Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - A-1 Poltergust 5000! Gloomy Manor!

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hello seabird welcome to Luigi's Mansion Darkmoon for the Nintendo 3ds of course this is the sequel to the original Luigi's Mansion that we played at last year on the 3ds as well but soon in less than a month Luigi's Mansion three releases on the Nintendo switch so I had to play this one before that one of course I've never ever played this game before so this is gonna be an interesting experience I'll do my best to complete at 100% but that being said let's get started with the Wii G's mansion dark moon [Music] Oh bats oh there's the dark moon what do you know okay so what's going on with this one oh there's leave multiple mansions oh that's cool I've never ever played this game on theirs egad he's working on something oh now a ghost he looks at wrath or evil up find other friends oh that's good oh wow he has lots of them they're all like his a little lab assistants Oh watch it be careful miss Emma Thurid cleaning up oh that's so sweet oh no but the dark moon and woe its King Boo from the last game what is he doing oh gosh he exploded the moon oh and all the moon pieces are going to the different mansions okay there's like three or four of them well that's crazy Oh father evil down the turn of the books okay settle down settle down Oh No they were so friendly before too well you better get out of there don't want them getting hurt Luigi's Mansion doc moon this is very dark oh is this Luigi's house I didn't know he had his own house that's so cool I really hope it is that good there he is he's snoozing is watching TV you really should lay in a bed that's better for your back oh oh it's getting some interference [Music] don't do it don't touch that dial Luigi yeah no yikes I need your help Sonny it's an emergency the ghosts have gone hostile ahh what are you doing on the floor well you're scared of me fell over never mind that I'm preparing the pixel later okay no no no don't do it hold still young feller obviously breaking over here just with the TV no here we go Luigi odda into the TV he goes or Luigi gets dragged into these situations [Music] whoa and here we are he seems to be having a good time nice to see you again old buddy greetings Luigi I knew our paths would cross again you seem a bit tense son relax we are perfectly safe here in the impenetrable bunker anywho it's been too long my boy what have you been up to I imagine you've been off adventuring with that daredevil brother of yours me oh I've just been continuing my research on paranormal happenings and whatnot in fact after our last adventure I became somewhat of an authority in the field but enough about that let me fill you in on our ghostly predicament see that on the screen that there is the dark moon it's a mysterious celestial body that has a pacifying effect on all the ghosts in ever shade Valley when I heard about it I jumped at the rare chance to study ghosts in a peaceful environment it was incredible my boy I was doing some of the best research of my long and storied career that is until something snapped inside the ghosts and they suddenly got all hostile it got so bad I had to escape from the gloomy Manor and hide here where the ghosts can't find me of course I'm not one to sit around and twiddle my thumbs I wanted to know why the ghost is freaked out so I settled in and did some research to figure out what happened that's when I discovered something truly astonishing the dark moon has vanished from the sky and we know that it was actually King boo back to his old shenanigans and on top of that the whole ever shade Valley had become enveloped in an eerie fog now I can't be sure but I think the disappearance of the dark moon is what caused all this mess and what a mess it is if we don't do something about if the ghosts hwhiteland leave this valley and terrorized the world forever or a world beyond I don't know where ever it forever anyways we're sort of just listening use a little board we're still my research will go to waste we can't let that happen my boy now I've got good news and I've got bad news wait here he really is a chatterbox he doesn't use dog in the talking whoa the good news is that I found a fragment of the dark moon nearby but the bad news is that I found a fragment of the dark moon nearby meaning the things broken and this dark moon piece seems to be corrupted by some sort of energy I reckon it's a disruptive energy that suppresses and dark moons ability to pacify ghosts but lucky for us I've got inventions for all kinds of situations stand back Sonny he can get you all right let's see what he does oh my is he cleaning it up that's a bunch of bubbles popping out it was a little dirty got all scuffed up oh that actually worked well what do you know okay ahead I've done it Luigi it seems to have regained its original power and did you hear that whooshing noise outside youngster let me check my instruments criminy all the fog around this bunker is gone quick let's take a look at a map of every shade Valley oh okay here's a little mat and there's the bunker you can maybe zoom in or something no okay Luigi do you know what this means that he does not you shaking his head no we should be able to reach the gloomy matter now but more importantly it means that restoring the dark moon will solve all of our problems if we find all the dark moon pieces the fog in the valley will Finn it vanish and the ghosts will return to normal but until then all those ghosts will need to be contained that's where you come in Luigi why you're the best ghost Wrangler I know son and probably the only coincidentally you're also the only guy up Coster anger right now so what do you say young feller will you help me capture the ghost and restore the dark moon of course II well it'll just be like old times oh oh we're going in I only know what's happening okay so gloomy matter a one poltergeist five houses so I think yeah things are different in this game it's not like adventuring the entire mansion you actually have little levels you go through so the bottom screen says if we're to restore the dark moon we'll need to get you properly equipped I've got just the device for the job but I left it in the gloomy Manor mind fetching it for me sunny yeah sure so it looks like we're aiming for two thousand coins I might not be the best of the game because I've never played it what are you scared of Sonny it's just a few harmless ghosts well a few hundred ghosts and they're not exactly harmless but lookie here with my brains and your uh error mmm we're in a bit of a pickle here aren't we no well the only way out of this mess is to restore the dark moon which means you're going to need some ghost hunting gear son but wouldn't you know it I left my new Poltergust 5000 somewhere inside the gloomy matter so now that I've cleared that blasted fog from around the place I'm sending you in after it okay so I guess we're going whether we like it or not oh it's a DES look familiar this customized des has an interactive map of the gloomy matter on it it'll also allow me to communicate with you while you're exploring that's cool that's like a classic ds2 the old model now we get a flashlight and it's mighty dark in there so you'll want this flashlight okay youngster let's test the DES oh there it goes but the des doesn't normally vibrate it must be modified incoming call from Professor egad touch the screen answer okay here we go alrighty now check your map I'm marking an important location there okay look at this very fancy so we're going to the garage that's the garage I think that's where I left the Poltergust 5000 okeydoke you ready son I'll zap you to the gloomy matter with my new and largely untested pixel later let's hope all the pixels make it this time now you might be coming up missing his mustache hold on to your most out I just said he's really by mine off we go oh man this is crazy so far egad talks so much I thought that was more dialog than in any Mario or Luigi game ever that was just crazy just kept going and going and here we are so just I guess wherever there's these security cameras we can just sort of hop out very interesting [Music] oh boy what are we gonna do I was scared so our first mansion oh boy so the front yard sister guard what if I try to just go back I won't let me okay well it's poker and all this is so pretty for a 3ds game this game looks really amazing I like it so what does that button do I guess I can hold the flashlight with like two hands instead of one interesting and wah oh no looks like we're not going back that way all right we're already getting a call what's up yellow Luigi come in the WYSIWYG feller ah there you are I was worried that the battery died in the DS I'd be a really quick battery death we've been gone for like two minutes but I turned the screen brightness down so it should be good for a while you look a little nervous son try to loosen up a bit besides tiptoeing about won't get us anywhere I'm gonna run my holding beat while walking now get a move on okay that's what I was looking for before so I guess yeah we can run like this wow look at this I don't think you did this in the original what's with this creepy statue I don't know oh look at this I can move the okay I didn't realize this was trying to say I can actually move my 2d s around and look around that's cool so let's run over this way ah a giant pile looks like a pile of cheese or something I don't know what it's supposed to be but we're just gonna go up here for now yeah I don't know what else to do can we go anywhere on this like little porch whoa oh here we go Oh No well I can look inside oh this is a garage there's a little ghost honk my horn they're all making big messes this guy hopped in the trunk there's some money up there what are these guys doing they're gone they left but there is a door inside job to keep that in mind nothing I can do with this big pile but there is something behind it so I'm guessing at some point maybe we'll get the poltergeists back because that's what we had in Luigi's Mansion one that would be interesting ok can I go inside oh it's locked what is to the right oh there's little mouse and he has the key go get him huh come on oh he's scared of a mouse come on Luigi go catch up there he is come on chase after him we got this throw the flashlight up the key maybe it'll knock it out of his tail that might not be the best idea come on we can catch up to him we can do it oh look at this oh we always got a van is nice okay so we got the key for the door oh I thought he was gonna try to take it back so I think that's good it's cool that you can zoom in and out on the map so let's head into here with our key now all very scary well Open Sesame hello [Music] ah why does that happened every time there's a door it always has to slam shut so it looks like I'm supposed to be going to the garage what if I try to go this wheel this also be locked looks like it and this door has appeared to be melted or is it even really a door that looks like it's just like a curtain all right well guess we're going this way then with just a flashlight we can't do much can I open up this toolbox I can what's inside nothing absolutely nothing and there's a bunch of coins like on the rafters up there oh hey look at this I was just talking about this thing this is the poltergeist nice okay let's try this out fits like a glove uh-oh be careful looks like his happy dance was just cut short searched the garage got it we got a little bit of a call going on from egad ah you found it good work Luigi thing that there is the new and improved Poltergust 5000 wasn't it the 3000 before something like that very cool it's simple to use press art vacuum before you go hunting ghosts why don't you test it out on some of the junk in that room go on give her a whirl so you can see little piles of junk now we can use the vacuum and suck it up and inside is a coin okay very nice and once again we can move the actual console around [Music] and get stuff done that way so I can open this app I although I guess it's not really anything in there let me try opening this again is there anything new in there not looking like it anything on this side not really but what I tend to do is walk up to those coins and grab them like that what about inside of here Oh couple more coins nice so it's good to open things let's grab these coins before I forget because apparently our goal is to get like 2,000 of them that's gonna be a lot what is this I'm gonna pull backwards yeah look at that okay what's inside of here whoa another key awesome I will happily grab that I sort of miss a little sound effect that would happen when you picked something up in the original like to pop it up it up at all anyways how are you liking the Poltergust 5000 so far Luigi not too shabby yet just wait until you catch some ghost with the thing there should be a few nearby okay well we'll try to keep an eye out for that capture any nearby ghosts so far there aren't much but I'm just trying to get good look around and make sure that this room is completed I guess there's like no way to really know well actually he hummed for a second he was humming a lot of you let me know in the last Ino Luigi's Mansion one that apparently if he's humming that might mean that the room is clear so that's good to know I should still mess with everything I possibly can just to see how there are some coins up on top of this doorframe and on the chandelier as well and my coins are whoa whoa money money money okay actual dollar bills it's so interesting seeing those in this game because you don't see those in actual Mario games at all I'm not the best with the gyro control so far still working on that but good to know that if I keep obviously this portrait has like a picture of coins on it that doesn't do anything I guess not yeah it's hard to tell if it's finished or not well I have a hundred and sixteen dollars now just make everything shaking rattle anyways yeah let's go ahead and take this door curtain and behind it is a real door very interesting the mudroom wife saw goes behind the door okay it was all white it's jumping around I see him back there what is what is this in town it's a little tile whoa oh hey look at this bunch is a money making money everywhere can we open this up yes we can other has a little is that a dog ghost back there oh he's so cute and we get a golden bone apparently one of maybe a certain amount I'm getting another call you seem to have found something very special there Luigi I've heard that that your chances of finding one of those is better if you have a lot of treasure I get the feeling that bone will come in handy when you need it most but that's a wild guess yep your speculation so off a higher chance of finding golden bone if we have a lot of treasure so if we didn't have any treasure and we went press this button we wouldn't have gotten the golden bone here oh here we go here we go let's take these jackets I guess they had some money in the pockets why do see some extra money definitely worth checking the ceilings I'll be doing more of that in a moment hold on grabbing that too I guess it was gonna take all these jackets yo whatever money I can because that's a big goal in these games is to get as much money as you possibly can so we really want to meticulously go through everything grab what we can have I opened up this one I have not nothing inside but they could have been that could have been so yeah let's work on this fan where it's going around and around and around and we get another key so that's our second key right and then we have yeah we have two keys now ah spiders I don't like him why spiders all the sudden oh they're gone what was that about it scared me grab some extra coins and what is this this little technological marvel we got going on looks like this doors locked but through like an actual locking device it's not letting me do anything weird that might be all I can do around here unless I can open up this window and get to this guy hey buddy oh I can what's going on out here mudroom exterior look at him he's so cute hey there buddy where are you going oh wow he's got some money some like gems oh that's a piece of the Moon isn't it oh I need that don't don't don't stuff it out oh it's in the tree okay well now we know so we can walk up the windows sometimes and check out what's going on outside of that just said we could with the other window on the porch wait what we'll hold on can I open this I can oh there's a fire there's a fire uh can I take out the fire I can't oh that's good let's go this way it would stink to burn down the mansion as soon as we we enter it would be very easy thing to do though anyways with our new key we should be able to open up this store I hope I'm doing a good job finding everything I'm trying really hard to make sure that we get everything done oh you know what I probably should go back outside though Oh No hello oh gosh what are these guys doing they have something out haha potato [Music] so they have something I don't know what that was it's okay Luigi we've done this all before ah okay you know what let's sleep I want to go back to the front door anyways because I wanted to see if we couldn't suck up those piles now so if I go back this way and I do a little bit of that what's over here well first off we can just shake it Wow made your money I'm gonna have to grab all these there we go very nice that gave us 53 more dollars that's exactly I was hoping for so let's take a good look around this front porch now that we can okay well that didn't do much but maybe shaking it like that now okay not too much going on this way let's go down here where I know there's at least one more big pile right here actually sort of two and one and there's a couple coins waiting for me because of that that's awesome now this is exactly what I was hoping for stuff like that what about this whoa okay we got some gold bars over this way nice and can maybe I make these flowers bloom a little not really they're holding on tight Bosley little wind chime or cutting Pony wind what is that up there oh it's a stack of money oh my gosh who loses a sack of money up in a tree I mean I know it's paper paper is made from trees but I mean that doesn't make it a money tree okay what about this one one will answer you can I do anything with that not really we are making some major money we're at almost $400 I mean a couple hundred extra bucks out of this - I wonder if I can get water out of the fountain I thought that's something you can do in the Levy's mansion one at some point I think so but anyways it looks like it's really important to look up speaking of which I think they're in the rafters of the actual porch it might have been a coin or two we messed so I don't know if it's gonna be like this for every level where we're going through every single tiny piece of it and just basically trying to suck up all the money but it might pay and that's fine hey I don't know if I'm exactly gonna be completing the scheme 100% but I'm gonna be trying my past so it'll be fun I'm looking forward to it it seems like it's gonna be a really cool game so let's run back through this main hall for now because I think I've gotten this all cleared out as much as I possibly can so now we're gonna worry about all this can I get this you bet I can and there's definitely some money on the other side of it Wow I got showered in cash for that one already up the phone over $400 did I mess with these things I mean I can but duh whoa ow yikes dude that was rude okay so avoid these guys at all cost then that's not good I don't see anything done quick they get money from so I'm just gonna leave it at that I mean maybe I'll bother them a little bit but that's it we're leaving got another key now open up well so what's going on in here oh boy we're in the foyer oh here they are oh they put it up there we can get it maybe I think it's real funny huh oh you know you notice us they're running away it's not one of those locked doors with the little computer lock I don't know what's going on with that well this room is very golden well hopefully that means is a lot of money in store for us let's open this out if I can how much inside what is going on oh there's a compute a picture of money but it's not giving me any money isn't that weird okay let's go from place to place and just keep messing with stuff can I go through the store nope that's locked so I'll need another locked door or lock it key you know I can't do much with any investors like this weird system of ears over this way so there's not much I can interact with over this right another little chest or actually can I that can kick these I should probably do that run back over la gave me a heart which is good because I got sliced by that one statue we're back to full health now so can I make sure I do that to just interact with everything in every way that I can nothing in there oh well so I still can't do anything with this it seems well what was that I don't know I got weird oh it's like the wall behind us okay oh oh we're getting the call what's that buddy Louise do you see that green circular panel on the wall it'll unlocks the door all you gotta do is flash it with the criminy the Poltergust 5000 is missing Astro bulb oh maybe that's what the ghosts had you won't be able to open that door without it those pesky coasts must have hid it somewhere it looks like a green little light bulb find it posthaste so yeah that is exactly what they had so we know exactly what to do with that oh can I take off the rug of this now I can't let the crazy if I could and then there's a safe over this way can i maybe jump to get up there huh weird Wow look at this aquarium you can look inside and everything so it looks like there might be another way to get in that's a scary looking fish it is like 85% mouth I didn't even have any eyes whoa there's a star it's like that another piece of the dark star it might be but it's just on the wall like the starfish is awful looking at that at some point done what about this present not looking like as much and I don't think I can do unto this door this is all sir locks that's fine okay so let's see if we can't just suck that up real quick come on I like to pull backwards or maybe ya used a fan up here and push it downwards for whatever reason that might be a good idea so do I have to like run quick down that way I don't know how that'll make it work any better but maybe you will maybe I could just run up and grab it now yeah okay there we go you got it Luigi just do a little jump so this is all a little light bulb for the poltergeist and that goes on the back seems to fit pretty well Oh perfect [Music] whoa ah he's blind no he's fine he's fine that's good so let's answer our call from egad whoa there feller don't go flashing yourself light with that the strobe bulb isn't a toy it's a powerful tool for one thing can activate any of my inventions that feature a green circular panels and it's mighty easy to use just aim and press a to flash try it on the nearby door so we could try it on the nearby door but I also want to try in a couple of other places like the other door in the other room and on top of that I want to try here I still can't reach this box oh no am i doing it wrong oh here we go major money awesome so what's Wow let's grab all that awesome and then before like I said before we go into there I want to go into the other room with the other door because I don't know if these are levels instead of the being like I don't know if I'm gonna be exploring the whole mansion in today's episode or if maybe I'm only exploring a portion of the mansion I'll come back later I just want to make sure that we get to everything because if I miss out on something and I have to replay the whole level that want to be fun so yeah let's try this again and that worked so let's see what's inside of this one first I'm sort of doing things in my own pace Oh what's going on that's the ticket sunny but there's more the stroll bulb allows you to stun ghosts by flashing them only then can they be captured got that now go give those paranormal dust bunnies what for see if I take a look at the map this is a dead end room just like the other one is so alpha we can just figure things out one step at a time oh this is actually oh yeah this is outside with the dog so maybe this is actually the end of the level are there some mice I don't know if I should go to the other door then okay I'm gonna go to the other door first I just don't wanna do anything in the wrong order and then and now I'm missing out on something okay so inside of this one give it a little flash that'll open the door and we can go through this is a tiny little room it's a bathroom it's a coat room what's going on with this not much I do hear a hum of what could be a ghost what would be careful right now let's flush the toilet maybe there's a ghost in there open it up hello it's a very tall toilets whoa whoa whoa gosh [Music] Luigi's taking a shower too whoa here we go let me get all the money first before I deal with this lady or guy I don't know who's in there very rude of me just to storm in on the bathroom like this but where's like the proper entrance at this place is just a secret bathroom Wow speaking of Secrets plenty more money well anymore okay so I guess I'm good to do this hello Oh duh how rude Oh yikes he hit the wall nobody's trying to leave I couldn't even leave to the right I wonder very weird it's nothing with the shower I can do I think that we've done everything in this room I like there's some stuff between the walls what's with that how do I get the stuff between the walls I don't know if that's possible oh I see I see so we could do this now wasn't only finished exploring in here before aah whoa Oh now he's trying to scare us but he's locked himself in well that's gonna be his own downfall if you ask me oh there we go come on come on her first ghost we got to catch him and there we go we got him oh is he using his that isn't that cool but why is the toilet steaming I don't know because there's another ghost don't you dare try to wall up me I saw you revving up that little ghost fist there we go we got him Wow look at that and now the lights are on in here so maybe that means we called all the ghosts well there we go we caught both of those little dudes causing big problems for us yeah let's see if these haven't even have a blinking all that much money in it in it for us so it looks like a coin is worth one G and then a dollar is worth 10 G's I wonder how much a gold bar is worth probably like 15 or 20 anyways I think that's everything it's hulking like it so we're going to just skedaddle now whoa there's a lot of ghosts oh they're all calls of a big raucous alright well they had plenty of friends okay Flash's guy come on no I missed him yes very important to use the stroll bollocks eat without it things get really messed up I don't know if we can even get them in double trouble okay get this guy oh he got really close to me I don't wanna get hit by any of them we're making money from it so up the six ghosts in total now that's crazy oh and now egads calling us what's up buddy that's the spirit luigi literally just like old times and fillers alright that's enough for now I'll bring it back to the knowing no I'm not done see I knew it I should have gone to the other road but I should have trusted my intuition well I guess we completed the level but there was still more to do so I wonder if I can do to the next level or if that was it huh well as you can see it took me 17 minutes of clear breathing and we got six ghosts our health loss was 40 but we got a lot of treasure but not enough didn't say that expected me to do like mm I mean I got a two-star rank that's pretty cool we didn't get any of the gems I don't know this is really weird I'm definitely not to figure this out but I think that maybe we have the chance to get these gems in different levels as well I would hope so we'll find out in time in time so what's going on now that's sort of the thing I don't like you never know when the level is going to end and that just makes it hard to collect everything you made it back and with all of your pixels to boot good work sunny we might just make it out of this mess let's see what you sucked up with the poltergeist 5,000 lots of ghosts Wow oh okay so we just connect it oh man all of our hard work and I guess it'll total everything up new goes collected wait for W I don't know what W stands for bloke a treasure earned 1015 hours our next upgrade is in two thousand that's cool now what I don't know incredible I'll start studying these ghosts posthaste yeah wondering where that pipe goes all the stuff you collected goes to a super safe vault to pull out it's a good idea to visit it often to check your progress and see the results of my studies I've got ghost descriptions hints even each ghost spectral mass knowledge is power after all okay I'll scan the gloomy matter in search of paranormal signals I reckon the ghost that took the other dark moon pieces is hiding there okay so a one poltergeist we get a two star but what does that other slot for I'm a little confused like if I wrestle ected this if I go to information okay just tells me I don't know what this other slot is fourth and weird I mean maybe fro like getting it under a certain time very interesting for sure so I think next episode we'll get started with our next little adventure here in a to gear up I might have to see how long each level takes to see how many I want to do in an episode but Friday we'll just get one done that was a lot of fun for sure let me know your thoughts on dark moon so far I love to hear about it but right now that is gonna wrap it up for today's episode of Luigi's Mansion dark moon before you go be sure to come and zebras mansion Sunday you've watched at the end of the you are a zebra tasks viewer also subscribed into the zebra herd thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: Zebra Gamer
Views: 213,761
Rating: 4.8309493 out of 5
Keywords: Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 2, Luigi's Mansion 2 Dark Moon, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gameplay, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Game, Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Nintendo 3DS, Luigi's Mansion 2019, Luigi's Mansion nintendo switch, Nintendo Switch, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Walkthrough, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Guide, Walkthrough, Guide, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon 100%, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon Gloomy Manor, Gloomy Manor, A-1 Poltergust 5000
Id: ZZVkrqQ8k3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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