LPS - Rachel's World Ep 5 - Moving in to The New House!

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episode 5 moving into the new house oh ok kids are here why don't you just hop out here wow you guys our house is so big yeah it has adorable and spot for her meal this is so cool then our other house Wow look at that room up there Rachel oMG I hope that's mine wait that's probably my room anyways want to go inside and check it out mom we're heading in wake you guys can you help me at least take out the luggage we gotta go and check it out hey Rachel you didn't lead or a bit just clothes on oh hey wait for me you guys you guys I need tell you something hmm oh my gosh you guys look how cool it is oh there's a pool let's go check out the pool oh yeah cool wait for me Charles how do you notice there's no furniture wait ah there's no furniture where is it I don't know look at guys there's a whole blank area to play wait oh my gosh we can scoot around here but where's all of our furniture this isn't our TV hey mom has a whole new bedroom and that is not mom's bed oh do the upstairs let's check that out yeah I'm totally with you okay wait for me guys did you know if there's food here tube yeah weird right guys you can check this out Wow I should have told him they're gonna freak out once I see that there's barely any furniture inside man I knocking over the luggage okay now I should probably get this luggage in Rachael's this is a door I'm gonna go and check out what's in this room wow this has to be my room oh there's a swing for me and mommy you've got my own computer she's so sweet and my own phone I have an iPod but I don't have a root ball that's so cute and they also have plants too now I'm gonna go and check out this room too wow that's cool you guys this is not your room this is probably mine whose room do you think of those guys I think it's my room Rachel that one over there that has a draft closet is so yours and this room right here is my suite room I can't believe mom didn't tell that we were getting new furniture yeah weird let's go and check out this room this is probably ours Charles this is alive and are you doing this all summer wait the day after that is my first day of college so yay by me I'm so excited I get the coolest bed - why don't we have any furniture all we have is a closet and toys yeah that's weird why are we gonna talk to mom yeah I don't know why we have no furniture don't just leave me in here Rachel Eloise Charles coming mom coming yeah Charles okay you guys so you ran off into the house before I could explain that the moving trucks gone to a huge accident all of our furniture got destroyed so instead I ordered some new ones really mom that's so cool yeah thanks so unfortunately some of it didn't arrive what we don't have a bed so mom where you and sleep tonight um you might just have to sleep on the floor tonight okay can we at least have a blanket well stap a nice blanket and a pillow up there for you guys so it's not too hard for you on the floor thanks mom you're the sweetest how many days we have to sleep on the floor only tonight okay cuz the furniture should arrive tomorrow I'm pretty sure it's going to arrive tomorrow okay so does that mean like we can do whatever you want tomorrow the new furniture delivery truck should be arriving in the morning really early though if you interview guys here just try and stay to see because I want you guys to get a really good sleep so you can maybe go in the pool or something like that well we can't go in the pool right now since we already ate dinner we don't need to do that so there's a little time before you guys have to go to bed you can maybe play in the pool for a little bit yeah well I go inside-out Rachel and Charles bet so I'm gonna get your sister to bed and then you guys can head out to the pool oh I'm Rachel you should probably put your swimsuit on and please take your luggage up to the room and before you go into the pool please set up your luggage in Rachel and Charles you don't need to do that because the old your furniture isn't in the room if I at least put your clothes in the closet please and thank you well I put your sister to bed can't wait to see what our furniture is yeah and I can't wait to play in the pool yeah wait you guys I have a splendid idea we run out tomorrow morning we didn't go in the pool guess what's even cooler we can go in the pool anything we want wait well we have school well I have to go to college so we can wait until after school it still is pretty exciting yeah okay why don't we put our luggage upstairs like mom says so she doesn't get mad or ground us yeah I'll take mine first I'll put mine I'll just grab money go up okay learn just put ahead sweet little big girl in I'll put her blankie in there oh okay I have some tidying up to do so I should probably get ready for the delivery up to tomorrow one two three drum oh and you know what I don't really want it I'll just climb down and love cattails are so stop mm-hmm I think I'll come in you guys the baby is crying I'll go and see her and I don't want mom to have too much work to do whoo too bad Ellie's had to go and see the baby whoo-hoo so cool we have our own cool yeah must be I'll probably don't have pillows out there yeah well in Phoenix they do cuz it's so hot here whoo ouch Brandi around my head I think I can take this flow Daffy now whoo to run Oh Charles oh you might have made a please mad up there whatever it's not like it's soaking she shouldn't be that bad can you guys I'm back wait is this wet you're kidding can't enjoy the time it looks like I'm gonna be hoppin kind of cold for my liking but I'll just have to warm up hey what's this Eloise whoo hey Rachel you hit my hair sorry look at we're all floating guys yeah hotter you guys it's time for bed so can you please hop out of the pool and I'm gonna go and get a towel so we can clean this water mess up okay guys oh and Rachel and Charles I already made your bed I hope you like it it's a really comfortable okay yeah thanks mom oh it's cold in the water I hope our mom hurries okay Rachel let me see how it looks cool yeah it's really cool hmm don't stay in the pool will just float until mom comes with the towel see you guys I got some towels please can you guys dry off I'll be up to tuck you in a few minutes guys I'm good for since I'm the youngest um can i Rachel okay I will be easy okay okay thanks I just need to dry off in this okay this is better that's more like it Rachel I'm leaning the towel up there oh and Charles clean up the mess you made all over the wood Charles they may be some horrible water mass I know I'm leaning up there for you Rachel and I'll clean up this mess quick here I'll try and be is sorry sorry Jeffrey didn't mean to make a huge water mess the night eloise then I um at least you like your new room yes I love it mom and I have my own personal space I'm glad you like it I'm gonna go and tuck in your brother and sister ah okay here you go you guys man i charles in the night Rachel see you in the morning sweet dreams item Oh Mac um yeah uh night I hope you love your new room the bed should be arriving tomorrow I'm so excited to see what mine looks like yeah so am i I hope mine looks like a dinosaur a bed well you're just gonna need a wait and see what they look like then I know night Charles Charles wake up y'all Rachel I just heard a weird noise let's go and see Eloise okay hey Eloise we heard a noise oh you guys it's really late in the night why don't you try and go back to bed I didn't hear anything please I'm trying to get a good sleep let's go maybe is just the wind or something yeah cluck-cluck-cluck Rachel Rachel what was that I don't know let's go and Cielo please come on let's go and say that Louise her that Eloise wake up we're hearing more noises if you need something that's really important come and see me I mean I'm not hearing anything you guys can you stop trying to bother me I mean I'm trying to get a good night's sleep go to bed if I feel two more times I'm gonna freak out let's go because there was nothing maybe just something so ah let's go see the Elie Wiesel a sleep with her yeah Rachel I'm with you Oh leave me alone Charles I'm so scared wait for me Oh what you stop bugging me you guys would it make you happy if you would sleep with me yes anything just stop waking you up his pleas for scared okay hop in I'll tuck you guys in now be quiet and good night thanks Alois no night what was that I don't know Charles oh you're here okay just put the furniture over here okay wait what Charles get up alright so I think our furnitures here it's gone see okay I just have to go to the bathroom first oh yeah me too can I go first like I really need aa nut she's gonna beat me to the bathroom King guys please keep it down I am so tired sorry thank you wait Charles you better come here how we gonna get down mom yes guys I'm pretty early how to get down you can just like push through the stop okay what a mess okay you guys so the guy said I I hope that they would move the stuff into the places I wanted them to but they don't really do that so they just piled it up so we're gonna need you do that and by the way where's Eloise he's still sleeping yeah why don't we get her some more sleep I hope we didn't wake her oh hi Louise what was all that noise oh this it's a bomb down here this is a pigsty you've gotta be kidding me mom with all this furniture doing here well I wanted the guys to move them to the place I wanted them to be but unfortunately they don't really do that so we're gonna need Marcel I'm gonna need your help today kids can we go in the pool no not until you at least help me with at least two things each okay I'll start by oles can you help me and then pull okay Rachel you can take this slide and your blanket and I'll take your bed what a slide I have a slide on my back yep you sure do oh man is so cool I just take this and I'm needing some help yeah looks perfect Alys thank you for helping and you're watching TV know that you finished you are such a good helper I am going to go and check on Rachel Charles on how they're doing their job okay mom oh good I'm gonna go to my awesome slide hey Rachel can I go down your awesome slide thing oh sure Charles whoo that's so much fun can I do it again Rachel okay Wow you guys good job Rachel I love how to set up your bed and your room and Charles I love how you set the toy area you guys are so awesome thank you so much you guys mom thanks for all of my furniture no problem Rachel yeah these were all referred to and Rachel's full slide oh no problem Charles you guys are just the sweetest thank you and I'm so glad your furniture came is because tomorrow is such a big day why it's your first day at your new school okay you guys a little nervous yeah I mean my best friend is not gonna be there yo your is mine but the good thing is you guys can make new friends I'm excited for that part good Rachel how about you Charles yeah you can maybe play in the pool for a little bit the end 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Keywords: lil' monkey media, lilmonkeymedia, lil monkey media, lilmonkey, little monkey media, little monkey, lil monkey, littlemonkeymedia, best playmobil house, best lps short, best lps series, lps moving, lps new house, playmobil luxury mansion, playmobil swimming pool, playmobil house, best lps tuber, best littlest pet shop, best littlest pet shop series, best lps movie, best playmobil city life, calico critter family car, calico critter cherry cruiser, lps family moving, lps skit
Id: e02kSGeHapE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2016
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