Drums Of The Desert (1940) | Mantan Moreland in Action

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[Music] [Music] ten moon why don't you let me know you're aboard I'll I didn't get my orders until the last minute well I'm glad to see you how is your father very well sir good you don't sit at my table of course well that's what I came to see you about sir do you mind if I don't sit at your table and let you forget you know me you see I'm on my way to teach the colonial troops a few new tricks the next two years promised I think but some sand and hard work so I thought I might have one last fling before we land ohayo Gowanus my boy and good luck thank you sir what is this an octopus no just my scarf well I'm sorry the wind carried it away three cheers for the win Oh forgive me I'm Paul tomorrow at your service thank you Oh Stewart Venus here did you just pass the lady carrying a light blue scarf light blue sky oh yes but my say dvash Mirage does she have a deckchair it's against the rules to give out information concerning yes adapt you of course what's the number oh I have to list Mademoiselle and then la Ruche number seven number seven do I have a deck chair oh yes of course let me see that's a number you you are number six six good Missy just in case of course never will ask but what is the name all the more thank you thank you miss you doing are you mad mother you were talking to a gentleman just now oh yes mr. Paul Jamal was he by any chance engaging a deck chair it is against their rules to give out information concerned oh yes of course Misha Paul Jammu yes engaged deck chair number six that's what I was afraid of I'm sure I'm not going to Knight number seven it might be arranged to move what I said then arrange it by all means yes ma'am listen thank you Thank You Stuart I beg your pardon the dam but I believe you have my chair your chair why it's number six isn't it why not there seems to be some mistake madam you see I couldn't get along without this chair it's an old family heirloom and I store it this man is claiming that this is his chair yeah see here you you told me my chair was number six the gentleman is mistaken I said number sixteen but I distinctly heard you say Michelle sixteen now you get out of here or I'll call the captain Mademoiselle I faced this voyage with trepidation I said to myself I shall feel miserable I decided to keep to my stateroom but something drew me you resisted me to the deck and then your scarf flew into my face and I met you but you were cruel my Rahzel haven't you any pity for me can't you give me one little word Stewart me but my sin please show this gentleman to his own chair it's easiest Jairam number 16 but you told me that mozzie the best laid plans you know I fell after this voyage is gonna be able to retire and buy himself a farm I thought I was so clever and I met Michel you should have seen mrs. Davenport and Charon number six when I tried to claim it good old mrs. Davenport she was so firm beta cos guide to volunteer remind me to tell you about Algeria the desert the moonlight you have been to our area mr. no but I've been out the moonlight they have the same old moon over there don't they Oh indeed only more so have you been to hear anyone was it no my first trip you'll find it interesting I was born there and lived there until they sent me to Paris to be civilized oh how did you like my country very much I found it most charming amusing now I must go back to get my tribes from the benefit of the culture I'm supposed to have absorb I should think you'd be lonely after Paris loneliness is comparative sometimes one is desperately lonely in a crowd yeah but then sometimes even one more person is too many Abdullah my buddy and dueling my father yes to it Wireless [Applause] thank you someone must have hurt you excuse me Twix I hope I wasn't too rude no I don't think so he seemed rather amused it was very nice yes but I'm glad he's gone you know I can't stand too much competition so soon oh well I see you've had a chance to make your indelible impression competition doesn't matter I invited the women I have really known laugh at the clumsy efforts of other men there one replied whoever impatient avowal is I have known Paul d'amour their confidence is at least refreshing how long do you need for this impression that depends on the subject under pressure I think I could do a rather workman like job by the time we reach port Akbar shall we discuss it over a cocktail you practically daring will it be [Music] [Applause] every month and it's only the beginning years of perfection hours are those disinfectant eyes except that we dock tomorrow morning there is no tomorrow only tonight [Music] yes who is it I'll stop that noise and come in Missy yeah it just stayed o clock all right so it's ten o'clock go away would you leave me yeah ten o'clock did you say ten o'clock Dean is here well don't stand there do something I was supposed to meet Mademoiselle Oh line caller statement I'm late it wouldn't do any good but my said that devote its night what we dr. Faye 30 Everett must say that immediately well where did she go why wasn't I notified what do you mean letting me sleep through this lieutenant do i yes Williams are the thing leaves reporting sir are you sergeant here told you when I told you here's the money Missy this here a mess along and you sergeant get your men together start loading our equipment I'll be down as soon as I get dressed yes sir Oh mr. Lemoine isn't it a rather lieutenant ignore yes in fact the business oh I should have known you were an army officer from the way you walk I'm glad you didn't I was on the loose sir well by the way I didn't mean to be rude oh you mean as we mark about the crowd oh forget it as a matter of fact I was looking for a reason to leave do you expect to stay in this country long two years I'm on my way to port Harun Oh splendid that's in my territory well I hope we see some more each other I hope we do Oh Stuart yes miss yeah do we meet again professor today how'd you find out I'm nothing this year never change something I must say that wash why can't she be worked you've gone I can't see anything I tried my best now you excuse me I must go back to work Oh story really shame you didn't send any flowers the only you didn't send any telegram Moishe in fact it cost you practically nothing quiet right we say well keep the change more thank you miss you get beforehand on that box y'all got to wear that stuff when you get it unpack where did you find those names satchel Beaufort meatball when I gave it to them you see them saying Ali's names are so long drawn-out so Nestle I just named them for myself well your name Williams I didn't Senegalese either is it Dawson what's your first name blue oh you mean blue like a color no I mean blue like why did you pick that up Connie's of the cotton though doesn't lieutenant know about how sure I was taste in the New York Council it for two years how you draw up to Harlem all the time telling him in a way about six years you see I would run the little number game over that till things got a little hot from it in fact it got so hot till now pick four bullets out of my bond for education I guess that's what that weight worked but I was too scared to look back how'd you find your way out here I was looking for Pete but they found out I can handle a machine gun so they made me a sergeant oh well you get your boys all signed up meet me at the airport at 4 o'clock yes sir because you a minimum a best marksman in the senegalese regiments you'll been chosen for this detail to be trained as parachute troops this assignment is quite an honor since you will travel to every post on the colonies to give demonstrations who leave by plane in few minutes purport Haroon remember that the rest of the colonial army will be watching you so conduct yourselves at all times in a manner becoming sergeant take charge their tail yes sir everything ready sergeant all set sir attention about face violent to that plane it takes seats in order fall out [Music] headquarters to Senegalese for this detail lieutenant I think the reason that if the troops saw the Senegalese parachuting it'd all be good to try it they'd have no trouble filling the regiment wonder how they're making out back there that's the first time in the air for some of them no I thought I treat it as an everyday occurrence and let them figure things out for themselves but the lieutenant or y'all goes double for me if I catch any of yours who is we yeah me too well I'll explain that we as parachute riflemen why understand shoot but what's this parachute that's what each and every one of you is set alone I'm thinking with the straps wrapped around your leg sir how do we support that we are sitting into the barracks quietly and trouble spots about a hundred miles away what do we do you such a you tell me we starts walking when we get there is too late [Music] that's all mr. weir streamline you know what to do we pile into the plane we make just hundred miles on a jiffy then we jump out right into the middle of the trouble wait a minute sergeant what's not about this jumpin Alan streamline we've got time to wait till the plane stop we just jump out while the planes in the air yes sir right [Music] from this high from twice desired we'll wheel and so is no condition for fighting there's me of course wheels that's where the batter cheatin comes in you see this panel where you hold it then you run to the door and jump out ten and then you pull down and then you start the floating to there just like a bullet I saw Mandy that one so that's what you call parachute here we come right in the middle at all [Music] a statue what's the matter with you I can't count to ten how can you count eight but I bet it's real good after six well not that's good count six twice and when you get the phone a second time best ten Simon is one thing more were there suppose the grabs a hand jumps out to do Constantine hold a hand and to pass you don't know what then there's your reports to the lieutenant he can fix anything [Music] hello number yo you gonna rent quarters for the Senegalese captain yes sir that I shoot true what's the region coming to all the moms a good man sir the very best yes yes I know well there is bringing back for dinner tonight yes [Music] it's good to see your nice trip blended you're looking well I am well never better details correct sir fine what started Botox will take care of your menopause Thanks follow sergeant Verizon and get your equipment put away he'll show your quarters then check with me later yes sir come on I'll show you where you live but I'd make a quick change the colonel expecting us for dinner fine [Music] good evening sir represent lieutenant to mom Paul Colonel Boucher Colonel are you listen good trip men all taken care of that's fine we start to work tomorrow morning make yourself at home excuse me [Music] now what's that big surprise you had in store for me you'll find out in just a minute that job market leader oh I was just studying Al and I'm happy she would be here oh my dear nap resent could not do you know yes no madam Fouche how do you do it now madam cachet and may I present you man was $11 and then you snowed you morning Helene why did you tell me you were coming out here I had to run out so early they had a plane there to meet me well don't tell me you know each other of course we came all in the same boat then everyone know the great good fortune which comes to the regiment and this little dinner tonight is by way of announcing the marriage on next Tuesday of members L LM large and captain Jean Buridan dinner is served all come on let's go here I'm famished and you two gentlemen squabble over a name [Music] Helaine you're not very agile it isn't true but it is that's why I came to Algeria but you can't do this to me here I've just found you're engaged to my best friend what about my indelible impression please lieutenant there's no need to keep up the pretense you are very amusing not a problem amusing yes I must have been that night at the rail especially that night if they were both a little foolish but as I remember it was you who said there is no tomorrow can't we leave it like that as you wish madam self-blame yes you here you are darling and Paul that's fine I want you two to be the best of friends they fell yes partial shall we go inside I'm afraid I'm not quite used to be Darion right [Music] [Music] at ease men well this is your first test I've taught you everything about a parachute that you can learn except by actually using one remember that captain Berto and the légion detachment will be on the ground watching you I'll go first sergeant Williams next and the rest follow one regular honor any questions all right here we go [Music] I don't forget the content the money'll and assemble on sergeant Williams alright yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] four five six six six [Music] one two three four ten [Music] I still say that is a piece for the booze [Music] [Music] [Music] this is lack of breath No good work good work Thanks [Music] my brother Abdullah has brought back talk of peace he believes everything the infidels have told him does that look like peace hey you eat the owner don't get excited now take it easy by the number now come on let's go come on chef Geoffrey do remember him Hassan very well he commanded the Legion I did overseas of Ibrahim where score of our people were slaughtered promised once more no I think that's enough for today will camp here tonight and leave for Fort Harun in the morning that's what I call parachuting yes sir ain't it just was I everyone that pass you popped oh yeah what's the matter sergeant bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow bow-bow yeah come get me hey come on let's get that boy from god of death imagine his parachute pinnaces a surprise to the old-timers wooden face what's happening on the continent I think a lot of us are gonna have to readjust our ideas of tactics you know it's a funny thing General Staff always figures the next war is gonna be fought exactly like the last one but it never is yeah so what's the present time my main that juice is getting back to heroine not that I have enjoyed this detail with you Paul but I understand you know if I were in your place I wouldn't be thinking much about parachute troops or training tactics very lucky man John she is lovely isn't she we grew up together Normandy until she arrived a couple days ago why I hadn't seen her since my last leave three years ago and all that time I don't believe there's a single moment when I wasn't thinking about it and I believe she's thinking about me too I'm sure she was wasn't it yes of course I didn't see much of her facing two years out here I wasn't looking for the sort of company that Helene promised to be oh you're on the loose huh yes but this time there was a surprising lack of satisfaction in it you're growing up Paul till you have to wedding we have to concentrate on finding a girl I can't any for you yes of course well there's plenty of time for that [Applause] [Music] like a fella could have a smoke yeah if you don't care where you spend the next five years [Applause] yeah bhaijan bartosh find your bartosh please Jim one time one time [Applause] I've spotted into the rock sir she'll come and go fast the capital hit bad I'm afraid so help me get him in at the temp I saw the lieutenant but I was a fool oh we are forced to delay your departure hey yes captain that's the fellow that was in the tent yes sir we'll make an example of him when we get him back to fort Harun how do you feel John oh it could be worse sergeant now if I catch them but knowing the wounded in you take charge of the detachment to start for the fort immediately I'll send an escort to you as soon as I arrive yes sir come in he'll be next to parachute around here I don't know what do you with the next one well you see satchel he just died satchel you mean the big number one guess he was cut up awful bad in the fracas the other night when he was on God oh I'm sorry yes sir about that parachute sir he asked us just before he died and we would strap one on her before we put him away of course I would note it would be often uncomfortable for him but he was mighty proud of that parachute sir I understand sergeant here take mine we'll arrange a military funeral I suppose the detachment would like to be the escort yes sir all right I'll take care of the details Thank You lieutenant thank you good night sergeant cute little bullet huh yes I asked the doctor for it another bead for my legion necklace well at least I didn't file a steel jacket on it this probably saved my life that the mere fact that you were there oh forget it well I'm gonna finish my report about the attack you get some rest I'll see you later huh all right Paul you're a long bye goodbye wait oh I called your quarters several times I hope you haven't been avoiding me quite to the contrary Mademoiselle I wanted to thank you for saving John's life oh I'm afraid that's been dramatized a bit you see I also saved my own life which is more to the point I doubt let's not get a story but perspective on this thing if the positions have been reversed y'all would have done exactly as I did and you would have felt exactly as he does the commanding officers compliment sir well the lieutenant report the headquarters at once Thank You sergeant duty seems to be calling us both excuse me members oh oh come in Paul Sheik Abdullah tells me that you two met on the boat yes how are you very well lieutenant you see we do meet again yes and you have dual eye in someo mind years ago wasn't it yes he was one of our finest horsemen do you keep up your riding after a fashion I'm afraid I'm a bit rusty one gets that way out here already sir good see that Sheik Abdullah is permitted to spend as much time as he desires with the prisoner yes sir Thank You Colin l see you later lieutenant delicate matter fall that prisoner you brought from Wadi Bendu is his younger brother Abdullah your young fool I'm sorry my brother it was stupid stupid is no word for it I tried to bring peace to the desert and you spoil everything by attacking a training detachment by attack a training detachment yes of course why else would you be prisoner but I had no part in the attack you expressed therefore bad that that you tell it to the Legion there are only too anxious to execute one of our people who had believed me but they will believe me or the attachment in the afternoon and was fascinated by the parachute true he followed back to care when the attack started he became afraid try to run away and was captured how about that lieutenant you identified him as the man who was in a tent positively that was night lieutenant might have been mistaken heartily he was bending over captain birdell when I awakened I grabbed him when we fought together I no other man any place did you see him I'm not sure then you overpowered him and took his knife away well not exactly I got in a lucky punch and he fell backward in the brush my men scattered the tribesmen and the prisoner was captured we look into that if he had no part in the attack he'll be released we are all agreed that the prisoner was present at the attack but there seemed to be some question as to his participation we thought you might be able to help us I believe I can sir I saw the tribesman who's fighting lieutenant tomorrow yes sir bring in the prisoner [Applause] Kevin Brito and now ask you if you'll recognize this man yes sir he is the tribesmen who fought to tell it Tamar and the attack had bloody been do it was night the captain was wounded good Lee's fact have affected your identification captain no sir I could see plainly inside the tent I wasn't wounded until that to be rushed outside does the president wish to make a statement no my brother has nothing more to see returned a prisoner yes sir thanks captain but surely Culinaire the execution of my brother is no indication of the friendship your government professors for my people you're not entirely the fact that Legionnaires we had killed so a tribesman doesn't that satisfy your national honour national honor has nothing to do with reading life this was a training detachment unwarranted attack my brother had nothing to do with it he not only participated in the attack but related according to the testimony of two officers in my regiment either one of them might be mistaken said Elena poet unless they had agreed on the story beforehand you are implying that officers of the Legion would produce themselves over the life of a prisoner no more and you imply that my brother is lying I am sorry in the face of the evidence I have no alternative [Applause] see that this is carried out even mediatory yes sir [Applause] lecture them live please prisoner board that means you [Applause] ready aim fire oh hell aim the nurse could do that you just relax - let me look at you nonsense I want to feel that I'm helping but darling you're helping just by being calm oh I didn't mean you interrupt come in Paul you're not interrupting where have you been keeping yourself busy with her son eglise hello Elaine no more attacks no I had been alley business there's a lesson to the ninnies I suppose everything peace and quiet when are you coming out of this well i hobbled around the room today the doctor said I should be up in about a week good we miss you oh I know you have lots of things to do but well I'm afraid Elaine isn't enjoying yourself please I'm afraid she's getting the wrong impression of Harry and what with having seen nothing but the Colonel's quarters in the hospital I've been telling you about the bazaar why don't you take her down and show the native quarter and the fakers we think of that little cafe and let her see the dances [Music] [Applause] now this is the main street of the native quarters these dark complexioned gentlemen are offenders don't pay attention to the mail so do a lot of apples and turnips and beets second anyway they're much better when they're cold I know what you mean like apple pie with milk Kovu probably made in Paterson New Jersey you know New Jersey don't you that's a sander Viner some of them are pretty good yeah mine was a misfortune some can read the future in the sense let's see what he has to say all right please inside this wait lee van was l here and the lieutenant here our son will prepare the same you have come a long way Mademoiselle that's fairly obvious a son can only read the same of course come on you are facing it all together new life many unexpected things are ordered for you love danger weird plottings in all the time death hovers near there for someone lost and you tell anything more pleasant her son can only read the same oh yes there is love much love tell me about that there is love lactic flow of the river steady constant but in the background there is another love a burning devastating all consuming love that's the same love developing growing no ma no L it is not the same it is a younger more vital love why do you say that to use your own words lieutenant that is fairly obvious yeah your anger proves it fakir come on a killer here there are none so blind please you've been practically running ever since we left that sandbar Elaine this situation can't go on one even an idiot and diviner can see the truth I might be making another fool of myself started out as fun on the boat but I know we're going to backfire like this we thought was going to be all over in the morning but we would never see each other again instead you turn up at Port Heron engaged to Shawn why couldn't joke that isn't fair why didn't I tell you where I was going here well that's what made it all so intriguing neither bees ask a question of the other they took what those few always had to offer well as you say it backfired I suppose it was my fault I was on my way to Mary Jean but I've been on my way to marriage ever since I can remember my father always objected a few years ago he died since then there was no reason to postpone it longer then I met you on the boat he suddenly there was a very good reason what are we going to do we've known him a long time haven't you ten years forced me in the Legion they came out from France together I was just on the military school he was a vastly superior first lieutenant with four years service he showed me the ropes I couldn't have got along without him [Music] there's something so dependable about sure we can't hurt him mean wasn't really nothing make a mess of three lives go to Lupo tell him what has happened to him he must understand [Music] I'll be back by the lake okay I've been on the veranda don't think I'm doing well fine here have a chair uh-huh no in a couple more days and I'll be as good as new tell me what do you think of money for the wedding oh yeah that's what I want to talk to you about it there's nothing to talk about you're gonna have a military wedding with all the trimmings and you're going to be best man yes but you see it they are no but I'm a man all about now brook no interference you wouldn't run out on me with you you wouldn't let me down to last moment with you know y'all would run out on you that's good and so I request the commanding officers cooperation means securing and nimativ transfer I can't understand it forward only a few days ago you applied the most ambitious plan for instructing the entire command in parachuting and now you asked me to certify that your work at this post is completed I was mistaken in his possibility sir the Legion is too steeped in tradition to take kindly to such a radical departure from routine I'm sorry to hear you say that well apparently splaining reprisals for the execution of his brother intelligence reports activities among the tribes quantities of material are arriving at the coast and strange enough disappearing the colonel knows the Legion is fully capable of taking care of Abdullah and its own peculiar manner very well unfold you want to go request thank you sir sit down shine I want to talk to you please don't think that I'm an interfering old busybody the commanding officer's wife is really the dictator of the regiment social activities morals charities in fact everything so you see I'm entitled to quite little attitude yes of course madam Boucher you were going there your active young person but somehow you don't seem to impress me as being consumed with the gory fashion perhaps I'm not the demonstrative type Oh perhaps you are not looking forward to your marriage with a very high eagerness matter oh no no no no no no no no no if you're going to head coy I'm sorry and I do appreciate what you're saying you see you learn when you're marrying into the Army you marry into a very now set you meet the same people every day and you can tell away from anything that's just the trouble I don't want to run away bald you know yeah Oh My Damn what am I going to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I expected to meet its head don't know what in the Sun so I came back here I see [Music] I don't do are we doing there please no dates [Applause] [Music] aha big wave lieutenant [Music] okay what'd you say ain't never gonna be nothing like that yeah meatball here says the Colonel's cook said the madam said the lieutenant was going to be transferred what well well use crazy don't you know what the lieutenant was gonna do something like that don't you know he would tell me he would and that is a situation I'm sorry if I've been about to the telly but something had to be done gee Don I think nothing about madam I appreciate your telling me but I can assure you that everything will be straightened out just as soon as I see how the hell a Nepal I knew you would understand I do understand thank you good night what are you doing here waiting for the lieutenant sir where's he gone how long did you sing it for five hours ago and that since I brought in a note from Miss Ellie what note oh the Norwood acid who is Hassan he's a new fortune-teller down to the NATO quarter sir get a car is to kept you go into the native quarter Jasper hurry this I better get Billy meatball and all the Hellcat [Applause] as a lieutenant imam been here with a young lady come on speak up for the hair no I know him he was would ever do that poor Sigma sergeant search the place in are they guns yes sir automatic any sign of lieutenant Devon no sir captain captain good there well that's from the pocket of a legion officer's uniform I'm going to step outside for exactly two minutes and when I return I expect you to tell me what has happened two members of our ocean lieutenant de menthe you understand sergeant yes sir y'all heard what the captain said you ready ready now who do you think you playing with a bunch of cherry I don't guess you seen one of these before but in Harlem we call them a persuader and it is most effective now brother start talking where is the lieutenant a song until Drive doula that release it when that best better at ease captain captain there's Oasis rhetoric sergeant yeah 30 seconds to spare I'll leave one my hair and guard and I'll notify the colonel to confiscate these guns yes sir meatball Bauval come with me hey you stay here come on your mark coffee lieutenant no thanks come come you have hardly eaten a thing what is it the the Americans say the condemned ate a hearty breakfast then we are condemned you are just as my brother was condemned from the moment he fell into your hands I shall try to make your execution as near like his as possible the conventional sunrise and often used wall the drums and all the rest some dates one was dated no thank you you seem to forget that I represented you see lieutenant it would have been so simple for you to admit your mistake it could offer show us more than willing to let Banali go Abdullah let's not fool ourselves that this is all on account of your brother he led that attack of Wadi Ben do you know that are you not as smart a man as I give you credit for maybe you believe this story at the time of the investigation but since then you've been able to check up and you know the truth perhaps but nevertheless applause you and Capitan breed oh who sent my brother to his death I cannot forgive that I don't see what you'll accomplish beyond whatever personal satisfaction you may get by morning the entire Legion will be out hunting for us by morning the entire Legion left so much more it's mine that you two will have become quite unimportant the guns man was else all are to be distributed tonight we made a population of four taroom when the signal is given in a few hours we'll all rise to the attack [Applause] oh yes on me one was a lieutenant I have to give my men their final instructions just a few minutes now sir I'll cop the motors winds from the east I don't to put you down about right be careful captain let's put another country down there Thanks I'll explain the situation to start with Williams in the man [Music] now the routine is the same as all the time tomorrow we're here any questions no sir well remember boys this ain't no practice these are the men that killed satchel so finally by numbers [Applause] [Applause] you're men all right sergeant but yes sir all right follow me [Applause] is a cab mole right yeah yes I'm alright sergeant you're in charge until I return to kept you long I'm going to make sure that lieutenant Ahmad is here I need you I'll fire a shot if not you remain there until I return repeat we stay right here until the captain return or he is shot if the latter you're charging start the blaster correct I'm sorry to have left you alone so long but I suppose you have many things to discuss yes we were discussing you wondering if you're insane we can understand your personal desire for revenge but surely you don't think you can defeat the government by using against it the things that taught you I surely do your government taught me many things but I learned many more from him the fact that France soon would be struggling for it's very existence on the continent a better time to strike out here [Applause] you boys hunched down and keep your ears peeled for a shot if lieutenant Paul's in there we coming out without it oh my nose we up against well I figure did we get about 10 apiece oh that's twice that many you don't expect in there forever do you very bad cop my friend now walk this way please wait please Angela Capitan breed Oh to see you such touching solicitude why did you find Emerson it was crawling into Cade good they have made my day complete the Capitan his fiancee and the dashing lieutenant leave us huh sir and now Mon capitaine how did you get here by automobile searching for the friend to fence to knife you in the back it doesn't true but this true isn't it from Capitan they protest too quickly I found a note arranging the meeting in force and diviners the Nubian told me why they're gone so like a fool I drove here but I should have voided the trip was too much for me and that story is too much for me you are a fool you are a fool because even now you're trying to help them I had a plane a few minutes ago quickly who came with you no one would you die for them yes I told you ASIS but I tell you there is no one I came here to kill him give me a gun [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] I had to make him shoot signal yes John Abdul is dead ladies were all scattered John I I want to try to explain about about you and Holland you don't have to I understand [Music] take [Music] I don't feel lieutenant sir what's in the UH add just a picture of the detachment we thought we did lieutenant would like our what the parachute yes a so why don't we see your signature here little boys autographs are they all got his sign where you see the mixers right there [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] that your enemy y-yes Paul but I I didn't did you wanted to be recognized oh of course then you remember and normal without Mademoiselle arose ma'am devar we are married this morning well Oh congratulations now this time you will sit at my table it's a brighter [Music] you
Channel: Reelblack One
Views: 199,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZhUYfx7oGlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2018
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