Lps Adoption Center Part 1

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kids wake up do we have to yes come on we have to start our day with some breakfast hey get up hey Jason I think we got Alex Austin like hey oh come Sofia's not away mind your own business come on Sofia alright kids go get breakfast yeah I'm starving my guys know what time is it 9:00 a.m. what alright kids I have all your cereals out how enjoy me wait what'd I say Elsa the one you've been eating for the past forever yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I'm full can I not eat more just you could just go around okay bro do not play with me yeah sure we're gonna play let's play that game here oh my favorite no one asked ok yeah sure [Music] anyway I'm saying I'm always have no one to play with no one sweet don't you try making friends uh we're such a introvert you guys are annoying why would I want respect just you then stop complaining about being alone right JJ yeah all right kids I'll be in my office if you need me oh I found a boat hey I'm okay miss miss what do you need can I get like a water like a water bottle and spray all over the ground oh that's gonna be such a big mess with the adoption center hey Brody I need company Brody Brody do you need I wasn't talking to you Brody [Applause] [Music] Oh oh my gosh miss can we color the boat it's already pink well I don't like pink so can we use the colored pencils to color it how do you color pencil a bow [Music] anyway let's try yeah damn it so easy same color your job kids can you stop fighting and arguing and everything if someone comes in here a potential parents and they say all of your fighting like this they will not want to have you and take you as their own what do you mean I'm awesome of course it all got me ha ha good joke oh my what is that game oh it's called Tetris where you match the blocks together that's um yeah that's why don't you just call me boy like ah see we made a big difference yeah yeah sure you did I'm obviously gonna get adopted first cuz I'm the smartest well um I'm the cutest obviously I'm gonna get adopted first cuz I'm the Quietus obviously I'm an ER doctor first because I'm the dumbest ah then you just make yourself [Laughter] I'm sure I'm more big boy stop teasing I [Music] will shake the fall apart I'm screaming you're so loud I know go to the room you're not playing yeah I am go hey go to every to the room new boys need to grow I will be standing here on watch from how long I'm gonna play with Sofia please meet me upstairs okay yes I know it's hard being the only girl here okay but you just need to learn to play nice seriously yes seriously what assuming you're going to be adopted yeah and I asked sweet and you get rid of that attitude Missy get along with the guys go away you all need to get along actually going back on my swing that's all you ever do yeah boring you play with us we have a team yeah yeah I just want to sit here okay let's play [Music] do that I'm gonna get my favorite spitter boys I think you should all go to your room what go join Jake in the room please ah we're doing the room watch TV okay awesome now [Applause] Sophia would you like to help me prepare the tables for lunch would you like to sit by yourself at this at a lunch table or would you like to join the boys I don't care this attitude will not get you adopted Missy Oh everyone thinks everyone will top me because they think I'm a sweet as sugar you said that yeah I did cuz I yep no you're not not bad attitude now help I know got the food and unless you want to be in timeout like with the other boys go ahead hey is lunch ready yet I'm starving same oh yes lunch is ready Jake of course yours is the bananas cuz your favorite yay and Alex you have a fishing nice oh cool yeah okay bro ye have two hotdogs in flies chips Austin you have the burger and chips yeah and Sofia you have the hotdogs and favorite picky yay hey I want a cookie me too you boys can't all get cookies everyone gets a day remember please enjoy your food why are you true you're spitting food into my face you're chewing loudly and I can see all the food smushed up in your mouth I'm doing well but you're the one who's like okay guys let's just break it up here come on hey be quiet I totally wasn't laughing okay come on let's just finish up your food and then it'll be no brains how would you know what brains taste like I've eaten a brain just one bite of it though and all to your room we're starting that time early too bad if you didn't finish your food you should've been eating blue too busy laughing you're like oh stop go wait guys guys guys guys kids you better be sleeping when I come in in five seconds five four three two one what the world is that noise hey who is doing this I think you're tricky huh yes rubber I just put all kids to bed I think it's her friend yeah friend it's probably her mom why would you call her mom Barbara it's probably Alex Austin it wasn't me it was it was Alex okay don't go blaming all this on me you're the one who brought up Barbara Barbara here's Barbara ah her kids I don't have time to deal with you right now
Channel: LittleJennaPlays
Views: 642,615
Rating: 4.6356425 out of 5
Id: b56XePU3SJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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