Monster High💜🌸1 Hour Compilation 🌸Easter Special | Monster High Full Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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[Music] gulia we're going for smoothies during free period want to join us deuces bye I am I mean cha totally yeah om rah you're not too busy you're just sitting there on your computer like you do every day well if you change your mind you know where to find us busy please ghoulia I don't know what to do I need to get my hair done for the big superintendents party tonight but I'm swamped with paperwork Thank You ghoulia I look fabulous yes nightmare you're pretty too is yours No crikey it's freezing I don't know how but it's perfect spectra weds the new ghostly gossip blog coming out sorry the Wi-Fi is out no word on when it's gonna be fixed [Music] [Music] you weren't busy at all you're in the exact same spot yeah it's not like the school is going to fall apart if you take a break you know okay so sorry [Music] what's all this about the deep end I dropped Dracula's necklace down there but but I'm gonna get it back no one no one goes in the deep end everybody acting so weird about the deep end the deep end Frankie the pool at Monster High is the deepest in the world no one knows what lurks way down under there well I'm going in I caused this mess and I'm gonna fix it you don't have to do this I'll just have blood no no no I'm gonna make this right if you're going I'm going with you I don't get what all the fuss is about the deep end is kind of nice look at this it's not a flower [Music] wait here he's got a whole pile of stuff [Music] oh thank you thank you by working together we conquered our fears and did the whole school a favor see oh sweet mighty 97 x4 calculator aw I thought I'd never see it again baby take a flyer vote for glory I won't let you go to waste hey don't be a loser be a reuse er sort compostable foodstuff plastic hands we all win when you choose the right bit it's too much trouble Heath be a good sports think and take a moment to sort recycling is so uncool recycling is so cool one down only 6.7 billion to go there was only a way I could tell everyone how important this is door survival I don't know how to be her diary just fine Venus can't you use your power of you know power of pollen persuasion yes to make the people learn with my power I can only influence one monster at a time our planet is in trouble we need someone with influence we need Cleo you're the coolest ghoul in school if you lead they will follow its talent but I don't know I can't be seen kicking through trash not trash it's recyclables to change the way people think you'd have to make it cool stylish sounds like a fashion show [Music] welcome to the first annual Monster High all recycled completely renewable fashion show from trash to fash fools look cool what is saved a planet you can't do so recycle reuse and renew let's hear it for the fools I learned something who thought that could happen at school we did great city we sure did I was talking to you I was so embarrassed detention I didn't even know what I did you guys - yes this time you and your friends have changed one of you is responsible and you will remain incarcerated until I get a confession so least denial you're hiding something confess it was me that is not the crime I was talking about next let's not eat because mr. Hector's my brother was it because I burned that book home burnt my locker no the bathroom the theater the pool oh no and no wait how did you bottom that pool full of water it was an accident I have no idea what you're saying what no someone is guilty one of you took my glasses and I demand to know those glasses oh um yes you're free to go finally wait my fountain pen wallahi in your pocket thank you slow-mo and Dawn of the Dead play dodgeball you Romulus you're with us I'll take Jax yes you are last Normie no way I'm gonna let a zombie be on my team [Music] Tom bees are terrible at dodgeball see zombies should stick to what they're good at attracting flies and going slowly from place to place you and the zombies versus us you're on winner gets to be permanent team captain and that will be oh I thought you were supposed to be smart it's great that you sticking up for blokes but if they win no zombie will ever be chosen for dodgeball what are you gonna do use a bee sting [Music] you're a genius [Music] what are you waiting for you stink worse than I thought [Music] now I see why this is fun we can't believe we lost to zombies they're gonna be picking teams for the rest of high school have never been to slumber party before ha ha slumber parties are the best sometimes we just need to stay up all night and catch up and give each other make over and do each other's Tony and talk about aren't you forgetting gargoyles to gargoyles what is these gargoyles to gargoyles Leo's favorite party game we play it every time we stay over I happen to be undefeated 3 4 5 diabolical demon card Oh lose 500 points you're out I mean I think I'm going to go into the bathroom and cry a mountain troll ruins your hair and makeup before school pictures Clawdeen's out oh well I better go in the other room before I make a scene you know you still have one card that you can play right I have a Double Trouble card which means I can take any opponent out with me and I choose Franky oh dang I guess it's just you and me Abbi your move [Music] looks like you've stumbled into the fire pools of moment please I have royal reversal card we trade places you are now in pools on fire what quick timeout this was good move now we love gargoyles to gargoyles but Cleo is super competitive better move is to let clear win what point of playing game if you just let her win a cave or troll social network lose it though the Couture wizard curses your closet go back five spaces a wood nymph hex your phone lose 1,000 points it is over you are out I win Oh a worthy competitor we're playing this game all night Oh [Music] I can't believe we get to hear that little ol place is crawling with monster at sea I cannot wait to get there and just Frankie Stein if you will see you may not attain the class dream don't worry mr. Rotter there's no way I'm getting sick nobody get near her if you catch what she's got no Monte Carlo sorry Frankie I can't risk missing what are you so happy about I'm thinking about all the fun I'm gonna have on the trip without you the bus is leaving in 15 minutes must hurry drivers want to go you better get back on the bus before you catch it - I laugh at this notion ha I do not get sick monsters in my village very hard there's got to be some kind of cure booyah find anything yet monster thistle my dad told me a girl's in the catacombs we just need someone to go find it I know this plant but his one side effect just go [Music] there is finally a B it's not going to make it too bad because I'm going to have a fantastic time you said you don't get sick allergic to monster thistle that is side effect monster hi big school big problems there's a thousand different stories in a place like this that's where I come in named spectra I report the news the truth is always out there and I'm the slicks sister that'll find it I've been in this racket longer than I can remember and I thought I'd seen it all until he walked into my life I knew this flame fatale was trouble the minute I saw hiya handsome gotta light name's burns it burns I need your help Specter I'm in a pickle jar and I can't eat my way out see what's the reminisce you heard about the mission statue I'm getting flim-flam here dog what do you say will you take the case prove me innocent plug that's gonna throw me out of school if you don't sure kid the evidence all pointed in one fire hot direction information was tough to come by it seemed there was a monster at the school that hadn't been wrong by heat burns in some way or other that's when it hit me go right to the top I suppose you're wondering why you're all here yes spectra you're playing us for a bunch of rules we all know Heath took the statue his burn marks are all over it each and every person in this room had a reason to frame the flame like you Frankie isn't it true he's burned your biology homework last week how'd you feel mad I swear sometimes I could just I see and you Toralei didn't Heath splash water and right before the school pictures Claude and Deuce how many times has he 'them barrassed you at the mall and didn't you guys tell him and if he was gonna be sorry or we're gonna move every one of these students had cause for framing Heat so who did it [Music] hello statue cleaners oh here it is blowtorches Mondays fine everyone's free to go isn't that the way it always goes seems like the whole world wants to see a burn and the next you're free is a sparrow without a care that's life and Monster High lawyer the name spectrum and the news hey there yourself I know you're in a good mood I just want me a contest to meet my favorite opera singer presume Devon hammerstone and how are you planning on comporting yourself when you meet well I reckon I'd just be my sail I just thought perhaps you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself embarrass myself crescendo Vaughn hammerstone is a huge star she's regal everything I am and you're not Holly I don't want to make a Dern fool out of myself I will help you become an elegant lady of refinement hey that smells delicious please demonstrate the proper way to eat this dish oh that amazing girl first of all it was a trick question a lady never eats biscuits and gravy [Music] I'm as nervous as a non headed hundred a roomful of guillotine taupey I've trained you to be an elegant sophisticated lady miss bond hammerstone it's an honor to young call me crescendo really you ain't got to put on no waves just be yourself hey do I detect a bit of new Golan's and that accent ro still I got family up in Austin we probably know and mess at the same monsters brah your daddy was the Phantom criminy he was my first vocal coach hey Abby are you ready for finals week oh um are you okay I'm fine feelin top of world it looks like you've been crying me never and not said must go late burglars Abby wait what's good you are this is the time of year when all girls from Abby's village go through a challenge the Himalayas we survive off the land and pass various grueling physical and mental tests and women in your grills this is the week so that's why she's so sad if she couldn't go because a final thought thing oh yeah please that'll never work will it yes i'll dr. Bloodgood what a great surprise for Abby hey ghouls want help for study biology oh sorry we can yeah we have to go to a mobile the boys Frankie Draculaura she's here what is going on [Music] ghoulia set up a webcam so you won't miss any class we know it's not quite the Himalayas but wait Abbey you know it's okay to tell us when you're sad we're your friends [Music] hey Leakey do you know how to arm-wrestle [Music] yo bro what's going on you know digging Romulus and I wanted to see if you wanted to catch the new scary Rotter flick dude I'm so there yeah okay mom I know sorry guys I can't go anywhere till I finish my chores no you can just borrow my dress without asking mom because I look cuter in it oh no you don't yet I do Wow must be tough with him with two sisters who fight like that you know wolves bro always trying to establish dominance my sisters can turn anything into a competition Romulus you're a genius guys give me a ticket I'll be done with my choice in an hour tops hey sis you seeing Helene why did you borrow something else I don't know about no I just wanted to get some tips I mean everyone knows she's the best at doing laundry please she is not the best she said she was oh I'll show her I mean I'm not as good as Claudine she had the whole yard done in two minutes I can do it in one that's what she said big just watch me hey clot around her my man you ready to roll hey mom I'm off to the movies yes ma'am all my chores are just about finished see ya wait I figured it out before you did oh no you didn't but I did go in your dream yoga tonight on this episode of mhm true monster stories Toralei stripe Toralei straight one of the most infamous students at Monster High this werecats vengeance strikes fear in the hearts of even the toughest Monster High students what makes this cantankerous Kitty boo to answer that's my friends we must go back all the way back to the beginning or in the smallest of a litter of six she had to fight for everything she thought the entire litter was adopted all of them except Toralei Toralei learned quickly she survived using only her wits speed and cunning but time eventually catches up with everyone she wound up or a lot of kiddies from the street did the poo it was here where she met her we're cat sisters her Stephanie and gala tea together they would rule this place with an iron paw the key is to find out who runs things and then show them who's boss things might have stayed that way forever had a certain another headmistress not stepped in ladies over the school called Monster High a place where you can learn and grow I think you belong there yes but as happy as Toralei was to be at Monster High you can't teach an old pet new tricks okay same rules apply we find out who runs things then we show them who's boss after that we ghouls will rule the school so who is Toralei Mike brings we may never know for sure this is Ben what do you think are you kidding I love it something's wrong with ghoulia she looks upset how can you tell I'm telling you she's upset about something what's Dell Julia how's it going oh so you like slow-mo but you're too shy to talk to him don't worry honey your girlfriends are here to help okay ladies let's book a straight the most important thing to remember booyah whatever happens do not be yourself Draculaura will tell you exactly what to do got it corridor who is not ready Frankie evasive maneuvers go that was for you ghoulia compliment him point out how beautiful his eyes are show him you're interested in him smile here is what you need to do toss your hair gently then lean it like you want to hear what he have to save not too classy to freak him out twice I can't wait until I'm 1,700 years old and I can date see just like I said all she had to do was be herself hey slow mo did you try the new super eyeballs from the vending machine [Music] yes you are who should I email this photo to might as well send it to everyone what did you eat nothing unusual wait did try the new sugar eyeballs they're cursed you want a button okay we can fix this thank you guys for sticking by me during this trying time he's so cute Lagoona thinks girl is cute why thank you thank you guys [Music] did you try the new sugar eyeballs I've been rehearsing all night I was born to play this one there's only room for one native lady and that's going to be me that part is mine mine bring it son lemon hello we're starting um please have your monologues ready next [Music] break a leg breakables oh my young beautiful rose unless my young beautiful rose am but a thorn my love don't you remember what Shakespeare said the quality of mercy is not strain'd it droppeth as the gentle rain it is twice blessed it blesseth him that gives and humidity [Applause] today's lesson dissection [Music] bring rows to our hearts not beat the same does not the same green blood flow through our veins this is so wrong Frankie I need an assist you got it Lagoona always happy to lend a hand [Music] [Music] [Music] no words we're out dudes oh where did everyone come close dismissed nice where are they what found a place where they can chew [Music] [Music] [Music] it's my favorite part of the song the Jonas Brothers are thawfest the Jonas Brothers wanna hit the stage but your school's homecoming dance send us your video telling us why your school deserves it we must win hi my name is Frankie and everyone at Monster High loves the John I'm the new girl no really I swear I'm like only 15 days old oh here are my school friends body pleasure the George's brother really need to play our homecoming dance as long as it's not in the full moon because being a werewolf let's just say my clothes aren't the only things that are fierce during the full moon I guess I'll turn it over to Draculaura because she keeps it was pretty deep cool yeah sup cape lad I'm the guna I love to carve a nice wave in the morning sugar point the camera towards me I'm Coolio sup I'm deuce darling in anyway back to me Oh keep going with all really still recording homecoming dance today we have to win the contest or I will die even alive and I'll die so monster die [Applause] Clio you killed them out there I know I guess that didn't bite your up don't be surprised if they don't clap I'm a tough act to follow I'm a natural good luck you are so gonna need it [Applause] [Music] hey somebody accidentally hit the spotlight freaky [Music] [Applause] oh that was wild did they have keeper 9/4 way I'm going out with a guy with more than four eyes and he is like eight no I'm late for homie [Music] Custer that crown I've got it all right ghouls these are tryouts for my fearleading squad most of you will not survive the cut there is no room on my squad for deadweight [Music] [Music] [Music] right Cleo she is exceptional exactly what we want Mikey you just made [Music] substitute creature today killer blow off dick what happened to Mistress Blanca I heard it was poisonous leeches no no I heard it was a scorching case of carnivorous fleas Oh ghastly by Dan you little freaks do to stop talking my name is loser it is pronounced czar Lou czar this is fricative Cal commentary 101 open your books since I don't know where you left off we're gonna do the whole book hey man what's up they did it yo my brother you sir are late no I'm deuce deuce Corrigan mister loser authority here you take those sunglasses off in my classroom man you don't want me to do that why you cyst okay whatever you got it it looks like class dismissed [Applause] hey man I tried to warn you it wears off in a couple hours usually thank you Laura's birthday today totally forgot it's not every day you turned 1600 time to plan a party Frankie's birthday totally forgot sweet sixteen days hey Dracula's birthday today I'm thinking we meet at lunch and sorry but I got plans Frankie's 60 days older date got to throw her a party can't got swim practice sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the party come on let's do lunch [Applause] Goudas been staring a gill for 15 minutes straight this is going to end badly we need to snap her out of it this clock ulis is really hard I'm thinking about going to the library to study later yes library is the wonderful place to study and to enter knowledge into your brain I'm I mean if you have one that's it you've been googling the guy for almost an hour and that's all you've got come on dude Gil's practically a swimsuit model sure he'd ever talk to me sweetie I think he just did [Music] you have the prettiest dolls I just want to crawl into a puddle and pull it over the top of me is this the book you're looking for meet me at the fountain at 3 o'clock Oh No why the claudine is the sale at Transylvania secret or she forgot to study I couldn't my brother ate all my notes Yeah right don't even try and tell us you weren't watching America's top monster busted but it was the final power pulls off it was beyond my control seriously guys what am I gonna do well why don't you sit next to ghoulia are you saying I should cheat she is the smartest girl in school I know what I would do all right class pens it ready begin [Music] [Applause] one minute left yeah [Applause] pens down thank you if only they asked me who got voted off America's top monster I really should have studied [Music] never works sometimes being a vampire really sucks Dracula you're pretty pumped for somebody without a pulse it's pelota Cleo have you seen my locker every day about now oh well really boring he is the hottest boy in school well everyone knows my boyfriend deuce is the hottest guy at Monster High yeah of course deuce is awesome for you but this guy aidable he recants is my makeup all right you look fun like you need some help leave it to Cleo I'm gonna make your first meeting really memorable knock'em dead thanks Cleo you're the fat and don't you forget it yeah dude see you on the other side you look you look horrible I like that in a girl [Music] so what you did you are like so nice so yeah let's meet at the mall I saw these totally cute monster papers on sale young lady oh yes thanks mr. ware Sims you're always skittering on those eye coffins and not watching out yeah I see your point [Music] [Music] [Music] I reversed my hilarity goodness my girlfriend got my back it's picture day you must look your best if you want to be immortalized you look foolish enough you could be voted scream queen of Monster High aren't we supposed to use a towel to study come on bro coach Igor is covering study howl today what's the big deal he makes you ditch the books and run laps all periods oh oh that's wet totally ruins your makeup and fur and clothes and bandages picture day duh well nice or not you won't be hitting the books were line instead you'll be getting ready to [Music] you girls will be released from study how to get ready for your here book photos a regular scream queen [Music] something's wrong with ghoulia she looks upset how can you tell I'm telling you she's upset about something what's Del oh yeah how's it going oh so you like slow mo but you're too shy to talk to him don't worry honey your girlfriends are here to help okay ladies let's walk a straight the most important thing to remember Booya whatever happens do not be yourself Draculaura will tell you exactly what to do got it corridor boy he is not ready Frankie evasive maneuvers go that was for you ghoulia compliment him point out how beautiful his eyes are show him you're interested in him here is what you need to do toss your hair gently then lean it like you want to hear what he have to save not too classy to freak him out twice I can't wait until I'm 1,700 years old and I can date see just like I said all she had to do was be herself hey Momo you try the new sugar eyeballs from the vending see my blemished yes you are who should I email this photo to might as well send it to everyone what did you eat nothing unusual wait did try the new sugar eyeballs they're cursed you want a button an evil eye okay we can fix this thank you guys for sticking by me during this trying time he's so cute Lagoona thanks Gil is cute why thank you thank you guys [Music] did you try the new sugar eyeballs I've been rehearsing all night I was born to play this room there's only room for one native lady and that's going to be me that part is mine mine bring it son women hello we're starting um please have your monologues ready next [Music] break a leg breaking balls oh my young beautiful rose unless my young beautiful rose thorn my love don't you remember what Shakespeare said the quality of mercy is not strain'd it droppeth as the gentle rain it is twice blessed it blesseth him that gives and him it [Applause] today's lesson dissection [Music] bring rows to our hearts not beat the same does not the same green blood flow through our veins this is so wrong Frankie I need an assist you got it Lagoona always happy to lend a hand [Music] [Music] [Music] no worries we're out juice oh where did everyone go close dismissed where are they what found a place where they can chew [Music] [Music] [Music] it's my favorite part of the song the Jonas Brothers are the best the Jonas Brothers wanna hit the stage for your school's homecoming dance send us your video telling us why your school deserves it we must win hi my name is Frankie and everyone at Monster High loves the John I'm the new girl no really I swear I'm like only 15 days old oh here are my school friend pleasure the jordiz brothers really need to play our homecoming dance as long as it's not in the full moon because being a werewolf let's just say my clothes aren't the only things that are fierce during the full moon I guess I'll turn it over to Draculaura because she keeps me was pretty deep ghoulia sup cape lad I'm the goona I love to carve a nice wave in the morning sugar point the camera towards me I'm Coolio sup I'm deuce darling in anyway back to me Oh keep going what's all really still recording homecoming dance today we have to win the contest or I will die even alive and I'll die so monster die [Applause] Clio you killed them out there I know I guess that didn't bite your up don't be surprised if they don't clap I'm a tough act to follow I'm a natural good luck you are so gonna need it [Applause] [Music] hey somebody accidentally hit the spotlight freaky [Music] [Applause] oh that was wild did they have kefir and forth way I'm going out with a guy with more than four eyes and he is like eight oh no I'm late for homie [Music] to that crown I've got it all right ghouls these are tryouts for my fearleading squad most of you will not survive the cut there is no room on my squad for deadweight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we right clear she is exceptional exactly what we want Mikey [Music] substitute creature today killer blow off dick what happened to Mistress blood girl I heard it was poisonous leeches no no I heard it was a scorching case of carnivorous fleas Oh [Music] ghastly by Dan you little freaks do too stop talking my name is loser it is pronounced czar Lou czar this is friggin of Cal commentary 101 open your books since I don't know where you left off we're gonna do the whole book hey man what's up they did it yo my brother you sir are late no I'm deuce deuce Corrigan mister loser authority here you take those sunglasses off in my classroom man you don't want me to do that well I insist [Music] okay whatever you got it mr. czar it looks like class dismissed [Applause] hey man I tried to warn you it wears off in a couple hours usually Thank You Lara's birthday today totally forgot it's not every day he turned 1600 time to plan a party Frankie's birthday totally forgot sweet sixteen days hey Dracula's birthday today I'm thinking we meet at lunch and sorry but I got plans Frankie's 60 days old today got to throw her a party can't got swim practice sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the party come on let's do lunch [Applause] Goudas been staring at gil for 15 minutes straight this is going to end badly we need to snap her out of it this clock ulis is really hard I'm thinking about going to the library to study later yes library is the wonderful place to study and to enter knowledge into your brain I'm I mean if you have one that's it you've been googling the guy for almost an hour and that's all you've got come on dude Gil's practically a swimsuit model sure he'd ever talk to me sweetie I think he just did [Music] and you have the prettiest dolls I just want to crawl into a puddle and pull it over the top of me is this the book you're looking for meet me at the fountain at 3 o'clock Oh No why the Claudine is the sale at Transylvania secret or she forgot to study I couldn't my brother ate all my notes Yeah right don't even try and tell us you weren't watching America's top monster busted but it was the final power pulls off it was beyond my control seriously guys what am I gonna do well why don't you sit next to ghoulia are you saying I should she she is the smartest girl in school I know what I would do all right class pens it ready [Music] [Applause] yeah [Applause] pens down thank you if only they asked me who got voted off America's top monster I really should have studied [Music] never works sometimes being a vampire really sucks Draculaura you're pretty pumped for somebody without a pulse it's pelota Cleo it's just have you seen the new boy he passes by my locker every day about now oh well really boring he is the hottest boy in school well everyone knows my boyfriend deuce is the hottest guy at Monster High yeah of course deuce is awesome for you but this guy aidable here account is my makeup all right you look like you need some help leave it to Cleo I'm gonna make your first meeting really memorable knock up dead thanks Cleo you're the fat and don't you forget it yeah dude see you on the other side you look you look horrible I like that in a girl [Music] so what you did you are like so nice so yeah let's meet at the mall I saw these totally cute monster creepers on sale all right young lady oh yes thanks mr. ware Sims you're always skittering on those eye coffins and not watching out yes I see your point [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you must look your best if you want to be immortalized you look foolish enough you could be voted scream queen of Monster High aren't we supposed to use a towel to study bro coach Igor is covering study howl today what's the big deal he makes you ditch the books and run laps all periods though sweat totally ruins your makeup and fur and clothes and bandages picture day duh unless you're not you won't be hitting the books were line instead he'll be getting ready to [Music] you girls will be released from study hull to get ready for your here book photos a regular scream queen [Music] [Music] master [Music]
Channel: Monster High
Views: 6,574,182
Rating: 4.602951 out of 5
Keywords: monster high full episodes, monster high episodes, halloween cartoons, monster high full movie, halloween, monster high, monster high videos, cartoons for kids, boo york, cartoons for children, halloween for kids, monster high english, monster high mattel, monster high full movies in english, monster high youtube, monster high full english episodes, monster high ghoul squad, monster high toys, monster high dolls, girls cartoons, monster high movies, monster high song
Id: Ugll6xTPiPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 4sec (3904 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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