LS SWAPPING A C10 everything you need to know part 6

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all right the video you guys have been waiting for finally going to get to our harness we got our warp performance reworked harness uh flash DCU pedal assembly attack module our e-fan relay kit wiring some wire for our fuel pump and fuel level and battery cables we'll use the OE battery cables I already went ahead and put the spark plug wires intake with the mass airflow on there cooling systems done fuel systems done I tested the fuel pump already put some fuel in there so we'll go ahead and start with the wiring next foreign we're going to start by putting our battery cables in first these are the factory cables so we'll use the Factory bracket here to hold it on the oil pan [Music] foreign starter just so we can see how far our cable needs to go in and then we'll secure this positive cable with this bracket that's two little tabs to hold the cable inside this channel flip those in or have a tab on this inside slide into that hole and then they'll take a screw on the other side all right that'll hold our battery cable there in place and I will lower it and get on the top for the ground we have a 13 millimeter bolt that goes right in front of the motor mount there foreign we'll have one more ground on the battery cable here this one you could attach to your radar support and then we'll need one more ground from the back of the block to the firewall this one originally went to the factory um foreign fuse box there was a red box that was here I can't find it right now but you would hook up the alternator and your battery cable in that red box next thing we'll do we'll start working on getting our wire harness in there put all of our attack module fuse box plugs on this side this thick part of the harness is going to run through this Loom here foreign getting this kind of set up and then we'll plug everything in so we got knock sensor map and cam position sensor here we know these will go back there we'll clip in our harness here so it kind of holds in place mass airflow that one's always left extra long just in case you're gonna run the Master Flow on this side or the driver's side so we'll put that there just so it's hooked up this one will all go to the bottom this will be our battery 12 volt starter lug crank position sensor and then this will be our starter signal to our solenoid foreign our harness as we go this will be your speed sensor and transmission plug these are going to have to run back as well so right now what we'll do is start hooking up some stuff let's see this will be our ground to the back of the cylinder here to push down in back there we've got our knock sensor plug that in got our cam position sensor that'll be on the back we got our map sensor that'll be right here on top okay these two are o2s so those will run back as well just drop them down behind the motor there and position well I'm gonna Loop this one over on this side of the dipstick so this will be our injectors first we'll plug in the coil pack plug Bank two has it on there Bank two coils all right that's plugged in now we got our our series of injectors here two four six eight start with two here two four six and eight and then the harness will be pretty much the length here for your uh throttle body we'll run this harness through this little clip here that way it stays in place on this side so we can get it through this clip on this side okay hook my injector back up all right so pretty much you just get this mass airflow plug out of the way pretty much the bank two on this side is already hooked up we got our injectors hooked up our coil packs hooked up we got our map hooked up knock sensor we'll get back there and hook up to our hand position sensor that'd be this one and then I'll switch you guys back over there and we'll hook up uh the bank one side all right so for our banquet side we ran our main harness here through this Loom now we'll plug in our coils and injectors we got one through seven here we got a coolant temp sensor that'll run towards the front right there right on the manifold this one was damaged so we'll need to get a new one we'll run it under there and plug right there some Loop through the bottom so we'll start with our injectors injector one after three five and seven and then we'll run them through these little retaining clips so holds the harness in place we got we got our bank one coil plug on the cabinet and our alternator plug that'll go up right here on top I'm gonna run it through the body all right so on our bank one side we already hooked up the alternator our one three five and seven injectors our coil plug foreign and then last we will get to the camshaft position sensor will be this plug here the oil pressure sensor is not used all right so our bank one side is now fully hooked up we've got map sensor knock sensor injectors coils alternator camshaft position sensor back there a little yellow tab our coolant temp we need to get a new one this one was broken so we're down here we can hook up the rest of our plugs this will be our transmission plug and our speed sensor we'll start with those then we got our bank 102 that one needs to run on the driver's side Bank 102 Bank 202 we're opposite side foreign go ahead and disconnect the battery cable from the starter get the starter out of the way and hook up our crank position sensor crank position sensor wire plug would be this one this would be to our starter solenoid and then with the bigger eyelet will be battery 12 volt on starter lug so basically a constant 12 volt all right crank position sensor is hooked up so go ahead and put our starter back on and plug in the rest of the connections this one will go with this terminal here from the battery comes in 12 volts [Music] and the small island that will be the starter signal our O2 plugs ran on the right side we got our bangtu side on the passenger bank one side uh laying there on the driver's side we got our crank position sensor hooked up that goes right behind the starter we got our starter signal in there and we got our battery to starter constant 12. I'm pretty much done for the complete harness other than plugging in those o2s or speed sensors there transmission plugs there all right so we got two rolls of wire here the blue wire we're going to use for our fuel level sensor this brown wire it's a little thicker we're going to use for our 12 volt to our fuel pump what I'll do is I'll I'll tie it in here and just kind of measure it out and that should be enough to get us all the way to the top all right we'll make our first two connections here our blue wire is going to be our feel level so on the actual 87 plug that is the purple wire our power to fuel pump would be the gray wire and our ground ground to the to the frame there now we'll cut the plug make our connections so purple would be our fuel level it's going to now be our blue wire and gray is our fuel pump power which will now be our brown wire now we'll start running our harness towards the front amount of ground there [Music] screw is a little long so I just cut it down foreign 's on there we'll put some zip ties to hold this harness in place and then we'll make our connections on top all right so back to the wiring this is the three wires that come from the war harness the green one is the fuel pump uh the pink wire is key on 12 volts this is our key on 12 volts from our bulkhead make sure that um when you get your key on 12 volts and you go to start you still have 12 volts to this wire it should be key on 12 volts all the time there's some wires in here that'll get 12 volts and when you turn the key to the start position it loses the 12 volts so just make sure you have key on 12 volts anytime the ignition is turned on this one here looks like a brown wire this is our fuel level this blue wire here that is our oil pressure uh the light green and dark green that is our reverse signal this one was manual so our reverse signal was on the transmission this purple wire this is our start ignition once the ignition is pushed all the way forward we'll be at 12 volts here foreign Junction here we'll have constant 12 volts to the battery so this one will go it mounts on the firewall and then this will run back all the way to our battery 12 volt and that's it really the only three you need to hook up is your start your key on 12 volts and your constant 12 volts the green wire will go straight to the fuel pump in the back and that is now powered by our fuse box here all right now we got our fuel pump harness ran up here the next thing we'll do is we'll make some connections and do a test fire uh I'll make uh all our connections with these uh they're super easy to install and take off once we get everything working we'll shorten up the line clean it all up and put some but connectors on there all right so greenless fuel pump we have our two wires right here already running from the tank so fuel pump was our brown wire we'll connect the green fuel pump to our brown wire all right um next we got our pink wire that is our constant uh that is our key on 12 volts make sure it's key on 12 volts all the time even when cranking it should still be 12 volts there okay next we got our starter signal that is a yellow wire and on our bulkhead it is the purple wire go ahead and hook that up from our fusible link here our little Junction block we got the constant 12 this goes to directly to the battery the case turned on turn the key back put this one on here for now and that is our constant 12 volts those will put to the side right now that's basically all you need to hook up start key on 12 bolts fuel pump obviously the 12 volts to the fuel pump and your constant 12 volts here to your Junction blocker next thing I need to do I still haven't done is ground the frame to the motor and then ground the motor to the cab that's the last that's the last thing we need to do to test fire this engine and we'll make some ground connections with some of these ground straps that I have laying around so this one will find somewhere to mount this from the motor to the cap foreign bolt it somewhere right here right below the Junction block all right our ground secured fuel pump primed uh all the accessories turned on I'll prime it about one more time just to fill the fuel system and it should fire off [Music] all right so now we know our harness is plugged in right everything's working I tested the lights already lights reverse um brake lights they're all working next thing we'll do we will lift the truck I need to make some transmission cooler lines and then we'll be able to fill all the fluids and let it run for a little bit so next thing we'll get on is uh our transmission cooler lines we'll pull off the original fittings and put in our an adapters the original transmission line fittings will be replaced with the 6an adapters okay now we'll make our lines and hook up our oil cooler on the radio support that angle seems to fit just right back there second line okay we'll go ahead and tie these um right around our battery cable and then we'll secure it okay all right we got our cooler we'll make some little tabs that way we could bolt it down [Music] all right now that our transmission cooler is hooked up we'll add the rest of our fluids and we'll let this uh this motor idle warm up all right so we got our new Driveline in there the only thing left to hook up down here would be the bank 202 Bank 102 exhaust all right so uh we got the drive line in there we got our transmission cooler mounted our wires are still hanging there but we'll go ahead and put it through the gears and Roll It Off The Lift thank you thank you
Channel: BACfab
Views: 16,419
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Id: KLCt3NFfnJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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