LPS - Extraordinary Magic: Episode 1 - "The Beast of MorrowWood"

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i see it now why you've come to me you're filled with the most pollutant of forces stuffed so full it's suffocating you leaving a stain on every surface it grazes jealousy a bitter broken being one instinct to destroy like a beast let this be known to you foolish one the solution you desire is a means to an end to silence the ripples you've left in the water your hatred will be your downfall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh don't worry molly we're almost there hang on just a little bit longer [Music] don't worry little sis we're here [Music] arthur molly what happened miss elizabeth it's molly she needs your help here let me see what happened molly okay [Music] i can see that will she live don't worry you'll be just fine molly see molly everything's okay now you two were brave to come all this way well when molly got hurt i knew i had to take her to morrowood's best healer there's nothing i wouldn't do for my little sister she's lucky to have such a strong older brother there how's that molly feel better yeah thanks miss beth wow your cottage looks fully this time you don't say it hasn't changed since yesterday where'd you even get all this stuff this thing's weird i thought i heard voices in here prince vincent what a pleasant surprise it is isn't it you smell funny children how charming molly that is no way to address your future king or your future queen is this silk or just plain fabric don't you little worms have another nest you can burrow into i think that's enough for today children why did you go play okay bye miss beth and how is the dainty elizabeth doing this fine morning i'm doing well sire what brings you back to my cottage so soon dear sweet eliza how many times do i have to tell you just call me vincent i do believe that would be indecent your majesty why have you come do i really need a reason can't i just come to see the most beautiful lady in all of morrowood you flatter me sire indeed your majesty new traps are being built down at hickory meadow we need to keep moving if we are to reach them by noon well love to stay in chat but duty calls oh why the sour face don't worry doll that beast can't hide forever the people of morrowood all know the tragedy befallen of the royal family many years ago i've heard it from prince vincent countless times before [Music] you see vincent had a younger brother once prince aaron he was brutally murdered one night in his bed chambers for a mysterious beast had broken into the castle slaughtering him [Music] nobody knows what the beast was or where it came from only that it killed young aaron and vanished without a trace [Music] some say the beast was a creature of magic and others believe it to be a ghost still vincent spends every waking hour searching for it even after all these years but if the story is true if there really is a beast out there i'm certain it's long gone by now [Music] hmm why am i hearing about this now captain is what they say true yes sir well no sire make up your mind then i'm sorry a footprint was spotted but we aren't sure if it belongs to the beast i sent soldiers do you know how long i have been looking for this monster i have to kill it i need to kill it my poor dear brother aaron i must avenge his death might it be in vain i won't stop until i have its head on a stake i would desire nothing more myself sire i want you to double the patrols double the traps double everything the beast must be more active at night we stake out at dusk the beast is here in morrowood you heard the captain it could be anything don't get your whiskers in a tangle i can't help but worry especially for dear beth she lives in the spine don't worry about her best lived in those woods for many years i'm sure she'll be just fine [Music] just the wind ugh i'm being paranoid molly arthur what are you children doing here don't you know what time it is we were playing out in the woods but it got dark so quickly we thought they heard the beast yeah and molly got scared to walk back alone i wasn't scared though your parents must be worried sick you really shouldn't be out this late come with me then children let's get you back home stay beside me now [Music] ah how long do you think you'll keep us out here probably not until that creature's head is severed bleeding on the forest floor you know what sounds good right about now lamb chops gregory you simple-minded fool buttered biscuits rice pudding mabel's cherry sauce on some toasted flatbread you imbeciles stop thinking with your stomachs and stay alert i will have to settle for your heads bleeding out on the forest floor sire news from the falcon hollow a trap has been set off what are you certain it's a beast i i can't be certain i've never heard such a screeching from a living creature before come on then men let's rid this land of the vile creature once and for all for more award thanks for protecting molly you could stay indoors now [Music] [Music] ah oh beth why do you have to be such a coward no i'm not a coward well maybe just the slightest bit but there is no beast at least not anymore i'm going to get home safely and enjoy my tea just like every other night besides i know these woods like the back of my paw nothing here is going to spook me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] stopping i was told there was a beast here william a stinky smelly nasty beast so where is it well uh i do believe beforehand i had specified there might be one sire there's enough blood here for one i'd wager that is absolutely horrendous peter how can you look at that gruesome side so calmly william give me one good reason why i shouldn't slice that shriveled head of yours on the spot for this incompetence i i'm certain we um we don't need to resort to such a violence uh certainly the the beast couldn't have him gotten that far so where is it did it grow little wings and fly away like a little bird honestly it's not completely ridiculous considering what we're chasing after peter put that 116 iq to good use eh perhaps this way sire foliage does have a subtle way of pointing a direction your foot it's bleeding i need to mend it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hello you're so cold [Music] so [Music] who are you hello eliza oh no not now elizabeth open this door sire what are you doing here at this time of night have you heard anything unusual seen anything strange uh strange sire please say no i'm tired of chasing shadows all night quiet how cool you are peter i have reason to believe the beast is around this area if you see anything suspicious you come to me the beast here in these very woods don't worry dear seliza come with me back to the palace where no sickening ugly and rather slippery monsters will be able to find you i wouldn't be so sure of that what was that though your offer is thoughtful my place is here i can still smell its blood so fresh in my mind it's like it's even stronger i'll let you know if i see anything oh yes but right then looks like i'm stuck with you useless clods as company on the walk home oh finally i could sleep for weeks after this dreadful night weeks how unfortunate for you i heard mabel's cooking up a brunch tomorrow morning she mentioned deviled eggs jam and biscuits fresh goat milk all right all right all right well maybe i could sleep for a few hours wake up for a bit and then sleep for weeks i'll find you yet vermin [Music] [Music] so [Music] so hmm ugh [Music] this [Music] [Music] uh uh hello you must be the beast uh what is your name can can you understand me you must be hungry please eat so you don't have a name then or you don't remember well i can't go around calling you the beast uh how about something temporary like like noah no uh okay um romeo perhaps not how about spine after the woods spine it is then good good uh well i suppose my next question would be are you the beast that killed prince aaron prince aaron i wouldn't i wouldn't i i wouldn't i wouldn't i don't i can't remember please i wouldn't hurt anyone oh spine does is that normal does that happen often or or only when you get worked up [Music] it's okay i'll help you figure this out how long have you been a beast goblins berries witches griffins i don't know what would have caused this i've never seen anything like you before unless [Music] these cursed you must be cursed have you ever encountered a witch drank some sort of potion uh oh right can't remember sorry well my knowledge of curses is limited but there is a remedy here yes i just need to find all these ingredients oh dear this might be a bit tougher than i thought i have some of these herbs but i'll need to do some searching the spine for some of these rarer ones look here if you drink the potion in the light of the blue moon the spell will be lifted and your curse will be gone blue moon blue moon aha the blue moon it appears once every hundred years let's not give up yet let me just see when the next one will appear [Music] um what luck tomorrow night a blue moon the first in a century we don't have much time this spell will take the majority of that time just to brew mabel is that you give me one moment you need to sit in there and stay silent mabel what a surprise to see you here a surprise i waddle along here almost every noon gee do you need some special herbs of yours to spark up that memory again i i believe it was um ha ginkgo leaf yes your witness as sharp as ever what can i do for you is that hip bothering you again my hips are as right as rain i was just dropping by to check in you weren't eating by the beast yet beast or beast i don't i don't see a beast calm down there dear you're more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs i really came to give you a taste of these delicious goji berry biscuits you should have come to my brunch this morning oh how kind of you mabel you really didn't have to come all this way just for that who else is going to feed you little lady you're practically your skin and bones under that corset oh men these days have changed beth they like a little extra meat on their women i'm sure you're right mabel well i'd love to stay and gossip about what those fine gentlemen said at my brunch but i'd have to head home now i need to prepare for this marvelous new recipe for my dinner party this evening i heard some clattering noises miss beth do you have some sort of strange critter living in your walls what i didn't hear anything listen here child my ears may not be what they used to but i know a ruckus when i hear one it was somewhere over here the maple don't you have that dinner party to prepare for you really should get ahead of that midday side child you're only picking my interest more with your yammering no don't open that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for a dream a ghost of longings [Music] is [Music] darkness [Music] you
Channel: HelloStudios
Views: 102,477
Rating: 4.9707022 out of 5
Id: FVfg-chWAWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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