LPS: Bakers Gonna Bake {Movie} | A Cinderella Story

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hello how are you enjoying your food this evening the tea is terrific Thanks we try our best here at sunny Meadows Cafe need a napkin thank you he really needed a napkin no problem Sabri pardon me your shift here is complete no I still have an hour left on my shift oh I'm sending you home early you've done enough work for today you need to go take care of your family yes I really just don't want you you know the consequences if you don't my name is Aubrey and I'm just gonna rewind to the beginning of the story Gugu no not that far Aubrey [Music] I'm afraid I have some important matters to discuss with you my job requires me to be out of the country a lot ever since your mother's passing things have grown much more difficult on you and I and you I feel guilty leaving you at home by yourself no one to tend for you father I am old enough to take care of myself I recently met this woman and I wanted to ask you if you'd be alright adding three new members to the family three new members well your stepmom and your two sisters well I understand if you don't want him I get that you still miss your mother father if it makes you happy I can be happy too you really mean that Aubrey of course I do I just want to see you be happy and so our family grew at first they were rude but then later they were still rude he always asked me to do their stuff for them and it got really tedious their mom would punish me if I didn't follow through with what they wanted I didn't want to tell my dad about this because I wanted him to be happy well we're going on a honeymoon girls Dena darling you're gonna be in charge over gone I love you so much thank you for being so accepting I'll miss you and I'll see you in a few weeks mm-hmm few weeks later you didn't return [Music] let's hear you enjoying the food Table ten requesting more ketchup and I can't find where this other bottles are oh go take care of that right now things going forming me Oh smells like something died in here huh I'm disturbing it honestly smells a really good mom tweet here I've always wanted to try this cafe Lina Renault i eating here and that is because we don't want to support entrees bosses of business because we want Aubree to get fired so we can have grown personal servant duh I see your plan you guys are so embarrassing anyways breem you have ten other choices you must finish at home and excuse me Daphne she's not your actual daughter therefore you're not the boss of her stop standing up for this peasant her father left me in charge of her and I will not hesitate to do so even if that means cutting you out of the picture sorry I should probably go the girls and I are going shopping we expect dinner to be ready by the time we get back sorry I break wait for me he I couldn't possibly but you must live an extra one anyways after all you've been through with easily psycho to and after all you've done for me this is just my token of appreciation you're a phenomenal Baker and you can shine in an environment like this I believe I know you love to beat and I want you to express your creativity here you're gonna go far tonight I know you'll get your dream bakery one day this is your sanctuary your safe place it thank you so much [Music] I have to get home hmm baking contest May 14th at The Barking Dog restaurant 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. contest of $100,000 banquet party anyone can enter this this could be my big break wouldn't get my own bakery oh my flyer so sorry should have been watching where I was going I believe this fire belongs to you and boy does it look familiar you're just a kind of concussion or something you can't beat cliff cliff Bailey cliff Bailey's me alright good luck to see someone's taking interest in my contest do kidding I can't wait to enter this contest I can't believe I'm meeting you in real life right now you're a celebrity you are an amazing chef I watch you all the time on cooking the shows I mean sorry for bumping into you that was not my fault I wasn't watching where I was going I was in a rush I got really excited after I saw this fire I can finally do something I'm passionate about I'm glad to see you're so stoked about my competition I should probably be going nice meeting you oh and I hope to see you at my competition I can't believe I actually met him I'm good answer this contact this could change everything I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but what contest nothing why don't you give that to me let's see a baking contest the winner takes $100,000 why I'm afraid you can't go to this event what do you mean there's far too many chores that must be done plus supper wasn't prepared tonight by the time we got home from shopping there are plenty of leftovers that are gonna go spoiled in the fridge if we don't eat them you are so ungrateful for all the food I make so why do I even bother please leftovers those are disgusting is it all the food she makes disgusting [Music] indeed I'm afraid you can only go to this competition once all 28 of your chores are complete anyways my two girls are going to be entering it so we have double the chance of winning I wish you the worst of luck I'm so sorry it's not your doing [Music] perfect [Music] what how has she already prepared breakfast and also your earrings don't even match I know that yeah mother are we gonna start baking yet we need to be abri in the competition cuz we know she's all gonna be in her tails calm down girls there's no way she's going to win it she's not even talented at all no let's get baking this is looking so good well did morning Aubrey I didn't expect to see you and the kitchen this early in the morning Oh yep I'm here bright and early mmm sure smells good what are you making a cake to enter a baking competition I could win $100,000 that's enough for me to open my bakery need to win I this is my dream of course I must finish all my chores and I don't even have a way of getting to the restaurant or anything I don't even know what I'm supposed to wear well I'm sure things will come around let's hopefully do I'm just about done sit I just need to get it over the oven mother can you pass me a napkin some batter got in my face that's better hm you've got it all over me almost there wonderful girls we're done with all our baking today Oh Shona we clean up the kitchen course not Lina we leave that stuff for all three are made mother are you sure my peanut butter banana cookies are going to win a first course and then you'll marry a celebrity never Alina what is that this this is my banana honey cake I learned how to make it from Aubrey all Bree he's been teaching me how to bake in on my free time if this is Audrey's recipe oh we're basically guaranteed a spot to win oh you're right we are going to win aren't we I thought you said Audrey was a terrible Baker we were only lying it's perfect lookie here what are you carrying um it's a cake I made my mother's favorite cake that I made for her before she passed it contains a lot of tropical flavors such as pineapple passionfruit guava coconut sounds like it tastes like an absolute train wreck it's so gorgeous it would be a pity if anything happened to it I mean it must have taken you hours to make this you know just be ashamed oops I didn't mean to do that so terribly sorry looks like that cake is no longer eligible oopsie [Music] every are you okay it's all ruined I'm so sorry I I want to help you I'm telling you to go away sure penny wouldn't mind if I stayed in here for the night uh-huh bri-bri is that you oh my you don't look so good what happened my evil stepsister and my evil stepmom sort of sabotaged me they ruined my cake and now I can't enter and since there's still a few hours left before the competition starts a few hours I still don't even know what I'm gonna wear I still don't know what I'm gonna do I can't perfect that cake that cake took me a whole day that's how complex the cake was it's too late I'm sorry I'd apologize to me it's your dream the one that you were giving up I thought you were stronger than that I did too but I'm not well I found an outfit to give you to wear to the party tonight and I'm so available for transportation if you need it if you change your mind I understand if you've given up I'm sorry what happened to you really I am I just hope you know that those confetti macarons that you made me a while back for my birthday well that was the best dessert I've ever eaten I think you could win with those but I mean I get it there may not be enough time anyways I confetti macarons well how do you feel feel absolutely terrified what if they recognize me please do you think that they're even smart enough to know where they actually are I'll be back and I'll pick you up then we leave remember exactly midnight 12 a.m. need you to get back to your house and wash out all that dye right thank you for everything I can't thank you enough it's no problem now go on and have the night of your life good luck thank you okay you're clear go on through watch your step to be yo Thank You X okay you may proceed [Music] those are my talented daughter certain they're both single and ready to mingle if you're interested and weddings work any day for me so this is exactly why I have security for crazy people like them they seem a bit sketchy I would just stay clear alone with you good hello welcome to the competition okay she saved she dude you won through and man those macaroons smell real good thank you they're confetti macarons miss when you go in please fill out a form filling out your name address phone number etc so we can contact you in case you do win right thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it looks like we're ready to get this on the road I'm surely going to win this competition you don't see any - my strawberry cake is literally the best thing ever that girls macarons look absolutely delicious although I don't think she's gonna win nothing can beat my crepe Scouts nothing can beat my strawberry scones purple does not look good on her it only looks good on me obviously oh oh oh okay David let's go taste all the desserts and then we'll find the winner okay everyone that us the judges will be tasting every single dish and we it will be based 50% on taste 50% on the appearance and now please welcome my friend Olivia she came all the way from the UK she um the most famous bakery over there everybody I am so excited to taste all your dishes I cannot wait they all look delightful okay so just mingle among yourselves and one that's the winner very shortly pardon me mother hey I'll breeze at you Lena wait how could you tell only you could make something that looks that delicious plus confetti macaroons I remember you made it on my birthday once that was the sweetest thing ever I went to wish you the best of luck thanks you too okay everyone we have a winner the guest that will be getting $100,000 [Music] is the confetti macaroons congratulations there's no name on your entry form so we cannot give you the money unless you show us your ID right there behind the crowd of people oh man I can't believe I won excuse me everyone how does she win those looked disgusting don't you agree mother I definitely think your cookies have should have won let me go talk to this manager guy oh hi sorry congrats on winning I'm sorry miss I'm going to need to know your name ID and your address no I mean that that sounds really creepy but I mean it's just for security reasons and I need to you know just I'm really sorry I wish I could but I can't I what I don't understand would you like to have a dance sir uh well yeah but then will you give me your ID maybe I'll consider it yeah well you want to believe how much my mother loved to bake I feel like we've met before but I can't quite remember I felt like your fur was a bit different but I don't know um yeah I have to go I'm so sorry I really have to go I know it's 12 million but you still haven't claimed your prize yet and I still need to see your ID when a party says it ends at 12 a.m. it doesn't really mean that it ends at 12 a.m. I know it's just I gotta go purity she gone away cliff what I didn't you didn't expect to see me in your room do you well I couldn't help but notice there's a macaron in your room a confetti macaron actually one that looks exactly like the contestants that ones tonight I don't know what you're talking about confetti macaroons are very common dessert and well I've been here the whole time really did you not dance with cliff all night long and do you really expect that my daughter's just to stand there you know the only reason that I'm kicked you out was really because I didn't want my daughters to fail and I want them to win you've always hated me admit it hates a strong word I hope you don't feel that way towards me now do you I'll be taking this with me and I'll be cleaning the prize money what no hey you can't do that I'm afraid it's too late no no nope let me out please the only thing we can do is if we take this list of everyone who entered in the contest go to their addresses and hopefully we'll find the contestant cliff how do we know if the contestant never gave us the address surely it'll be one of these address on the list once we figure out their name we'll know where they live and if we don't then we go to the police and figure it out why are you so determined about figuring out this person if they ran away it's most likely we didn't want to win or they didn't expect it beats because I'm a good person and I want to see people's dreams come true there's more to that isn't there maybe but I thought the point come on we don't have all day hello yes come inside I have the macaroon right here yes it was me my daughter's actually Billy so you're claiming you made this macaroon right here in this basket oh yes of course well actually okay but on my list it says that four members from this household entered the competition four but there's only three of us how does that even work out listen princess either you guys are lying or you're just terrible at math well apparently my sisters is terrible I'm at I mean I'm smart um and I made those macaroons you know we have records your name was actually already on the list and you made the cookies that tasted disgusting your sister over there made a cake which tasted horrible how did it taste horrible that was Audrey's recipe Aubrey well Audrey as in me my name's Aubrey obviously I can go whip up a batch of macarons right now if you want me to prove that I actually entered the competition sure they must look and taste exactly the same no sweat at all I'm going to the bathroom you entertain them Tina so cliff you want to dance it's all hopeless Oh Bree you know what are you doing here listen David are here they're looking for evidence that the macaron Baker's here my mom's trying to pretend like she Amina but we know that's not gonna go well I came here to freak you you can get your prize money you can move out of this house and go live your own life why would you do that you're gonna get in so much trouble I never hated you you expressed so much kindness to me my sister and my mother it's really the least I could do after all I never stopped them I was always too scared we can stop this together you don't have to do it by yourself come on let's go what is that um macro Roma I don't know what else you're talking about it's lopsided it's burnt and it's not even the right texture terrible that's because I'm supposed to win the contest that's right eat how'd you get in the room I've walked you up in there locked her in a room meaning you kidnapped her I will go bake one right now to prove that I actually may lose and I don't need a recipe because I know the recipe by heart there you go tastes exactly the same oh and by the way mother the reason why I uh my cake sort of tasted horrible was because when you left I redid the whole cake that's right I didn't want to have a chance of winning so you sabotaged yourself no not really this was your dream to win and to fail Aubrey not mine I couldn't be happier [Music] perfect a table for two yeah yeah hey guys thanks so much for coming no problem it's like the hottest place in town I'll get your normal in just a second so how's the food I couldn't be prouder of you I knew you could do it they couldn't have done it without you so thank you be right back and you serve a table I hope you like the color pink cliff hey I mean I heard you like the color pink so flowers q they're lovely or take a piece of strawberry cake there we go that's better hey I can't get it off and that's my happily ever after [Music]
Channel: Sugar Diamond
Views: 164,995
Rating: 4.8665133 out of 5
Keywords: lps, sugar diamond, lps vid, vid, littlest pet shop, lps video, video, new, royal, princess, cinderella, movie, short film, film, skit, baker, baking, cake, food, restaurant, bakery, lps baking, cooking with, bake off, lps movie, new movie, lps short film, disney, fairy godmother, magic, love, famous, dreams
Id: S6EfqA8JYzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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