LPS: Birthday Party

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[Music] yes my birthday where are the people I want presents people will be here soon darling hey where you are why they are now hello so what are the festivities Oh horseback riding yeah that and potato sack races sweetie the potato sacks burned last year did you say horseback riding here's your present happy birthday I like and thumbs work and the underline should go play with your friends hey where ye are Oh welcome thank you here's your birthday present it's an LPS have some snacks oh my goodness y'all this horseback riding in the back okay thank you girl I'm the first one here sorry you're the eighth one no I am the first okay ah presents over there thank you can I have one have what a present know what they refer me Amanda Amanda my bestie get over here hey where he are oh yay there's a gift thing kids everyday horseback riding I almost I broke a hip for everybody horses I fell off it was funny we're here Oh presents back there horseback riding back there Amanda come greet the friends white you okay fingers hey where he are here's your present what was that that was probably a horse oh I'll rehearse that's a horse sweetie laughs that's all I said you said mommy that's what this boy sees out of y'all is that everybody here's your present thanks for coming welcome into presents over there things back there don't speak to me like that son-in-law dad it's okay I'm Your Mother mother it's okay I'm having diarrhea problems today so bear with me is it bathroom in the back I probably won't make it so could you bring the bathroom closer hey hey but why do you always dress better than me it's my child's birthday Wyatt Grable is your dad you want mistake mom for you again just because your mother's getting fatter doesn't mean she's me there's the birthday girl at hey I'm in and he our man is in the back darling thank you hi uncle Mac know what I do i I've been practicing my twerking you want to see no I don't thank you like like inappropriate touching it's a hang apart grandma says I'm old enough you are never too young to twerk okay peasant I'm a grandma dad grandma's dead lift grandma explode is that what a bomb was I'm still here present time okay oh my goodness we thought you would outlive her ah [Laughter] [Applause] present time gather round please now on to much take I can give my first gift this one's right eyes appreciate it please okay get out my way y'all thank you is this a fanny pack no it's it's a mail carrier thank you I want to be the mailman wonderful thank you gonna kiss mmm oh I'm calling the police next present now it's from a friend oMG MPS's I have this one so go die at home but I don't have a son thank you not it's another one oh my goodness what is this thing we thought we'd get you a fan because you're so high oh my goodness get out of my get out my daughter's party right now get out you tell em honey it's a toy car I've got millions of these the son on eBay mommy I don't want the fan okay what's it give me a second oh my goodness it's a kitty cat toy I got millions of those om goodness more LPS's oh my goodness oh my goodness all right my horse needs attacking nom nom nom you go horsey here what is that thing what is that thing oh my gosh it's a raccoon is it Randy stay away Amanda gave Amanda the rabid raccoon of course we did it wouldn't um get out no because I was a sweetest thing ever Oh bye hang on I gotta go meet Nicole okay hex again oMG another LPS oh my god man egg totally my daughter's birthday is today I gotta go soon because they're opening presents at the moment happy man days I'm good mood my daughter oh hey my name is Amanda and my name is ginger I'm not goodness 35 very odd she had a diarrhea problem I couldn't make it okay good grandpa walk is my husband's name is Mac and my dad never thought he'd outlive grandma okay I like him life I need more beggars because that were not enough mommy I need more birthday gifts hang on Amanda I need more Amanda there's still cake okay this cake fine [Music] man that I'm getting another phone call I have to go Oh like over Mac everybody let's go BK that was Mac sorry Bulls not gonna make it I'm rainbows not gonna make it I'm not gonna make it oh goodness I want some cake gosh did grandpap a heart attack yay why is there a hole in the table there's a slider last year why mmm we don't talk about that day yes I'm Shirley what is it Shirley mommy my birthday just go with it surely okay surely what do you want grandma Luffy don't like jokes with me on important woman important I'm sorry Shelly what's going on yes uh-huh I'm sorry I can't not I have to my my birthday hang on Amanda what would someone bring up the fire incident again yes I'm very offended mmm I'm offended too who mentioned it grandpa grandma did it with it nope was it that kid this break that's my best friend this or something dude we saw my birthday Amanda my money it's okay when you get the cable she wants once in a while Matt what's wrong with you you are a disgrace no one likes waiting it go be with Grandma hang on mommy's getting another phone call I think I'm gonna poop all over your everyone here stop Oh Carl okay I have the best birthday not look at look this mess money you're gonna clean it up you are hmm it was your friends scuse you they can all go 9:30 time is served could you lose a little weight and your five and you could use a little punishment [Applause] I'd have to go Scott Brown Shelley
Channel: Randomistic
Views: 146,247
Rating: 4.3505411 out of 5
Id: c9k9-DZ2MOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2016
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