Lucy Loud's Best Moments: Scares, Spirits, & Spies! πŸ‘» | The Loud House | @Nicktoons

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i have a new deck of fortune telling cards i could give everybody readings it's madam lucy lori you will go on a long trip maybe bobby's taking me to italy he is working at that pizza place lola the universe will open doors for you tell me something i don't know luanne you will soon be blown away how fortunate a good one ow poppycock could these predictions be any more nonspecific lisa you will make an amazing scientific discovery before entering the park today is that specific enough for you specific yes plausible no as a woman of science i cannot take any of this seriously well the cards don't lie last but not least lincoln what does it say so uh who wants to play football lucy come on tell me fine your day at the park will end in oh a radio tragedy of music stings need a burrito okay kids 10 minutes for bathroom and snacks if you missed the cutoff i can't promise i'll still be here aren't you coming nope i'm staying right here oh you're not worried about lucy's silly predictions are you that was literally embarrassing it was also literally your fortune you will go on a long trip [Applause] so i'm not going to italy relax lincoln it's just a coincidence let me know if you get tired dad good one honey that's why you're my hair oh sorry sweetie your dad's just an air head fortune number two you will soon be blown away more like coincidence number two we will see [Music] oh thank you mr universe the universe just opened doors for me and that's number three lisa ah pure happenstance [Music] gotta go gotta go back on the line sisters i can't wait this long omg these boots are totes adorbs i found a dollar in the toilet just like i predicted lynn your patience will be tested lenny you will fall in love lana you will become filthy rich [Music] what can i say the cards don't lie [Music] excuse me where are your first aid kits oh lincoln please that is a coincidence that's hyperbole and that's gross exaggeration selfie yes rich no it's about quality not quantity oh yeah the vending machine gave me an extra bag of chips the best things in life for free bro you will be rewarded double oh lincoln please you're embarrassing yourself i'm just being sensible i'm just being sensible lucy said my day would end in tragedy and all her other predictions have come true not mine i haven't made any scientific discoveries yet wait a minute that's true all right kiddos welcome to grand venture state park let's go people move it move it lincoln why are you pushing us yeah what's the rush we are literally the only people here if we can get in the park before lisa makes any discoveries that means lucy's predictions are bogus and i'm home free yes we made it science one medieval hocus pocus zero right lis elise lisa hurry up get in here sorry i had to finish that chapter sweet mother of scientific discoveries it's an owl with deer antlers lucy i concede that your psychic predictions are uncannily accurate and now i'm off to show this fascinating creature to the park ranger see you later lincoln well maybe not [Music] yes i can get the music sting station on my phone i hate halloween i love halloween excellent fake blood lisa add some molasses for better consistency hey loose check out our pumpkins what do you think hmm more blood here a few more gashes on this one knock out a tooth add some ooze to those scabs dampen the head wound halloween's kind of crazy with a spooky little girl like you totes i'm so glad mom finally let you do your haunted corn maze as am i i've been waiting my whole life to do this not to mention my past lives fantastic sign work luanne just the right mixture of corn and gore ah shucks it's just something i cobbled together from a kernel of an idea oh yes a triple i expect more support from my pumpkin get it sigh thanks for all your hard work guys this is going to be the best halloween ever i'm so excited [Music] okay everyone pleases how's that not quite there i think we need to lose a limb don't forget your chainsaw ah a little homemade blood and you're good to go you're a real pro honey i should have let you do this years ago that's okay mom i'm just glad to finally get my chance i'm so thrilled i can barely contain myself i know honey i can see it all over your face i literally want to suck your blood missing something fangs here if you want to make it more authentic he could bite your neck no i mean this is [Applause] hang fine luanne your monster needs more stitches that's so much better [Applause] get it no puns in the maze looks great honey but don't forget this why do i have to look so pale you've just been decapitated well i'd still put on some blush [Music] drop down an octave and try it in d minor that's the spookiest key [Music] okay guys the loud family haunted corn maze is officially open let's bring on the screams people guys what's going on why are the streets deserted and why are you taking down your maze nobody showed up all my work for nothing not a single scream sigh nobody showed up why not because two big stinkers came along and ruined everything yeah they t feed all the trees and smashed all the jack-o'-lanterns and worst of all they stole everybody's candy and with the amount of candy i had we're talking grand larson two big stinkers you don't think it was the guys we told to come here do you no way clyde there's plenty of big stinkers in our neighborhood true i'll never shake the sound of their big dumb laughs wait didn't those guys have big dumb laughs applied plenty of people have big dumb laughs true and i'll never forget those creepy baby face masks wait didn't those guys okay clyde it was them all hallows eve street name halloween is clearly ruined [Music] go [Music] [Applause] they're ours crimes you now committed this night shan't go unpunished you reap what you sow [Music] what i'm gonna be you're gonna puke i'm gonna puke we're not coming back here again you got thanks guys i think we taught those two big stinkers a lesson no thank you for bringing them here you totally made my halloween i've never been happier sigh i submitted my best poem to the transylvania review they didn't want it i must not have what it takes to be a poet your first rejection letter huh well step into my office i want to show you something these are my rejection letters it's like a coffin for your dreams it's just part of the creative life you can't expect to shoot to the top right away when i was your age i had to start at the bottom performing for our pets birthdays what did the dalmatians say after eating a snack that hit this spot wow rough crowd dang it charles i feel a lot better you know so much luanne maybe you could help me become a successful poet i suppose i could stanza to do that after all i am well versed in mentoring we'd make quite a couplet [Laughter] okay you're almost ready to read your work in public but first you gotta build a thick skin melancholy night before a hopeless dawn the sun is rising soon but all my joy is gone oh i don't want to do this it's for her own good i'll show you how it's done that poem is terrible i have been more moved by lynn's farts oh thank you smell weird your hair is wrong and i would not recommend you to my friends mean little blonde you throw stones and sticks but what would you know you're only six booyah that's my girl lucy time to take your show on the road why couldn't timmy ride a bicycle because a goldfish thank you now i present to you our visiting poet lucy loud i know she'll show you a good rhyme the end is near give up all hope why don't we try another one you gotta know your audience ode to pop-pop i like it already warm eyes and anchor tattoo blends his food no need to chew orange suspenders he's got style he'll lift your soul with just a smile well loose i'd say you're ready to fly solo now but if you ever have any questions you can come to me thank you luanne you're the best mentor ever honey lucy's smiling get the camera luanne i've been chasing you for six blocks i have amazing news my poetry teacher is hosting a poetry festival and has asked me to be a part of it that is amazing congrats it's going to be at the royal woods theater you don't say i'm really nervous about my reading tomorrow do vocal exercises help i know one called the endless moan sure do that that's great which exactly do you think is better for the reading eternal sadness or vacant tomb i don't know eternal tomb i read that making good eye contact with the audience is important how's this is this better [Music] all right get out of bed what you're doing the festival i think we should go with vacant tomb that's actually eternal sadness luanne i don't understand what about what kind of a mentor would i be if i allowed you to miss this opportunity look i'm sorry i got jealous before you've earned this thanks luanne honey lucy's hugging someone get the camera ladies and gentlemen please welcome our next poet lucy loud [Applause] [Music] this poem goes out to the person who got me here my big sister luanne dreams burnt to ash hope tingled like laces till love swept in with puns and funny faces where my path will lead i can't be sure but if ever i'm lost i'll look up to her you're watching fry tv up next the season premiere of vampires of melancholia this is it edwin a whole new season of our favorite show can't wait to watch it just you and me what are you doing here the dreamboat is on monday nights remember duh we're here to watch mom first please don't call it that second you guys have never been interested in my show why are you there he is whoa this place looks sick blake bradley who duh literally the cutest actor ever didn't you know he was going to be a new character on vom it's called yo anybody home why is he literally so dreamy yikes who's that creepy guy that's edwin the main character hey uncle eddie tristan my great-great-great-great-grandnephew this is a surprise ah so gorge you can just tell he'd be a great boyfriend what is happening [Music] wait who's she griselda the other main character she's on a quest to the underworld right now if you guys had watched the show from the beginning you'd why are her teeth all pointy wait his teeth are pointy too because they're vampires tune in next week for more vampires of melancholy ah that was literally amazing totes this is definitely gonna be our new friday night thing laurie me you and vom it's vampires of melancholia i have to put a stop to this hey guys now that we're all um vom heads you have to join me in all of the super fun pre-show rituals rituals yeah the stuff we fans do to get into vampire mode you guys are going to love them first you have to look the part with a full vampire makeover ew do we have to look so sickly well it's a really important part of watching the show but if you're not into it and you'd rather just go back to watching the dreamboat don't be ridiculous come on lenny it'll be good contouring practice look how much their cheekbones pop oh good point wait halloween leftovers look i'm tristan's weird old uncle next you have to see the world from a vampire's perspective ugh this is giving me a migraine yeah and i'm getting a headache wait is that my missing jelly sandal under the couch and my missing ring oh and lucy i found your creepy dolls give me those we should def do this every week we'll never lose anything again next you have to watch the show as a vampire wood in one of these this provides zero lumbar support it's also really hard on your back i cannot spend a whole hour in this wait i know decorative throw pillows they'll add support and a little judge and we can use the lid to make a fun tv tray this is it edwin time to see if our protests were heard who's ready for the bomb check out the shirts we made team tristan don't worry we made team edwin shirts for you guys oh uh thanks it's cool uncle eddie just gotta take this up here what tristan oh no not tristan the horror glory lenny i guess it is too late i blew it sigh [Music] so lisa wanted my used tissues and gasp rory lenny will you please watch vampires of melancholia with me i know you probably don't want to now that tristan's gone the truth is i just want to hang out with you guys of course we'll watch tristan may have been the reason we got into the show but the reason we stayed is because it's been so much fun sharing it with you yeah in fact we were just at the store getting vampire themed snacks for tonight i got garlic bread is that right well actually never mind it's perfect come on sorry bertrand who will replace me as president [Music] i have however already chosen my successor i really think she's earned it so please welcome our new president haiku [Music] gloomy morning everyone i have an announcement i've thought it over and i too would like to be considered for president yeah i think i'd do a great job after all who stays late to make sure the dissecting forceps are put away and who thought of our group motto keep calm and m-bomb and who carried our team in the gravedigging competition you dared dug an eight-footer yes lucy you've made a good case for yourself how about this after school the club will meet and we shall put it to a vote [Music] hey lucy so what'd bertrand say we're going to vote tonight hey that's great no it's not great haiku and i each have three votes which means bertrand will have to break the tie and of course he'll choose haiku again oh man i'm sorry lucy at least you gave it your best shot i can't give up yet haiku doesn't know what's best for the club but i do too bad you don't have one more member who can vote for you really lucy you're norm me brother why i'm as surprised as you are very well as a new member i suppose he may vote in our current i vote for my sister thanks wow i guess that means i won you know our school mascot and my morning announcement buddy ricky the rooster with the fractured waddle the artificial heart and the gout yes he went to the big boy in the sky i'm so sorry for your loss clyde thank you i can't believe it was only yesterday he did this to my arm i miss you know the morticians club could host a funeral for ricky to honor him i mean i'm president now and all i'll bring it up at our meeting tonight hey where is everyone i have big news we're planning ricky's funeral sorry lucy everybody quit what yeah they left the scroll they feel betrayed by you for stealing the presidency well then you and i will just have to put on ricky's funeral by ourselves and when they see how beautiful it is they'll realize that i deserve to be president not sure that's the takeaway here come on we've got a lot to do my last gift to ricky will be to send him to the heavens in this finally he will get to experience the joy of flight a traffic shot time to go home sweet prince very well hey he was supposed to go to the big barn in the sky but you put him on the 10 a.m to cincinnati no no no no no this is a trophy wait don't go hold on i'm sorry guys this funeral was a complete disaster and it's all my fault it's obvious i'm not the amazing president i thought i'd be and i'm sorry i made lincoln join the club it was a cheap trick but honestly the worst part is ricky deserved a better goodbye than this sniff you know lucy maybe it's not too late to save this funeral really a president can't do everything herself we are a club after all let's send ricky off right right on cue i called in a favor for the grand finale [Music] he was such a forever star [Music] now he's got our feeling blue but we'll never forget his cocky doodle do time to let this old bird fly come on everybody let's tell him good bye what a wonderful mortician's club group effort but it was haiku who really saved the day you know i think bertrand had it right all along you should be president oh i don't know how about two co-presidents you and me work together to make a great team uh that was a haiku i just wrote i love it and i think that's a great idea i so enjoy our nightly strolls fangs guys this looks so good we should literally be interior designers hey guys why are you painting the bathroom my least favorite color a duh we all voted on it at a sibling meeting remember so based on the leftover paint in the garage our options are pink or black all in favor of pink hi great we all agree pink it is sigh well i wasn't there but of course as usual no one noticed oh come on exaggerate much whoops sorry i didn't notice you oh spirits i summon thee what no she did not oh spirits i summon thee okay first we send in recon falcons to assess the enemy's firepower [Music] oh oh look this trunk belonged to great grandma harriet she was a pretty cool lady see [Music] [Applause] oh what's this [Music] book of spells whoa if i can't get through to my siblings maybe a little magic will round about the bedrooms go on their pillows spell dust by sunrise they will have no choice but to listen to my voice [Music] hey guys yes now everything is going to change around here next item of business repainting the bathroom all opposed to black say nay no one black it is lori honey i'm sure it's not the end of the world what's at the silent treatment lori you think you're better than us whatever friendship ever no worries you can always hang out with your old mom you can join my book club i messed up great grandma harriet i didn't mean to ruin everyone's life i just hope there's a way to undo the spell gasp to put a spell back on the shelf transfer the effects onto yourself whoa i cast a spell to take away your voices i'm really sorry but don't worry i can fix it by transferring the spell to myself yes i'll never speak again but i guess i deserve it for why are you laughing you want me to frost a birthday cake i didn't take away your voices then how come you can't talk [Applause] you lost your voices at pop pop shuffleboard match okay well i'm still sorry for casting those spells even if they didn't work i should have made more of an effort to tell you guys how i felt we're sorry too we'll try not to walk all over you anymore [Music] uh okay thanks lenny what oh my show's on you guys want to watch it too that's awesome i'll be right down i just have to take care of one thing [Music] well great grandma harriet i guess this book of spells didn't work after all but that's okay because i got a pretty magical result all the same
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 8,120,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, loud house, loud house full episodes, loud house full scenes, best of loud house, loud house funny moments, lincoln loud, lucy loud, best of lucy loud, lily loud, lana loud, luna loud, the loud house, loud house compilation, the casagrandes, loud house family, ytao_lh
Id: GfDnr5DI2Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 53sec (1733 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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