My Reborn Adeline's Daily Routine!

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[Music] hi guys it's madison here and today i'm with my reborn adeline and so many of you have requested to do some routines with her a day in the life with her and that's exactly what you're getting today as you can see hanniland is still sleeping in her crib so i'm gonna go and make her breakfast bowl so when she wakes up she can have her breakfast let's go into the kitchen i'm gonna make a line her bottle now but i'm not gonna make her too much because she's not really a big breakfast fan so she sort of just has that and then at lunch i give her a little bit of a bigger meal i'm just gonna get her bottle ready i need her bottle i'm gonna find hmm i think i might do some grape juice today because it's one of her faves i got my water and i just gotta pour it three ounces i have it just to smidge above three ounces like just this much like a very small amount so that should be okay for today i just had to make sure i have the right amount in here so i could use my blender without getting too much in now i get to make her her juice put the grape in and then the water there you go now i'm going to set the timer [Laughter] there you go now i'm going to start it it's not too purple i think i might add just a smidge more of some purple that should be good [Applause] that looks pretty purple to me i think that's enough purple juice for adeline let's pour it into her bottle this looks so yummy i think eileen's going to absolutely love it because i know grape juice is her favorite oh it sounds like adeline's awake perfect timing let's go and get alan so i can give her her breakfast i have a special day planned for her oh my arms what you doing trying to climb out of bed without mommy okay good morning miss adelaide how would you take me did your butterfly pjs keep you nice and warm okay i guess you had a good sleep well let's change your diaper and you can have your breakfast okay everyone let's put you in your crib what's wrong you want your giraffe okay well you can have your little giraffe to snuggle with while mommy gets your clothes okay airlines stay right here and don't go out of the crib this is where i keep all of her supplies i need her changing mat i need her thermometer her hairbrush and her wipes that's a lot of stuff that's all you need for her drawer here now i need to go and grab her clothes i think i might do this because it's a cute little bunny that i'm gonna do this passy clip cassie clip do that kelsey i'm gonna do this sweater maybe yes and these pants okay it looks like i've got everything for her now let's change out a line elaine you're starting to get stinky let's change you well that's what i was doing but you stink let's get your outfit off just so we can get to your diaper put in your patio okay well that's good i think you might be feeling better are you feeling better today oh that's good um oh my gosh she has a lot of pee in her diaper you can tell for this diaper on when the baby's peed because as you can see it's bluey green there you can see on this dry diaper that the line is yellow and there's like on anilines it's bluey green oh my goodness even went way up the back let's see what she did this time she normally has a lot of pee in the morning because i mean a night has a lot of hours whoa that is really yellow okay let's give you a brand new diaper once we wipe you up okay there we go put that inside the diaper since we're not using that wipe there we go now let's put you in a brand new diaper and this time it's not going to be a wet one adeline you think that's funny okay maybe it was a little funny outline there we go now you have a nice clean paper now we need to get your outfit on wait i was grabbing your pants look it i got your easter bunny outfit oh it's really cute oh you're so cute let's get it on and then we can have your breakfast once we get your other clothes on too we are are you trying to sneak off the mat you're so cute [Music] get your pants on adeline when alan wakes up i normally get her old dressed and then she has her breakfast and then after her breakfast i really i really don't do the same thing every day i'll sometimes maybe take her on a walk which is what i plan on doing today because it's actually good to get your baby out at least for a little bit like outline like just a little bit each day and that's the same thing for me so i'm going to be taking her outside on a walk once she's done her breakfast and i hope that can maybe help her because fresh air is good for everyone and then i normally have her eat lunch and for today after lunch i'm going to be taking adeline to our park because i know how much she loves to play don't you miss adelaide she really is attached with the swing not so much the slide and she does not like the trampoline and also she's too young to go on it so no matter if she likes it or not there's no way i'm ever letting her go on it until she's a little bit bigger maybe like a toddler because i'm just afraid that she's going to get hurt she's a wee miss allen's been feeling sick lately but last night she was doing better so i've been taking her temperature lately with this here let's sit up so we can take your temperature out of like what we do this year i really don't want to frown because when it frowns that means that your girl or boy is sick but when it's a smiley face it means that they're good let's take your temperature adeline you can see she has a smiley face which means she does not have a fever which is great because that means we can take her for a walk and we can also go to the park you can take her for a walk anytime but i don't want her to feel sick at the park i find that the ear thermometer works the best but you can get different kinds of these thermometers one is you can have it for under your armpits and the other one is you can have one for your mouth but i find this one that's the easiest for aniline because she's little and it works the fastest how about we brush your hand though then you can get your patty clip attached and then it is time for breakfast can i have that now are you ready for breakfast okay let's go are you ready for your bottle outline wait you're not going to place your elephant but you can play with them after okay okay here's your grape juice and i knew it was your favorite that's why i made it are you happy okay here's your grape juice [Music] you must be hungry this morning you're eating lots a lot more than yesterday okay let's see how much you've drank wow you must be feeling better are you still hungry okay well i have a little more good girl i really like how you're drinking lots online because that means you're better [Music] wow you've drank in a lot outline you can finish the rest of it wait first i need to give you your morning vitamins i forgot lots wouldn't not be very good if we forgot it's supposed to have it every day looks like mommy might need to get a little more of this see oh that is way too much perfect are you ready for your vitamins alley why don't you want your vitamins yucky yucky no you need to take them you just have that much out of line and then you're done okay okay here you go oh you're not supposed to spit it out out of line supposed to have it but you did have all of it just a little dribbled some got on my arm let's wipe that up no alan you didn't do something bad you're just young it's okay now i need to screw on your bottle well not your bottle your your vitamins there we are okay now you can finish your bottle you full yeah you're full okay well now you're gonna take your little walk but you did really good today online let's see how much you had you had about two ounces this morning online that is really good i'm really happy that you're feeling better okay well i'm gonna go and get her stroller so we can go out for a little walk before we have to have her nap right mickey i know you aren't going to be very excited for your nap huh no i know well first i need to take off your bib here we go come on let's go take an elephant with a spray [Music] as you can see elaine's a little bit sleepy still because she napped on her walk but it wasn't her full morning nap so i'm going to put her um in her crib so she can have the rest of her morning nap and while she's napping i'm going to make lunch and when she wakes up she can have her lunch and then we need to play the party but she'd be really excited right now if she were awake she's a little sleepy so i'm gonna put her in her crib and make her lunch i'm gonna be making warm cereal and this one's strawberry flavored it's alain's fave i think i might only do two scoops okay that should be good for her now i need my water i do i'm gonna finish this one first i think that should be good and now you just have to mix it it's not getting one chunk on the side so i might need a there we go now it should get all the chunks that should be good let's pour her food in okay i think i might have got a little too much that's good because it looks like the bowl's going to overflow i'm going to put her warm cereal at the table so i have space to make her bottle blueberry juice looks good pour the water in that should be good now i need to put it in the blender but first i'm gonna put it in her blueberry juice that looks blue already [Laughter] that should be good [Applause] [Music] that is really blue now we need to pour it into her bottle he's screwing her lid this is looking so good this is alain's second favorite juice there we go i'm just going to shake it up there she's going to love this time to get out of line i don't want her to sleep too late or else she's not going to want to go to bed here we go are you excited for lunch ally do you know what you're having i got your favorite blueberry juice and your favorite strawberry warm cereal yay how about you start with your food and then you can have some drink in between come on ellie eat your food is your food good eyeliner it looks like it is it's all over your mouth here we go out of line another big bite [Music] it looks like you like it get another bite here you go oh is it good online it must be let's get a big spoon since it looks like you're really enjoying it let's get another bite got someone on my hand but that's okay [Music] how about we give you a little bit of a drink outline is that blueberry juice good i think i should give you some more food because you're gobbling it up yeah i like it here's some more you're eating it so fast here's some more okay it's coming out of line it's coming emma i think we should maybe wipe your mouth it's getting everywhere there we go now that's better here's some bottle eyeline to rinse out your mouth [Music] wow i think you might have a growth spurt adeline you're eating a lot than usual like there's not even that many fights left you've almost ate the whole entire thing i i'm pretty sure you're having a growth spurt whoa yeah you're definitely having a growth spurt outline like this could the rest of it could be in one bite that i have in your bowl and in fact it is you are gobbling this up wow i can't believe you ate it all online you normally eat half of that [Music] no more bottle okay well you did really good like you drink a few ounces and then you had all of your own cereal which means you might have had a growth spurt or you're getting better yay okay let's get your bumble change because you're starting to smell a little adeline and come on let's change your diaper okay gotta get your pants off do you wanna need a foot no other one there we go they're inside out though the one leg was so i'm biting your outfit here we go let's change your diaper out of the line oh ew it's poo it's probably from the food you had there you go now a nice clean let's open it up where's that other strap aha here he is okay there now you have a nice clean diaper there and we need your pants are you excited ally we gotta go to the park after okay we just need to get your feet on climbing pants why did i say feet i think maybe we should get some boots on there you're all ready to go to the park now let's go and get our boots and coats on at the front door see you in a few minutes outside [Music] so much fun in the park adam why wasn't it did you think it was fun is that it send me here okay well do you want to see some toys here while mommy gets your dinner already yeah okay i have these for you [Music] okay you can play with those mommy will make your dinner and i should hopefully be back soon okay you sleep with these toys and don't try and get over the high chair like you did this morning with your crib okay okay ellen i'll just be in the kitchen if you need me i got alain's bottle ready and it is orange juice she likes orange juice and next i'm gonna make her some veggie oatmeal she loves it so i have her oatmeal but first i need to make the veggie juice you start with purple and i just drew an itty bitty square in mine like that not too much and i just sort of drew a little bit of purple but very small and then the rest i colored yellow and then i had green and for this if you want to make this for your reborn or baby life um it doesn't matter how big you draw the green you just need the purple and the yellow to be the smaller part and then i just rip this then i need to pour water in just like i do for all of my other ones but steps this one's pink because it looks like veggies almost like lots of green foods even though it's not that should be good now i need a little bit what because i spit i'm on the table which is okay now i've got her veggie juice or veggie mix ready now it's time to add in her oatmeal [Music] i think i might do i'm doing this thing i might grab a towel for this because it's a little wet for me mixing it up i'm going to add some more because there wasn't that much in that half pack so i'm going to use this one julianna okay i think i think that would be good now i need the mixer oh it's like not even stirring okay let's try this now that's better there you go let's see okay i think that's good i might eat a syrup a little bit by hand but that's okay i just wanted to get most of the runner stuff here's alain's oatmeal it's all mixed up she's just gonna love it this is actually her favorite kind of oatmeal that i make for her it almost sort of looks like mashed up avocados but it's not let's get this to eyeline she must be starting to get hungry hi adeline wait where did your two other toys go oh you must have dropped them but you still have your beer okay let me put these in your crib outline because you can't eat with these are you excited to have your oatmeal eyelid yeah okay well here's your oatmeal first bite it's a big one maybe we'll do too big since this is chunky this is what i'll normally do with eyeline every night i'll basically feed her change her bum and then she basically heads off to bed once i get her dressed wow yay i wonder if you're gonna have as much as you had for lunch because well you had a pretty big lunch outline looks like alan thinks it's pretty tasty i think i might need to wipe your chin you've got a little bit of that stuff coming down your mouth next bite here comes the airplane [Music] wow you've almost finished half already at a line how about you have some bottle outline it's orange juice what is your guys's favorite rewards dinner have you ever let them try some veggie oatmeal because if you haven't you should really try it because i know adeline absolutely loves it if you haven't ever given them any of it then leave me a comment and let me know what you'll normally feed them for dinner [Music] there you go yeah one here you go you don't want another bite no you're full okay now let's clean you up how about you just have a little bit of bottle to rinse out your mouth okay okay the last bit of juice here [Music] is that good oh my gosh it's getting late mommy doesn't have time to clean up any of this we'll just change your bum once i get off your fit okay ellen let's change your bum so we can get you all in your snuggie pjs for bed okay guys this is the last part of adeline's routine and i got her freshly washed pjs i had to wash these because these are elaine's fav pjs she loves to wear them all the time let's get her changed there we go i'm sort of upset that we're changing allen of her bunny outfit because i really like the little bunny on it oh i think she's getting cranky since she's so tired i'll give her her passion let me go out online let's get your little onesie off i might need to wash this for tomorrow because i really like this one okay here we go okay let's change your diaper oh it looks like you had a big poo poo this time it's better to get it out for bed online than rather having to change you in the middle of the night wow pretty chunky one look at that i'm definitely going to need a wiper bomb there we go i just do it another one again there you go and there is your fish i bet she likes when i put the fresh diapers on her because they're not all pee pee and pooy on her butt huh there we go it's time to get her pjs on there we go you lost your so you go out of line okay here's your other foot adeline maybe we can go to the library tomorrow and read some books hey can we get some books huh i was like you're not feeling sick and we can i hope you're not sick because today i finally was thinking you're getting better and then if we woke up tomorrow and you're sick again that would be a bummer because then we'd have to take you to the doctor if you kept getting sick so i don't want that do we know online glad you agree with me because no one likes being sick i don't even like being sick because it's not really fun when you have to sit on a bed all day and watch shows handling i know especially when you're not feeling good i think we will take your temperature before bed out of line just to make sure that your temperature is nice and good so you don't have a fever and then we don't have to give you some medicine you're all snuggly waggley up for bed okay adeline now take your ear temperature and you get your hair out of the way first [Music] oh it looks good it's 36.0 smart beads they're all good for bed outlines but now you need to brush your hair i'm just going to think i can maybe give you your passing clip for bed but it's going to be a little hard to sleep with and that is aligned stay in the life routine i hope you guys enjoyed it all of the feedings and bump changings and basically like naps and stuff that's all the same every day but today when we went on a walk and then a little bit later we went to the park that stuff doesn't happen every day like tomorrow i might take her to the library i just try and change it up so she can have some fun oh it looks like she's sleeping already well i better put her to bed bye see you next time [Music] the end thanks for watching to join all the fun up in our treetop please subscribe to little monkey media's channel 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Channel: lil' monkey media
Views: 64,691,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lil' monkey media, lilmonkeymedia, lil monkey media, lilmonkey, little monkey media, little monkey, lil monkey, littlemonkeymedia, best reborn doll, popular reborn doll, best reborn doll routine, reborn doll morning routine, reborn evening routine, baby doll diaper change, baby doll feeding, reborn at the play park, reborn play ground, reborn playground, reborn poop diaper, fun with baby dolls, full body vinyl reborn, baby, baby doll, baby routine, doll, dolls, reborn baby, toys
Id: q1QZq-gM-v4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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