of the mansion the display will color the rooms as you visit them check the map if you ever get lost got all that sunny yeah okay so map ghost coins do you have any other questions let's sit let's just do what's that stand for you're looking at the stand over there aren't you it used it used to hold a trophy but like the ghost paintings it's gone missing how does he make progress and get things done you might get the trophy back I've made it so that pressing X will show you your objectives check them out when I can alright you have any other questions sorry to bother you I'm just looking oh I guess I can talk to you again and also ask you to leave alright then so we're done appreciating art let's go back to the lab all right then yeah alright so we're doing pretty good so far I think maybe maybe not what do you want to do Luigi Oh what's this transmission whoa what in the world's happening oh hey it's you what hi whew it's finally connected what in the world is happening there's two of them does he have a twin brother why do you look so surprised ah because it's true good they are two of me wait is this guy like an illusion hello I am future professor egad I'd like to you guys to do something for me all right what is it I'm calling you from the future haha Luigi my boy don't look so surprised how could we not I mean I guess time-travel is something behind a lead you're familiar with and like the Mario and Luigi games but Yanis still rather ridiculous whoa whoa techno plasm what's with this the green ghoul boba wait what it's green normally gee allow me to introduce this is green doppelganger I call him go easy Wow I created him in your likeness he also skilled with the Poltergust like you Wow however if I'm being honest he still needs a little testing looks like it which is why I'm talking to you by outsourcing testing for GUI GT you and past me isn't time-travel great if you could help me with the test how about you take GUI ji with you and do some exploring so I think we jeez part of the co-op version of the 3ds game Oh take good care of go EEG burns and mounts really easily see yeah if you wanted to play we just mentioned prettiest with two players you can even if it's a feat if he can revive as many times as he wants but imagine he's made of goon take good care go AG how booed yeah I'll go easy all right see it future egad Wow be from the future calling me out of the blue I didn't expect that it is quite an invention I'd expect nothing less from the future me and if you chummy has asked for our help we have to oblige Luigi my boy when you want to take GUI G along with to the man Jhin all you have to do is select to play co-op in the lab all right cool don't plan on playing co-op but that's so pretty cool what do you wanna do Luigi ah the mansion the training room the gallery save amiibo play co-op so let's first off the mansion go to the mansion practice your ghost-catching I think I'll just do the mansion careful down Luigi so we'll go ahead and try to get something done I don't know if this like mission-based or level based or something oh it's that little Hut that is what we're looking for he's just waving us goodbye no so now the game truly begins Luigi re-enters the mansion Poltergust on his back what could possibly go wrong maybe that maybe there's no more ghosts maybe there was 10 ghosts we call in the mission oh it's a toad he's crying what's wrong huh Luigi Wow Wow it's Luigi you finally made it oh joy thank goodness me well Princess Peach asked me to come here to look for Mario he left when he heard that you'd won a mansion and he never returned then when I arrived here the mansion was full of ghosts and I didn't see Mario anywhere and I kind of freaked out a little and I didn't know what to do it's been awful please please please you have to help me find Mario if he doesn't get back you have no idea how upset the princess would be she'll flip it could buy leave it to me alright well help yeah thanks Luigi you made my dark and stormy night hi toad you seem happier now I wish I could do something to help you wait I've got it at least let me do this oh oh so we can save so let's go ahead and save saving don't turn the power off great I'm saved talk to me for help anytime will do buddy I'll talk to you now well this is all about all I can do it for you bud oh you said for help anytime I guess just with help with that just go ahead and start shaking some stuff nothing than that what about under here oh you could call tomorrow I love that well what's happening whoa Wow Wow Wow oh that made me lose health what to call my tamari Oh spot Mario oh we can't even shake that stuff interesting I love how he can call Mario super cool all right there's nothing on the walls or anything all all coins so I can just pick up these coins wait can i maybe I can suck them up that might not work oh it does work cool what about this vase this vase is just chilling out over here oh here we go here we go here we go it's not working maybe we could take a photo of it I mean I can looks like something might be in there oh hey that'll give us some like advice oh I really like that but it doesn't in two shakes ha I'm really bad at this game so far I'm very sorry about that now just keep it here but nothing happened so there must not be anything in that face let's try this one hey more coins and just spit at us so there must not be anything in there so we still have the key for this area might as well go in parlors this is where we're at in the egad before and some ghosts and we're getting more coins very cool ah this is so scary oh no I think I hear Luigi humming for the music how cool is that okay go ahead and get some of that I need that yeah I got to be careful too motion controls I wish I didn't have to do motion controls it doesn't make it a little bit difficult let's go ahead and start Oh nothing in here Mario Mario it would be funny if he is just is on the other side of the door right here game over we win whoa hey the big money don't grab those dollar bills so there's dollar bills and Mario currency maybe we're like a different country I mean is Luigi's Mansion is just really far off but you have to take a plane to get here like him Mario Sunshine be interesting Oh more coins nice go ahead and suck those up man the controls are definitely interesting oh maybe I could do some with the painting not quite Oh whoa whoa whoa who put out my candles you mr. lime-green well dark grooms are dangerous around here yes they love the dark and now they will get you brother now you're in Ford Haru just like the little red kappa for you may you wander lost in the darkness forever Oh No are you afraid at the talk little man how are you ha ha ha ha ha here they are now Oh oh no the doors locked the door's locked get the ghost get the ghosts pull them back all about we can handle this got him yeah ok that was it Oh easy peasy that's all you got paintings oh no there's another one oh you're going sir Oh am i it's a little scary I go say huh ok wait there's another one they look like pac-man goose oh no you're not poins out of me I don't appreciate that hold on there we go got it got it got it keep pulling it people in it no my Quadra disappearing my goings wait aah wait wait oh hey I got a chest though well that might be worth the trade let's open it up hey we get a key I love the sound effects in this game so far they're great so I have a key that goes to that door as you can see on the bottom screen so let's try the first off let's also check some of this it doesn't say I have any new ghosts because I haven't been taking photos of them also what happens if I take photos like that now that now that I look at it it's full moth holes yeah that's so cool that he talks about like everything yeah that's that ok then that thing is I love the see-through purple for the Gameboy on the bottom screen as well this is so cool what a dreadful picture put that candle next to it might be important okay so if I'm ever stuck definitely use the camera photo let me take a photo with thee that doesn't do anything okay very cool so let's go ahead and go through the store because now we have the key oh my what could be on the other side it feels like how could it get more scary than that talking paintings oh we're about to find out we bring this back I can't I can't move the bottom screen all the cutscenes going on here we go the anteroom what's an anteroom guess whatever this is okay hold on hold on hold on I wanted to take a photo of dang if it didn't work wait that really didn't work come on I was trying really hard there that was weird okay maybe if I stunned you first now I'm like facing the wrong way that that's really frustrating I don't think it's possible to take photos of them I thought that's where I was supposed to do for the gallery you guys can let me know of course if you're the ouija mansion masters I might need your advice for a couple of things because it's not easy so for her come on got him oh you gotta be quick with that if you are there we go if you aren't quick with it it gets tough so there's that oh now it's a pink one now it's a pink one never run into a pink one before I press their own button that time come on come on they're trying to sneak up on me let me get that he'll excellent oh gosh is more there's more hold on no come on what a stinker give me my coins back why I just missed my coins disappear oh I don't only have four right now definitely had more before flight flight got him both got em both yeah we're definitely be able to get closer to full help of these hearts we definitely get some good reward for leave me alone hold on there we go how do I not be your friend okay got it got him come on back this way little Knight this because I wanna pick this heart up okay that was tough but I unlocked the door well there we have it so let me check this area out a little bit nothing what about these things nothing okay oh hey there we go there's a gold bar well maybe there's different types of currency and that's why you got 41 coins ten dollars and one okay that's weird cuz a deaf law wasn't telling me I had 41 coins before nothing in that one alright well we tried let's go to the next room anybody in here oh it's dark the wardrobe room oh gosh ghosts ghosts get them the blue ones gonna come my way I'm sure of it we've got to be careful that oh there he is areas get back your dude got him okay here's the blue one oh no whoa big Reed one is eating bananas see Donkey Kong's ghost what's with that whoa with all the money though Oh with all the money come on there we go there we go whoa oh hey I ate a banana I've been on appeal I guess good buddy there we go gotta be careful is banana peel son what the money's disappearing oh no no no I'm not stepping up banana that's for sure sir oh no no no yeah we got him just barely really does seem like this is Donkey Kong's ghost whoa another one I thought I just got you how do you do okay I got you Gold ghost collector what is happy I guess I got a lot of ghosts but did I get all of them if there's none of my ghost family as you can see here that's a little weird and I gotta keep getting these guys or they keep showing up sound like it can move to the next room right now I know I can so is that just gonna keep happening until I leave whoa like really big on this mirror that's weird hey look at this one that had a lot of money come on get them get them get them that's much easier Oh turn around for that one so I'm getting a little better at it whoa another one hold on hold on now Mario how was out here buddy so I don't know what happened to Mario buy me a little worried Oh Oh key key give me that key got it interesting so I think I needed that key to actually get through here we'll find out how's the key goes down they're hot so where does this room even lead to oh it's another toad oh you're crying too buddy what's up where are you huh Luigi yes you know Luigi how lucky that you found me I feel so much better now please please please save Mario I looked everywhere I can't find him where is he we'll find him don't you worry can I see if there's anything I can do or you can help me save cuz I can definitely use that now 1 million four hundred and eighty thousand gold wowie okay I don't know what the currency is here or what the inflation rate is because that's not what we had we're just gonna be living in whatever mansion you want soon enough okay well I think we're good in this room I guess yeah like if you look in the mini-map I guess if it's finished it's like golden so if I were like yeah I'd like the power it's golden on the bottom screen I think that means we've fully completed that room which would be very cool if that's the case I mean I don't think you can finish hallways with how these look you know but maybe I'm wrong so let's go into this room now that we had the key huh reply what's going on looks like dr. egads calling us hold up a sec Luigi it's me professor egad I detect spirits stronger than we've met yet see you're we've yet seen lurking ahead I think it must be some of those escaped gallery ghosts you should know that they're really different from the other ghosts you've seen so far they don't know that they don't show their parts very easily nope not at all when you find one you should first use Y to search for its heart for clues sometimes you can learn the best way to surprise them well Luigi I'll keep my fingers crossed for you okay so I'm very bad at using the Gameboy core but I'll definitely try it I'm a little scared as this a boss fight them we might have a little bit more to go before we get to the boss but I'll look for it no Mario okay can't you just be on the other side you can fight them for me how about you a little bro oh oh hey it's a trowel coins probably two more Luigi that seems to work out pretty well you think this would be Wario's more so yeah they're trying to get me to go oh gosh I see that little mouse is that a ghost mouse oh he's up there now I see him can i suck him up I mean I can I feel bad for doing that they weren't filed or nobody hmm so like some of these doors seem like some of them don't you might read this one yeah not working I don't know if I can I don't think these masses do anything these mice sorry excuse me so I think I just have to go to the one the coins were leaving me to which was this door right here whoa what a trick it just made me lose all the coins it's gone wow so uncool so let's go ahead and do all of that and get it back it's maybe this store if I can go through yes I can go into this one study oh there is whoa whoa now all I wanted I wanted to take a photo no that's a photo if you look closely you can tell it's really just a photograph hold on hold on there you go oh-ho-ho go ahead try to find me I can see you but you cannot see me oh ho ho anywho I'm getting very sleepy okay wait wait wait wait ow that hurt these mean books give me a hard time wall they have tons of money in them get that book out of here I don't need the books I just in the paper get it so I need to that's a weird thing I can't see him but he can see me oh oh but ha no that's not it either so when I'm not looking at him he'll pop up or maybe it's one he thinks I can't see him oh maybe it's too light once I take out the light he's gonna fall asleep as it's dark gotcha stop trying to hit me with books it's not what they're for let's go ahead and try to take out this right here no is that really know what I'm supposed to do that seems suspicious to me that seems like something that were on exactly be what I have to do what this is really weird let's try to keen on the photo of them now them closer what does it say now go ahead try to find me I can see you but you cannot see me ho ho ho ho anywho I'm getting very sleepy that doesn't make any sense okay I know about the books leave me alone take a photo of this looks like something might be in there I would love to find out what oh maybe it's this come on just keep always falling asleep he's falling asleep he fell asleep wait what he fell asleep though just wait that's it okay so when he yawns whenever it makes the noise oh gosh come on get him get him he's dropping pearls he's dropping ah but that's all I did I couldn't get them all huh let me get these real fast and then wait for him to fall asleep and whenever makes the bump bump a bump got it okay 70 keep going though and I just have to sort of go the opposite direction he is which is so tough come on he's down the 40 he's down the 30 he's down the 20 almost come on calm areas we're almost got him we almost got him what is that is that a purple mushroom I gotta get this emphasis appearing oh I missed all my chance that's weird so let's try this again ready wait for it he's so scared got him come on five four three do what we got him awesome Zack got us another chest let's open this thing up it's another key so it's golden in here as well I sort of don't trust that because nothing really happened with the thing up here even though you see how it's doing that it's so hard to angle the leachate okay there you go it spit out sand dust okay so let's head out of here and then we gotta go to the left this area so spooky its whole game is spooky so I got to go all the way to the far left and open this door up yes I do doesn't actually tell you exactly where you are in the room just that you're in this hallway it seems oh boy so what's gonna be in this one I mean we defeated the the main ghost whoever he was oh yeah we should check on here oh we do have him this is the master bedroom before we move any forwards you can see we got the the bookish father Neville 42 years old Neville spends his afterlife reading all the books he missed while living poor poor Neville okay so we'll do this last room and then I think we'll leave it at that let me go ahead oh oh is there please Neville back I don't know there might be somebody else though oh there is hello he's in my hair just gorgeous of course I do spend a lot of time on it I was so bored cooped up in that painting now I spend all of my time in front of the mirror it seems to scare the people though so everything is coming up roses okay okay I just read this whoa what's happening what's happening what what what happened Dodie no well this is about all you can do for you bud you have no clue good old toad maybe I think I took a picture of the mirror maybe taking a picture premiere will send you back home ha that'd be very interesting well that's actually good cuz I that was about where I wanted to wrap it up maybe next episode we'll explore the area a little bit more trying to take care of that other ghost I know this game is sort of you know sectioned off in a different area so maybe we'll complete area one in the next episode but yeah that's gonna wrap it up for today's episode of Luigi's Mansion if you watch video makes you come and zebra mansion Sonia watch at the end of the you were a zebra task viewer check out more episodes like this one on the screen right now or by subscribing and join the zebra herd of the way thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Zebra Gamer
Views: 92,923
Rating: 4.9060054 out of 5
Keywords: Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion Game, 3DS, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion 3DS Gameplay, Luigi's Mansion 3DS Walkthrough, Luigi's Mansion 3DS Guide, Luigi's Mansion 3DS Part 1, Luigi's Mansion 3DS Episode 1, Luigi's mansion 3ds all bosses, Zebra Gamer, Area 1, Luigi's Mansion Area 1
Id: A-_IYDtOnzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 4sec (2284 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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