LPS: Just Grow Up || Film

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[Music] hmm okay microphone I'll set up camera is ready to go all right I think we are ready to start mmm hey guys it's Dalia and welcome back to a new YouTube video I hope you're all having a fantastic day so let's just jump straight into it huh hey Dalia and back from work it is seriously still filming with these things you were just setting up when I left yeah sorry takes me a while to set up sometimes but you can pass through I'll just pause my recording while you're here and as soon as you're out of the room I can start up again I'm not gonna lie it's just kind of a nuisance to come back home and then be told to be quiet because someone's filming in your house like really I don't know it just seems a little babyish to me well it is our house we're both paying rent to live here so you know we can kind of share the space I'll admit I have my belongings a bit of a mess at the moment but I always clean up after myself and if you think it's a baby esteem to do nobody's forcing me to watch me do it I mean it brings me joy and it brings joy to others as well sharing my stories through this kind of medium is a great way to get across to people ha okay whatever I'm not here to get lectured on toy videos I'm gonna go take a shower okay just let me know when you're done so I can start filming again mmm weird I've never heard Nicki call my job babyish before she's always been so supportive maybe she's just having a bad day or something I should try and be more understanding maybe I can stop filming for today and just spend some time with her what do you think the silent treatment don't want to get involved here yeah I sound crazy but maybe I should just clean up and I can film tomorrow time between us is precious because we're both working so it'll mean a lot more yeah good idea me okay so let's get started on this cleanup yeah let's start with the floor okay how did I accumulate so many likes oh hey Nikki yeah so I'm packing up my filming stuff for the night and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to just chill inside have dinner together and watch the movies I heard Netflix recently got the conjuring so we can watch that together oh yeah I usually would but I'm kind of getting ready for something so I'm gonna have to pass thanks though oh okay well if you change your mind the offers always here oh well better keep cleaning huh okay finally done and looks pretty good actually hey Dahlia I'm heading out oh where are you off to oh you know a guy from work invited me to this party he's having at his house I thought it would be pretty fun to go so you know don't wait up for me or anything oh okay well I'm do you need a plus-one because I can always accompany you wait really I didn't think you were much of a party person to be honest are you kidding me I party all the time just give me like two seconds to throw on a new outfit and then we can head out home yeah okay sounds great I'll wait by the front door sweet I'll be right back hey Dahlia you almost ready I don't want to be late for this thing yes yes coming oh wow your outfits bright well yeah that's my style you know I always like to stand out these kind of things yeah sure let's go okay right behind you wow this place looks sick your score look who's here hey Nikki over here hey so glad you could show up you're looking great by the way yeah thanks for inviting me Scott this place is sick yeah yeah really cool place to hang out right oh right this is my best friend Brent nice to meet you hey oh wow this place looks intense where's Nikki oh there she is geez Nikki you move fast um who's that oh yeah this is Dahlia hi nice to meet you I'm Dahlia I live with Nikki well you certainly stick out we won't lose you anytime soon yeah very loud yeah yeah it's kind of my style so um you must be Scott I'm presuming yeah that's me I work with Nikki so you two were roommates huh you know I was kind of hoping you'd ask I have a private room out back we can get some privacy in there it was nice to meet you Dahlia Oh nice to meet you too um what should I do I don't know anyone here you're going to be fine we'll just be gone for a little bit if you need us we'll be in the back room just mingle with people all right um so your name's Dahlia huh yeah yeah nice to meet you yeah I'm Brent you want a drink or something I'm not much of a drinker sorry it is anything that's non-alcoholic I'd be down you know people actually come to the party to have fun you know non-alcoholic stuff ain't really our thing but anyway so what do you do for work you don't work with Nicky oh no um I actually make content online I kind of work from home I guess you could say that's kind of sick actually so what kind of stuff you make oh well I actually make small films and series sometimes I might do more relaxed videos where I just chat to my audience things like that oh yeah so you're kind of like a director and all that well have you ever need a background character I'm your man eh I've got a pretty unique set of skills in acting if I do say so myself oh well I actually don't use actors I unfortunately don't have that kind of money I actually use small figurines and toys I know it might sound a bit childish but it's actually quite a great way to show off your talents and storytelling skills without having to blow out a big budget hold on hold on hold on so you're telling me you use toys for these films so what you're pretty much making it for kids yeah well you make it for anyone there's definitely going to be children that watch it but most of my series and films have a more mature theme so really anyone can enjoy them I ain't gonna lie that's kind of weird made like toys really at your age sorry but you can understand why I'm coming from yeah well like I said some people do think it's childish but you have to really see it to experience it it's for anyone there's no age limit yeah I'm good I don't really think I want to watch that kind of stuff yeah well everyone has their own taste I guess yo Brent get back here it is getting wild and bring that cat and what's her name if she wants to come oh yeah I'm coming night excuse me I gotta go see my friend yeah I saw he kind of sounded like he invited me it is that all right if I tag along oh yeah I don't know I there's gonna be drinking back there and I don't know it doesn't really seem that your kind of situation so might be best if you just stay out here listen to some music oh okay well if you see Nikki just tell her that I'd like to speak with her eventually yeah no worries see you later I guess I should find something to do to pass the time [Music] huh no cute I didn't expect to see you here I wonder who he belongs to hey guys do you wanna go get something to eat oh my dog Coco can you just let us vibe like I understand you're hungry but you can literally go get food by yourself yeah coming to a party and then just stuffing your face full of food is not cute we're not gonna get boyfriend's doing that whatever I'll go find food by myself then she needs to grow up yeah totally who looks like they know what's going on in here oh maybe huh um excuse me huh oh hi hi my name is Coco I don't really know a lot of people at this party and I was wondering if you knew where some food was kind of starving oh sorry I'm kind of a bit lost at this party as well I don't really know where the food is I'm seeing pets with it but literally no table set up I don't know where they're getting it from all my dogs same I've seen a couple over there with a big bowl and nachos and literally no indication of where they got it from I guess we're just as lost as each other my name is Dalia by the way nice to meet you so did you come here by yourself or you like waiting for someone oh no I came with a friend but she couldn't have ditched me for this guy it's definitely more her type of crowd I'm not really into drinking or like dressing up or anything so I'm not really fitting in I can definitely relate I came with some friends but they're just trying to impress boys so I'm kind of solo at the moment I feel like there's such a culture of trying to act better than you are at the moment and it's so annoying just be yourself oh yes people always judge me for being Who I am like I got so many odd looks with this outfit who cares if it's bright and bold that's what I am oh my dad okay listen I have this little hobby I collect these toys and people always look at me crazy like if you're an adult to grow out of it like excuse you there's no age limit on enjoyment let people enjoy what they like yo are you like my hidden twin what toys do you collect oh it's this little like animal figurines I know it might send them but I really love them oh my dog me too I literally found one in the corner over here look inside away oh he's so cute I wonder how he got there yeah I don't know maybe somebody left in there by accident you know Dahlia I know this might be a bit rude to my friends but I don't care at this point I'm kind of glad they ditched me you seem really cool thanks you're really awesome too hey Dahlia Brian said you wanted to talk to me or something Oh Nicky don't worry about it it wasn't really important I heard what Brent said to you he was being kind of rude about what you did just don't listen to him okay he's a female dog sometimes it's okay really some people just don't understand yeah listen are we cool I'm sorry I called her a job babyish before I'm just trying to fit in you know we've been friends since high school and we both have different tastes it's completely normal for both of us to not enjoy the same things all the time you like partying and drinking I like staying home and getting comfy it doesn't mean we're not friends we just don't have 100% and matching tastes yeah thanks for understanding hey I'm sorry if I came across as rude or anyone here has but I do know something we share in common horror movies so you want tomorrow night we can chill out together and watch them that'd be really awesome I look forward to it and hey you should go get back and spend some time with Scott I can tell you to really like each other and you know just enjoy the party really Thanks are you gonna be okay out here yeah I I think I will hi oh hi you two have fun I'll uh I'll see you later just come get you me if you need anything she seems nice you're a roommate huh yeah her name's Nikki to be honest I was a little worried she might pressure me into doing something I didn't want to do tonight you know to try and fit in but I think she's starting to realize that being grown-up doesn't mean you'll have to drink and party and act all mature growing up is realizing that everyone is different and they enjoy different things and what you might find childish they find great enjoyment in and even though we're friends we don't have the same tastes yeah it's kind of like that with me and my friends they're all really close but completely different but I'm really glad I found you at this party it's nice to find somebody who actually does interests yeah it's always awesome to find somebody who shares a passion so do you want to try and find that mysterious source of food oh my dog yes believes I am starving and while we're at it I heard Nikki mentioned you had a channel I'd love to hear about it Oh awesome well I'll tell you more about it while we look my food come on not sweet [Music]
Channel: Lps Honey
Views: 152,408
Rating: 4.8788176 out of 5
Keywords: лпс, littlest pet shop, lps, lpstube, new lps video, lps video, lps short film, lps film, lps school, lps honey
Id: HBeDx-z8Gxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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