LPS: Scars (Film)

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[Music] due to mature subject matter viewer discretion is advised [Music] byron honey you gotta get going you're gonna be late i know you're probably nervous going to a new school after having six months off but we gotta get you back out there kiddo if you need me to drive you i no mom it's fine time just got away from me so i'll walk like planned don't worry about me okay but be careful and you better head off now i don't want the teachers thinking you're not turning up [Music] hmm well this is it i got this i got this [Music] please god make sure it gets through the day okay [Music] hey yo make sure you get your signatures in if you want to attend the boombox party doc i'm gonna be late again yo my guy uh me yeah you you got your signature in yet for the boombox party you have to get it in by this evening or you won't be able to attend so you want me to write you down a boombox party what i'm i'm sorry i'm new here i'm not really sure what's going on oh i was wondering why i didn't recognize you um well the boombox party is kind of like a school dance there's going to be music food games all that good stuff for real though if you're new here i should write you down it'll be a great chance for you to meet new pets um sure when's it happening tomorrow night of course just give me a name and i'll jot you down cool cool um my name is byron b-y-r-o-n sweet i'll add you to the list see you there byron yeah see you there maybe coming back to school is not going to be that bad looks like most pets are in class i better have there myself before i get in trouble [Music] and that is why for this project we're going to be working in teams teamwork is not something you should take for granted it's something you'll need in your young adult life and throughout your years now as you can see on your desks in front of you there's a few different subjects that you have chosen out and oh byron i presume yes ma'am i hope i'm not interrupting i apologize if i'm late no no you're fine we're actually just starting so it's good timing i know it's your first day so i wouldn't expect much from you but try to listen in way you can the school informed me of your situation so if you need any help or need to excuse yourself just let me know oh thank you but that won't be necessary i'm fine really huh situation what's that about bro is he like a secret agent or something bro he's probably gonna diary or something class eyes forward please byron please just take your seat and we can continue yes ma'am um uh you don't have to stare you can sit down oh thanks um okay now i want to see heads down researching this assignment's going to be taking place over the weekend so make sure to meet up with your partner outside of school hours and build those team working skills do i make myself clear yeah i guess sure we're going to try that one more time do i make myself clear class yes that's more like it now get to work and come see me if you need any assistance so um hi i'm byron thanks for um i'm letting you sit here yeah i got that much i'm alex and don't sweat it you needed a partner just as much as i did by the way are you nervous at all crap is it that obvious well when you're stuttering more than a car engine i'd say yes but don't worry starting school on a friday midway through the year isn't exactly the best integration so i don't blame you well either way i'm sorry i uh shouldn't let my nerves get the best of me hey can i ask you something sure why is that guy staring at me so much huh oh that's harry do not even worry about him don't even give him a second of your time he's not worth it what was that alex spreading little rumor zoe that's not very kind of you oh shut up harry we all know you start the most rumors in school how dare you tell these lies in front of our new classmate we all know i'm a prestige student here hurry eyes forward please you shouldn't be communicating with other teams wow real prestige listen dude whatever this witch told you about me ain't true i'm just uh a little curious that's all curious about what exactly about your scarf do dad is it a religious thing or what um no i uh i i just have an injury around my eye that's all oh sick you're a sports guy but you got it while getting tackled on the field as you are um i used to play sports when i was younger not so much recently though well i could be the dog that gets you back into it meet me at the auditorium at lunchtime me and a couple other guys from the football team are going to be talking about new recruits if you're interested you could tag along and uh we can see what we can do for you really wow okay thanks yeah i'll see you there sweet see you there man see alex i'm not the devil in disguise i do actually have a nice side yeah right look byron i know we just met and you have no reason to believe me but trust me when i say nothing good ever comes from harry he's only trying to benefit himself so be careful or you'll get used you speaking from experience yeah just be careful okay you seem like a good guy thanks anyway should we get started on this project i don't want to get you in trouble or anything yeah let's get started i chose uh interior design it was either that or cooking and i i thought we'd have a better chance with this one at least in in my kind of experience so i guess i'll just start it freaking dog pasta linguine just trust me okay it'll never fail vegetarian lasagna would be a much better choice why don't we just stick with that it'll be easier to prepare as well okay class that wraps up our morning lesson i expect to see you all bright and early on monday with your finished assignments make sure to spend some time together on the weekend you need to get this teamwork thing down whether or not you agree i'm looking at you stacy and rebecca in the front lasagna or not you need to get it sorted out now you're all dismissed the bell has gone have a good afternoon so it's decided we're going with indigo huh sounds like a plan you're actually pretty good at this interior design stuff well you could say i have an eye for this kind of stuff at least the one i can see out of oh my dog so what are you doing for lunch hmm good question to be honest i am not really sure i don't really know what anyone would like up here so well if you want you can sit with me i usually chill by myself which kind of makes me sound like a total loser but trust me i'm not sounds like a great time to me yo byron so you're going to meet me at the auditorium oh yeah forgot about that i'll be there sweet don't take too long though we ain't gonna wait around for you come on dude oh sorry nothing to be sorry for i'll see you around byron ew sorry my dude didn't expect anyone to be standing in the way it's fine no harm done do you know where the auditorium is i'm meant to be meeting someone there yeah dude it's just behind me over there legit can't miss the place oh great thanks no sweat my guy well here goes nothing gotta try and make some friends somehow trust me we're going to absolutely slaughter them our defensive line is impenetrable oh yo byron right huh oh hey you were that girl at the front signing pets up for the dance right yes sir i'm in here planning decorations making sure everything fits just right but um what are you doing in here just meeting up with some guys to talk about football oh nice glad to see you're settling in um well i better get back to this the decorations aren't going to measure themselves right oi harry who's that who oh byron hey man glad you could make it guys guys this is byron we share first period together he literally transferred today said he used to play football when he was a kid isn't that right yeah i miss it quite a bit i'd be down to get back into it if y'all are accepting new members we're always down for new members but what's with the eye patch you into cosplay or something who's he going as good blackbeard dude no actually it's a medical thing just a bit of an issue with my eye nothing uh too major though forgive me for being realistic but how we meant to accept you into our little football group if you can't see out of one of your eyes we might as well have a blind kid running around isn't that a bit offensive it's called being realistic what do you expect us to do taking a new player who can't see would be at a major disadvantage well for your information i can see i i just wear this to cover a medical condition well then take it off uh excuse me come on byron's take it off what you some kind of chicken come on you little chicken chicken you know i'm not a chicken it's just a personal thing okay sounds like the kind of excuse the chicken would make you know what fine singers are all so adamant there you happy i can see perfectly fine out of my eye it's just underneath it i have some scarring okay that's it holy crap it looks like your skin's melting off bruv now that's disgusting not gonna lie i was expecting maybe a small scar or something like that but jesus dude that's uh that's rough honestly i really don't know how to put this but you see we have a bit of an image in the football team we need to look good for the ladies i'm sure you can understand and having a player that either constantly wears an eye patch or has half of his face melted off isn't exactly going to land well with the chicks if you uh get my drift here so i think you can understand where i'm coming from when i tell you we don't want you on the football team honestly we don't want you anywhere near us got it are you kidding me no these last few years are all about image and you my friend do not fit it so scram yeah send me that picture all right will do [Music] ew look at his face i don't know but whatever it is [Music] calm down calm down yo but byron don't don't look at me please why are you okay what happened in there god did harry do something to you in there no it was all me what do you mean it was all with you it's just the way i am now it always messes up everything i thought i thought maybe i could start school again and people wouldn't really notice or care that anything was wrong with me but no it's the first thing that pets notice and i just want to be normal again look i don't know what you're talking about i haven't noticed anything wrong with you okay whatever you need you can talk to me you can trust me i i won't judge you i wouldn't be so sure if that if i was you it's different when you see it up close byron i yeah that's what i thought just leave me alone alex it's what a freak like me deserves byron i crap i didn't mean it like that miss tyler alex what are you doing here i'm sorry to bartend here ma'am but i have a favor to ask i'm not allowing any extensions on the assignment if that's what you're going to ask no it's nothing like that i was just wondering if you could maybe give me byron's home address alex student addresses are extremely confidential on a need to know basis i can't just share them with other students upon their request i know that ma'am but i believe he needs my help and you know me i i wouldn't do any harm with this information please i just i need to do something i'm sorry i can't tell you more but it's a private matter so please can i have his address if anyone else finds out that i'm doing this of course not this is between you me and byron that's all fine wait here i need to get his information up on the database byron honey i i knew it was too early to send you back to school if you need to talk about anything that happened i'm here okay just leave me alone mom okay okay i just came up here to let you know that there's a girl here her name's alex she said she's working on a project with you at school i'll send her up and you two can sort out whatever you have going on what are you doing here just came to check up on you the way you stormed out of there was pretty worrying why do you care you don't even know me well maybe i want to know you did you consider that at all trust me no one wants to know me i'm just a freak what you're not a freak never once did i think that about you and the whole time we talked oh really well your reaction to how i looked wasn't exactly a pleasant one you seemed pretty disgusted by me no no no no i was not disgusted shocked sure but not disgusted you can't walk around with a cover all day and then take it off and not expect people to be a little surprised well i think they were more than just surprised don't you i wasn't in the auditorium with you i don't know what went down but if it involved harry it must have been bad guys a total douchebag and trust me when i say you shouldn't spend any time worrying about what he thinks his opinion doesn't matter none of their opinions matter there's a bunch of hyper football players who like putting others down yeah well it wasn't just them there were others and they didn't seem too fond of what they saw either look byron i can't change their opinions for you but i can't let you know that i don't care okay the way you look doesn't affect whether or not i want to get to know you more i mean hey i started talking to you because i thought you were a cool guy not because of the way you looked but that's why i came over here i was worried okay i borrowed our assignment from this morning we can work on it if you want but if not just tell me to leave and i'll go i just wanted to let you know that i'm sorry and that i do care i'm sorry i reacted that way it was impulsive it was dumb and i shouldn't have gasped like that so do you want me to stay or not okay then alex yeah thanks no problem uh how about i pull up a chair and we can mull over this assignment together i'd like that very much but only if you're comfortable yeah i am don't worry um please come take a seat thanks so after all our disagreements harry turns to me and he goes you know what i'm gonna spread the most nastiest rumor i could possibly spread about you i come to school the next day expecting the worst turns out he just told everyone i cropped my pants during sport i'm sorry i shouldn't be laughing it's fine i honestly expected much worse but let's just say our rivalry has been going on for a while now so long story short just don't listen to anything harry says he starts beef with pets just to get a bit of drama buzzing around school yeah after hearing all your stories i'm starting to believe you now crap hey hey byron you don't have to cover up around me okay you know i'm not going to judge you i'm i'm just not used to anyone seeing me like this i can understand that you never did tell me what happened well it was a few months ago now i used to have an electric blanket one of those heated ones it was faulty and ended up burning a portion of my face made me the mangled man you see before you i don't see a mangled man byron i see something very beautiful uh i hope you don't mind beautiful honestly firing your scars should never be covered up i don't think you should ever have to cover up your scars they're a part of you something that makes you unique thanks alex i've never had anyone say that about me before don't mention it and hey i am i don't want to break things up here but i gotta get going my mom's probably gotten a call from the school by now and i am going to get hounded when i get home oh god i i didn't even think of that i'm so sorry for dragging you out here i i should have just let you go i i'm sorry no no i wanted to be here don't worry i'll just make up some bs excuse it'll be fine hey before i go are you going to the boombox dance tomorrow night i don't know i feel like i won't be able to take a step inside that school for a month well i'd love it if you'd come i kind of have a bit of a plan in mind i'm not gonna force you to come but if you do show up i'll be waiting for you outside the auditorium kind of sounds like you have something planned well you'll have to be there to find out now see you later byron take care oh and one more thing don't cover up i know it'll be hard for you but trust me oh bye [Music] [Music] i completely understand and rest assured nothing like this will happen in the future ma'am i understand byron's unique condition but we can't just start having days off this was a one-time incident and i hope that's clear yes ma'am i'll leave you two alone but please come see me after the party hey oh hey you gonna come over here oh right i'm honestly kind of surprised you showed up even more surprised that you listened and didn't cover up yeah i thought i'd try hopefully i don't look too hideous you look perfectly fine to me and the reason i didn't want you to cover up is because i want to show you something i want us to walk through this door to the auditorium and get into that party and act like no one's watching oh god i don't think i can do this i can already feel all the pets in there waiting to laugh at me i don't even want to know what harry's going to do when he sees me hey we're going to walk in there like no one's watching it's just going to be the two of us for all we know and if it gets too much we can leave please byron just try okay okay okay lead the way you'll see come on this is it hey come on over here pretty cool in here isn't it the lights give it such an atmosphere yeah for sure i'd be lying if i said i wasn't freaking out a bit but it looks great you look great thanks you don't look too bad yourself but hey do you want to know a little secret it might help with the nerves a bit yeah sure okay now hear me out this may sound crazy to you but every single pet here besides yours truly doesn't care that you're here they're all just vibing dancing eating chatting hell even harry's behind me and he's got his back turned to us he doesn't even care that you're here everyone's enjoying themselves and partying like no one else is there so they can do it why can't you i uh see you don't even have an answer and that's my point you have to dance and live your life like no one's watching are there going to be pets like harry that makes stupid disrespectful comments yes of course unfortunately there's a lot of pets like that in the world but there's also a lot of good and a lot of other pets are just trying to get through their days as well just the same as you yeah i guess you're right i think i understand what you're getting at here good and you don't need to say anything okay you understand that's all that matters so how about you and me get a little soda maybe some chips and dip and hit the dance floor only if you're comfortable of course you know i'd love that truly well alrighty then and hey don't you ever feel like you have to cover up your scars again this is a part of you and the whole world should be able to see it if pets want to be shocked let them be shocked but personally i think they're beautiful come on hey you coming or not oh yeah yeah sorry i'm i'm on my way [Music] you
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 56,528
Rating: 4.9150381 out of 5
Keywords: lps, littlest pet shop, lps video, new lps video, lps honey, lps film, lps short film, lps videos, lps movie, short film, original film
Id: 5jy7dSBEhK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 55sec (1855 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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