LPS - Rachel's World Ep 10 - Camping with Friends! 🐢

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perfect Rachel world episode 10 chatting with friends oh hey Rachel this is our camper wow it's really big it's okay that just put my paper um actually you might want to move it up to the counter that's behind me because that's where my mom and dad sleep that's the couch you're also you can use your bag though yep bear come up here eh oh okay alright what's this I'm sure it is oh now remember oh there it's a fold-out bed awesome I wish we were sleeping there oh I'll get you our bedrooms later they're pretty cool too are do you fold-out couch I know but you'll like it okay but my mom and dad are really lucky theirs is really bouncing watch oh oh come on Rachel um is that okay I don't know we should do that it's fine I do it all the time okay wow this is awesome now ah okay let's go to the bathroom I'm going to bounce off come on um whoa there are two bathrooms and here's the bathroom so we have a shower and then a sink is behind me the towel of course and yeah oh and then there's the toilet but there is no toilet only toilet big books you know how we have a fold-out couch for my mom dad asleep on yeah is there fold-out toilet yep yeah oh that is awesome I wish we had that in my house it kind of looks like um a small garbage can yeah I thought the same thing - that was a garbage can and like mom why did we get a trailer with no toilet and I thought we'd have to like buy an outhouse to you that side yeah pretty funny now Kenzi oh my mom's calling come on let's go okay I'll show you our beds a scare okay okay crawl it's time for bed but mom we haven't even had a campfire it's so late honey it was a long drive okay we need to get to bed but tomorrow I promise you we will have a campfire okay and I haven't even had a chance to collect wood yet Oh dad can me and Rachel help collect wood in the morning with you then sure if you're going to be up early you can come and help yay thank you Dad thank you can be Eloise I brought all your stuff set up in the car okay if you need anything else um let me know okay mom Thank You Kandi's mom they're sleeping in the car okay I call dibs on the front seat Eloise I'll show you in the car okay but I still want the front seat let's go over it girls you can hop into bed I'll tuck you in in a few minutes okay mommy good night mommy and then again tonight honey no night Rachel tonight thanks so much now mom and dad oh that's not problem at all Rachel all right sweet dream girlz Thank You data thanks so which way is it to our bed this way oh these are so comfy bunk bed I'm going to love sleeping here yeah it's my favorite spot oh hi girls good night Rachel then I know is mom midnight Alice and nice armor all right I'll see you two in the morning come on Eloise you can have a pink bed but we had a theme in the car so there's no bed look why didn't you tell me how to fold down the head I thought we had to sleep in the seat nope one of them converts down to a bed awesome thanks for letting me have the pink I love pink oh it's so comfy like a mattress yeah it's two of my mattresses but I don't really them so we use them for casting when somebody speaks in the car ah so cozy no night at least then I can see see you tomorrow okay uh girls oh there's pretty we're gonna shut the door there all right now it's my turn to go to bed whoo a long day driving well good morning mommy oh good morning now where's Rachel she's family Oh daddy did you already collect the firewood without me and Rachel yeah you guys slept in a little too long so I just had to go out and collect it but you can still help me make the fire tonight yay oh honey did you eat some breakfast want me to make you an egg no I mean Rachel already grab something to eat okay oh sorry now I just had get my fancy skirt on well one of my favorites anyways good morning Rachel oh good morning Ozma oh um now do we still have time to collect the firewood no my daddy already collected the firewood and all but you say we can help him make the fire yay oh hey Lee what you doing I'm playing a game with Kensie Oh can I fight or space or matter can we eat please play which other snakes a mouse or a flat back he was like baby I know me too sorry we're already playing the game go and find another game there's another one inside and checkers duck why can you let the girls play mom we've already started again so they have to wait until we're done okay now I'm are you sure you need to find something else to do I really want to play the game sorry now that you can't that's enough that you guys you should fold take a good hike okay mom is when we're at the data rate both good for Eloise mom why do we have to go we're playing our game just let's finish this one round please no you can finish another game after okay we'll take a walk well it's not so bad Kenzie you will get a little fresh air yeah mm-hmm wait I need change this isn't a good hiking skirt I'll be right back now would you want to ask your dress don't it's okay mommy I love it oh dear this is the one during yesterday but it's pretty cozy all right fellas going to hike all right have a good time on your hike and try and be back before dark okay mama which way should we go you say come on let's go yay let's go can leave okay hi mom see you later bye honey I have fun of entering in the woods oh come on guys up here this is a whole bridge and a little part that's so cute come on now it's so pretty do the bridge and tummy Rachel oh wow there is I left this little pad it's so beautiful come on Kenzie come on Olli huh look at the pond I can see little fish almost APRI flowers yeah so beautiful here come here no there's an even better view it's so pretty Billy I'm coming your ferry now yeah you're right it is really pretty from here can be coffee on the bridge what is it I'm trying to talk to Eloise and she's kind of behind look at our pretty depandi and it's 18 fish oh cool oh my dog Eloise can please catch up someone talk to you some more coming I'm just getting used to taking hikes yeah I am hey let's talk down here by the water hey pal why don't you tell me there's like a lake a lake huh Lake excellently Kenzie it's a plant yeah what Rachel said oh right yeah you know I mean oh it's so pretty here he can be just what what you know that super awesome popstar Megan yeah I love her music - he's transferring to a school next year lychees going to our school no way that is awesome I totally had to get her on a rap yeah me too come on Kenzie come on Eloise we need to keep going yeah yeah that's nice we'll catch up with you guys in a minute come on let's going out yeah I want to keep it venturing on this hike me too guys can you keep it down we're trying to talk about like the most famous pop star and she's going to resk oh okay this is important stuff here you know if you want to know about it then maybe you should come down here okay whatever we're going keep adventuring yeah I know let's go oh cool it's a door then right now it's here yeah what is it Rach it's not a door but there is no door in the middle of the woods Rachel you're so silly no really there's a door behind me look oh yeah you're right there is a door what why Sir door out here I don't know now maybe we should go in Rachel do you think we should go what if it's like a portal or something and it takes us like we're dinos work hmm you're right maybe we should go and get the girls yeah we probably should let's go Oh freak oh wait I don't know what's behind arrow or something to open you know what one day after school maybe you should come to my house yeah that'd be awesome don't you have a sleepover and then maybe we can go to like a and W and get breakfast yeah that'd be really cool yeah you know what I'm trying to like get a lot of money so I can buy my own place because it's kind of hard to do your homework and stuff and practice for old sports and you have a little brother and sister who are always bugging you yeah it's like sometimes now is like hey six that's gone play let's go on today yeah okay they dress up and like try to do it more work or study yeah I know wait maybe if we both save up some money we can buy a place and you living it together yeah and there and all the practicing we can't mm-hmm without any younger siblings bothering us yeah or our mom and dad say cute or is clean up your room yeah you're right you've just been me and you and it's kind of embarrassing that it's maybe like me and you who still live at home and we're in college and like everyone else who's with their big s yeah we should totally do that Eloise Eloise Eloise Rachel in a minute okay but Eloise in a minute I said okay now come on incoming Rachel Kennedy can be can be nella we're in a conversation okay go and play yeah because we attached I've just keep of entry but we found a door yeah door and it made me carry tools like jar or back in time what there's no such thing has a door in the middle of nowhere and there is no portal that leads back in time hey I'm in college girls do you think I would know there's magic portals going into someone's backyard or in back in time yeah we know but it's true Rachel I know you guys are young and like making believe make-believe somewhere else we're talking about some things okay but but but we're talking about something just play Eloise you quality she can't see shirt just to make them stop asking yeah fine we'll come and see but if you just lie to us we're going to be so mad at you we aren't yeah okay yes wait guys yeah you guys Tori Buffy it's awesome huh well now we have to go to their make-believe set haha guys I'm here yes me too mm-hmm so where is this make-believe door it's not big believe it's right behind me look at it it's a real door what is it door when you guys toss sooner we did it as soon as we saw it uh no you took like one our yeah did not you two do not get you guys all right I just need to open the door so we can go through it right Rachel yep I know you guys aren't going through that door we're bigger than you and we need to make sure it's safe and if it is something then we need to get there first because we're older Oh fine yeah blanking you guys let's go first Kate we're bigger we're trying to keep you safe hey Kenzie can I talk to you for a second yeah think we should go through it again totally back in time come on you don't believe in that stuff do you maybe come on you're acting like a kid they're kids we're technically grown-ups yet you're right what's just a chance yeah all right guys are going through the door yeah and by the way you can kind of all but just don't bump into us k cuz it's dangerous kind of nervous Rachel with it's dangerous like they said come on now I you're not scary cat hey I'm not okay then it's going to be so exciting I can't wait come on Darla a Rachel way for me I don't want to be a web dumb right here oh I'm so tired I think we should turn back there's nothing here oh yeah I'm getting really tired - Eloise no way guys this is awesome yeah I'm going to keep it venturing it's not like anything's going to happen it's not dangerous blow I'm getting so tired you asked me to hike I need water we can't stop now Chris look look at this big giant mushroom if you want seeing this I should totally climb it right now it's kind of dangerous so it's not it looks pretty safe okay along the smiling you've on the big one nice big chunk I'm just some random big mushroom what this is a trap what what if this is a trap guys you don't know yeah and you should turn back it's kind of getting late come on can we just stay for a little more fine oh okay now come on up there's a great view I love it up here all right that's a little high I think I changed my mind you just tell me what you see up there where you can go a little one hmm no it's it's a little uh hi I just don't want to climb right now well you can see everything from here oh whoa guys it's a park but I'm down we gotta go to the park I saw her I saw Park now let's go yeah wait support yeah okay let's go yeah I'm coming Rach all right you're not supposed to be running off ya freak you'll never come back come on we'd better go and get them before they get into trouble yeah let's go accordin merry-go-round come on that was so cool huh oh I'm gonna get tired of running oh yeah you're right you're done merry-go-round should we go on the merry-go-round first yeah okay oh this is awesome [Music] Rachel maybe we should go on the wheel slide yeah maybe one more spin though [Music] wow this is a pretty cool play come on Eloise plant you come on candy no thank you I don't really want to go onto a spinny ride okay you're missing out huh Benny whoa it doesn't merry-go-round cool you're not saying you wanna go on it are you no it's just I've been on the 1 for a long time pretty cool oh yeah it is a awesome play park you're right tape you can sit on the bench over there oh yeah oh you guys have no fun ever well you're gonna miss the fun now if you just come on one pretty tea with sprinkles and cupcakes and cherries on top well it would be pretty fun I mean we haven't done anything fun since really younger yeah let's do it okay you guys can just hop on yet to stop spinning oops sorry yeah thanks why do I have to walk so far I'm ready yeah let's just spin make it go really very fast whoa uh I'm kind of dizzy but I want to do one more and now we should probably once around the bench thanks for making us go on Alice here welcome I can't um you need some fun yeah I did come on turn be down the bench oh my gosh my head is spinning from it right I remember why I'm getting such a spinny head on that right me neither it was so skinny yeah all right don't sit there why it's just a bench first pigeon poop oh it looks like a pigeon just poop there yeah sprite on the other side you're right what you want to talk about oh you know what you remember the time when you were walking and then you flip them didn't poop yeah I remember that was not funny it got on my face ha ha ha well let's eat that having to get hey I wanted to happen again it was so broke I'm coming down Rachel okay I'm watching you is it scary man it's so fun whoa I landed on my nose Oh Susan that was kind of funny what soon Ella okay Wow hey I'm stuck well I haven't landed on my head - I could do this forever let me go back as well oh oh now are you okay yeah just landed on the back of my head an hour ago backwards maybe we shouldn't go backwards yeah you're right yes finally I made it off but I keep running on my feet I got stuck in the bottom all right here we go whoa that was the best one yet whew watch this now I'm going to try something really awesome okay I'm watching oh I think that was maybe my best one hey Rachel so today I kind of look like there's a door on the slide yeah they're kind of does look like this door she see if it can open yeah all right how are we going to open it from the fly okay you can go okay whoa it's stairs we're together lead though we should totally check it out yeah I hope it doesn't lead somewhere else so then we might be lost yeah it looks like it oh it's a sandpit and there's a little mini slide what oh yeah that's so cool we did Tory play hey can we get one yeah there's this awesome skirt at so pre and it just came out in the mall no way is it so pretty yeah it almost has like sparkles should maybe try and get one from sale yeah getting kind of dark we should start heading home I mean it is a little walking tell camp yeah let's go we should probably either girls I hope we can get back to camp before dark Oh Eloise can be come and look at the sandpit you can yeah I want to make it home before dark so then we're not walking in the dark and then get lost that would be horrible yeah we really need a starts going home and I mean it's kind of a long walk oh okay now let me need to go coming okay B can we come back here tomorrow please it is so fun I don't know what we're doing tomorrow we'll have to wait and see okay I don't know for playing I'm going to a like something ah I said we'll see okay I'm late yeah I hope we can go swimming I think in more B for fishing Oh but we'll have to ask my parents okay let's go come on Rachel honey hey camping trip ever who's ready for Co story oh yeah I've got a great one the end thanks for watching to join us the fun of it Archy top places drive to little monkey media's channel don't forget if you like our video please share it and click like we [Music]
Channel: lil' monkey media
Views: 704,393
Rating: 4.5078835 out of 5
Keywords: lilmonkeymedia, lil monkey media, little monkey media, lil monkey, littlemonkeymedia, best lps short, best lps series, popular lps, lps rachels world, lps camping trip, lps camping with friends, littlest pet shop camping trip, playmobil childrens playground, playmobil park, lps play park, lil woodzeez familly camper, lps skit, best lps tuber, lps best friends, pawesome lps, pawsome lps, stories with toys, stories with lps, lps dog, lps cat, lps movie
Id: 8VpHFOobjAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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