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imagine you click on my video and you just say hey guys welcome to my new [Music] video hey guys it's lbs honey and today we have another package from the one the only lpsqueen.com i just realized i have one earring on where'd the other one go you know what it's a fashion statement let's just roll with it so as you all know i opened a package from obviousqueen.com a couple weeks ago now and it contained one of their customs that they had made with the wings and the mask and you guys seem to really like that video so lpsqueen.com was kind enough to send me another package for me to show you guys today so a huge thank you to them once again for sending me this package to kind of review for you guys i don't know what any of the lps in this package are it's complete surprise to me and they also told me that they were going to send me another custom so it's like a double surprise i'm like scared and happy and nervous all at once it's just a mess i feel like an emotional diarrhea puddle that's so disgusting what is wrong with me please do not quote that anyway let's move on to the actual package and uh see what we got by the way i forgot to mention all the links to lbsqueen.com will be in the description down below links to their website instagram youtube all of that so please do go check them out they are one of the best and most iconic lps stores out there i'm sure most of you have heard of them by now but if you haven't they're a us-based store that ships internationally and they sell lbs for incredibly cheap prices like it's kind of ridiculous how cheap they are but they also sell accessories and now houses as well as well as jumbo pets oh my god they're jumbo pets i have a package that i bought of jumbo pets from them with my own money and i really want to like do a video on it so look out for that in the future but i digress please do go check them out they are amazing anyway enough rambling from me like always let's get on to the actual package so it came in this priority mail bubble like envelope and inside was a lps backpack excuse me while i rock up with my lbs backpack okay catch me on the streets rocking this bad boy please don't beat me up and steal my lunch money thank you uh thank you very much so let's open this up and see what we have oh oh my god okay so we have a little card here showing some of the iconic customs that they make they are unique like you can't say they're not unique because bro look at these okay i was actually watching a video on their youtube channel and they talked about how they make these customs by taking really bad condition lps and turning them into something if that makes sense so it's kind of like recycling bad condition lps that can't be saved and i love that like that's such a good use for bad condition lbs i personally also customize a lot of my bad condition lbs so this is really awesome i love this this like half cat half dog that is super cool that's like a really cool concept for like a horror film but anyway so yes oh thank you maddie karen thank you karen shout out to karen okay she is so nice okay so let's get into the actual bits so we have something bubble wrapped and we have like little baggies of pets bro it's like a bottomless pit of pets hello it's christmas wham bam thank you ma'am do i sound like extra hyper today i'm sorry if i do i don't know what's wrong with me i like drank a whole can of coca-cola before filming this not sponsored by the way wink wink coca-cola reach out to me but maybe that's like making me blue let's just move on so here are the lps uh i honestly don't know where to start like i said i have no idea what any of these are like i i had no say in what lps was sent to me and i kind of like it that way so i can see a dachshund already but i'm gonna start with this pack here so it looks like each little pack has at least one pet and some accessories oh my god the sushi bro let me tell you how much i have wanted this sushi accessory there's like certain accessories that hasbro's made that i just love so here's the first accessory this bed i love these they are amazing for filming and then if we can get the focus to work thank you we have the lps which i will look at in like two seconds if i can get him out of here uh free him but these accessories okay there's here i am saying how much i want this accessory and i just fling it across the room oh don't worry it's survived but as i was trying to say there's certain accessories that hasbro made that i just want so bad because i think they look so pretty and this little sushi set is one of them and also comes with a little rice bowl oh my god i'm in heaven right now i am just going to use this every day of my life like this is going to be in every lps photo shoot from this point forward like bro it is beautiful i don't know what it is like i am a big sushi eater i love sushi and this is just let's take a look at the actual pet itself so it is this persian cat or wolf cat as it's kind of known and it's gorgeous i don't own this one which i love comes with a little crown so let me take that off this is really beautiful actually the crown reminds me of like 1920s so that's koala and then we have the actual persian itself seems to be a really good condition has a couple marks back here but that just kind of looks like some texture which could easily be cleaned off with a bit of nail polish remover so i'm not worried about that but other than that it seems like really good condition this one's colors are so pretty as well that's everything we got in our first little baggie and it is a definite success in my books so let's move on let's just get this one out of the way because this is too exciting so we have a dachshund in there and also a short head cat bro i'm gonna lose my mind here they are two absolute legends so this dachshund i actually do already have but mine is still in its original packaging and i didn't want to open it so this is perfect because i technically don't own it outside of its packaging so i could have like never used it for videos but now i can so say hello to a new little dachshund i'm going to be using for my videos it comes with a super pretty bow which has elastic which i love bows with elastic are just like a godsend i love the gem as well i don't know if lbs queen makes these or if they buy them from someone but either way it's gorgeous and then we have the short head cat who's kind of intimidating me honestly like she looks like she'd like beat me up i don't know but she comes with these glasses iconic lbs glasses let's be real and she also comes with a really pretty bow i don't even know how to describe this it's just really sparkly and beautiful but here's the pet herself she honestly looks brand new like she is in insanely good condition and she's not even really dirty at the back there's her magnet at the bottom a blue magnet like she is perfect wow i love the contrast between our eyes and our fur color as well i don't know where lps queen finds so many good condition lbs but they are honestly like the holy grail at this point so let's do another one of these little packs and then i'm very interested to see what this is it kind of looks like a fridge so we'll see that in a second but let's open this pack here which is a little tiger and a kitten oh my god i love kittens so much so they came with this old school camera which i do have but my one's different i noticed that there was a different lps sticking out the bottom so if you click this it takes the pictures that come out the film roll and my one's different it has like a dog and a cat and i can't remember what the other animal is but it's like the three of them where this one is a cheetah a zebra and a butterfly so i've never seen like a camera that has a different film role so i'm like kind of in shock right now i didn't even know hasbro did that but that's really cool because it's like now you can take different photos if that makes sense back to the lbs we have this super cute kitten and i can't remember the channel name but back in like 2012 there was a youtube channel that used to do lps trading all the time and this kitten was their mascot and i loved their videos at the time i hardly had any lbs and i was so jealous of people that could trade because i thought oh my god i wish i could trade my lbs so i used to watch trade videos all the time back then and like i feel like i've unlocked a memory it's like insane nostalgia but she's so cute and i love the little like bonnet she comes with this is adorable but here's the kitten she's in really good condition as well i love the colors they're like so subtle like the white and the gray but they work so well together let's have a few little marks on the muzzle which i'm hoping i can clean off hopefully they're not ink um but yeah besides that pretty good and then we have our tiger who comes with a tiger tie i really hope this is just a fashion statement and he didn't like skin his brother and wear him around his neck because if you did so i'm a little concerned but regardless i love this pet obvious tigers are just beautiful i don't know what to say it's just a fact and he is in amazing condition we're slowly getting through things so let's move on to this bubble wrapped one here i i kind of have a feeling this might be the custom but at the same time it looks like a fridge so i i i don't know what to think like who are you so yeah let's just let's just open [Music] oh houston uh what is this i'm going to assume this is the custom they sent me i'm kind of speechless because i kind of love it i really hope the fridge doors open so let's get her out and see because wow okay here she is and i'm pretty sure i saw this custom in one of ccr television's videos that she did a while ago talking about these kind of customs and i i don't know what to say like i love the fridge but the face is like so it's so funny looking because it's just like this tiny little beak it's like i don't even know how to explain it she's kind of looking at you like she's definitely judging me like this is just a judgmental looking face she's just she's judging all of you right now okay y'all better say nice things about her because with this look she's about to roast you back to next tuesday back to next tuesday that doesn't make any sense what wait i don't know if this is an lbs fridge or not but it kind of sounds like this stuff inside so let's open it up i love that it still opens as well okay let's just take all this out i'm assuming this is just like padding for the stuff inside wait let me open the top as well bro i love this so much oh my god so inside we have all these little chums cherries cake croissant a donut some more cake and a little coffee these are so pretty these are deco charms i got some in my last package as well and i love the croissant that one looks really pretty and like realistic but these are always handy for lbs videos but here's the inside of our little owl fridge um it has little stickers on the inside which are really pretty i do have a few fridges already but they're surveilling families so i kind of like this smaller design because the surveillance family ones are huge so this is really really nice but uh let's close it back up and take another look at our girl here so like i said earlier in the video these parts of the lps were from an lbs that was in really bad condition and it wasn't like salvageable so they turned it into a custom which i love i love recycling it's definitely the way to go especially when it comes to things like this so here she is i mean i really don't know what to say i've never seen anything like this before and i'm kind of loving it i just realized she has tiny little ears as well oh my god this is everything this is just honestly my new mascot not really but like can you imagine honestly just holding this custom and just looking at it i already have some ideas for what i could use her for in future videos so i'm not going to spoil anything but just know she's definitely going to be seen in some future videos she's just she's just too unique not to use so let's just move it to the side move on to our last two little baggies here so i'll do the smaller one first it looks like we get two more lbs and this one a turtle and a lion and this lion is so gorgeous i don't have him and i don't have the turtle either most of the pets i don't have so far which is so amazing this is the turtle he has a little checkered shell and i feel like checkered patents are kind of in right now i've been seeing a lot of shoes and clothes around me with checkered patents so he's in fashion and he's really pretty i don't own this turtle i love the minty color it's very basic i feel like most turtles are pretty basic in the design but i kind of have a soft spot for turtles because growing up i had an lps turtle and it was like one of the first lps i got so i got to appreciate him and then the other lbs in this bag was this lion it is a new generation pet from the drink kind of blind boxes they did i don't own him because i've never gotten any of the drink blind boxes from the like newer generation so this is awesome i love the new generation lion i love how they look i really love his outfit like the robe he's got on that is so pretty and of course he comes with a little drink crown but i'm gonna take that off for now because i just want to bask in his glory he's beautiful this is one of the like lbs molds that i really really like from the new generation but he's in amazing condition and i kind of be surprised if he wasn't so there is our new king and i forgot to show you the accessory we got in that baggie was an lbs bag so it's time to move on to the final baggie here it has been a ride that's for sure i've loved every moment of it i'm sorry if it's a bit darker the sun is going down but let's get this one open it looks like we have a little house these houses are so gorgeous because they like open up which is so good if you need to like build a wall for a video use one of these houses because they're a great like divider for scenes so oh it looks like there's an lps inside wait a minute hold the phone oh my god okay well here's the inside of the house like i said it folds open and this is a great use if you like need to block off a room you could use this for a wall because it kind of like separates it which is just the best so yeah and of course you can fold it up and use it as a little house but what we got inside was a little ladybug and it looks like some more accessories so the accessories are kind of like a picnic set we got a chair i love these chairs they're amazing a little basket a pie and a little jug of lemonade i was about to say lemon juice for some reason but it's lemonade okay don't drink straight lemon juice unless you want to then go ahead but yeah maybe add some sugar and then the lbs we got is this ladybug with this cute little hat it's like a little bonnet and i love this ladybug's colors all of the ladybugs i have are of course red like most of them are but this one has a really pretty purple and green kind of color scheme going on which i really like so i oh this might be my favorite ladybug it's kind of like a poison ladybug maybe maybe i might have to use her in a video as a poison ladybug oh just like spoiling all my video ideas that i'm getting while making this video but oh well um but yes she's beautiful in amazing condition like all the other lps so i love her definitely my favorite ladybug that i own and that little ladybug marks the end of this lpsqueen.com package oh my lord i loved it like holy crap elvis queen does not miss honestly like i'm gonna take you back to my regular filming space so we can have one more look at the lbs including that custom and finish the video off oh the sun's going down the lighting's terrible i'm sorry but what did you think let me know in the comments down below what your favorite was from this package mine oh it's kind of like a hard one i liked a lot of them i'm probably gonna have to say the ladybug actually like i finished strong on that one it is such a cute color scheme i feel like orange and purple isn't like used a lot in lps so i really like it and of course um our iconic fridge owl i definitely have plans for her it's definitely commendable that they're making such unique customs in the lps community i'm not trying to throw shade at anybody when i say this but i feel like a lot of ideas in the lps community get used over and over again and like i'm guilty of that too 100 so to see unique customs that lbs queen are making i i just love it like this is the kind of like innovation we need in the community the sun just completely disappeared so i think that's the universe telling me to end this video so i'm gonna leave you all on some close-ups of the lbs i got today so you can have one final look and i honestly can't thank lbsqueen.com enough for this package and allowing me to share it with you guys i hope you enjoyed please do go check them out they are super kind um so there'll be links of course in the description and independent comment like i mentioned before so i hope you all have an amazing easter break and i will see you all very soon bye guys oh and uh you know don't forget to like comment and subscribe to uh yaguo okay um yeah okay bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 168,812
Rating: 4.8844233 out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest pet shop, lps video, new lps video, lps honey, lps videos, funny lps, ccrtelevision, opening lps
Id: efyjqnjjqxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 42sec (1242 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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