Someone Came to my Restaurant at 3 AM!!!

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- ♪ Hey guys, it's Karina, today we are back ♪ ♪ inside some more Roblox today! ♪ We're back inside Bloxburg and I'm just sleeping in my bed, it's one in the morning and I'm like (snoring) Yeah, just watch me sleep. Yeah, I'm just sleeping like this and then like, ugh I can't sleep, why can't I ever sleep? Maybe because I need a shower! Maybe that's the reason. That probably is the reason. I'm just going to shower! Yeah and while we are showering guys, oh sorry, this went everywhere. But while I'm showering, I'm going to tell you about merch! Check'n this out, we got hashtag Sis Team from SIS vs Bro. Go get it, link in the bio because this is pretty awesome. I would wear it every single day. (laughter) So all right, I'm done showering. I feel very clean. But I don't feel very very happy. No, I feel happy but bored. So I'm going to play some of this. My favorite computer game. It's really great. And now I feel great! I'm going to go check on my daughter. This person. I don't know her name really. One day. Could we play this with Ronald? Maybe. (snaps finger) Maybe. Hello mommy. Maybe. Hello Mommy. Mommy. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Go to sleep. Now I'm leaving. Goodnight. Okay. (laughter) All right. All right, is there people standing at my door? Okay phew, nah, nah. I don't want people just jumping at the barrier. (in screeching voice) Like no! I want Karina, I want Karina, I want Karina! Never gonna leave, I love you! Karina! Karina! There's a person there. Hide! (laughter) All right, it's 2 in the morning and I still can't sleep. So you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to sleep. Why is it so bright in here? I think it's because of this alarm clock. I'm pretty sure it is. That's what's making my room bright. I'm going to just paint a bit. (operatic singing) We don't even have the paint thingy-ma-jig. We can't went change colors. We're just painting nothing pretending to paint. (operatic singing) I feel like an artist. Because I am one. I'm painting with nothing on an already painted picture. I'm such a good artist. (laughter) Alright. That is a pretty good picture. I could never paint that. Actually I could. Maybe I wouldn't. I don't know, I'll try it. I'll try it, you know, I mean I'll try it. Could be fun. Could be a complete disaster. It probably will be. But, lets give it a shot. (laugher) All right but t's 3 in the morning. What are we going to do? Let's look out the window people staring at us. That's a bike. A very random bike. I need to go see. It's three in the morning so maybe a ghost placed that bike there. Probably. Wow, it's so dark here. Who left a bike here? I can use it. I'm using a bike at three in the morning and that's where... I don't know why but... I also placed these open signs, these light up open signs, so people know it's a cafe or restaurant because it says open. A house wouldn't just have open on it. That's just weird. Just park your bike or your car on the side like that and then you go in. Oh no, there is a person. There's a person! No! (beeping) Oh my alarm. Wait, that's not my alarm. No, it isn't. It's somebody else's. I'm just going to pretend that I'm making breakfast. Not like I ever went out. All right, I'm making breakfast. ♪ I'm making breakfast ♪ ♪ Making making breakfast ♪ ♪ Making making breakfast ♪ ♪ I'm making breakfast ♪ All right, this is going to be my seat. All right, usually I sit on the other side but today I am sitting on this side. All right. Now I gotta make some pancakes. Take ingredients. Pancake ingredients. And do that. ♪ I'm baking baking pancakes ♪ ♪ Baking baking pancakes ♪ ♪ Baking baking pancakes ♪ ♪ Baking baking pancakes ♪ Way to loud, I can't sleep. Yes! (gargle) Sad face, why are you so sad? That's weird. All right, done that, done. Breakfast, all right breakfast is done. ♪ baking making pancakes not anymore ♪ (laughter) ♪ I'm making making pancakes ♪ ♪ making making pancakes ♪ ♪ Yeah, all right ♪ I'm gonna go change right here in the hallway. Not a good idea usually, but I'm still going to do it. ♪ look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me ♪ ♪ Look at me, look at me, look at me ♪ All right, I'm just gonna... I'm going to take my morning shower. (operatic signing) And now, I'm gonna brush my teeth. (mimics electric toothbrush) (laughter) (mimics electric toothbrush) All right, done that. Now we're just hungry. (alarm going off) Oh come on. Stop! Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey. Hello there, rise and shine darling. Ah. All right you were sleeping in your clothes. Wonderful. You scared me. Sorry. Sorry. I made food. Its okay, I made food. I made I made toast and I also made pancakes. All right, come over here. Yay, she's smiling. ♪ Let's go down my elevator ♪ ♪ 'cause I love my elevator ♪ It's so dark here, I'm going to turn on the lights. All right, over here. I made breakfast. Mmm. I'm gonna to eat this. Yummy, yummy, yummy, in my tummy. Ooh looks nice. I'm gonna take a portion. You need some pancakes? Thank you, Mommy. No problemo. Are you gonna to eat that? I'm gonna take this and put it here for next time. All right, I'm gonna take my coffee. We have a little while 'til work. There's a burger here. I don't know why. I'm gonna watch news. ♪ With my coffee ♪ ♪ All right, I got some coffee in my hands ♪ Like a coffee. (imitates sipping coffee) Hopefully nothing bad happens, yeah. I'm going to work. You can stay here. I'm gonna go to work, goodbye! Bye. I'm going to work. What? I hope, I hope. Hopefully nothing bad happens on the news because there could be aliens. What? They could be aliens? There's going to be aliens! I better watch out. (laughter) I'm gonna get my motorcycle (motorcycle engine running) 'cause its the quickest vehicle. And I'm a little bit late. Just a tiny bit. I don't want to be even more late so that's why I'm taking my fastest vehicle. ♪ Vroom vroom vroom in my brand new Lambo-oo-woah ♪ Work. I need to be the janitor. I need to work up my promotion stuff. All right, okie dokie. Clean this up. ♪ Do do do do do and do do do do do ♪ (Humming) ♪ I'm gonna sweep this up ♪ ♪ Sweepy sweep sweep sweep ♪ There we go. We gotta sweep up this trash 'cause I'm stepping in it. Yep, I believe this is my outfit, my janitor outfit. I don't really mind. Or do I? I'm going to spray this, I'm going to wash there. Just like that. I'm gonna sweep, sweep a spill. Why am I sweeping a juice? Not supposed to sweep up juices. Your supposed to sweep up trash and get a... I don't know what your supposed to get for that sucker juice thingy up. I don't know, all right. All right, I already got $364 Oh my god, that's so much money! I'm a janitor. And I clean, clean. ♪ I'm gonna spray this ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna wash that ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna be finished ♪ ♪ Without even touching it ♪ (laughter) All right. I'm going to wash up this. ♪ I'm gonna spray there ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna wash that ♪ ♪ Without even ♪ (snapping) ♪ Using my feet ♪ 'cause I'm not really standing, I'm like in the air. Yeah that's not very funny at all. Wee! ♪ I'm gonna spray that ♪ ♪ And I'm gonna wash that ♪ ♪ I'm gonna sweep that ♪ ♪ I'm gonna throw it out ♪ I'm gonna do that and finish up my job 'cause I don't want to do it anymore. It looks disgusting. Like really disgusting. Sweep up juice. Stepping in it. That's my way of cleaning, step in it and then sweep. My feet help it clean you know? Like soaks up. (laugh) Like sponges in there. All right. ♪ I'm gonna spray that ♪ ♪ I'm gonna wash that ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ I'm getting loads of monies from spraying ♪ ♪ And washing ♪ ♪ And doing a bunch of things ♪ Where are... Where are others? Like other thingys. ♪ Sweepy sweep sweep sweep ♪ All right, ooh there's some graffiti here. These darn kids, graffiti too much. ♪ I'm gonna spray that ♪ ♪ I'm gonna gonna wash that ♪ ♪ Uh huh uh huh uh huh ♪ ♪ Oh yeah I'm gonna do that yeah ♪ All right, what time's it? ♪ Its muffin time ♪ ♪ Its muffin time ♪ What time is it? (high pitch singing) It's muffin time. I just realized, I can see the sky in the, it's a cloud. That's weird. That's the sun. Down there but there is also the sun up there, or the reflection. Maybe? All right, it is a beautiful day today. I'm gonna be heading home now. You heard me. Heading home. There's one more, I'm just gonna clean up on the way. It's pink, it's pink. ♪ All right, I'm going to sweep up this spill ♪ And I'm done! I got $1166. Pretty good, pretty pretty good. Why is my bike parked over that? Ugh, okay, let's go. All right. ♪ I'm gonna go this way ♪ ♪ I'm gonna go that way ♪ ♪ I'm gonna do this next ♪ Ooh, that's cool how they're doing it. Cool, cool, cool, cool. All right, there we go. Ah! Can I be your roommate, please? No, no no no no. I don't even know you, you're like a stranger to me. I need to take care of my permissions. I don't want people to... Weird, okay. There we go, done. What? Meow meow. (techno meow music) ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ Yeah I really like that. Yeah, yeah. ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ All right, take ingredients. I'm making, what am I making? Hot dogs. ♪ Let's make some hot dogs today yeah ♪ ♪ Let's make some hot dogs today, yeah ♪ ♪ Let's make some hot dogs today, yeah ♪ ♪ Oh, lets make... ♪ All right, please can I have a shower? What? Oh that's not Mommy. What? All right. I was just reading this thing right here. Got hot dogs. Take portion. And make some coffee. Take portion. Gonna get some... No, I don't want ingredients, I want contents. Get some Bloxy cola. Lunch is ready. Lunch is ready! ♪ And steady ♪ I'm late for work, whatever. Eat. (mimics eating) Yay, mommy's home. Well I'm not going to go to work anymore. I shouldn't go to work because I want to spend some time with my daughter. I'm going to take this, take a few sips. (mimics sipping) All right, you were so sneaky. Do you want to go to the pool? ♪ La la la la la la ♪ Want to go to the pool or not? Okay. I'm gonna change my outfit to my swimming outfit. Okie dokie, I got my swimsuit on. All right, do I have to bring anything? Yes, I have to bring some chips. I mean like, of course I have to bring some chips. All right, I am gonna view some contents. Gonna get my potato chips. I'm gonna get my potato chips. I hear the TV here. All right, I need to go turn off the TV. Like seriously, seriously. Meow meow. It's really cool. ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ All right, enough meowing. We don't want your meowing anymore. We want to go to the pool. Have some fun. Mommy, where are you? I'm right here darling. (sigh) Finally some peace and quite. Sort of. I don't know if you realized but I put this barrier here so the ball doesn't go random places. I don't know if I showed you that yet, but in case I didn't, there it is. Can I go to the pool? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. You can go to the pool. (sigh) Kids these days, wanting to go to the pool. (laughter) Actually, it's quite natural. I'm just gonna be in my hot tub. Ahhh. Ahhh. Oh my God, there's people honking at us. And wee, Unsubscribe. Why are you-- Ouchies. I'm trying to enjoy my life here, why are you honking at me? (honking) All right, stop honking! To my-- Hear nasty honks. I'm going to play soccer by myself. I win! - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - I'm gonna kick it a lot so I can hear them say goals. - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - Goal! No. No, no, no, no, yes! - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - Goal! - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - Goal! No, it's not a goal! Stop honking you people. No I didn't make it. - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - Goal! All right you take the ball, I'm gonna be blocking my net. (honking) Goal! - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - No you didn't! I'm playing soccer. I'm not bored, look at me, I'm so fun. I'm having so much fun. All right, now go out! No, you went... No, I didn't mean... No, I didn't mean you going out, out. Mommy? Yes, darling? - [Roblox Audience] Goal! - Goal! Can I sleep in your room tonight? Okay, that's all right I guess. All right, I'm going to make some ice cream. Look at this ice cream, it looks so good! It makes me so hungry! I just want to eat the computer. I haven't actually went in the pool yet. So I'm gonna go 'cause its 6 o'clock. Wee! Mommy's roll! (laughter) Wait, where's the ducky? I had a ducky. Where did my ducky go? My ducky's missing, my ducky, oh my ducky, my little ducky. Okay, fine, all right. Where'd my ball go? Look at it spinning so fast. It's going a hundred degrees. No, hundred kilometers per hour. A million kilometers per hour. So fast, ouch. I can jump on it, ouch! (laughter) What's happening with this ball? It's a weird ball. Where did it go now? I don't have any pool toys anymore. All gone. I have this area right here. It's like underneath it. I wish I could do like pavement, paving here. So it'd look nice. All right, time for dinner! Dinner in 10 minutos. For dinner, we're having hot dogs. We're having hot dogs for dinner. All right. Wait, why am I making coffee? I don't want coffee. I hit okie dokie. All right, you're getting some drinks. Thank you, darling. Thank you, darling. Potato chip my favorite. Ooh, Mmm mmm mmm, delicious looking. I'm gonna eat my hot dog. (mimicing eating) I'm gonna eat my chips. And I'm gonna drink this. What should we do tomorrow? Watch a movie. All right, I'm going to change outfits into my pajamas! (laughing) Okay, I'm gonna turn off all of the lights. Save electricity. All right, there we go. (snapping and clapping) ♪ We're going on a trip ♪ ♪ Inside an elevator, ohhhh ♪ My fun thing is very low. All right, I'm gonna brush my teeth. ♪ Like this ♪ ♪ Like that ♪ All right, I'm taking a shower. Interesting. All right, I'm going to turn on this light. I'm gonna read the news. Man missing, last seen Pokibomb. Top story. I can't quite read that. I'll watch some YouTube. ♪ Meow, meow, meow, meow ♪ Wow, okay. I wanna write a book instead. Write a book, it's gonna be famous! Finished! It's amazing, look at it! Okay, now I wanna play Pong. Boop. Boop. Boop. Who's gonna win, red or blue? Boop. Who do you vote for? I vote for blue. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Boop. Okay, okay, okay, let's get outta here. What's your favorite animal because I have an-- I have an idea for any-- No, 'cause I have an, I don't for any? What? For picture, for picture frames. What? What, who? That makes no sense. My favorite animal is a unicorn. Unicorn. Unicorn. How could you not know that? All right time to go to bed. Sleep tight, little, I don't even know your name. All right, sleep, all right. Well guys, while I'm sleeping so nicely in my bed, I am gonna end this video. I really hope you liked this video. If you did, smash that like button and I'll see you guys next time. Goodbye!
Channel: GamerGirl
Views: 32,915,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox
Id: SG-R2YeHhSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 59sec (1619 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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