Every Single Location in the Loud House! w/ Lori & Lincoln | 30 Minute Compilation | The Loud House

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[chomps] [yelling] Sounds like someone got trapped in the bathroom again. Grr! Somebody let me out! Bobby's coming over to study and I only have three hours to get ready! Aah! Oof! Grr! This house is literally falling apart! Lori's right. With kids, four pets, and two parents who insist on fixing everything themselves, our house is a bit of a-- how do I put this nicely? Disaster. You've got the faulty water pressure. [metal creaking] Eh, I'll go borrow some water from Charles's bowl. Try to have a little dignit--eee! And the creaky floorboards. [wood creaks] Lori? Leni? Luan? Don't forget about the rotting wood. Luna! Then there's the clunky furnace. Well, Captain, after 13 weeks of careful construction, your ship is finally ready. [furnace rattling] And the crummy TV signal. It's fuzzy again! To the left, Dad! D'oh! Da-ha! Oh, something's got me! Wait, wait! That's perfect! [cheers] Aah! Aww! And the doorknob situation. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. Dang it. And I feel like there's something I'm leaving out. Aah! Right, the mailbox. Ridiculous. There wasn't even a breeze. Hi, I'll take three double bacon cheeseburgers and three drinks. Girls, getting fast food is not usually part of the test drive. Duh, we gotta test the cup holders. And we got you a double bacon cheeseburger. Oh. I'm vegan, but what the heck. Boo Boo Bear, I'm finally here! Look, it's my floor, yee! [shushing] But I was just-- Quiet floor, silence at all times? I'll literally never survive. [shushing] <i> ♪ Ey girl, if I could, Ey girl, ey girl! ♪</i> Welcome to Canada. Here's your complimentary snowsuit and tuk. You're gonna wanna put those on. Thanks, but I'm all set-- [screaming] Don't worry, you're going to love it here! <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada It's a treat this time of year♪</i> <i> ♪ So go on, mount your Moose for your commute ♪</i> <i> ♪ That's how we get Around 'round here ♪</i> <i> ♪ Try the ketchup chips Just costs a loonie! ♪</i> <i> ♪ Don't resist ♪</i> <i> ♪ The Chinook winds are very Very extraordinary-nary ♪</i> <i> ♪ So if you love ♪</i> <i> ♪ Mounties, gravy, bags of milk A minus 50 morning chill ♪</i> <i> ♪ We've got it, boys So come and seize the day ♪</i> <i> ♪ Go and break the ice and Make a life north of the USA ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada You're in Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ The hottest day is ten below ♪</i> <i> ♪ Your snot will freeze, Don't blow your nose ♪</i> <i> ♪ In Canada (Canada) You're in Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ Come try the best Poutine around ♪</i> <i> ♪ Watch hockey pucks Grow from the ground ♪</i> <i> ♪ We've got the most Maple syrup per capita ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome to Canada ♪</i> <i> ♪ Skate up to Saskatchewan You'll never see the sun ♪</i> <i> ♪ The beavers and The lumberjacks ♪</i> <i> ♪ Both look The same to everyone ♪</i> <i> ♪ I think we've got A baseball team ♪</i> <i> ♪ But no one really knows ♪ </i> <i> ♪ It's impossible to tell Under the 20 feet of snow ♪</i> <i> ♪ The 30 feet of snow The 40 feet, the 50 feet ♪</i> <i> ♪ Oh no, oh no, oh no ♪</i> <i> ♪ Welcome home to Canada It's Canada! ♪</i> <i> ♪ It's C-A-N-A-D-A Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh yay! ♪</i> [grunting] We're here! Ho-ho! The bodega's looking good. Are you ready to spend two wonderful days with your family? [whistling] Hector! You were supposed to put up all the decorations this morning! I was helping customers. You were gossiping with the customers. I do not gossip. By the way, did you hear Vito Filliponio whitens his teeth? Ugh! [squawks] Too slow! Sergio! Give Lalo back his toy! Carl! Did you use all my hair product again? This kind of handsome doesn't happen on its own! Stop it! You're smooshing the flair! [camera clicks] I love seeing my babies play so sweetly. [wailing] I'm Super CJ! [whooshing sounds] Okay, Super CJ. Just watch where you're going. Oof! Huh, whoopsie. [clears throat] Ooh! Did you knw that sea anemones glow when they're scared? Dad, it's the weekend. You're not supposed to be doing professor stuff. Oh, this isn't for work. It's just for fun! [squawks] Nerd alert! Carlos, put this on the table for me, please. [panting] [slopping] Where should we put this? No, no, no! Right here! Why did we wait so long to do this? Bobby! [all gasping] [whooshing] CJ! Oof! How're you doing, buddy? You grow any more, and you're gonna have to carry me! [overlapping chatter] Oh, mija, I'm so happy I get to have you for two whole days! Yay! Two whole days. Thanks for coming with us, Luan. Sure. Just because I'm not funny doesn't mean I can't enjoy someone else's comedy. Wait, does it? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Junior Comedian's Night! Please give a hearty Chortle Portal welcome to our first comedian, Lincoln Loud! [cheers and applause] Lincoln? And what's he doing with my joke notebooks? [clears throat] Hello, Royal Woods. So, did you hear that the lipstick and the eyeliner got into a fight? Because seven ate nine! [gasps] That's the wrong punch line! Never mind, here's one I know you're gonna love. Why did the chickpea cross the road? Wait, that doesn't make sense. Oh! Chicken! This writing is really hard to read. Why did the students eat their homework? Because their teacher said it would be a piece of pie! No, no, no! The punch line is "piece of cake"! [laughter] Oh. [chuckles] His delivery was a little crummy. [laughter] But don't worry, things are about to get batter. [laughter] Did you hear about the race between the lettuce and the tomato? The lettuce was a head, but the tomato was trying to ketchup! [laughter] Why couldn't Timmy ride a bicycle? Because Timmy was a goldfish! Okay, okay, everybody. Let's give it up for Bud Grouse and his poem "My Yard, My Property." Okay, last call for any more performers in the house? [door bangs open] Yes! There's a whole van load of talented young writers right here. Oh. Okay, cool. All right, then. Come on up. This is it, guys. Have fun. -Whoo-hoo! -I'm so glad I have my hat. [horn honking] What's that? [tires screech] It's Principal Huggins! He found us! Don't worry. I'll take care of him. Just get up there and perform. [eyelids shimmer] [alarm chirps] Sorry, sir. This is a no-golf-cart zone. No-golf-cart zone? I've never heard of anything like that. Listen, bro, unless you're the kind of guy who isn't into following rules... Oh, no, no, I love rules. Well, great. There's golf cart parking 50 blocks thataway. -50 blocks? -Uh, yep. [tires screech] Thank you, sir. Oh, sure. No problem, lady. All right, kiddos, welcome to Grand Venture State Park. Let's go, people. Move it, move it! Lincoln, why are you pushing us? Yeah, what's the rush? We are literally the only people here. If we can get in the park before Lisa makes any discoveries, that means Lucy's predictions are bogus and I'm home free. Yes! We made it! Science: One. Medieval hocus pocus: Zero. Right, Lis? Lis? Lisa, hurry up, get in here. Sorry. I had to finish that chapter. [bell ringing] [gasps] Sweet mother of scientific discoveries! It's an owl with deer antlers! [screams] Lucy, I concede that your psychic predictions are uncannily accurate. And now I'm off to show this fascinating creature to the park ranger. See you later, Lincoln. Well, maybe not. [dramatic music] Yes! I can get the music sting station on my phone! All right, gang, first stop is the Grand Stalactite Caverns. Ooh, if it's dark, I'm in. Ooh, if it's dark, I'm out. Lincoln, you've been looking forward to this trip for months. Don't you wanna check out the caverns? And get impaled by a stalactite? Are you really gonna let a silly prediction ruin your fun? Yes, I am. I'm gonna stay right here, where it's nice and safe. [bats screeching] [screaming] Killer bats! Oh, they're just butterflies. I don't get it. How could Chandler not invite us? I loaned him a pencil in math class and held the bathroom door open for him. And I made eye contact with him every day... like this... Who wouldn't want this face at a party? -Hi, Lincoln. -L-L-L-Lori? [sighing] Hey, Lori. Thanks for telling me about the job opening here. Guess what? I literally got hired! Now I can buy a new dress for the big dance this Friday. The theme is "Romance Under the Sea," and Bobby and I are the Sea King and Queen. It's gonna be the greatest night ever. <i> Loud, back to work!</i> <i> If you got time to lean, you got time to clean.</i> Coming! Just follow my lead, and remember, regular and normal. Oops. [giggles] Boo Boo Bear, what am I doing wrong? Can you help me? But, babe, you're on the varsity golf-- Ow! I mean, sure, babe, I'll help you. Okay, just square your shoulders and follow through. Oops. Ow! What was that for? I thought, uh, um, uh, how about that baseball team that played the other night? Ooh. [chuckles] Great shot, Boo Boo Bear. [laughs] That one's for you, babe. Aw! [giggles] Ooh. Great shot, Rocky Bear. What? I totally shanked it. My ball went down a rain gutter. Ha ha. Ha ha. You're so funny. Ah! Good shot, bro. Ooh, this hole is creepy. Right, Lucy? Whoa, the Freilich 2000 with crushed velvet interior. I've only seen these in catalogs. Lucy, no, no, no. [whispering] Regular and normal. Ahh! Well, there you go. Now it's a one-star, so you're good. And please watch over Cliff, Charles, Geo, and Walt, and Izzy, Hops, Bitey, Fangs, El Diablo-- Lana. But I didn't get to my ant colony yet. Good night. [insect chirping] Seriously? That's not bothering anyone else? Oh, my bad. Those gas station burritos always get me going. Not that, the cricket. Ouch! Seriously, dude? I'm sorry. I can't see anything. Let me just turn on a light. [sirens blaring on TV] Lincoln! Sorry. [sirens blaring] [bed vibrating] Lincoln! Oh! I'm sorry. I can't figure out how anything works in here. [alarm blaring] Lincoln, stop hitting switches. You're making things worse. Now, where is the dang plug for this thing? Ow! I'll get some more towels to clean up that coffee. [screams] [blaring stops] Well, that should do it. Whoever wired this place had no idea what they were doing. I think they knew exactly what they were doing. Look what I found. This cricket is a fake. It's from Fanny's Prank Emporium. [all gasp] Use felt hangers for the designer duds, arrange the ties from fun-time casual to serious business. And don't forget the Spokes-men motto. For satisfaction guaranteed, learn what a dude wants and what a dude needs. There's that old sales gene. Oh, that reminds me. Boot cut jeans are on sale over there. Rust-man, you're really saving my hide. [sniffles and sobs] Dad, not the silk! That was a test, son, and you passed. Just one more thing before I leave. Nothing on that tailoring rack is for sale. -Those items are... -Pick up only. Don't worry. I got this. Ha, that's my boy. Okay. Got it, Dad. Don't wanna keep the fabric guy waiting. See ya. You will be mine. Ready, guys? Whoa, whoa, what do you hooligans think you're doing? We're shopping for our mom, sir. [gasps] Bobby Boo Boo Bear. Babe! I love a man in uniform. It's okay, boss. I know them. Very reassuring, Boo Boo Bear. Huh. Eggs, milk. Okay, okay. Looks legit. But any monkey business, and you're all out on your keisters. All right, guys, you heard him. You all have to be on your best behavior. Now, if we each take a section of Mom's list-- [all cheering and laughing] I should've known. I've been played. I've got 200 dollars. I just need a way to save four dollars. Ooh, 10 cents off the dented one. A couple more savings like this, and I'll have enough for my Zombie Bran. Yippie-ki-yay, market shoppers. [hooting and hollering] Lynn! [gasps] Eject! Eject! Hi, Bobby. Hey, babe-- I mean, Lori. Hi, Ronnie Anne. You're looking lovely this evening. Yeah, we weirdos clean up nice. Let's just get this over with. Good evening, mon jour and senoritas. Welcome to Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet! Clyde, what are you doing? Ooh, mints! [groaning] Just here to help you, buddy. I know what you're up to, please don't mess this up for me. Don't worry, you won't even know I'm here. [screaming] [screaming] So, table for three? - Actually, there are four-- - Very good! Three, right this way. [bell ringing] Oh I'm so sorry, but a private party booked the entire massage facility. Might this change your mind? Well, worth a shot. I wonder what big-wig is in there. Less oil, sweetheart. You're not marinating a chicken. [ooo-ing] Hey, guys, I'm Mrs. Salter. Okay, so here's the lowdown. Juice bar in the back, help yourself. Also, there are cards on the desks with your names on 'em. Rip Hardcore themed. I love the show. And he is a personal friend of mine. [in unison] Wow! See? I told you guys, there is nothing to worry about. Um, Mrs. Salter? I can't find my desk. My name's Lincoln Loud? Oh, okay, here you are. Looks like you're in Mr. Bolhofner's class. [gasps] No, that can't be right! I know I requested this class! For the love of sponge cake, say you turned in the form! Say it! I did. See? There's a check mark. [sniffing] That's not a check, that's a Flippee stain! [groaning] Mrs. Salter, can't he stay? I mean, he's already here. Please! Yeah, we have to stick together. Yeah, we just sang a dang song about it. Oh, I am so sorry, guys, but we're full. Lincoln's gonna have to report to Mr. Bolhofner's class. Where's that? The trailer? Here's a juice for the road. It's quite a hike. [whimpering] Any behavioral issues, like biting? Only during full moons. [howling] [laughing] Werewolf joke. Potty-trained? Have been for 42 years. [chuckles] Lynn, stop. Yes, Lily is potty-trained. Perfect. I think we're set. I'll go ahead and take Miss Lily now. Well, champ, put 'er there. Wow, honey, you handled that surprisingly-- [sobbing] They're all leaving us! [sobbing] Now this here is chicken manure, and that there is cow manure. And up there's the loft I fell out of. Intense. Did you break anything? Nah, I fell into goat manure. [goat bleating] That's the softest of your manures. Hey Liam, is it okay if I plug in my humidifier? Sure. And what about my de-humidifier? Ah-well, now we're gonna need a little extra juice. [chickens clucking] [powering up] All right-y then! Y'all ready to have some fun? [cheering] [thud] Wait a minute! What have we here? Cheers, Wyatt. We're off to visit the homeland. Have a great trip, Master Alistair. You too, Master Nigel. Ta. See you in a fortnight. I think we may have found our ticket in, Master Nigel. Cheers to that, Master Alistair. [yelling] Hut hut! Take a hike! Wooo! All day long baby! [grunts] Hey, it's mine! Don't even think about it! [screaming] [grunting] [cheering] -You rocked! Yay Leni! -You crushed it! A new wardrobe, I can't believe it. We gotta celebrate, pretzels and sodas... on Lincoln. Wait, why me? Thanks, Lincoln. Meet you guys at the food court. How are we gonna get past her? Leave it to me! Hello, young person! Can I interest you in a hard candy? Candy? From a stranger? Don't mind if I do! Wow! Lisa's chamomile sleepytime hard candies work instantly! I hope her nose is okay! [gasps] Dang it! The cameras are disabled! The culprit was ahead of us! <i> Ow!!!</i> What was that? [gasping] Seymour! [groaning] We'll grab you some ice! Clyde! Look! Someone's messing with the drainage controls! That's why the water's gone! Hey, you! Get back here! He's getting away! Stop! [gasping] Whoa! Ooof! You are busted, Sir! We know you've been sabotaging Sunset Can-- [gasping] Nana Gayle! Who the heck are you two? It's us! Lincoln and Clyde. Nana Gayle! Why'd you turn to a life of crime?! Oh, Clyde! I'm not the bad guy, I went undercover to find him! I don't want to move out of Sunset Canyon! I just unpacked! Huh. What a twist! So, do you want to join forces? We can share our intel, and you can share yours. I'm in! So watcha got? Nothing. You? Also nothing. Oh well, that's disappointing. But I was about to check clues by the pool's control panel... Oh yeah! Maybe there's something there! Hey Clyde! All set to go? Are you all sure you don't want to hang out here tonight? Uh...for a pajama party? [laughing] No. We're recreating our favorite Renaissance paintings! Fun, right?! Here's a photo from last time we did it. So... are you kids in? Uh... Sorry, Dads, but we already made plans to go to a new zombie-themed café. The Undead Diner! The first 50 customers get a free brain burrito! Thanks for the offer though! Maybe another time. It's too bad. I look pretty sweet in a toga. Shows off my quads. Of course they don't want to recreate Renaissance paintings! They're probably more into surrealism. Face it Har-Bear, we're totally out of touch with what kids like. If we want to persuade them to hang out here, we have to do some research! Oh! We can check out the places they usually go! We'll just make sure they can't see us! Great idea, Har-Bear! Well, we know they go to Gus' after school, so let me check their hours on the website. They open up at 11 tomorrow. Never leave me! Two Cherry Flippees, please. Ya got hands, don'tcha? Ugh! It's like some kind of synthetic, slimey fruit-paste! Ahhoooow! Brain freeze! Hey! Flippees are loaded with real, artificial cherry-ish flavor. We need to triple Clyde's veggie-intake ASAP! I'll adjust his hourly food-chart. We're doing research on what our son Clyde and his friends like. Is there anything else we should buy? [cash register ringing noise] Uh, Flip? Oh yeah! Uh, kids also like these magazines, and this tire-pump... And some gauze-pads. And pretty much everything in aisle five! [out of breath] Um, do you rent out that machine? [violent blending noise] I'll rent ya anything you need, pal. Well, except for my new assistant. Wait! You really want to rent that thing? Isn't it worth it if we can get Clyde and his friends to hang out at our house? Hmm, I sup-pose... As long as I never have to drink a Flippee again! No offence, Flip! None taken, Chief! Hey! Next time don't double-bag, Nacho! You're costing me money! All that's left now are a few last-minute touches. Lincoln, Dad's gathering everyone. Oh, I guess he's not out here. [groans] Hey, everybody, I just wanted to say thanks for helping get this place ready. Ta-da. [together] Wow. [gasping] Now, there's just one thing left to do, and it's kind of a biggie: publicity. I had a truckload of flyers made for you kids to distribute all around town. Nothing fancy, just advertising great food at a great price. I was thinking that could be our motto. Uh, Dad, I think there's a typo... What? "Come on down to Lynn's Table for our Gland Opening?" Oh, no. Eesh. It sounds like you're offering treatment for Lymphadenitis. What am I gonna do? There's not enough time to re-print these. Oh, oh, this is bad. This is--no one's gonna show up and we'll be totally sunk. Hey, Dad, I've got an idea. Why don't you let us take care of the promoting? I'm sure we can come up with something. Yeah, we can help, Daddy. Of course. I'd be "gland" to do it. [laughs] Oh, kids, thank you. You don't know what this means to me. And I just know you'll think of something brilliant. When you put your heads together, you always do. Well, I'll go ahead and recycle these. Uh, sweetie, we don't have a recycling bin yet. Oh. I see. That is another infraction. On a hot summer day, there's nothing like a refreshing dip in the community pool. Cannonball! [whistle blows] Loud family, out! But we were just having fun! Chicken fights during Senior Swim are not "fun." I just replaced this hip! Ah. On a hot summer day, there's nothing like a refreshing dip in the community pool... one town over. Cannonball! [whistle blows] Loud family, out! We were just having fun! Drinking pool water is not fun. But it tastes like chicken noodle soup! Fine, but did you have to add the celery and carrots? [rooster crows, goat bleats] On a hot summer day-- Oh, you know the rest. Cannonball! [whistle blows] Loud family, out! But we were just having fun! Poo-poo. Fecal incidents are not fun. Really? [laughing] [bell ringing] Oh, real original. [laughing] [bell ringing] [whooshing] That's real mature. [laughing] [bell ringing] [laughing] All right, that's it! Hey, Benny. Hi, Luan. These are for you. They're from our garden. Wow, daisies. [sniffing] Ah, they smell so fresh. And this is for you, my lady. Oh, wow, wood polish. [sniffing] Mm, smells so musty. So, Luan, you ready for a fun day? Are you kidding me? She's been counting down the seconds. [laughing] Oh. Whoo! Oh, paddle boats are way harder than I thought. I'm getting a little sweaty here. Oh, no, am I sweating, too? [gasping] Oh, uh, don't go anywhere. I'll be back in a splash. [chuckles, grunting] [laughing] Luan's hilarious. You just never know what she's going to do next. Indeed, Benjamin. She's a keeper. Oh, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. Hey, Luan. Are you having the best time ever? No, the worst. I sweated all my makeup off. Can you bring me those makeup samples from Miguel and meet me in the park bathroom? [all gasp] Lola used up all the makeup! What? Mr. Sprinkles wanted to see what he'd look like as a princess. Dashing, I might add. [sighs] Just grab my emergency clown bag in the trunk and hurry. This is literally the best vacation ever! Why were we so against this place? [rings cowbell] [rings cowbell] [grunting] [screaming] [rings cowbell] It may not be much of a vacation for me, but it's worth it if all ten of my sisters are happy. I'd say everything turned out A-okay. [screaming] THE HILL PEOPLE HIDING IN THE TREES!!! Can someone turn on a light? Hold your horses, I'm looking for the switch. [clicking] [gasping] [INDISCERNIBLE] Retreat. [INDISCERNIBLE] Save yourselves. [exploding] [gasping for air] [speaking gibberish] To the garage! [camera flashing] Uh, hon, don't- don't you think you should get to class? You don't want to be late on your first day undercover. Just a sec. I'm building a social media presence. It'll be so cray if I don't have one. Speaking of which, can you go to SwiftyPic and drop a heart emoji on my latest post? You lost me at "cray". Well, Brita, have a nice day. It's Brita. [bell ringing]
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 1,954,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lori loud house, lincoln loud, the loud house full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes full epiosdes, compilation, ytao_lh
Id: _A-O6tJ-x4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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